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关于”表建议12个的句型“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Table Suggests 以下是关于表建议12个的句型的四级英语句子。

12 Sentence Patterns。

英文句子模板1:Table Suggests 12 Sentence Patterns


1、According to the results, the region was classified into

12 site types at a fixed similarity level, which were named by three-section name method (heat, water and nutrient).

建设周期: 一般为12个月,原则上不超过18个月。

2、Construction Period: usually

12 months, no more than

18 months in principle.


3、He is due to appear in court Monday and prosecutors are set to recommend him get a sentence on the low-end of federal guideline of

12 to

18 months.

列表12代码片段建立了一个 oConnectionInfos 对象,使用您的用户名和密码初始化了这个对象,然后将其设置在会话范围中。

4、The Listing

12 code snippet creates an oConnectionInfos object, initializes it with your username and password values, and then sets it in session scope.


5、The Galactica represented which of the

12 Colony worlds?


6、Campaign experts recommend:

5 ~ 12-year-old children's physical development is an important period.


7、Dial: White mother-of-pearl Museum dial. Silvertone dauphine hands and concave dot at

12 o'clock.


8、Cordless drill: A 12-volt model will handle most drilling tasks.


9、He's due to appear in court Monday and prosecutors are set to recommend he get a sentence on the low end of the federal guideline of

12 to

18 months.



12 folders (one for each month of the year) and an additional 31 subfolders (for each day of the month).


11、When cooking dried beans, I recommend soaking beans for

12 hours or longer, then discarding the soaking water.

所以,这里的秘诀就是先用微软的 MID 编译器处理清单

12、So, the trick here is to first use the Microsoft MIDL compiler on the IDL specification in Listing

12 to create a type library we'll call cookie.tlb.

12 中的 IDL 规范,建立一个名为 cookie.tlb 的类型库。


13、A summary showing that

1 job and

12 processing elements (PEs) have been created.

1 个作业和

12 个处理元素(PE)的摘要。


14、Stability of resistance of

12 rice varieties with different resistant levels in seedling stage was studied.


15、Objetive To construct human IL

12 efficient expression vector.



20 percent were building event-driven architectures, and

20 percent were planning to do so in the next

12 months.

The reason for this is that some people want to earn plenty of money without working hard. 评议与分析: 以上两个病句分别引自xx年xx月和xx年xx月四级考试的考生作文。

17、The real reason for our failure is not far to seek.

配餐建议 储存于

18、Served at a temperature of

12 - 14?C combines well with fish dishes, grilled or in a light sauce; various seafood and oysters.

12 – 14摄氏度,配以鱼类、清淡的奶酪、海味(牡蛎)食用效果更加。

每个州,无论人口的多少,普选12个参议院议员作其代表。 澳洲首都区(ACT) 和北I地(NT) 则各选举两位参议院代表。

19、In the Senate, each state, regardless of population, is represented by

12 senators, with the ACT and the NT each electing two.


20、For protecting the resource, the fishing mortality rate should not be higher than 0.1 and the minimum catchable age should not be lower than


21、About after all much thicker advisable, expert proposal, should choose ply as far as possible between 关于到底多厚为宜,专家建议,要尽量选择厚度在

8 -

12 millimeter.

8 - 12毫米之间的。

22、To help inspire parents, here are 以下12条建议有助于启示父母,帮助约束孩子的荧屏时间。

12 Tips to Help Limit Your Child’s Screen Time.

23、Six hardware arrays created across 个跨

12 disk drives

12 个磁盘驱动器创建的硬件阵列

24、And the 而龙井柱外围的12个红漆金柱所分割出来的12个开间,则分别代表了xx年的12个月份;

12 column longjing tea QiJinZhu periphery is broken out red

12 bay, represents a year respectively;

25、In cases where there are 12-hour time shifts to deal with for recurring meetings, rotate the start time so that the same people aren't stuck being inconvenienced in their personal lives repeatedly.对于一些参与者会跨越12个小时并且反复进行的会议来说,要 轮换会议开始时间,以避免总是影响同一个人的个人生活来参加会议。

英文句子26:,26、Then, update the application's routing table and set up a catch-all route for the new XML output type ( Listing 然后,更新这个应用程序的路由表并为新的 XML 输出类型建立一个 “全部捕获” 路由(见 清单



27、This evaluation established new rural green space plant landscape evaluation model, including aesthetic, eco-efficiency, social benefit as criteria layers and 本次评价建立的新农村绿地植物景观评价模型,包括美学效益、生态效益和社会效益3个准则层、12个评价因子。

12 evaluation factors.

28、Children should have their hemoglobin checked sometime between 9到12个月以及15到18个月的小儿应经常进行血红蛋白测定,同时建议铁缺乏的患儿进行随访治疗和监测。

9 and

12 months of age, and again between 15-18 months of age, and follow-up for iron deficiency treatment and testing is recommended.

29、This creates a new schedule with one user group, as shown in Figure 这位一个用户组建立了一个新的调度,如图12所示


30、In Listing 在清单

12, I create a similar linkage on the Runner's side of the equation.

12 中,我在这个等式的 Runner方上创建了一个类似的联系。

31、Many Scientists and Technologists represents the 12O that comes from corps all trades and professions formally and delegate of 来自兵团各行各业的12O多名科技工作者正式代表和12名特邀代表参加了会议。

12 specially invite attended the meeting.

32、Guideline 指导原则

12 applies when reuse of declarations or definitions is suggested.

12 适用于当建议重用声明或定义时。

33、It's amazing what 那斯达克12个月居然狂跌1600点,真叫人不可思议!

12 months and a

1,600-point loss on the Nasdaq will do!

34、Here I have a list of the 我这里有一个来自日本的12个最奇怪的发明的列表。

12 wackiest inventions that were ever concieved in Japan.

35、This week, the first structure is taking shape: a circular, 本星期的第一个建筑结构正在成形,一个12英尺的圆形建筑会很快就会建起,成为一所用泥土建成的圆顶殿堂。

12 foot construction that will soon rise into a dome-shaped palace of earth.

36、Standard model of elementary particles: the 中文: 粒子物理的标准模型中的12个费米子和4个波色子。

12 fundamental fermions and

4 fundamental bosons.

37、Double-click on a proposal; we get an additional detailed view as shown in Figure 双击一个提议,我们得到一个如图12所示的额外的详细信息。


38、This lacquered red clock looks likes a traditional Chinese talisman with each hour on the face represented by one of the 这个红色造型的钟很像中国传统的护身符,钟面上的每一个小时代表着奥林匹克12主要运动项目之

12 major Olympic sports.

39、JS-relay. Ultra-miniature power relay. js的继电器。超小型功率继电器。 1表C线圈电压12伏直流电。密封型。 E级绝缘。

1 form C. Coil voltage

12 V DC. Sealed type. Class E insulation.

40、Figure12 represents a typical die for extruding tubing.图释12代表了挤出管材的典型模具。

41、The commission says more work is needed to assess the effect of having 委员会建议沙耶武里电站暂缓修建,理由是需要进一步评估这12座水坝可能造成的影响。

12 hydropower dams.

42、The committee will publish its final review next year, but is presenting a status report at UNESCO's 175th executive board meeting, which takes place from 26 September to 这个委员会将于明年发表评审的全文。 但是在今年xx月xx日至xx月xx日举行的UNESCO的175届执委会会议上公布了一个状态报告。

12 October.

43、Twice-weekly strength training of eight to 两周进行8到10次甚至12次的高强度训练运动,也在他们的建议要做的单子中。

10 exercises, up to

12 reps each, is also on their to-do list.

44、Team leader should also perform rotations, especially in several team basically in the same work, I suggest that every month 6-12 let the team leader rotation time.团队主管也应当进行轮换,特别是在几个团队基本上从事同种工作的时候,我建议每6-12个月就让团队主管轮岗一次。

45、We suggest that the test(should)be done by 我们建议这项实验应在12时前完成。

12 O'clock.

46、The problems seen in the implementation will be settled by this mechanism as per the 12-point understanding.这个机构会根据12点协议解决执行中出现的问题。

47、Baby's Only Organic is labeled a toddler formula because Nature's One believes breast milk is the best organic choice the first 12-months of life.对超过12个月的宝宝,一些儿科医生可能会建议您选用牛或羊奶。

48、Standard HE stain was performed for histological observation at the 采用常规组织学方法,观察前十字韧带重建后这两种韧带止点在术后


3,6 and 12- month after the operation.



6、 12个月时的组织学表现。

49、'We really weren't meant to sit at a desk “我们的确不应该一天12个小时坐在办公桌前,”埃德伦德说。 他建议度假的人们应该保持“吃饭、做运动和休息”的生活规律。

12 hours a day,' says Dr. Edlund, who recommends that vacationers alternate periods of 'food, activity and rest.'

50、Bid Opening Address: Conference Room, 12th floor, Humei Hotel, Quanzhou, Fujian.开标地点:福建省泉州市湖美大酒店12层会议室。

经典英文句子51:表建议12个的句型,51、Methods:HRCT scans of 方法:总结12例经临床和病理证实的弥漫型肺泡癌HRCT表现。

12 patients with pathologically proved diffuse bronchioloalveolar carcinoma were reviewed.

52、If rent longer than 如果租期需超过12个月,需与房东商量,另议。

12 month, the rent is on request.

53、The expression now returns two text nodes: 这个表达式现在返回两个文本节点:

12 and


12 和


54、Panzer Grenadiers max builders set from 装甲精英现在最多只能有6个士兵同时建造建筑(以前为12个)。这将降低装甲精英步兵的建筑速度。

12 to

6. This will reduce the construction speed of Panzer Elite infantry.

55、Their yearly changes of the highest and lowest temperatures in China can be divided into 结果表明,中国年最高气温和最低气温年际变化分别可划为12和11个不同类型的区域。

12 and

11 regions, respectively.

56、2009-12-22 Romanian President Traian Basescu was sworn in for his second term on Monday (Dec. 21) afternoon, during a special plenum of the two chambers of the parliament.xx年xx月xx日 21号下午,罗马尼亚总统伯塞斯库在议会参议员和众议员两院联席会议上宣誓就职,开始他的第二个任期。

57、He suggested that a double railway-tunnel (他建议建造一个双轨道的铁路隧道。

12) (

13) built.

58、Figure 图

12: Activities aggregated by a single task create a small-agile model.

12: 单一的一个任务可以使活动聚集,从而创建一个敏捷灵巧的模式。

59、The growth model of T. flousiana was built using the growth data from 用 12个造林点和 10个环境因子材料建立了秃杉生长数量模型。

12 sits and

10 environmental factors.

60、The agreement comes two weeks after an arbitration panel issued a ruling giving the Port Authority and Mr. Silverstein a March 达成这份协议的两周之前,一个仲裁小组裁定港务局和西弗斯泰恩在xx月xx日的最后期限之前就建造的时间表达成一致。

12 deadline to agree to a construction timetable.

61、Conference arranges a welcome banquet dinner on September 会议负责安排xx日-xx日用餐,xx日晚为欢迎晚宴(所有代表及嘉宾),其余为自助餐。

11 and buffet dinner on September 12-15.

62、Mud Hut Motel, a nice adobe motel with walls that are 土屋汽车旅馆,一个很棒有12英寸厚的土坯墙旅馆。不要在乎它的名字,任何人访问库伯佩迪,建议住这个地方。

12 inches thick. Despite its name, recommend this place to anyone visiting Coober Pedy.

63、I have developed 对于从事癌症患者心理治疗的精神科医师,我提出12条建议。

12 recommendations for psychotherapists who are working with cancer patients.

64、The micro-morphology of leaf abaxial epidermis of 利用光学显微镜观察了飘拂草属12个类群(包括变种和变型)的叶片下表皮微形态。

12 species(including varieties and forma) of Fimbristylis from shandong were studied under light microscope.

65、Relay. Rating code 60A. Component diode. Contact form 继电器。等级代码第60A条。组件二极管。联系表一表C线圈电压安装选项成型支架。

1 form C. Coil voltage

12. Mounting option molded bracket.


66、CV-relay. Automotive low profile micro 280 relay. Standard type. 简历中继。低调微型汽车280接力。标准型。 1表C PC板端子。五,线圈电压

1 form C. PC board terminal. Coil voltage

12 V.


67、Dial: Black or white Museum dial. Silvertone dauphine hands and concave dot at 表盘:黑色或白色博物馆珍藏型表盘,银色皇太子指针,12时位置为经典的“太阳”凹点设计。

12 o'clock.


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