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关于”适用于所有“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Applies to all。以下是关于适用于所有的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Applies to all

因为没有本地谓词适用于 CUST_ORDER_HEADER,所以所有 539,526 行都将有效。

1、Because there are no local predicates for CUST_ORDER_HEADER, all 539,526 rows will survive.

除了对于包含 LONG FIELDS 或 LOBS 的文件,这适用于所有数据。

2、This applies to all data except for files that contain LONG FIELDS or LOBS.


3、The transnasal approach is not appropriate for all brain tumors;

适用于所有驾驶室,但环球旅行XL 型除外。

4、Available for all cabs, except Globetrotter XL.


5、NEW: Works with all music players that support multitasking! ! ! (iPod, Pandora, iHeartRadio, etc.


6、We went through this after the Haiti earthquake, and all of the arguments which applied there apply to Japan as well.


7、This is true for all special characters.


8、And that holds for all near-Earth-orbit satellites.


9、All terms and conditions on the back of each shipment waybill shall apply to all shipment.


10、These generatives apply to all digital copies, but also to any kind of copy where the marginal cost of that copy approaches zero.


11、Michael bases apply to all personnel mud plant.


12、The scope of application:Applied to bedside illumination of residential cabin in ship.


13、And that these mechanisms apply across all domains and across all species.


14、That applies to everybody, including Heikki and Kimi.

提问:ICH Q3C不适用于现有市售药品。请确认USP的规定适用于所有现有市售药品。

15、Q5. ICH Q3C does not apply to existing commercial drug product. Please confirm that the USP requirement applies to all existing commercial drug products.


16、In truth, this principle applies to all sorts of personal productivity issues, though it's important to know which issues it applies to.


17、This is to apply to all orders unless otherwise specified.


18、It plays on every serious reader’s lingering sense of inadequacy.


19、This shortcut works in all dialog palettes.


20、Newton's laws are not for everybody.

21、Dedicated to all drying print and heat-shrink film packing printing.适用于所有印刷物的烘干及热收缩薄膜包装。

22、Article 第二条 本法适用于全民所有制企业。

2. This Law applies to enterprises owned by the whole people.

23、Is Cassida suitable for use in all types of food production?加适达适用于所有类型的食品生产吗?

24、Are there rights on the individual or rights really more appropriately for whole peoples?权利是属于个体的,还是说真的更适用于所有人?

25、The conclusion derived is suitable to all centrally located stabilized soil mixer.所得结论适用于所有中置式稳定土拌和机。

英文句子26:,26、Dinner fork: all entrees except fish.正餐叉:除了鱼之外,适用于吃所有的主菜。

27、"This method could reach all vegetative patients", he added.“这种方式适用于所有的植物人患者”,他补充道。

28、This new policy will apply to all new applications.该项新政策将适用于所有的申请人。

29、Article 第二条本法适用于全民所有制企业。

2 This Law is applicable to State enterprises.

30、Suitable for all resistance strain gauge load cell in bridge type.适用于所有电阻应变桥式称重传感器。

31、But, underbalanced drilling technology is not suitable for every reservoir.但是,欠平衡钻井技术并非适用于所有的油气藏。

32、The algorithm is also suitable to an Eulerian digraph.此文所给出的算法同样适用于有向欧拉图。

33、All above rental cost only applicable on training purpose.所有以上租用价钱只适用于训練龍舟用途。

34、Administrative fees and any applicable interest will be applied to all dishonoured payments.行政事业性收费和任何适用利率将适用于所有兑现付款。

35、The situs test also applies in relation to tangible movable property.财产所在地规则同样适用于有形动产。

36、The Part Navigator is available from all NX applications. Feature editing operations can only be performed in the Modeling application.部件导航器适用于NX所有模块。特征编辑命令仅适用于建模模块。

37、Apply all over face and neck.适用于脸和颈的所有地方。

38、Note: This trick works with all kinds of interpreters.注意:这个技巧适用于所有解释器。

39、The provisions of this Artcle shall apply to taxes which are the subject of this Agreement.本条规定应适用于本协定所适用的税种。

40、What's more, it is suitable for wearing in all seasons by old and young .更重要的是,它是适用于所有的季节穿着的有老有少。

41、Accordingly, there are two kinds of legislative mode on the applicable law of change of real right. That is lex voluntatis and lex situs.与此相适应,国际私法关于物权变动的法律适用有适用当事人意思自治原则和适用物之所在地法两种立法模式。

42、The research is suitable for all projects with relation to the developmen of general ATS.本文的研究结果适用于所有开发通用ATS的项目。

43、Not applicable to all companies, of course, but for revenue-generating companies that have been around for a while.当然,这并非适用于所有公司,但适用于那些一段时间以来已有营收的公司。

44、The points above are true not only for the implementation phase, but for all of the aspects of solution creation that have already been mentioned.上述要点不仅适用于实现阶段,而且适用于已经提到的解决方案创建的所有方面。

45、All dimensions and tolerances apply in a free state condition.所有的尺寸和公差都适用于单品状态下。

46、Dinner knife: all entrees except fish.正餐刀:适用于除了鱼之外的所有正菜。

47、The old adage "all panaceas become poison" applies to most new technologies, and it applies no less to Web Services.古老的格言“所有的万能药都变成毒药”适用于大多数新技术,并且它对于 Web 服务同样适用。

48、For example, one converter is suitable to transducers of all drift diameters.例如同一转换器适用于所有通径的传感器。

49、Suitable for meeting an emergency in resistance to weigh the sensor in bridge type.适用于所有电阻应变桥式称重传感器。

50、The rules on privilege apply to all stages of a case or proceeding.关于特免权的规则,适用于案件或者程序的所有阶段。

经典英文句子51:适用于所有,51、我们在海地地震后讨论过这个,并且相信所有适用于那里的论断同样会在适用于日本。We went through this after the Haiti earthquake, and all of the arguments which applied there apply to Japan as well.

52、Filters for schema apply to all folders.模式过滤适用于所有文件夹。

53、And that these mechanisms apply across all domains and across all species.三,这些机制适用于,所有领域,以及所有物种。

54、The algorithm can be used in both passive networks and active networks.既适用于无源网络,也适用于有源网络。

55、Kingsoft PowerWord is designed for people learning or practicing English at all levels.金山词霸适用于所有级别的英语学习者。

56、Gusseted sides expand to fit all belongings.插角双方扩大到适用于所有财物。

57、Roller chain models are available only in hook suspension.所有起重链都适用于吊钩和吊耳。

58、However, this behavior does not apply to all character data types across all data sources.然而,这种行为并不适用于所有数据源上的所有字符数据类型。

59、Perfect to use on all sensitive areas including Brazilians.可以很好地使用于所有敏感部位,同样适用于巴西人。

60、Formulated for all 4T motor engines.适用于所有的四冲程摩托车发动机。


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