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关于”主语+谓语“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Subject + predicate。以下是关于主语+谓语的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Subject + predicate


1、This dissertation aims to study the semantic orientation of the Chinese verb-resultative complement.


2、Chinese and Uyghur addressing terms have many differences in classification of kinship terms. There are some differences different in language use.


3、Icelandic, a North Germanic language, is the main language of Iceland.


4、English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock.


5、The English phonetics and phonology are two major branches of the English linguistics.


6、The old man can neither see nor hear.


7、The concept of language sense is ' understandable yet indescribable in SLA.


8、Our major courses are Chinese, Maths and English.


9、And hermeneutically, in terms of Paul Ricoeur, "discourse is an event of language".


10、French it may be said is the " of " big language in " of " small language, outer language kind one's deceased father important place is had all the time in grinding.


11、Chinese language teachers is the main implementation of the new curriculum, students are the main language education.


12、The author holds that except some adjuncts as topic shift markers, cohesive devices are widely used for discourse topic shift.


13、While for the register-based translation equivalence, the register variables—field, tenor and mode are taken into account.


14、Is, you can have the is of predication and the is of identity.


15、The medical school for Chinese was founded in 1907 by Paolun, a German doctor, using Deutsch as the main language.


16、One specific aspect of situational use of language is that of address term usage.


17、This so-called 'love' has become like a mantra: open sesame.


18、Last night we students in senior joined an English Corner with three foreign teachers called Matt, Charlie and Jaclyn.


19、Is Chinese a Topic-Prominent Language?

所以,我提倡所谓的' 小乘英语'。

20、So I advocate so-called 'Xiaocheng English'.

21、This article had a considerable research on the Addressing terms in the Book of Song Dynasty.本文以《宋书》中的称谓语作为研究对象,对该书中的称谓语进行了穷尽性的考察。

22、The developing tendency for linguistics is the combination of constructive linguistics and deconstructive linguistics.语言学未来的发展趋势必定是结构主义语言学和解构主义语言学的统

23、It is called the Diski after a local term for football.这就是所谓的Diski后,当地的足球术语。

24、如(Who is )the man (that) is reading a book over there把括号里的去掉,显然the man 是主语,that是修饰主语的,所以做主语。

25、These formulas include choosing inanimate subjects and adding subjects and so on.这些方式包括“选取无生物主语”、“补加主语”等。

英文句子26:,26、Category : parts of speech and function, such as the classification of words in terms of parts of speech, the identification of functions of words in term of subject, predicate, etc.范畴:部分的词类和功能,例如词类是对词进行的分类,主语、谓语是对词功能的描写,等等。

27、Predicate Calculus language of the traditional semantic component of the mathematical logic of a very rich branch.谓词演算语言的传统的语义组成了数理逻辑的一个很丰富的分支。

28、Address forms are a kind of linguistic and social phenomenon which only human owns. It is closely related with power, solidarity and polite principle.称谓语是人类特有的一种语言现象和社会现象,它与权势、同等语义及礼貌原则息息相关。

29、This book helped to inspire so-called ordinary language philosophy.此著催生所谓日常语言哲学。

30、So I guess he is what they call "natural late talker".所以我猜他是他们所谓的“语迟者”。

31、Kinship terminology is one of the important research subjects in anthropological linguistics. Every people's kinship terminology has its own characteristics and also mirrors its culture.亲属称谓语是人类语言学研究的一个重要课题,各民族的亲属称谓语有自身的特点,而且能反映本族文化。

32、John hoped the passenger would be Mary and indeed it was she. (she做主语补语)

33、This article discusses the features, main types and socio-pragmatic functions of English euphemisms from a sociolinguistic perspective.本文从社会语言学的视角对英语委婉语进行了探讨,并主要论述了其主要类型和社会语用功能。

34、The network language can be divided into four types:"new created network language", "numeral network language", "abbreviativenetwork language" and "symbolic network language".网络语言目前主要有四类:“新造网语”、“数字网语”、“缩略网语”以及“符号网语”。

35、And this is called a "Pidgin," P-I-d-g-I-n, a pidgin.这就是所谓的"混杂语言"

36、The Chinese word order is usually subjected to semantics and phonetics, while the word sequence of Russian and English emphasizes on semantics and structure.制约汉语语序的主要原则是意义和语音,管约俄语和英语语序的主导原则是意义和结构。

37、I major in English and minor in French.我主修英语,兼修法语。

38、It is on the language use and interpretation that rhetoric and pragmatics converge.在语言使用与理解的互动方面,修辞学与语用学可谓殊途同归。

39、Translation consists in producing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent to the message of the source language, first in meaning , and secondly in style.尤金?奈达说:“所谓翻译,是指从语义到文体在译语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息。”

40、Some C-E translations of university title appellation terms were compared and the chaotic situation of present translation was found out.本文将搜集到的一些汉语校园头衔称谓语的翻译进行对比发现了校园头衔称谓翻译的混乱。

41、Null Subjects in Child English: A Grammatical Phenomenon?儿童英语中的空主语:一种语法现象?

42、Korean grammar points is complicated, many beginners were dashed to grammar knowledge into the dizzy brain expansion.韩国语的语法点可谓纷繁复杂,许多初学者被迎面冲来的语法知识击得头晕脑胀。

43、The present thesis compares kinship terms and social address terms in Chinese and English, and discusses how to achieve functional equivalence in C-E and E-C translation.对汉英语的亲属称谓语和社交称谓语进行了对比,探讨了如何在英汉互译中实现功能等值。

44、Here is an is as a predication.这里的是是谓语。

45、The variables to which the obligatory participants in the scene correspond in the dictionary definitions or in the metalanguage definitions is called the semantic valence of the predicate.必须情景参与者在相应谓词的词典释文或元语言释文中对应的变元叫做谓词的语义配价。

46、At the same time points out Argot Literature has the nature of argot.指出所谓隐语文学指的是具有隐语性质的文学。

47、Tautology, a sentence pattern with the repeated word used both as subject and predicative, is a special form of repetition in English and Chinese.“同语式”是英汉语言中的一种特殊反复形式——主语和表语同语反复。

48、The sources of speech meaning can be divided into six parts: the need of subject, the state of subject, communicative background, communicative context, language structure and paralanguage.言语交际中,话语意义的来源主要有六个方面:主体需要、主体状态、交际背景、交际情境、语言结构、副语言。

49、In most districts, or cantons, the most commonly spoken language is a variation of German called Schwyzertutsch (meaning Swiss German)在瑞士大部分地区或州内,最通用的口语是从德语衍生出来的所谓施维策尔蒂希语(意为瑞士德语)。

50、The so-called homophone problem actually stems from the fact that the English language has very irregular spelling, perhaps more so than any other language.所谓同音的问题,实际上产生于这样一个现实:英语语言有不规范拼写(可能比其他语言更甚)。

经典英文句子51:主语+谓语,51、The language-based literature is a type of literature based on one of languages and their scripts .所谓语种文学,就是使用某种语言和文字所表现出来的文学形态。

52、My current English teacher is the luckily dog.或:My English teacher is the luckily dog.(仅变谓语动词的时态)

53、Kinship term is a kind of language phenomenon.亲属称谓是亲属制度在语言中的反应。

54、Greek is the predominant language in the south, Turkish in the north.希腊语在南方是主流语言,土耳其语则主要在北方广泛使用。

55、This kind of false certification and false attainments falls under the behavior of 'major reckless speech.此种未证谓证‘未得谓得,是属于大妄语的行为。

56、First, the discourse in the new tradition of modern literary theory is basically different from "inability to say" in literary theory's "aphasia".第一,现代文论新传统所谓的“话语”与文论“失语症”所说的“失语”有着本质的不同。

57、Professor Sun Jianyi published Examination of Chinese Characters, Words and Morpheme. He was also the deputy editor-in-chief of Dictionary of Chinese Title.孙剑艺教授另出版有《汉语的字、词、词素探析》等著作,并任《汉语称谓大词典》副主编。

58、B: I majored in English and minored in Chinese.我主修英语,其次是汉语。

59、In 1998, PanFan, in an assay entitled as On Extensive Use of Addresses of Relations, talked about the characteristics and causes of extensive use of kin terms in Chinese.xx年,潘攀先生在《论亲属称谓语的泛化》一文中详细阐述了亲属称谓语泛化的特点及原因。

60、The philosophy of Bi-Bi is that sign language is the first language of deaf persons and they can learn Chinese.其核心理念是:聋人的手语为聋人的母语,通过手语来学习主流语言(汉语)。

61、In social communication, people often use the same titles to greet each other.社会交际用语中存在着一种现象,即用亲属称谓语称呼不具有亲属关系的人。

62、Those research values in language, culture and pragmatics are very greatness.因而,称谓语也就自然而然的成为了语言研究的一个重要方面。

63、The second chapter in this book for the adjective predicate sentences.第二章《尚书·周书》的形容词性谓语。

64、Appellations of academic research attention focused on the day-to-day language we use and the description of military appellation somewhat overlooked.对于称谓语研究,大家关注的焦点集中在日常语言运用上,而对军旅生活中的称谓语比较忽视。

65、Mongolian mainly use Mongol or Daur languages, and Ewenki is one of the important languages in Man-Tungus branch. Belonging to the Altai language family, all the three should have the common origin.蒙古语和达斡尔语是蒙古语族的主要 语言 ,鄂温克语是满—通古斯语族主要 语言之

一 ,这几种 语言都属于阿尔泰语系 ,所以有同源关系。

66、He majors in English and I, in French.我主修英语,兼修法语。

67、The English language derives mainly from the Germanic stock.英语主要来自于日尔曼语系。

68、Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.所谓翻译,是指在译语中用最切近而又自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先在语义上,其次在文体上。

69、Amharic , Tigrinya, Oromigna, Guaragigna, Somali, Arabic, other local languages, English (major foreign language taught in schools.阿姆哈拉语为联邦工作语言,通用英语,主要民族语言有奥罗莫语、提格雷语。

70、English has long been recognized as subject-prominent.英语是公认的主语突出型语言。

71、The verb set syntax is important if you want to customize or extend the predefined verb set, whereas the parameterized verb syntax is important if you want to customize XSLT mapping files.如果您希望自定义或扩展预定义的谓词集,则谓词集语法非常重要;而如果您希望自定义 XSLT 映射文件,则参数化谓词语法非常重要。



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