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关于”上册的单词和“的英语句子26个,句子主体:The words in the first volume and。以下是关于上册的单词和的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The words in the first volume and


1、He said 'millions' of people are on voter rolls 'who shouldn't be registered.


2、What word, when written in capital letters, is the same forwards, backwards and upsidedown?


3、The low-tech task seemed endless: Previously unknown words or new usages of known words were always coming to light in archaeological ruins.


4、Sign up for auto-billpay.


5、Some word historians say that nitty-gritty refers to the debris – or remains -- left on the floor of slave ships.


6、The controlled quality manual, procedure documentations and list of required documents.

而单词beriberi在字面上就有“虚弱(weakness)” 的意思。

7、Beriberi literally means “weakness weakness.”


8、Quotations and sample books will be air mailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.

从某种程度上说,罗马人把 cristos 和 crestos 这两个单词混淆了。

9、At some point, the Romans confuse the word cristos with the word crestos.


10、Please register your copy of HyperTerminal. Registration is easy, and allows you to receive notifications of product news and updates.


11、What's the longest word in the world besides pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?


12、In South Korea alone, there are some

1, 253 registered marriage agencies.


13、Merriam Webster is even more strange in tracing its etymology to a French word for a flat round cake.

清单 清单


12 shows the sample code demonstrating how to register and start a VM using vmware-cmd; Listing

13 shows the sample code demonstrating how to register and start a VM using vmrun

12 显示了演示如何使用 vmware-cmd 注册和启动 VM 的样例代码;

13 显示了演示如何使用 vmrun 注册和启动 VM 的样例代码


15、IATF Vision: A single Global Automotive Quality System Standard & Registration Process.


16、According to the eontent, which word should be used?


17、There are currently 23 albums 0.223 words in our database.

半导体在自动化和信号上面即将起着重要作用。【单词讲解】: 【词形变化…

18、Semiconductors are going to play an important part in automation and signalling.

在 CHUser.body.php 内,init 方法注册了两个标记: 和 (参见清单

19、Inside CHUser.body.php, the init method registers two tags: and (see Listing




20、She spelled all the words into Helen's hand.

21、SOME - can be singular with uncountable nouns or plural with countable nouns.和不可数名词一起用时可以是单数,和可数名词一起用时可以是复数。

22、Ability to customize the spelling dictionaries- add and delete words;支持自定义单词的添加和删除;

23、Here is a price list together with a booklet illustrating our products.这儿有一份价目单和先容阐明我方产品的小册子。

24、Didn’t women even deserve words of their own; they had to share words with men?难道女人配不上属于她们自己的单词吗? 她们非得和男人共享词汇吗?

25、Directly Connected ESB with single registry具有单一注册中心的直连 ESB

英文句子26:,26、Firstly described the criteria of the verb judging and the verb statistics, and then marked a brief introduction to the classification and composition of"Yizhoushu"Verbs from the macro perspective.阐述了《逸周书》动词的判断标准、动词数量统计标准,并从宏观上简单介绍了《逸周书》动词的分类和构成。

27、I play table tennis with my classmates after classes. 其实英语和美语的不同是在某些单词上有不同的解释,或者某种表达上有一点区别。

28、The Match case and Whole words only checkboxes become available if this checkbox is selected.该复选框选上后,精确查找和只允许单词复选框就可用了。

29、Fill in the blanks with proper words.根据题意,每空填上一个适当的英文单词。

30、Continue with each of the words until all are on the tree.将所有单词的图片都挂到树上。

31、Even today I see at Merriam Webster Unabridged the barest wisp of an entry. They point to the word stir.即使现在,在《韦氏词典(未删减版)》上对该词条的介绍都极少,他们把该词直接参见单词stir。

32、The context menu is registered to the site and attached to the control of the ListViewer.上下文菜单被注册到站点中并附加到 ListViewer 的控件中。

33、Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting …时间相关单光子计数手册。

34、Circle the words you hear from the recording.根据录音在正确的单词上画圈。

35、Devoiced and voiced w- in where and so forth coexisted for a long time.清音的w和在单词where等词中浊音的w共存了一段时间。

36、Twitter’s registration form uses both dynamic validation (for the name, email address, password and user name) and smart defaults (“Keep me logged in”).Twitter的注册表单使用了动态验证(在姓名、邮箱、密码和用户名上)和智能缺省(“保持登录状态”)。

37、I show how to serve up word information on the Web in HTML and XML forms.我将说明如何以 HTML 和 XML 的形式在 Web 上提供单词信息。

38、I have some such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks .我有几本像词典、手册之类的参考书。

39、In contrast, context-based searches are based not just on individual words but also on the context in which those words occur.与此不同的是,基于上下文的搜索不仅以个别的单词作为依据,它还会考虑出现这些单词的上下文。

40、Naming conventions Avoid generic words such as “Submit” for actions, because they give the impression that the form itself is generic.命名规则 。 避免使用“注册”之类的常规词语,这样会让用户觉得整个表单都没意思。

41、M: OK and ask them to send us some more brochures and order forms.M:好吧,让他们再送点宣传册和定单来。

42、You type at the keyboard words that you want to encrypt.你从键盘上键入你想加密的单词。

43、With over 2000 alphabetical entries, this encyclopaedia of Shakespeare is the most comprehensive one-volume resource on the man and his works.本书有2000余条按字母排序的词目,是最综合性的单册莎士比亚百科全书,介绍莎翁其人其作品。

44、This service allows others to register a word and map it to another word (a synonym).此项服务允许其他服务注册一个词并将其映射到另一个词(同义词)。

45、A lone asterisk matches all registrations).单一星号匹配所有注册)。

46、Our article submitter can do all of the manual and monotonous jobs for you.我们的文章提交者都可以做你的工作手册和单调的。

47、And she reviewed the new words and some of the content in lesson 105 this evening.晚上,她复习了第一百零五课的新单词和一部分课文的内容。

48、The same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy , and such a word is called a polysemic word.同一个单词可能有一个以上的意义,这就是我们所说的一词多义,这样的词叫多义词。

49、The logical or intelligible ordering of words or ideas; coherence.联贯单词或思想在逻辑或智力上的次序;

50、In judgments like 'God is the most real of all things', or 'The Absolute is the self-identical', God and the Absolute are mere names;在类似“上帝是最真实者”或“绝对是自身同一者”等判断里,上帝和绝对只是单纯的名词;主词的内容之借谓词表述出来。


标签: 上册 单词

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