
作者:用户投稿 阅读:332 点赞:0





1、Recently I was in a changable mood.


2、Mood tows a gorgeous flower.


3、The hearts of countless people fantastic mind.


4、It's fine maybe because of the shinning sun, it's worse maybe because of the suddenly umbrageous sky.


5、It must be tough for you.


6、The so-called fickle mind shows that one is longing to eat cake while owning love and bread.


7、The news excited us.


8、Grace:Let's head to the mall to unwind?

9、A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,万事顺利


10、The so-called Fa, that is, with love and bread, would also like to eat cake in the mood;


11、Moods can have complex effects on conformity, but there's some evidence that we're more likely to conform when we're in a good mood than a bad mood.


12、Positive emotions bring us pleasure, counteract the damaging effects of negative emotions, build resilience and promote long-term physical and emotional health.


13、Love there are no monologue, only the heart and heart operation.


14、The so-called lust is the mood to have love and the bread, also to want to eat the cake;

15、a merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,万事顺利 。


16、Emotion regulation is the hotspot and advancing topic in the multidisciplinary study such as current emotional field, developmental psychology and health psychology.


17、Recently feeling depressed, feeling the hearts of many.


18、Singin: dont worry about a thing.

心情驿站-我的感情空间- IT数字家园…

19、Mood Inn - my feeling of space - IT digital home …


20、Let us use warm red to glossing over their own feelings.

21、 I'm not in a good mood. 没有心情(做某事)。

22、A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,万事顺利 。

23、Her heart always glows with enthusiasm.她内心总是热情洋溢。

24、I'm not it a good mood. 没有心情(做某事)。

25、Each thought is irrepressible(无法抑制的) mood(心情) ups and downs,

英文句子26:,26、it must be tough for you. 我理解你的心情。

27、Beware of your ownaffections.要当心你的情感。

28、Compassion is the act of opening your heart. To live in a state of compassion means you approach the world with your emotional barriers lowered.同情之心所谓同情就是敞开你的心扉,抛开你的情感障碍,用心去感受、体会这个世界。

29、The world with eyes, human heart.世态入眼,人情入心。

30、Now I am at peace and in a happy mood.于是我的心平静了,心情愉快了。

31、They repay me evil for good, and hatred for my love.他们以恶心回报我的善心,他们用恨情还报我的爱情。

32、We start with new mood!带着崭新的心情出发喽!

33、choose to be in a good mood.我选择心情愉快。

34、A merry heart goes all the way. 心情愉快,办事痛快。

35、Feeling like Sprite!心情似雪碧!

36、He returned with a heavy heart .他心情沉重地回来了。

37、By putting yourself in her shoes, you will understand her feeling.将心比心,你就能了解她的心情。

38、I'm in the bad mood.我的心情坏透了。

39、A light heart live long!心情开朗寿命长!

40、Some people say that a cup of coffee foster the feelings of the night in this leisure time, a person facing the screen, warm cup of coffee aroma spillover, reading a mood - the mood of coffee.有人说一杯咖啡寄养一杯心情,在这闲情的夜里,一个人对着屏幕,温一杯的香气漫溢咖啡,读一种心情——咖啡的心情。

41、A cheerful mood unties all knots, and you will see blossoms in small dots.心情开朗世情好,点点颜色都是花。

42、My heart is heavy./I'm heavy-hearted.我心情很沉重。

43、Singin: dont worry about a thing - I wont worry!每个小事情天下太平。 不该担心!不该担心!

44、I'm not it a good mood. 没有心情(做某事)。

45、Getting things off your chest will improve your mood.把事情一吐为快会改善你的心情。

46、I walked into the hall a happy high-spirited man, but came out a sad down-hearted wreck.我走进大厅时心情愉快,情绪高昂;走出大厅时却心灰意乱,垂头丧气。

47、The sight sends a chill to my heart.那情景使我心寒。

48、a light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。

49、Earlier studies had found that blogs can be used to gauge thepublic mood.研究心情指数的工作小组还发现,普通的博客也可以“捕获”大众的心情。

50、The sun makes me feel good.阳光让我心情愉快。

经典英文句子51:心情,51、In fact, it is full of the mood to do, just fall.其实,这是满心情愿的事情,只是心有余而力不足。

52、Quiet environment, in which visitors stay Qingzhi leisurely , enjoyable live and sleep at ease, it is exclusive taste.环境幽静,游客置身其中情致悠然、住得舒心、睡得安心、令人独享情趣。

53、My heart overflowed with tenderness.我的心里充满了柔情。

54、Read a book, take a bath, do something relaxing.读读书、冲冲凉、干些放松心情的事情。

55、My singing is out of tune.唱歌于自己心情开朗。

56、I simply produced the kind of hero I'd like to read about: courageous but not foolhardy, compassionate but not sentimental.我只是创造我心中的英雄:勇敢但不冲动,心怀同情,但不滥情。

57、So I understand your irritation.所以我理解你的心情。

58、Pity and compassion are words appropriated to signify our fellow?feeling with the sorrow of others.怜悯心和同情心是对别人悲哀而产生的我们同袍情的表示。

59、You have lost heart, faith and patience.你已经开始失去满腔的热情,信心和耐心。

60、It must be tough for you. 我理解你的心情。

61、"with contented mind and unruffled spirit" (Anthony Trollope).“心满意足且心情平静” (安东尼·特洛普)。

62、He was also very impatient, he couldn't wait for anything.他性情急躁,对任何事情都没有耐心。

63、I'm not in a good mood. 没有心情(做某事)。

64、Network, hurt many spoony woman infatuated, accomplished much bother to bring a man 's heart.网络、伤了多少痴情女人旳痴情,成全了多少花心男人旳花心。

65、To understand with compassion, opening up my mind.以同情之心去体谅,敝开心靡。

66、关于心情的过去 About the mood of the past 关于心情的过去 About the mood of the past

67、But the feeling of the heart bottom ……可是心底的那份情……

68、Singin: dont worry (dont worry) bout a thing.唱啊:不该担心的事情(不该担心)

69、If you are sad, that affects my own mood.如果你伤心,我的心情会受到影响。


标签: 心情

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