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关于”x开头“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Start with x。以下是关于x开头的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Start with x


1、A space X is nearly metacompact if and only if every monotone open cover U has an open refinement that is point-finite on some dense subset of X;

2、Zeal for you. 为你狂热 Just love you. 只爱你 Please don't be hesitate to love me 请不要犹豫爱我


3、The happy couple were spotted at the X-Games Kick Off unable to keep their hands off one another.


X SERVER使用这种低开销的队列轮询来在每个X请求被执行后检查新的输入,以减少输入响应延迟。

4、This low-overhead queue polling was used by the X server to check for new input after every X request was executed to reduce input latency.


5、Output KVp is selected by the microprocessor prior to the start of x-ray.


6、TinyBSD is a set of tools made up of shell scripts designed to allow easy development of Embedded Systems based on FreeBSD

5.X and





7、The Hozmi is the fifth boss from Metal Slug

2 and Metal Slug X.


8、The invention provides an amorphous cefodizime sodium, which is characterized in that an amorphous X-ray diffraction pattern is free from having an X-ray diffraction peak;


9、If you look closely, you’ll see an arrow that’s formed by the letters E and x.

dmg:常用OS X磁盘图像格式可下载时自动打开/装载或点击打开。

10、dmg: the usual OS X disk image format should open/mount automatically when downloaded or can be clicked to open.


11、The high gain photoionization and three body recombination X ray laser scheme pumped by the short pulse intense X ray radiation is studied.


12、The other thing I want you to notice, is the x-axis runs from to



13、Many .NET

3.x features are in process now but aren't complete.


x 开关表明从归档中提取文件。

14、The -x switch indicates an extraction of the archive.

试飞员约翰格里菲思戳他的头从一个X - 1进行交谈与地面机组人员。

15、Test pilot John Griffith pokes his head out of an X-1 to chat with ground crew members.

启动 Emacs,然后打开([Ctrl]-x[Ctrl]-f)test.html 文件。

16、Start Emacs and open a file ([Ctrl]-x[Ctrl]-f) called test.html.


17、Out of the box support for OS X

10.5 and MacPorts [..]



18、Objective To explore the diagnostic value of X-ray and clinical features for scalp hematoma in neonates.


19、So, doing a dereference on x follows the arrow to access its pointee.


20、But, if you put it in the x, z plane, z=-x^2 then that's a parabola going downwards,z =-x^2.

21、When Rontgen put his hand before the X-ray, he saw the bones of his hands only.伦琴把手放在X射线前面时,只见到手上的骨头。

22、After X-ray diffraction lab opened wider, high grade X-ray diffractometers were used fully. The amount and functions of diffractometers were increased. The opening time was extended.X射线衍射实验室在原有开放的基础上进一步地开放服务,充分发挥X射线衍射仪等优质资源的作用,扩大了开放范围,增加了仪器并开发其功能,延长了开放时间。

23、X inactivation starts at the X-inactivation center(XIC) and spreads throughout the chromosomes.染色体失活开始于X染色体失活中心(XIC),然后传播到整条染色体。

24、Press "X" key to change the fire mode into burst-mode."按下“X” 键来切换开火模式成爆发模式。"。

25、Ksh, Bash, and other modern shells include the switch -x in their set commands.Bash 和其他现代 shell 都支持在 set 命令中使用 -x 开关。

英文句子26:,26、This improvement is available both in this development version and in the 这种改进同时存在于开发版和

1.5.x stable branch.


27、Through continuous Research and Development, X. J.通过不断的研究与开发,X。

28、Starting in Lotus Notes V6.5.x, asynchronous notification was introduced.从 Lotus Notes V6.5.x 版开始,引入了异步通知。

29、It unloads this application on your cellular phone and it starts the X rays.它卸载该应用程序在您的手机和它开始的X射线。

30、Certain black spots on tooth X-rays that indicate air pockets and dead bone.牙X光照片上的黑色点说明有空洞或者坏死的骨头。

31、X inactivation starts at the X inactivation center(XIC) and spreads throughout the chromosome.失活开始于XIC,然后传播到整条染色体。

32、Look at the excursion that this object made from equilibrium in the x direction.看看这个,物体在x方向,离开平衡点的偏移。

33、This number can be represented as follows: 这个数字可以用

5 x

10 x

17 x

5 x

10 x

17 = 722, 500.

5 x

10 x

17 x

5 x

10 x

17 = 722500表示。

34、To normalize the characteristics information of X-cephalometric after input X-photograph by the scanner as input device, in order to carry out the integration of CAD/diagnosis information.用扫描仪作为输入设备输入X线片,对X线头影测量特征信息进行规范,实现CAD/诊疗信息的集成。

35、The bright X-ray source found towards the left side of Medusa's hair is a black hole.明亮的X射线其实是美杜莎头发左侧的一个黑洞形成的。

36、Heat exchanger rating with E-type and X-type shells and all combinations of front and rear TEMA type covers.新增了换热器核算功能,包括E型和X型壳体的所有TEMA类型的前封头和后封头的组合的各种换热器。

37、The starting speed of particles in world space, along X, Y, and Z.粒子在世界坐标系内的开始速度,沿着X,Y和Z轴。

38、However, baldness is another X-linked recessive trait; you inherit it from your mother.然而,秃头是另一个和X染色体相关的隐性特征,从母亲那里遗传得来。

39、The trouble of disable opening X-ray tube in ARL9400 X-ray fluorescence spectrograph caused by destroied field effect transistor was discussed.介绍由于X射线荧光检测器探头的前置放大电路场效应管损坏而导致X射线光管不能打开的故障原因及故障排除方法。

40、Use the X-UA-Compatible header to specify the versions of Internet Explorer that your pages support.使用X-UA-Compatible标头来指定你的页面支持的IE版本。

41、After X-raying my toe , the doctor said he didn't need to do anything.在对我的脚指头拍了X光后,这位医生说他不需要做任何治疗。

42、After the entire message is in the open, the X.509 certificate passed in the SOAP header can be accessed to retrieve its public key.在整个消息公开以后,就可以访问 SOAP 报头中传送的 X.509 证书,以便检索它的公钥。

43、Database shared memory = (Total of 486,000 pages x 4KB per page) x 数据库共享内存 = (486,000 页 x 4KB/页的总数) x

1.1 (account for 10% overhead) = ~

2.1GB =

9 segments

1.1 (考虑到 10% 的开销) = ~

2.1GB =

9 个段

44、For the x-axis, we only need to specify the first column where the data starts.对于 x 轴,我们仅需要指定数据开始的第一列。

45、Su Xiaoya and Misaki Sato connected to the head, she "gentleman" as the official appearance, begin to implement X plan.苏小雅和佐藤接上了头,她以“大少爷”的身份正式露面,开始实施X计划。

46、As mentioned above, the -x switch for extract replaces the -c switch.正如上面提到过的,用于提取文件的 -x 开关代替了 -c 开关。

47、If you're using the Tech Preview WS-Security header generation with X.509 certificates, you're in good shape.如果您正在使用带 X.509 证书的那一版技术预览 WS-Security 头,那就可以了。

48、The FlexMonkey development team intends to support the FlexMonkey开发小组打算支持

4.1.x version for sustaining development for six months.


49、It make a comeback as the first boss in Metal Slug X, but is colored military green instead of red.它再度出现作为第一关头目在合金弹头X,但是被染成军绿色代替红色。

50、Interestingly, while the stable versions of Chrome are still stuck with the 有意思的是,稳定版的Chrome版本号还停留在

2.x series, the versions in the developer channel are now already designated as

4.x versions.



经典英文句子51:x开头,51、Turn on XML mode by invoking [Alt]-x and then keying in xml-mode.调用 [Alt]-x ,然后输入 xml mode,从而开启 XML 方式。

52、Results:Of 47 necrotic femoral head in 30 cases, 结果:30例病患共累计47个病变股骨头,X线检查漏诊了16个病变股骨头,CT检查漏诊了5个病变股骨头,MR检查诊断了经X线、CT检查后漏诊的5例病变股骨头。

16 were missed diagnosis by X-ray examination,

5 by CT, and

5 were diagnosed by MRI but missed diagnosis by X-rays and CT.

53、Once in power, he revealed to Sarah that he had already begun the creation of more clones, X-24 through X-50.一旦他大权在握,他就向萨拉暴露出他已经开始创造更多的克隆人,从X-24到X-50。

54、With the entire message now in the open, the X.509 certificate passed in the SOAP header can be accessed to retrieve its public key.现在,通过公开的整个消息,就可以访问在 SOAP 头中传送的 X.509 证书来检索它的公钥。

55、Have a look at my headlight and screen on the X and the headlight and screen on Hennie's 800.有一个看我的头灯,和屏幕上的X和大灯屏幕葛登的800人。

56、Is Photosensitive Epilepsy Less Common in Males Due to Variation in X Chromosome Photopigment Genes?光 敏感性癫痫在男性较少见是否由于X染色头感 光色素基因变异?

57、Frequent X-rays or radiation treatments to the head.头部频繁的X线检查或放射治疗。

58、In practice, Internet Explorer respects only the first X-UA-Compatible header in a webpage.实际上IE只会执行网页中第一个X-UA-Compatible标头。

59、Tone down the loop count on the previous example, add set -x to the beginning of the script as well as a comment, and execute it, as shown in Listing 减小前一个示例中的循环计数值,在脚本的开头添加 set -x 和一个注释,见清单



60、F. production line, and meantime equipped with facing and chamfering machine, X ray in…同时配套平头倒棱机、X 射线探伤装置、水压试验机等设备。

61、The AFM head is mounted without Abbe error in the X and Y directions.原子力测头的布置在X、Y方向无阿贝误差。

62、"The hairline fracture that is present in the previous X-rays showsevidence it has not healed and has extended across the bone, " Clantonsaid.通过前次X光照射证实,那个头发丝大小的骨裂,非但没痊愈,而且已经扩大到整个骨头……

63、Osteoporosis. Certain black spots on tooth X - rays that indicate air pockets and dead bone.骨质疏松症。牙X光照片上的黑色点说明有空洞或者坏死的骨头。

64、This number can be represented as follows: 这个数字可以用

5 x

10 x

17 x

5 x

10 x

17 = 722,500.

5 x

10 x

17 x

5 x

10 x

17 = 722500表示。

65、cosh(x) = (e x+ e -x)/2cosh(x) = (ex + e-x)/2.

66、Well, the X-ray shows your bone hasn's been injured.嗯,x光射线显示你的骨头未受损伤。


标签: 英文 开头

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