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1、you having to provide for yourself.


2、did you find everything which you need exactly?


3、By remaining in familiar communities with relatives nearby, families had enough opportunities for friendly contact and for support in time of trouble.

4、every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。

自己念道您能否能够不断没有遗忘自己。 …自己念道假如能够请没有要遗忘自己。 …

5、I want to say If you can please don't forget me all the …


6、Own people with their own people Woli Dou?


7、He started thinking about himself and living for himself, and he wanted to exalt himself.


8、Know yourself, conquer yourself, change yourself.


9、What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration.


10、People often dislike, criticise and put themselves down for their procrastination.


11、Doctors don't always take their own advice


12、Bring awareness to your face, your skin, your hands, and your whole body: do you feel warmth or coolness?


13、The important person esteems oneself, Must own think highly of oneself.

那个周终自己很快乐 自己地表弟去探自己而且战自己玩。

14、I was so happy this weekend. My brother came to visit me and played with me.


15、Every self is a tautology : self-evident, self-referential, self-centered, and self-created.


16、But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise" (

2 Cor.




17、Often ask yourself what you are doing.


18、Would you cook more or grow your own food?


19、Set your own expectations, meet your own goals, and live your own extraordinary life (or don't) .


20、And,so,but it's not--he has his entourage, he has his posse, he has his entourage.

21、The credit to cover your order No. 100 have not yet reached us.支付贵方100号定单之信用证,本一自己一自己自己搞尚未收到。

22、I'm quite used to fending for myself.我很习惯于自己照料自己。

23、Life is the most distress in circumstances that can find yourself, know yourself, in order to manifest themselves, themselves, included finishing, sublimation.生命正是要在最困厄的境遇中,才能发现自己、认识自己,从而才能锤炼自己、彰显自己,最后完成自己、升华自己。

24、Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。

25、 God helps those who help themselves. 上帝帮助那些自己帮自己的人。

英文句子26:,26、I'm planning to push forward with my personal activities, and I'll working hard to achieve success with my character business.自己如今方案去推进自己地小我勾当,而且自己会为著自己地事业剀获得胜利而尽力地。

27、Every man is best know to hilf.自己最了解自己。

28、Fork from their own past, the knife away from himself.叉离自己近、刀离自己远。

29、Recognize yourself, fall bends dowm youself, change yourself , then you can change other peop; e.认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。

30、As you make your bed so you must lie on it.自己铺的床必须自己去躺。 /自作则自受。

31、"To understand oneself, one must know oneself. " -Gurdjieff.要了解自己,就必须认识自己。

32、The performer will bring his own appeal, his own sensibility, his own writers.表演者会带来他自己的吸引力,他自己的感性,他自己的作者。

33、And more interestingly she now talks to herself before sleep. It is like her hypnotizing herself.有趣的是她现在睡前她会自己跟自己说话,像自己催眠自己,看片!

34、· God helps those who he1p themselves 上帝帮助那些自己帮自己的人;

35、Myself, yeah - I'm mean to myself.我自己,是的,我朝向我自己。

36、Take care of yourself . (自己当心/照顾好你自己。

37、But its members know they are essentially self-selected.可这些人自己心知肚明,这分明是自己选自己。

38、锻炼自己 training oneself; 不断地锻炼他自己 to keep training himself; 他为了明天的成功,在不断地锻炼着自己中的"锻炼". "train"

39、I'm gonna go out there and strike out on my own, make my own way, my own mistakes, and not feel like I'm dragging the family into them.我想自己出去闯闯,自己奋斗,走自己的路,犯自己的错,不再觉得自己连累整个家族。

40、Don't beat your-self up about your failings.不要因自己的失败而打击自己。

41、Of his self-love to stop posterity?做自己的坟墓,绝自己的血统?

42、One day I happened to meet an Englishman in the street and soon we …有一天,自己可巧碰到一个英国人在街上,很快自己们开端扳谈。正如自己说地是自己是…

43、And then, the product takes over.之后就轮到产品自己来展示自己了。

44、Thanks to their own, not to forget their way and wipe away his heart. thank myself, I still own!感谢自 己,没有因为赶路而忘记拂拭自己的心。 感谢自己,我今天仍是自己!

45、最好是用你本行业的定量术语来表达,假如本行业没有定量术语,就直接说,we have supplied our products for xxxxx company for

46、) Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。

47、Look after your own house, O David!大卫家阿,自己顾自己吧。

48、Sing your song, dream your dreams, hope your hope and walk on your own way.唱你自己的歌,做你自己的梦,企盼你自己的希望,走你自己的路吧!

49、every man is the architect of his own fortune. 自己的命运自己掌握。

50、Every man is the architect of his own fortune。 自己的命运自己掌握。

经典英文句子51:自己,51、Today I good vexed good vexed, I don't know why, he did a…今天自己好烦好烦啦,自己不知道为什么,他为自己做啦很多固然自己为他做些什么,…

52、All this, I can only themselves to themselves, to their own this rare gift.而这一切,现在我只能自己给自己,给自己这份难得的礼物。

53、You have confidence in yourself and your abilities.要对自己以及自己的能力有自信。

54、Ask your own questions, look for your own examples, discover your own proofs.问自己问题,自己动手寻找例子,自己做证明。

55、To see yourself, do not underestimate yourself.要看清自己,不要看轻自己。

56、He falls on his sword. She stage-manages her death.他躺倒在自己的宝剑之上,她自导自演了自己的死亡。

57、She used the pen to support herself and "realize" the perfect marriage dream of hers and her sister's in spite of the loneliness throughout the life.为了捍卫自己的信条,她用自己的笔来养活自己,用自己的笔来“实现”姐姐和自己美满婚姻的理想,仅管她付出了一生孤独的代价。

58、She doctored herself for just a common cold.她自己治好了自己的一般感冒。

59、how much time are you available? 这样可以体现你对客户行程的尊重,也可以让你自己根据时间来掌握沟通的内容。

60、Thanks to their own, not to forget their way and wipe away his heart. self, I still own!感谢自己, 没有因为赶路而忘记拂拭自己的心。 感谢自己,我今天仍是自己!

61、) 24. Take care of yourself.(自己当心/照顾好你自己。

62、Angelina Jolie: I was very focused on myself, on my career, (and) on my life.安吉莉娜·朱丽: 我过去只关注自己、自己的事业、自己的生活。

63、We should carefully examine ourselves if we want to know, remould and better ourselves.我们应细心来考察自己,认识自己,这是改造自己、健全自己的基矗。

64、You should take care of yourself. Be careful about your health你要照顾好自己,多注意身体

65、跟客户介绍的时候,不要总是说, our quality is very good. 展位上面大家时间都不多。

66、Dong Shu: Yes, since we all paint, dye and cut on our own.董书: 是的,我们剪纸都是自己画,自己染,自己刻。

67、which country is your biggest market? 不能直接问谁是你最大的客户,这样太敏感了。

68、To get a thorough understanding of oneself needs self-appreciation.要彻悟自己就要欣赏自己。

69、Measure yourself by your own foot.以自己的标准衡量自己;以己之尺,度己之身。

70、Feng Boyi: to upgrade and develop themselves.冯博


71、There is, I love my mother but a little scared her, because she's very hard on me, I'm a little make a little wrong she will lose his temper.还有就是自己很爱自己的母亲但又有点惧怕她,由于她对自己很峻厉,自己略微犯点小错误她就会对自己发脾性。

72、You're the hero of your story.只有你自己注意你自己。

73、To get a clear understanding of oneself needs self-appreciation.悟透自己,就是要欣赏自己。

74、Understand yourself, conquer yourself, change yourself, and then you can change others.认识自己,降伏自己,改变自己,才能改变别人。

75、Every man is the architect of his own fortune.自己的命运自己掌握。

英文句子模板76:自己,76、His disguise, their strength, their smile.自己伪装,自己逞强,自己微笑。

77、Since you know they are angry ah, then control their own food, others are the same idea, the actual is up to you, ah, Doudou long in his face ah.既然你知道自己是上火啊,那就自己掌握自己的饮食,他人都是出点子的,实际可在于你自己啊,豆豆是长在自己脸上啊。


标签: 英文

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