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关于”适合生背“的英语句子31个,句子主体:Suitable for raw back。以下是关于适合生背的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suitable for raw back


1、Including a header row with proper field names and a background color.

2、After settling down at Ellis Island, 在埃利斯岛安顿下来后


3、Thanks to its well-conceived design, the baby carrier is ergonomically correct for the child as well as comfortable and easy to use for the person carrying baby.


4、My light is thrown " Fire " (

4 pack) is a clever combination of a spoon thrown knife fork, great for your "backpack.


5、Chic instep buckle is fully adjustable so you can achieve a personal, secure, and custom fit.


6、and informed him how a cafeteria worked.


7、You can get anything you want

明尼﹕ 但那环境实在合适。两人背后那些旧式窗户,以至那些矮矮的木梁,配合得正好。

8、Minnie: But it was just right. Those old-fashioned windows behind them and all those low wooden beams.


9、Thus, it is highly demanded to propose a corresponding scheme to adaptively maintain the background.


10、That bag really suits him.


11、Minor thenar-hitting, lumbodorsal portion and limbs region.

Including a header row with proper field names and a background color.



13、Versatility of chimeric flap based on thoracodorsal vessels incorprating vascularized scapular bone and latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap .


14、The Shopping bag we produce applies to supermarkets an…


15、red, yellow, orange) are preferred on backgrounds of cool colors (e.g. blue, green, purple) and vice versa.


16、The degree andor depth to which a person's work and educational background is a good fit for a particular job.


17、Keep your upper back and neck comfortably straight.


18、Conclusion: There is difference in adaptability and self-consistency and congruency for freshmen with different backgrounds.


19、he went into a cafeteria in lower Manhattan to get something to eat.


20、This thesis expatiates on the theory background, practice background of niche marketing strategy and the enterprises being fit for niche marketing strategy.

21、The anti-school culture is not only for individual, but also groups.学生反学校文化的研究应与一定的时代背景相结合。

22、'Map of the Future. ' While growing up as a third-culture kid can be confusing, TCKs are also described as uniquely suited for life in today's increasingly global society.未来的地图〉-也许第三文化孩子的成长背景让人有点困惑,但他们是被认为最适合生存于目前迅速全球化社会的一群。

23、He looked from face to face and chose Chavel, perhaps because he was the only man with a waistcoat fit to take the chain.然后选择了查维尔。也许是因为只有他穿着西服背心适合戴表链。

24、Of course, the whole notion of "de or re- coupling" needs to be put into the appropriate context.当然,我们需要把“脱钩或再挂钩”整个概念放在合适的背景之下。

25、“The sit-and-reach test is pretty good” for at-home evaluations, Dr. Knudson says, at least of your back and hamstring muscles.努森博士说:“屈体前伸测试对非正式的评估是相当合适的,至少适合测试背部和腿部的肌肉。”

英文句子26:,26、In the image are bright defects in black background, what is suitable for digital image processing.所得到图像是暗背景上的亮疵病像,非常适合于数字图像处理;

27、Step in the camisole to put on for the best fit.在吊带背心步骤,把最适合的。

28、Level back with firmly-muscled loin and moderate tuck-up.背部水平,腰部肌肉坚实、适度折起。

29、I order to more friend head back too high to buy coach bag, go do the bags are OK.男友个头高背得正合适,出门做旅行包也OK, jordan shoes 能给最佳最好了。

30、Professionally used in all kinds of EPE agglutinating and back glue for textile like carpet, With good performance of moderate viscosity, no wiredrawing, strong resistance to yellow on ageing etc.粘性强,在高温环境耐黄变性能佳,熔融状态粘度适中,不拉丝。适合制作织物背胶,塑胶产品的粘着。

31、Dual instep elastic goring along the vamp for an impeccable fit with each step you take.双脚背弹性戈林沿着鞋面无可挑剔适合你所走的每一步。

32、After settling down at Ellis Island,在埃利斯岛安顿下来后

33、Holographic diffusers are ideal for applications such as LCD backlights, LED displays, machine vision, automotive lighting and viewing screens.全息扩散器非常适合应用于LCD背光, LED显示屏,机器视觉,汽车照明和荧光屏。

34、Of course nobody did 没有人来招呼他 Finally, a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him

35、A newly LED light source inclusive primary optics was developed with brightness levels suitable for future RPTV devices.发展了一种带初级光学元件的新型LED光源,其亮度水平已适合将来背投电视的要求。

36、The article begins with the background of moderate scale management pattern of farm machinery, promulgates the inevitability of this pattern.本文从农机适度规模经营模式的产生的背景入手,揭示了这种模式产生的必然性。

37、longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. On that precious night, watching the lake, vaguelyconscious, you said: “Our story is ending.” The rain was killing the last days of summer. You had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago. I still don’t think I’m gonna make it through another love story. You took it all away from me. And there I stand, I knew I was going to be the one left behind. But still I’m watching the lake, vaguely conscious, and I know my life is ending. 我仍清晰地记得故事发生的时候。

38、Firstly, we built an adaptive background mixture models in the hue-saturation value (HSV) color space, and got the background quickly.首先在色相、饱和度和亮度(HSV)颜色空间建立自适应的背景混合模型快速提取背景;

39、Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;

40、Wear a life jacket. a snugly-fitting vest-type life preserver offers back and shoulder protection as well as the flotation needed to swim safely in whitewater.漂流在白水中需要游泳时,一件贴身合适的背心式救生工具可以给你的背部及肩部提供很好的保护,以及令你安全。

41、The Shopping bag we produce applies to supermarkets and fruits shops.我司生产的连卷背心袋适用各大超实用,水果店用。

42、Employers pay close attention to a potential employee’s qualifications, background, personality and skills to determine her/his fit with not only the job but also with the company culture.雇用方会密切注意未来职员的潜在的条件、背景、个性和能力,来决定他是否不仅适合该工作,也适合整个公司的文化基调。

43、nobody grows merely by the number of years;we grow old by deserting our ideas. 年年有加,并非垂老;

44、but you’ll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you.但是如果你什么都不做等着别人能把它送到你身边的话是永远都不可能得到的

45、The Tit-For-Tat strategy prescribed reciprocating cooperation for cooperation, and defection for defection, and tended to engender periods of cooperation.“一报还一报”是往复型策略,它以合作回报合作,以背叛回报背叛,往往产生一轮轮合作的周期。

46、This Windows 此Windows 7主题有1920X1200的像素,10倍高分辨率的背景,适合于各种笔记本电脑及其背景壁纸。

7 Theme has got

10 high resolution backgrounds of 1920 x 1200 pixels and will fit very well in all laptop and desktop screens.

47、A back carrying type electric seeding machine capable of being mounted on a tractor is especially suitable for being used in a large field.一种能悬挂在拖拉机上的背负式电动播撒机,特别适合在大田中使用。

48、When out of love, the most pleasant spring will lose its luster. 初春的时候,她浑身绿茸茸的,又脆又嫩。

49、Having your seat at the right height, but having a flat or insufficiently tilted seat, is also a cause of slumping.当你的座位在合适的高度,但是平的或不够倾斜的时候,也会造成弯腰驼背。

50、Background: Suture-mediated closure devices have been developed to improve patient comfort and safety following percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI).背景 :经皮冠状动脉介入治疗( PCI )后,缝合介导的血管闭合装置已经发展成为用来改善病人舒适度和安全性。

经典英文句子51:适合生背,51、Chairs that are not adjustable and desks that are too small can cause sore backs and contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome.椅子不合适或者办公桌太小可能会导致背部酸痛和腕管综合症。

52、When inspection is done visually, it should be done under suitable and controlled conditions of illumination and background.如果用目视检查,要在有散射光为背景的合适的受控条件下进行。

53、to catch waves of optimism, there's hope you may die young at 然则只要竖起天线,捕捉乐观的信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉得年轻。

54、but as long as your aerials are up, 几xx年方二十,实已垂老矣;

55、SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Device-related vertebral osteoporosis is a well-known phenomenon that occurs in an early adaptive phase after instrumented spinal fusion.背景资料:器械相关椎体骨质疏松症是一种从所周知的现象,发生器械脊柱融合的早期适应阶段。

56、In this context, the spin-orbit interaction is engineered via an appropriate synthetic gauge field.在这种背景下, 自旋轨道相互作用通过合适的人工规范场得到.

57、What in your background makes you adaptable?是你的何种背景让你能适应的呢?

58、My working background and experience is tailor-made for the position.我的工作背景和经验很适合这个职位。

59、Thus, a firm handshake is "correct" in some situations, while a hearty slap on the back or playful rumpling of the other's hair is better for others.因此,在某些场合紧紧握手是“合适”的,而在另一些场合高兴地拍拍对方的背,或友好地弄乱别人的头发却更为恰当。

60、but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there’s hope you may die young at 译文: 青春不是年华,而是心境;

61、The strategy for the associated outsourcing agencies is to obey or to violate the contract.另委外服务软体厂商会对于委讬企业的策略选择,所产生的最适反应—遵守或是违背合约。

62、Shapes, smooths, supports and lifts with perfectly placed padding and comfortable straps.形状,平滑,支持和升降机最适合填充和舒适的背带。

63、Once you understand the meaning behind it, you can properly address her concern.一旦你知道这背后的含义,你就能合适的解除她的担心。

64、He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order.他在一张空桌子边坐下,等待侍者拿来菜单。

65、Project Background: Gongzhuling City is located in the belly of Songliao Plain, soil loosens and rich and it's quite suitable for the growing of sweet sticky corn.项目背景: 公主岭市地处松辽平原腹地,土质疏松、土壤肥沃,非常适合甜玉米和粘玉米的生长与栽培。

66、Model (模型(

4) was fit to estimate birth weight and weaning litter weight.


67、and informed him how a cafeteria worked. 并告诉他自助餐厅怎样进餐的。

68、Pre - assembled folding hook units and the electronic type of rear folder can secure short make-ready time for the change and production of various box types and can fold boxes accurately.预折勾底单元及电控背部折叠可缩短盒样变换时间,折盒准确,适合生产各种形状的纸盒。

69、You have to get up and get it yourself."你必须勤劳,必须自己去追求它。

70、At the other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay."她说:“着手去做吧,去要你想要的东西,在餐厅的另外一端会有人告诉你该付多少钱。

71、In my mind, isolation and altitude - the fictional Brokeback Mountain, a place empowering and inimical - began to shape the story.在我脑海里,孤独和高山的象征-断背山,成为一个合适的背景地。

72、Mr. Zhang was recognized as the legitimate representative of the company.张先生背城认为 公司的合法代表。

73、However, the hiding causations of leading up to such a developing track aretimeliness, favourable geographical position and support of people.然而,造成评剧如此发展轨迹的背后原因,不外乎适合其生存发展的天时、地利和人和。

74、Suitable habitats for frogs, toads and waterfowls decreased and the swamps disappeared.由于湿地面积减小,中国林蛙,花背蟾蜍和水禽的适宜生境变小。

75、Can a program automatically fill in the proper background to take the place of the ex-spouse?有没有一个能自动填充合适的背景来取代那位前配偶的程序呢?

英文句子模板76:Suitable for raw back,76、Two hook-and-loop straps across the instep accommodate various instep heights.整个脚背的钩环肩带适应不同的脚背高度。

77、Outlet backplane of the double-sided adhesive base can be fixed in the audience instruments, such as handrails in suitable locations.插座背板底座的双面胶可将其固定于仪表台下、扶手位等适合位置。


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