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关于”上册1到6单元“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Units 以下是关于上册1到6单元的高考英语句子。

1 to


英文句子模板1:Units 1 to 6

很多 DSL 需要表示量的东西:

1、Lots of DSLs need quantities of things:

1 week,

2 pounds,

6 dollars.

1 周、2 磅、6 美元。

微卫星,即简单重复序列(SSR ,1~ 6个碱基单元) ,广泛存在于基因组中,具有丰富的多态性。

2、Microsatellites, tandem Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR, 1~

6 bp motif) are abundant across the genome and show high levels of polymorphism.


3、The battery cells

7 are electrically connected to one another by cell connectors


16 and are connected to a common exterior electric connector

6 which charges and discharges the battery cells






4、Disclosed is a pushbutton (

5), especially for actuating an electropneumatic parking brake (EPH) in road vehicles, which is connected to evaluation electronics (ECU) (

6) via connecting cables (

1 to


4)连接到评估电子单元(ECU) (


5),特别地用于致动道路车辆中的电动气动停车制动器 (EPH)。



6 is a 1D double helical chain containing 20-membered rings (



6、The full list of

1, 363 individuals with personal wealth of at least

1 billion yuan ($149.5 million) will be released next month.

为使 Facelets 找到标记库,您需要在 WEB-INF/web.xml 文件中注册它,如清单

7、For Facelets to find your tag library, you need to register it in the WEB-INF/web.xml file, as shown in Listing 6

6 所示


8、Visitors are not allowed in Central Park between

1 and

6 a.m. ; violators can be fined $50.


9、An iteration is the second level timebox.

清单 1-6 的代码可以从本文的示例代码链接给出的 LinkStyles.jsp 和 LinkStyles.css 文件中找到(参见 下载)。

10、You can find the code from Listings 1-6 in the LinkStyles.jsp and LinkStyles.css files from the sample code link in this article (see Download).


11、Buy Level 1-6 together, 58 books, more discount, only 205rmb, each book is about





6. Creating SAAJ elements

6.创建 SAAJ 元素



6 shows the configuration for Shard 0, and Shard

1 is almost identical.

6 显示了切分 0 和切分

1 的配置几乎相同。


14、The delayed fluorescence of 1-amino-4-hydroxy-anthraquinone is observed in the phosphorescence spectrum of dyed nylon-6 fiber.

将数字 1到

15、Place digits 1-6 / 1-9 (1-5 for the example) in each of the circles so that no digit is repeated within any straight line.

6 / 1到

9 (范例中为1到

5) 填入每个圆圈中, 在同一条直线中数字不得重覆。


16、When on pages 1-6, the page links should always start at '1'.


17、The best practice was to number each card in columns

1 to

6, and add an identification mark on columns 73 to 80.

1 到

6 中的每张卡片,然后将识别标记添加到栏 73 到 80 上。


18、We spend 1% on public health and education is 5% or 6% of the outlays.


19、The code in Listing

1 uses your.proxy.com (line

6) to connect to the Internet.

1 中的代码用 your.proxy.com (第

6 行)连接 Internet。


20、Even as a player I don't think I ever lost 6-1.

21、Listing 清单 那个上下文中有几个 section 元素。

1 has a root element doc; inside that context is a number of section elements.

1 有一个根元素 doc;

22、Listing 清单

6. Loop through all cells and print out values.

6. 循环所有单元格并打印值。

23、China's Li Na celebrates match point after her 2-6, 6-1, 6-3 victory over Petra Kvitova of the Czech Republic.李娜以总比分2-6、6-1、6-3击败捷克选手佩特拉·科维托娃,职业生涯首次打入法网女单八强,图为她拿下赛点后兴奋地庆祝。

24、CPU: CPU:

6 CPU units, memory 2GB, disk storage=100GB

6 CPU 单元,2GB 内存,磁盘存储 = 100GB

25、Within the same layer, the odd-numbered groups appear contiguously from 在同一层中,奇数组从右上角开始,其图元从上至下按1至6排列。

1 through

6 from the upper right corner.

英文句子26:,26、Listing 清单

1. The Streamlined metamodel for trail.rb

1. trail.rb 的 Streamlined 元模型

27、The following examples (Listings 下面的例子(清单 1-6)包含几个连接器支持的常见 SQL 查询和 XQuery。

1 -

6) contain several common SQL queries and XQueries that the connector supports.

28、Before your guests arrive, brown-bag each wine and number the bags sequentially from 1-6.客人来之前,用纸袋蒙上所有的葡萄酒然后再袋子从1到6标上数字。

29、Bank service charges ( debit memorandum) of 银行手续费(借项通知单)1美元,未列在银行对账单上。

1 was not included in the bank statement.

30、DK-relay. Miniature power relay. Nominal voltage DK继电器。微型功率继电器。额定电压 1形成一个1的形式B。单面稳定。

6 V DC.

1 form A

1 form B. Single side stable.

6 V直流。

31、Meanwhile, for a company the size of Accor (No. 同时,规模庞大的雅高集团(排名第

5), a single brand—Motel 6—can reach the

1, 000 hotel milestone.

5)中单是Motel 6一个品牌的酒店数量便达到了

1 000家的里程碑。

32、A PDF file, which is a 地从印刷单元转换到数字单元的 PDF 文件,就像我上边解释的,仍然保有固定的书页和页码。

1 to

1 translation of the print unit to a digital unit, as I explained, still has fixed pages and page numbers.

33、Dbspace: A dbspace is a logical unit that can contain between dbspace:dbspace 是一个逻辑单元,可以包含

1 and 32,766 chunks.

1 到 32,766 个区块(chunk)。

34、The final 23-player team, to be selected from this larger roster, must be submitted to FIFA by June 各队参加世界杯的最终名单将从这份初步名单中选出23人,并须在xx月xx日前上交国际足联。


35、Unit 第一单元我们班上一共有46名学生。

1 There are 46 students in my class.

36、Listing 清单

6. Security role information presented by the portlet entity registry service GBean

6. portlet 实体注册服务 GBean 所提供的安全角色信息

37、The euro was up 欧元兑日圆EURJPY=上升1%,至116.xx日圆,稍早下滑至六周低位.美元兑日圆JPY=上升0.7%,至80.xx日圆.

1 percent against the yen at 116.39 yen after earlier sliding to a 6-week low. The dollar was up 0.7 percent at 80.80 yen.

38、Microsatellites or SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) are short (1~是指以1~6个串联核苷酸为单位的重复DNA序列。

6 bp), tandemly repeated DNA sequences.

39、The ul element for the tabs looks like Listing 6这些选项卡的 ul 元素应该类似清单 6

40、By the end of June this year, the Brigade had already handed out 到今年xx月底,别动队已经开出

1, 100 tickets.


41、Each textbook shall have 每册教材六单元36讲共学习三个月。

6 units or 36 topics for total three months' learning.

42、And Dell Computers conducts $6-7 million per day in these transactions alone.戴尔电脑产品每天单单在这些方面就进行了6百万到7百万美元交易。

43、You can further classify a unit using stereotypes as an additional keyword on the unit, as shown in Listing 您还可以将构造型看作是这个单元的额外关键字对一个单元进一步进行分类,如清单 6所示。


44、In June, the euro approached a four-year low against the US dollar, touching $1.211 on June 去年xx月,欧元对美元的比值跌到xx年来的新低,xx月xx日的牌价为1欧元兑换

1 – the lowest since April 2006.


45、In the study of plane heterogeneity, the homogeneity in (1+2)4(在平面非均质性研究中,馆陶组上段(1+2)4(

1) depositional unit was the best, while the homogeneity of 42(

2) depositional unit was the worst in upper Ng of Chengdao Oilfield.



46、Right click on the Subunit list table, this will open up a Convert subunits popup menu as shown in Figure 右击子单元列表,就会打开一个如图

6 below.

6 所示的 转移子单元弹出菜单。

47、Beneficiaries pay less than US$ 受益人支付不足1美元的注册费。

1 to register.

48、We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1, 000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a.定期存款的条件为年利6%,存期6个月以上,只要金额


49、By adding some values found in the chuser man page (man chuser), you can include the user's GECOS information and change his or her core ulimit to 524,288, as shown in Listing 通过添加在 chuser 手册页 (man chuser) 上找到的一些值,可以包含用户的 GECOS 信息并把用户的 core ulimit 改为 524,288,见 清单



50、The end of the hollow shaft is provided with a head (中空轴的端部配备有一头(

6) to which the tablet (

1) is articulated by means of a cam-shaped element (



7) 将书写板(



经典英文句子51:上册1到6单元,51、Can you add and advice you thought of in Unit 你能补充一些你在第1单元活动7中所想到的建议吗?

1, Acitivity 7?

52、My billing went from $0.14/day to $3-$4/day (i can't afford $4/day... $1/day is my maximum right now).之前,我的费用从每天0.14美元涨到每天3到4美元(我负担不起每天4美元……1美元1天是我现在的上限了)。

53、Citigroup rose 花旗集团股价上涨6美分,达到

6 cents to $4.01.


54、The cells with the IDs col2-1 and col3-1 are the cells in columns ID 为 col2-1 和 col3-1 的单元格分别是第

2 and

3 that have the same text.

2 和第

3 列中具有相同文本的单元格。

55、Listing 清单

1. The http:request element

1. http:request 元素

56、This is the review of____s 6-10.这是6-10单元的复习内容。

57、In its last big run, gold hit $825.50 in January 1980 -- about $2,300 in today's dollars -- but fell to $298 by June 1982.金价在上一次大幅上涨期间,曾于xx年xx月升至每盎司825.50美元,按美元现价折算约为每盎司


58、Now we have a sequence of integers, where the first element is the product of elements 1-5, the second element is the product of elements 2-6, etc.现在,我们就得到了一个整数序列,其中的第一个元素是元素 1-5 的乘积,第二个元素是元素 2-6 的乘积,以此类推。

59、Some teachers recommended him to 6+1, a popular talent show of broadcaster CCTV.一些先生举荐他到央视热播的《非常6+1》上一显身手。

60、The rupiah had traded at about 2000到3000个Rp兑换1美元,但是一度在xx年xx月达到

2,000-3,000 rupiah per

1 USD, but reached a low of

16,800 rupiah per USD in June 1998.


61、In South Korea alone, there are some 单单在韩国就有约1253家注册婚介所。

1, 253 registered marriage agencies.

62、Listing 清单

1 demonstrates how a client-generated key is registered.

1 演示了如何注册客户机生成的密钥。

63、There are 在北京山区共调查到1个单种科,6个单属科。本区分布的单种属和寡种属共72个,其中单种属有31个。

1 single-species family and

6 single-genus families in Beijing mountainous area, and 72 single-species and few-species genera are found in the area, including 31 single-species genera.

64、The samples are applied 板上浓度为

6 times to the plate as

1:2 prediluted single points as well as twice as a dilution series for comparison purpose.


65、A release is typically 1- to 6-months long and is the most coarse-grained timebox.发布的时间长度一般为1到6个月,它是最粗粒度的时间单元。

66、It can be divided into 款期限分6个月、xx年、xx年、xx年四个档次,贷款限额为2000元至50万元。

4 levels as 6-month, 1-year, 2-year and 3-year. The loan varies from

2,000 Yuan to 500,000 Yuan.

67、The utility model consists of a frame(本实用新型由边框(

1), a picture(

2), a mucilage glue layer(

3), a lining plate(

4), a soleplate(

5), puzzle units(

6) and a knife tangent(









68、Together, the world's 福布斯表示,如果不扣除管理费和税费,在xx年xx月xx日到xx年xx月xx日期间,全球收入最高的10位女星共入账

10 highest-paid actresses tallied

3 a combined $205 million between June

1, 2015 and June

1, 2016, before management fees and taxes, Forbes said.


69、I mainly play cross-harp on holes 我在第二把位上主要是在1到6孔上演奏。

1 to

6 on my harmonica.

70、Listing 清单

6 shows the cell feed for this worksheet.

6 显示了该工作表的单元格提要。

71、A suspension of monosized colloidal spheres (尺度单一化胶体球(

1) is subjected to a composite shear (

6) by applying a sequential set of shearing forces.



72、The operators work by comparing each individual element of the two participating tuples from left to right (see Listing 这些运算符的工作原理是从左到右地比较两个参与元组的每个单独的元素(请参见清单



73、Finite element model mesh use the high-precision rectangular unit which aspect ratio close to 有限元模型采用单元边长比接近于1的高精度四边形单元划分网格。


74、Above, excluding drinks menu, plus 以上菜单酒水另计,加1人另加288元,12人止。

1 plus 288, and

12 only.

75、Listing 清单

6 mentioned only compressed_pair_imp, but other specializations exist.

6 仅提及了 compressed_pair_imp,但还存在其他特殊化。

英文句子模板76:Units 上述箱 体(

1 to 6,76、An erection column (

6) is arranged on the frame of the cabinet body (

1), and the negative-ion generator (

2) is fixed on the erection column (





6) 上。

77、We experienced one major problem with multi-cell GUI components (see Figures 我们遇到了一个针对多单元 GUI 组件的主要问题(参见 图

2 through


2 到


78、The details form will be filled with the data of this element using the code in Listing 将用该元素的数据填充明细表单,代码如清单



79、It can be divided into 款期限分6个月、xx年、xx年、xx年四个档次,贷款限额为2000元至50万元。

4 levels as 6-month, 1-year, 2-year and 3-year. The loan varies from

2, 000 Yuan to 500, 000 Yuan.


标签: 上册

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