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关于”(完整版)的五大基本句型“的英语句子31个,句子主体:(full version) of the five basic sentence patterns。以下是关于(完整版)的五大基本句型的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:(full version) of the five basic sentence patterns


1、If the full five-channel capability is used, the number of measured quantities increases in number but not in type.


2、This type of machine is automatic, each exposure, exhaust by one time to finished.

自从xx月份发布的 特性完整的里程碑版本以来,我们已经 修复了456个Bug。

3、We've also fixed 456 bugs since reaching the Feature-Complete milestone back in January.


4、Nearly 300 state-run, FDI or private enterprises with large-scale completed the applications of legal software, which accounted for nearly one fifth of the whole country in 2007.


5、The full version will provide a detailed comparison of the five options presented in the summary report – including one plan that would culminate in a trip to Mars orbit.


6、But the feature has yet to be perfect, hope to have a perfect version of the given site to the share.

随后的网页都比较相似,完全基于文本,单栏设计,有一些链接等等。 最初版本的 HTML 只有最基本的内容结构:标题 ( ...)

7、Subsequent pages were similar, in that they were entirely text-based and had a single-column design with inline links.


8、Coordinate the job between the Sample Master and the sample makers to better control the quality and craftsmanship of the samples.

开发人员在编写出一个完整的版本之前,可能需要解决很多怪异的 make 问题。

9、Developers have been having weird problems with make since before a complete version was written.


10、This version should work with All S60 3rd & 5th edition devices, including Nokia 5800 and N97.



2.10 has several small changes over that of version

2.00. The key areas are in many of the appendixes.



12、We've almost completed IPB

2.0.0 PDR

4 which completes the database abstraction and rounds off some features.



7.0 introduced the healing brush and text that was fully vector-based.


14、In the To Revision field enter the revision number that you want to revert to, ie. the one before the first revision to be reverted.

当前版本的 Apache 只接受有类型参数,正在开发的某个版本将来也许可以完全允许无类型参数。

15、The current version of Apache only accepts typed arguments, although there is a version in the works that will properly allow untyped arguments as well.


16、The fifth edition of The First-Time Manager will enable you to do that.


17、Each has lines, and even scenes, that are missing from the others.

虽然 HC 还不十分完整,但它的后端已经基本编写完成。

18、Although HC is not complete yet, its back end is nearly written now.


19、The RoboThespian comes in three variations, the Lite, Standard and Deluxe versions. It can also be hired for events.


20、Fundamental of computer design, Hennessey complete source code, has been tested.

21、In the era of the mainframe computing came in a vertically integrated package, mainly from IBM.在大型主机的时代,计算基本上是垂直整合组件包,主要由IBM提供。

22、Each generation contributes an imperfect copy of its genotype - and thereby of its phenotype - to its successor.每个世代都为其后代提供了其基因型——及其表型——的不完整备份。

23、Writing this flawed version of the code revealed that my first pass at decomposition wasn't complete.编写出这个有缺陷的代码版本揭示出分解的第一步并不完整。

24、Like a refrigerator with Japanese on the temperature dial, large buoys, even an intact fishing boat from Japan.比如一台日本冰箱的调温盘,大型浮标,甚至是一艘完整的日本渔船。

25、Then a complete vehicle side impact model is developed by adding finite element models for door trim, ES-2 dummy and moving deformable barrier on converted model.在转换模型的基础上,通过加入车门内饰、假人和移动障碍壁模型,建立了完整的整车侧面碰撞模型。

英文句子26:,26、The May 2008 RTW (released to web) version will be ready to go live, and developers can build shipping products on itxx年xx月份的RTW版本(通过Web发布的版本)已准备好发布,界时,开发者就可以基于它创建可发行产品了。

27、The seepage and boiling of sand on the uniform isotropic gravel base of dam can be reduced to completely penetrating well and nonpenetrating well model.均质各向同性砂砾石堤基渗漏涌砂可归纳为完整井和非完整井模型。

28、In this video we take the base low poly keyboard and use it as a reference to construct a full version with modeled keys.在这部影片的基础,我们采取低聚键盘和使用它作为参考,以建造一个模拟按键的完整版本。

29、Competition from the big local banks, only recently recapitalised, will prove formidable as they develop greater product sophistication.事实将证实,最近刚刚完成资本结构调整的本地大型银行一旦开发出更加成熟的产品,将带来强大的竞争。

30、In AIX 5L version 在 AIX 5L 版本

5.2 and later, there is a very large memory model.

5.2 和更高版本中,有一个非常大的内存模型。

31、Complete and seamless integration has always been a fundamental design goal of Amethyst.完整及无缝集成,一直是Amethyst的基本设计目标。

32、Beauty in Context-Towards an Anthropological Approach to Aesthetics which was published in 1996 records the basic theory in aesthetic anthropology completely.xx年范·丹姆出版的《语境中的美——美学的人类学方法研究》专著完整地记录了其审美人类学基本思想理论及其研究方法。

33、Past NFS versions did not have this ability and therefore could not negotiate for the quality of protection, data integrity, the requirement for authentication, or the type of encryption.以前的 NFS 版本都没有这种能力,因此不能对保护的质量、数据的完整性、认证的要求或加密类型进行协商。

34、At 八百五十万本,是史上最大的初版印量。

8.5 million copies, this is the largest first printing ever.

35、Monitor version Monitor 版本

6.0.2 introduces a new element of the overall IBM SOA BPM programming model, providing the primitives needed represent how to monitor business processes and activities.

6.0.2 引入整个 IBM SOA BPM 编程模型新元素,提供了表示如何监视业务流程和活动所需的基元。

36、After a complete end pock basically useless, so quickly.痘疤完整结好后基本上就没用了,所以要赶忙。

37、Figure 1-4: Each iteration produces a more complete release than the previous iteration.图1-4:每次迭代与前一次迭代相比,均生成了更完整的发布版本。

38、The Sync Framework toolkit provides the capabilities that was promised in Sync Framework v4.0 – the version for which there was CTP in October 2010, but never saw a full release.Sync Framework toolkit 提供了Sync Framework v4.0承诺实现的功能,早在xx年xx月份Sync Framework v4.0就发布了 CTP版本,但始终没有发布完整的版本。

39、" (for the complete text of the Common Public License V1.0, see Resources).(欲获得指向通用公共许可证

1.0 版完整文本的链接,请参阅本文稍后的 参考资料)。

40、This latest version employs a new scanning method based on ARP to deliver more complete and in-depth scanning results.这个最新版本采用了一种新的扫描方法的ARP基础,以提供更完整和深入的扫描结果。

41、There have been numerous publications about (SOA) maturity models; basically any maturity model can be used in combination with a SOA governance lifecycle.关于(SOA)成熟度模型已有大量的出版物,基本上任何成熟度模型都可结合SOA治理生命周期使用。

42、The replica decanters come in a 9-inch-tall 100-milliliter version and a 副本倾析在一个9英寸高的100毫升的版本,

17.5-inch-tall 750ml version.


43、Second, the author unfolds this theory from three aspects: first, based on the integrity of the plot, it divides quatrains into two parts: narration for integrated plot and incomplete plot.第二,笔者又从三个方面展开论述:一是基于故事情节完整性,给绝句划分为叙述完整的故事情节和叙述故事片段两大的类别;

44、A complete ribosome is composed of one larger and one smaller subunit.一个完整的核糖体是由一个较大的大亚基和一个较小的小亚基组成。

45、It is well known that in the baseline model firms face a perfectly elastic supply of capital goods and can adjust their capital stocks costlessly.众所周知,在投资的基准模型中,企业面临具有完全弹性的资本供给并能无成本的调整自己的资本存量。

46、A revision of that English book will be published in May this year.那本英文书的修订版将于今年xx月出版。

47、Naturally, all source-based Linux distributions need to be bootstrapped using a particular compiler version, which is by no means identical from distribution release to distribution release.自然,所有基于源代码的 Linux 发行版都需要使用各个发行版都完全不同的特定编译器版本来引导。

48、Most of the woodblock prints of the Northeast are colored woodcuts.北大荒版画基本上是套色木刻。

49、However much that state of things may have altered during the last twenty-five years, the general principles laid down in the Manifesto are, on the whole, as correct today as ever.不管最近xx年来的情况发生了多大变化,这个《宣言》中所发挥的一般基本原理整个说来直到现在还是完全正确的。

50、However, the version provided below by Ben Jing is not correct. I had done it based on the Yuan Ming Edition.然而,本净以下所提供的版本并不正确,我已依圆明版的版本完成。

经典英文句子51:(完整版)的五大基本句型,51、There are small footprint versions and real-time enhanced versions.另外还有小型版本和实时增强版本。

52、Format: Trade Paperback, 192 pages版式:大型平装本,192页

53、In about five years you would reconvert the entire industry.在大约xx年内,你可以再把整个电影业转型一次。

54、And then, an evaluation model of grey number based on TWW function is established.在此基础上建立了完整的基于三角白化权函数的灰数评价模型。

55、The application modeler compares and merges class model version 1+ and version 应用程序建模师进行比较,并在 RSA 中将类模型版本 1+ 和版本

1 into class model version

2 in RSA.

1 合并为类模型版本


56、At the time of this writing, the library was at V0.4, and some of the earlier commands don't work in the later versions.截至本文完稿时,库的版本是 V0.4,并且较老版本中的一些命令在最新版本中不能使用。

57、The large-sized Qijia tombs in the north - east part of the site are nearly complete.遗址东北部的齐家文化墓地保存基本完整,且规模较大。

58、Beginning with the basic concept and definition of version, bibliology and version of piano sonata literature, the subject will be collated to the category of bibliology.本课题从版本、版本学及钢琴文献之版本的基本概念和定义入手,将研究厘定于版本学的范畴之中。

59、This model refer to the printing company, which printing plate with big quantity and finishing in a short term.本机型是针对晒版量大集中短时间内完成的印刷厂家而设计。

60、It has been observed of the Hippolytus , in particular, that with some slight revision, you could have the same play and omit the gods entirely.在某些版本中,有人认为《希波理特斯》的神可被完全除去而仍保持完整剧情。

61、The first full version of Mendocino is scheduled for general release in July, but an early edition of the software will go out later this month to 40 customers for testing.最终完整版本的发布将会在很长一段时间之后,目前,两大公司希望把测试版给用户使用,从而更好的提高软件的性能。

62、Start with your existing tailored version of RUP for larger projects as your most robust and structured version.首先将您已经存在的用于较大型项目的被裁减过的 RUP 版本作为您最强大和结构化的版本。

63、We are publishing edited excerpts of the interviews; longer versions of most are available at Newsweek.com.我们公开了这些访谈的节选内容;大部分更完整的版本可以在Newsweek.com上看到。

64、An early form of bingo was first played in Italy in 1530.xx年,在义大利第一次有人玩早期版本的宾果。

65、etc/init.d/named start.对于大多数 UNIX/Linux 发行版本,您可以使用 /etc/init.d 中的脚本来完成此任务: # /etc/init.d/named start.

66、Version 版本

1.0 is RDF-based, but the most recent, version

2.0, is not.

1.0 基于 RDF,但最新的

2.0 版本不以 RDF 为基础。

67、In 1830 Sor published "Methode pour la Guitare", which Grunfeld calls his "… crowning achievement …

1、 the most remarkable book on guitar technique ever written.


68、The new five-volume edition of A Brief Introduction to and Comments on Famous Books on Chinese History was a revision of the three-volume version of 1990.《中国史学名著评介》新版五卷本,是在xx年版三卷本基础上修订完善而成。

69、There were two major types of edition of Lei jing in circulation, that is, the editions with and without the original contents of Nei jing (Inner Canon).《类经》之版本流传有两大类型,即带有《内经》原篇目的版本和不带有《内经》原篇目的版本。

70、The launch of the base model will be followed with the 在这款基本型上市后,大众将在秋季发布其

2.0T Jetta SportWagen that gets the 200-hp four-cylinder engine in the fall.




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