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1、Any overall color other than gray as described above, such as red, brown, solid black, white or other solid color, disqualifies.

颜色:黑色,灰色, 杏色

2、Color: black, gray, beige color optional 3

3 色自选。


3、Color: Gray Black, Po blue, beige.


4、For the selected color, choose white #FFFFFF from the color picker.

例如,一种颜色可能有一片草坪, 黄,或者紫色的颜色。

5、For example, a color may have a green, yellow, or purple hue.

颜色 - 你可以选择使用当前默认主题颜色方案, 或者一个预设的颜色方案。

6、Colours - You can select to use the current theme's default colour scheme for the players, or one of the preset colour schemes.

颜色: 黑色, 白色, 枣红色。

7、Color(s): Black, White, Claret Red.


8、Font colors - the best colors for reading online are black text on a white or off-white background.


9、Hello, $750 for a set of color price, the bag has several kinds colour, pay a few color plate charge.


10、The transparent color means that no color is specified and that it is the same as the page’s background color.

颜色: 浅灰色, 紫色, 黑色。

11、Color(s): Light- Grey, Purple, Black.


12、Rather we can say that objects have everycolor they appear to have, in their different contexts. So my shirt does nothave a true color—only truecolors.

颜色: 杏色, 桔色, 绿色。

13、Color(s): Almond, Orange, Green.


14、Colorizing is the process of blending the color of each pixel with a specified color.


15、Set fore color to very light blue (almost white), and back color to darker blue.

颜色:红色,蓝色, 杏色

16、Colors: red, blue, beige color optional 3

3 色自选。


17、Favorite color:Bule, Purple, Pink and White.


18、The hair on the muzzle is a little darker shade than the topknot .


19、Colour Appearance Attributes: Every colour has three basic characteristics: hue, lightness and chroma.


20、Eye Color: Shades of amber or brown, in accordance with coat color.

21、Set the unselected color to #C8D7E3 using the color picker.通过颜色选择器将未选中的颜色设置为 #C8D7E3。

22、We breed british shorthair in color blue, lilac and parti-colour in France.我们培育出颜色英国短毛猫蓝,丁香和杂色在法国的颜色。

23、Beluga usually ranges from purple to black, the palest being the most expensive.Beluga鱼子酱的颜色一般从紫红色到黑色到有,颜色最淡的的最昂贵。

24、Blue, blue-green and turquoise is the color of compassion and also the color of peace, health and happiness.蓝色、蓝绿色、绿松石色是同情的颜色,也是和平,健康和幸福的颜色。

25、Narrow particle size distribution, brilliant color, stable color batches and minor color difference.粒径分布窄,颜色鲜艳度高,批次间颜色稳定,色差较小;

英文句子26:,26、Color(s): Black, Orange, Khaki.颜色: 黑色, 桔色, 卡其色。

27、Color(s): White, Almond, Pink.颜色: 白色, 杏色, 粉色。

28、Color(s): Black, Almond, White.颜色: 黑色, 杏色, 白色。

29、Color(s) : Black , Grey , Almond.颜色: 黑色, 灰色, 杏色。

30、Colour: Deep brick red.颜色: 深棕红色。

31、Push "H" key , a single color move to flicker , push once more , cut from one color to another .按H键,就会变成单独一种颜色闪烁,再按一下,就会从一种颜色转换成另一种颜色。

32、The color of pigmented objects is named for the color that people see.有色素的物体的颜色,根据人们看到的颜色命名。

33、Color(s): Purple Red, Grey, Army-green.颜色: 紫红色, 灰色, 军绿色。

34、Color(s): Black, Pink, Almond.颜色: 黑色, 粉色, 杏色。

35、The color feature is chosen as the research emphasis and the key technology refer to color-based image retrieval is discussed.本文针对图像的颜色空间、颜色的量化和颜色特征提取方法进行了研究。

36、Two colors, can be a color, can also be printed 4-color process in color.二个颜色,可以是专色,也可以是印刷四原色中的颜色。

37、Should you choose the white meat over the dark meat?你是应该选白颜色的肉而非深颜色的肉吗?

38、The built-in palette browser allows choosing colors from pre-defined color sets and saving the most used colors in custom palettes.内置的调色板工具允许从预定义颜色集中选择颜色,并能在自定义调色板中存储常用颜色。

39、Available in a range of colours as green gray red yellow and natural.有颜色,浅灰,红,黄及水泥色等多种颜色;

40、What values does he embody? Grayness grayness that suggests the color of a land and a culture, the color of stone, of peasant clothes.体现了什么品质,灰色,灰色暗示了,一种土地和文化的颜色,石头的颜色,农民衣服的颜色。

41、Select color from a palette of default colors or from a screen pixel.从默认颜色中选择颜色,或者从屏幕中取色。

42、Primary colours take out everything except their own colours.三原色能够提取除它们原有颜色外所有其他颜色。

43、The colour of her hat clashed with the colour of her dress.她帽子的颜色与衣服的颜色不协调。

44、In this file, colour is defined in two parts: palette and colours.在这个文件中,颜色被定义为两部分:调色板和颜色。

45、Red is not the only red-hot hue. Pink is another strong seller.不仅红色是一种热卖的颜色,粉红色也是另一种热卖的颜色。

46、Color(s): Almond, Pink, Green.颜色: 杏色, 粉色, 绿色。

47、The dolphin, known as the white dolphin: But the color is determined by their body with a pink color, some gray color.白海豚,称为白色海豚:但是确定的颜色是,它们的身体带有粉红的颜色,有的是灰白的颜色。

48、Color: dark gray-black. Black, light gray.颜色:深灰黑。黑色, 浅灰色。

49、This study can change the color of Betulacostata trautv to or access to the color of precious essence through induced discoloration.本研究通过诱发变色可以使枫桦的颜色变为珍贵树种的颜色,或者接近珍贵树种的颜色;

50、Color(s) : Black , Coffee-red , Blue Purple.颜色: 黑色, 咖红色, 蓝紫色。

经典英文句子51:颜色,51、Color: light tan, light gray. Black.颜色:驼色,浅灰。黑色。

52、True color of color selection.真彩色的颜色选择。

53、Color matching calibrates color so that the printed results match the color displayed on the monitor.将颜色与校准颜色进行匹配,以使打印结果与监视器上显示的颜色相匹配。

54、Foreground & background colors for new objects. The small black and white squares reset colors. The small arrows swap colors. Double click to change colors.新对象的前景和背景色。黑白小方块可重置颜色。小箭头可调换颜色。双击可改变颜色。

55、Color(s): Almond, Black, White.颜色: 杏色, 黑色, 白色。

56、Even color lovers have a preference of "pill" colors...Browse the Color Library to see what colors are more prevalent than others.颜色控们甚至有最爱的“药丸”颜色... 快来看看下面的色彩库中,最潮的是什么颜色!

57、Color(s): Claret, Blue, Army-green, Black.颜色: 枣红色, 蓝色, 军绿色, 黑色。

58、Main technologies include color tolerance image, color threshold of adaptive learning, matching of color model, fuzzy neural network and color support vector machine etc.主要技术包括色度图、颜色库、自适应阈值、颜色模版匹配、模糊神经网络、颜色分类器等。

59、Colors: red, blue, green, beige color optional 4颜色:红色,蓝色,绿色, 杏色

4 色自选。

60、Draw a tiger. Color it yellow and black.画只老虎。给它涂上黄颜色和黑颜色。

61、The colours were dry and burnt, like the colours in pottery.颜色是干燥焦枯的,就像陶土的颜色。

62、An initialized color object. The color information represented by this object is in the device RGB colorspace.一个初始的颜色对象。颜色的信息引用自这个对象在设备中的RGB颜色通道信息。

63、Of all the colors in the spectrum, blue is an appetite suppressant .在光谱的所有颜色中,蓝色是一种抑制食欲的颜色。

64、Color(s): Almond, Black, Coffee.颜色: 杏色, 黑色, 咖啡色。

65、Color of the iris should blend with the color of the coat.虹膜的颜色应配合与被毛的颜色。

66、The nose should be dark and fully pigmented, black, liver, or slate, depending on the color of the hound.鼻镜的颜色深,色素充足,黑色、肝色和兰灰色,根据被毛颜色有所不同。

67、STEP 第三步:橙色颜色主题- 我们的三个主要颜色为绿色(叶),黑色(文字)和橙色。

3: Orange Colour theme - Our three major colours are green (leaf), black (text) and ORANGE.

68、The color of their fur changes from lighter in the winter to a more reddish-yellow in the summer.其皮毛颜色依季节而变化,夏天颜色较深,呈黄红色,冬天颜色变浅。

69、Color(s): Black, Almond, Pink.颜色: 黑色, 杏色, 粉色。

70、Re-paint, Colour touch up, Colour Change and Interior Lining Modifications.重漆,颜色修理、颜色变动和内部衬里修改。

71、Color:blue, dark green, black, red.颜色:蓝色,墨绿,黑色,梅红。

72、Puppies are born black and tan and are normally darker in body color, showing an intermingling of black hair in the tan until they are matured.幼犬在出生时的颜色是黑色和棕色,颜色很深。他的颜色是棕色中搀杂着黑色毛发,直到成年后。

73、At this point we're ready to start mixing things up a bit, what with the triads and the complementary colors and all.现在,我们准备把颜色混合起来,就是将三角形顶点颜色和互补色以及其他颜色混合起来。

74、Its color is red.它的颜色是红色。

75、A color display of a day-planner which uses color codes.使用颜色代码的日计划表的颜色显示。

英文句子模板76:Color,76、Color: Khaki, black, purplish red.颜色:卡其色,黑色,枣红。

77、Product color: Shallow brown red;产品颜色:浅棕红色;

78、Modulated colours from skin pink and paler shades to a more intense mauve.调制出的颜色从肉皮儿颜色粉和浅玄色到更强烈的淡紫色。


标签: 颜色

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