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关于”唐诗的单词“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Words of Tang Poetry。以下是关于唐诗的单词的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Words of Tang Poetry


1、TANG Jun-yi believed that the word of 'Hamane' was in ancient Chinese, not forein.


2、SETTING: Department of Educational Psychology in Tangshan Teacher's College.


3、Listen and tick the word you hear.


4、A word or form in the dative case.


5、Write the words according to the phonetic transcriptions.


6、Qilu poems were brought to the literary stage by a group of highly accomplished scholars, with Du Shenyan and Shen Quanqi as their representative figures.


7、Traction in Beijing, Shougang, Tangshan Steel long-term co-operation with other units.


8、Ci - style was once the popular words of Qu in Sui and Tang Dynasty.


9、Vocabulary can not be taught by the teachers, it should be memorized by the students.


10、Owing to historical reasons and the writers, the short stories in the Tang have distinctive poetic features, as reflected in characters, themes and forms.

11、轻轻松松背单词蒋刚 don't you get sick of the city?


12、This article deals with the plot and subject of Wang Jian's Palace Ci as well as various comments , which will act as good instructions for the readers.

听1的录音, 要求学生写出所听到的单词, 每词加1分。

13、Now listen to

1. Write down the words you hear. One word one point.


14、In 2003 I published a lexicon of approximately

6,000 words and translated the first chapter of Cervantes’ Don Quixote of La Mancha into Spanglish.


15、How do you spell pen? P-E-N.


16、The activity of creating Ci-poetry was mostly taken in the court and noble families, where the King and his officials indulged in it.


17、It experienced a process of production, development and maturity during late Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties to Song Dynasty.


18、Four people in wealthy tangs keep TangZheng side, TangLi to TangZheng deep remorse.


19、After the poetry of the Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty, Yuan Opera creates a new kind of style in literature and opera, and obtains a glorious achievement.


20、It also diachronically compares and synchronically describes the characteristic the same kind of words from the synchronic and diachronic hands.

21、Based on the entire development process of the Tang and Song Ci , a lot of productions are created to recall the Past.从唐宋词的整个发展历程来看,在词的创作中出现了大量的感怀忆旧追溯过往的作品。

22、Han Shan's influence has crossed the bounder of China and entered eastern Asian countries.唐代著名白话诗人寒山不仅在中国影响较大,在东亚诸国也颇有影响。

23、Joinery, cabinets, sliced veneer and many decorative uses.细木艺木器、唐木傢俱、平切单板、装饰用材。

24、That's insane/stupid/inefficient/fill-in-your-favorite-derogatory-adjective.荒唐/愚蠢/效率低下/填写您喜欢的贬义词吧。

25、But most of all, WordWorld helps children get excited about reading and see words as their friends.但是最重要的是,单词世界能帮助儿童们在看到单词时就象看到自己的朋友一样的兴高采烈!

英文句子26:,26、In the representation of Ci, they mostly chose short-length, but at the same time, they also began to try feature-length.在词牌选择使用方面,他们承唐五代词之体制,以中短篇制为主,但也开始写作长调慢词。

27、The creation period of Early Literati Ci-poetry is from Early Tang to Middle Tang.从初唐至中唐,是早期文人词创作的阶段。

28、Listen, repeat and trace the letters.听,复述,并描出所给单词。

29、Ci-poetry arose in the Early Tang and High Tang with its most intense period of development in the Middle Tang.与之相应,词体兴起于初盛唐,中晚唐时期进一步发展成熟。

30、Put the words on the blackboard, one student of every team come to the blackboard. When the teacher says the word they must touch the word as fast as they can. The one who touches fastest wins.老师把单词卡贴在黑板上,每组派一位同学到黑板前,当老师说出单词时,他们必须快速摸到单词,最快者获胜。

31、You can't make a full command of English words if you depend on mere mechanical memory.只靠死记单词是不能熟练掌握英语词汇的。

32、However, either attitude to these governmental positions shows vividly political psychology of poets in the Tang Dynasty.但也有辞而不受的。 无是感激还是辞让,都生动体现了唐代诗人的政心态。

33、Law Finding; Fiction Judgment; Tang Dynasty; Court verdicts;法律发现; 拟制判决; 唐代; 判词;

34、Bring up that Ci stem from"Yanyue", and take shape in powerful Tang Dynasty, in connection with the controverse issue of Quzici in Dunhuang and the origin of Ci.针对敦煌曲子词与词的起源这一聚讼纷纭的问题,提出词起源于燕乐,且词体形成于盛唐;

35、W. relabelled 86% of the words with the same colour, while the control subjects only did so for 46% of the words.用同样的颜色重新标定了86%的单词,虽然控制题目的小组仅做对了46%的单词。

36、Students typed in the words they remembered.学生们输入他们记得的单词。

37、There are two results of such combination: for one thing, it helped produce a refined and versatile language style; for another, it enhanced the lyrical effects of Tang legends.诗文结合的结果一方面丰富了唐传奇的语言表达,使其文辞凝练含蓄而又华美多彩,另一方面也增强了唐传奇的抒情性。

38、In the endless literature river, the word formation not only has a close relationship with music, but also benefits from characteristic of the deep graceful late Tang poem.在漫漫的文学长河中,词的形成除了与音乐关系密切之外,还得益于晚唐诗纤艳深婉、低回伤感的特征。

39、By Wang Zhihuan(688-742), a famous poet from early Tang Dynasty. The last two lines are particularly famous for the positiveness and the philosophical meaning in them.王之涣(688-742),唐代诗人。本诗中“欲穷千里目,更上一层楼”广为传诵,用来表达奋发进取的愿望。

40、The South Dynasty and Tang Dynasty is the period of development and there is little difference in the subject.六朝以及唐代是游仙诗的发展期,就主题思想而言变化不大。

41、The words below are all names of the sports round the page ---but the letters in the words are in the wrong order.下面的单词是在这页里所有运动的名称,但是单词里面的字母顺序已经打乱了。

42、For the classifier measure words which appeared before Tang dynasty, this thesis emphases on its changing situation hi Tang and Wudai dynasty.对于唐五代以前已经产生的量词,本文着重说明了其在唐五代发展变化的情况;

43、Under Heaven is inspired by Chinese history: the magnificent Tang Dynasty and its brilliant poets.《汗血宝马》的灵感来自于中国的历史:盛唐的繁华和那个时期卓越的诗人们。

44、Affix have common roots, such as formation elements. English words are very art, with the creation of our characters is the same.掌握常见词根词缀等构词元素。英语单词是很有章法的,跟我们汉字的造字法是一样。

45、Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, Chinese two-syllable word appeared in large numbers, which is no longer the dominant voice word formation, grammar, word-building is becoming the mainstream.隋唐五代时期,汉语双音词大量出现,其中语音构词已不占优势,语法构词逐渐成为主流。

46、The language of Dun Huang Vulgar literature is one of the most important material for vocabulary and grammar research.敦煌俗文学作品是研究唐、五代汉语词汇和语法的重要资料。

47、Beppo , A Vision of Judgement, and Don Juan more than justify his reputation as a great poet.《别波》、《审判的幻景》和《唐·璜》这三部作品证明他的伟大诗人的名望是当之无愧的。

48、Li Yu, the emperor of Southern Tang Dynasty, in his poems many contented "wind."南唐后主李煜,在他写的词中也颇多“风”。

49、Some poems in verse, the word of the palace as a true record of the Tang Lantern Festival lantern so grand, such as the "Lantern Festival night light" and so on.诗集中有部分乐府、宫词之作,真实记录了盛唐上元灯会等节日盛况,如《正月十五夜灯》等等。

50、He expresses and pays his concern to the imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty, which helps us to have better understanding of the position of the imperial examination in the Tang society.他通过诗歌和文论反映和关注唐代的科举,有助于我们正确认识科举考试在唐代社会中的地位。

经典英文句子51:唐诗的单词,51、Modern people argue that Ci originated from Yanyue (Yan music) during Sui and Tang dynasties from the viewpoint of music.今人多从音乐角度论定词源于隋唐燕乐。

52、In Tang, Jiangnan was not only a geographical concept but also culture concept.唐代“江南”已非单纯的地域概念,又是一文化概念。

53、Second, to discuss the reason for rapid development of Palace poems in Tang dynasty under the big environment of Mid-Tang culture.第二,将唐代宫词的繁盛置于中唐文化语境中,讨论唐代宫词得以迅猛发展的原因。

54、The sadness and gloom contained in maple originated from Chuci(Songs of the South)became a typical imagery in poems of and after Tang Dynasty.它所蕴含的悲愁意识源于楚辞,并在唐以后的诗词中上升为一种典型意象。

55、As a important literature school in the middle of Tang dynasty, the collection of Hanand Meng poetic school has some inevitability.作为中唐时期的重要文学流派,韩孟诗派的聚合有其必然性。

56、The poem never questions that, and it's ridiculous to lay his death at the church's door.这是诗从未对此质疑过,并且把他的死归罪于教会也是十分荒唐的。

57、They have also inherited the artistic styles of both Huan You poets from other regions and local poets while they promote Jia Dao, Yao He and create Late Tang Dynasty Style.在推崇贾岛、姚合,创作“晚唐体”的同时,他们也继承了温州外来宦游诗人和本地诗人的艺术风格。

58、According to some scholars, "Fu-lin" is adopted to refer to Byzantium since Tang Dynasty.学者们认为,自唐代以来,中国人都以“拂菻”一词称呼拜占庭。

59、There arc many scholars like to study Zhozhi Ci, hot the development of the literators' Zhozhi Ci in the Tang Dynasty is seldom mentioned.历来学者研究竹枝词的颇多,但对有唐一代文人竹枝词的具体发展演变过程却鲜有人论及。


标签: 英文 单词

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