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1、Abbie has volunteered at United Planet.


2、Liu Jian, director of the Department of Volunteers of the Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee, claims that volunteers are gracing China's first Olympic Games with amiable smiles.


3、Non-profit organization provides for volunteers in voluntary service opportunities, and nonprofit organizations also won the volunteers this part of precious human resources.


4、Volunteers help Tibetan antelope hit the road.


5、Four volunteers to go through training, and services for the gay volunteers will be recruited in the ring.


6、My name is Stone Lee. I'm a volunteer.


7、Volunteer: That’s all right. Please come with me.


8、There was no lack of volunteers.


9、All the volunteers were still cognitively normal at the two-year point, but those with a family history of Alzheimer’s had significantly more brain atrophy than those without a family history.


10、The helped involve themselves in volunteering activities to help others when they are pulled through. The number of volunteers keeps swelling.


11、In the second test, subjects gauged how interested they were in volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and in donating money.


12、The volunteers worked with a lot of pep.


13、No laws forbid payment to volunteers.

亚运会志愿者徽章的派发是以志愿时积分制为基础的。 志愿者每服务1个小时可以换取1分。

14、Thee Asian Games volunteer badges are distributed on a basis of a point redemption scheme of volunteering service hours as volunteers can redeem one service hour for one point.


15、In these days, Comprehensive Enforcement Bureau has organized 400 volunteers to join in the Brighten the City activity.

如果你在一个非营利组织工作或当志愿者,那么你可能已经知道全国志愿者活动周了。 毕竟对大多数非营利组织来说,志愿者就是它们的命脉。

16、Chances are if you work or volunteer for a nonprofit you already know that.


17、Volunteers learned how to wear the red scarf.


18、Kate volunteers at Ojo de Pez and Conviven in Buenos Aires.


19、After polishing off the pizza, the volunteers were presented with three generous platters of oatmeal-raisin, chocolate-chip and double-chocolate-chip cookies, and asked to rate them.

如果您不能够坚持参加完13周的项目, 您愿意成为我们的替补志愿者,等有需要时替代别的志愿者吗?

20、If you are not able to make the

13 week committment, are you willing to be placed on a list for occasional emergency replacements?

21、Through Summer Volunteer Program (SVP), 486 volunteers have worked on-site to promote reading.通过参与梦想行动暑期志愿者项目,486名志愿者前往了项目点,为当地儿童开展了阅读活动。

22、Structured and Self-funding Volunteer Programs框架式和自助式志愿者服务项目

23、For audio material, the group uses 24 volunteer readers. For Braille, there are 该集团招募了24个志愿者读者负责音频材料,并12个志愿者誊写盲文。

12 volunteer transcribers.

24、Scientists had volunteers dive backward with no ropes attached, into a special net that helped break their fall.科学家们让志愿者俯冲下去,但是身后并没有绑绳子,志愿者会掉到一个特制的网中,帮助缓冲。

25、There will be lots of volunteer helpers.到时将有许多的志愿者。

英文句子26:,26、Inform the activities in the field every week to volunteers' leaders. The volunteers' leaders inform all the activities to the livelihoods program manager.向志愿者领队汇报每周的活动。所有志愿者领队向项目经理汇报工作。

27、This tool is quiteuseful on many levels. It can help you see skills possessed by technicalvolunteers that are not readily apparent.这个工具可以针对不同技术水平的志愿者使用,帮助组织了解志愿者拥有的技能。

28、Others included new off-line services, such as consulting to nonprofits on their volunteer programs and planning conferences on volunteerism .还有些是网外服务,如为非营利组织的志愿者项目提供咨询,规划筹备志愿者的交流会议。

29、Volunteers maynot be available for urgent or time-sensitive needs, due to other commitments, such as their jobs.志愿者不适用紧急或者赶时间的项目,因为志愿者可能有其他更重要的事情,比如他/她的本职工作。

30、So they asked for volunteers.所以他们找了一群志愿者。

31、There is a certain damage compensation relation between the Olympic volunteer organization, Olympic volunteer and guest.奥运志愿者组织、奥运志愿者和被服务者三者之间有着特定的损害赔偿关系。

32、Volunteers given the "white prime" were less likely to buy the Antichrist editorial than those given the "black prime.被要求写白人的志愿者比起被要求写黑人的志愿者来说,同意这片社论的可能性要小。

33、Yes, I'm a volunteer at a couple of places.好。我在很多地方做志愿者。

34、If you are not able to make the 如果您不能够完成10周的项目, 您愿意成为我们的替补志愿者,等有需要时替代别的志愿者吗?

10 week committment, are you willing to be placed on a list for occasional emergency replacements?

35、Deaf-mute twins teach sign language at a city volunteer station on Guijie Street, Dongcheng District.一对聋哑双胞胎姐妹志愿者在东城区簋街城市志愿者岗亭内教大家哑语。

36、The China Communist Youth League Changde Municipal Committee has provided relevant post for each volunteer and intends to improve their knowledge about foreign protocol and government affairs.团市委为每位青年志愿者安排了志愿服务岗位,通过这次培训着重使青年志愿者掌握对外交往礼仪知识和政务知识。

37、Jeff : Applicants will be trained on Olympic-related knowledge, basic regulations and skills before they become qualified volunteers, according to the head of the Volunteer Department.根据志愿者管理部门介绍,志愿者首先将接受奥运相关知识和基本规章和技能的训练,然后他们将成为合格的奥运志愿者。

38、It was the volunteer emergency crew on the other end.是志愿紧急救援者。

39、After five hours the volunteers had another go at the maze; this time, those who napped showed signs of improvement.五个小时后,志愿者再走迷宫,这一次,午睡了的志愿者显示出提高的迹象。

40、The 114 community volunteers, 52 host families take part in this Special Olympic community reception. 40% of them are college-educated and above.此次特奥会社区志愿者114名、接待家庭52户,志愿者中40%为大学学历以上。

41、The annual sports meeting is recuiting volunteers!校运动会志愿者开始招募啦!

42、Refering to their green and white outfit, people call volunteers “Little Cabage”.由于志愿者的服装由白色和绿色组成,所以人们称志愿者们是“小白菜”。

43、I decided to become a volunteer.所以我选了去当志愿者。

44、I volunteer because I have the time.我参加志愿者是因为我有时间。

45、Volunteer: That’s what I should do.志愿者:是我应该做的。

46、The volunteer liaison or otherdesignated individual has the authority to terminate the arrangement.志愿者联络员或者其他组织指定的个人有权终止志愿者服务活动;

47、HOS is in charge of management, training and measurement. Starbucks provides the volunteer opportunities with their staff and cover the cost.HOS负责志愿者的管理,培训,考核,星巴克则提供给员工志愿者的机会,并支付这些费用。

48、Sudan Volunteer Programme, Bagaduish Holiday Centre, and in Appalachian Trail conservancy work.苏丹志愿者计划、文化意识度假中心和阿帕拉契亚步道管理担任志愿者。

49、Volunteer at a children’s hospital or nursing home.在儿童医院或者养老中心做志愿者

50、Finally, the guide was tested in practice by invited volunteers who used it to appraise existing HIA evidence reviews.最后,该指南经由受邀志愿者在实践中检验,这些志愿者用其评价现有的HIA证据。

经典英文句子51:志愿者,51、However, there are no blue flag awards here – just the smell of dysentery in the morning.然而这里的海滩上没有蓝旗志愿者(译者注:蓝旗志愿者是保持海滩清洁的环保组织),在早晨只有痢疾的气味。

52、B Well, they need volunteers of all nationalities and people who can speak different languages, so she should apply.B 哦,他们需要来自各国的志愿者,能讲多种语言的志愿者,所以她应该申请。

53、The volunteer liaison will approach the volunteer directly about any complaints or concerns regarding ability or performance.志愿者联络员应当直接表述对志愿者的工作能力或工作效果的不满和担心;

54、Establishes a Volunteer Generation Fund to award grants to states and nonprofits to recruit, manage and support volunteers and strengthen the nation’s volunteer infrastructure.建立志愿者代服务基金(Volunteer Generation Fund),为州和非营利团体提供赠款,招收、管理和支持志愿工作者,加强全国志愿服务基础设施。

55、Baigou love volunteer union …白沟爱心志愿者联盟 。

56、Refering to their green and white outfit, people call volunteers "Little Cabage". Wang likes this nickname.由于志愿者的服装由白色和绿色组成,所以人们称志愿者们是“小白菜”。王琳很喜欢这个绰号。

57、And for this I need one volunteer.为此,我需要一个志愿者。

58、Checkin regularly. The staff liaison should communicatewith volunteers regularly to talk about their progress and any problems orchanges to the plan.联络员应当与志愿者保持沟通,定期与志愿者讨论项目进展、遇到的困难和对计划的调整。

59、Volunteer: Have you made a reservation?志愿者:请问你有预约吗?

60、Volunteer experience can also help, Fireman said。Fireman还说,志愿者经历也是有用的。

61、Sunxing expressed the desire of many Red Cross volunteers.孙幸中表达了众多红十字志愿者的愿望。


标签: 志愿

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