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关于”诗歌的格律“的英语句子49个,句子主体:the rhythm of poetry。以下是关于诗歌的格律的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:the rhythm of poetry


1、English metrical verse mainly involves three problems:rhyme, type of translation and inheritance of style. It thinks the rhyme of English poetry is unable to be translated completely.


2、Standard Grade Credit offers: complete coverage of the Standard Grade syllabus, with the inclusion of Scottish prose, poetry, drama and non-fiction;


3、What is the thread that pulls together all of the narratives, laws and wisdom, prophecy, poetry, instruction and exhortation?

a still greater perhaps in that of law;in poetry and philosophy it makes almost the whole.律师职业中或许所占比例更大; 而在诗歌和哲学领域里则几乎占了全部。

4、It makes a considerable part of it in the profession of physic;


5、He has composed 52 moderhythmical poems which can be classified into the styles of neat speech and mixed speech.


6、It's characterized by a kind of high formal bearing It has a careful decorum, a kind of high sheen, especially this early poetry.

自从有诗以来,追求声律、雕琢句文、用心最苦且创立学说最严格的人,没有人比得上 沈约。

7、Has its own poetry, the more rhythm, carving sentence text, written for the most bitter heart that the most serious, those with no such as Shen Yue.


8、Judging from his life story, poetic thought, content, artistic style, artistic methods, we can see that he is an undiscovered poem star, who deserves complete evaluation.


9、In the third chapter , I study Cheng Hao's poems through their language, artistic symbol , artistic conception and style .


10、While the touching rhythms singing for life.


11、The Conclusion of the article probes into the general issues of character personality presentation in operas, and discusses the general patterns and features of opera character portrayal.


12、By exploring the interaction mechanism between "representation" and "expression" in L. Odzer's poem , the thesis preliminary states its artistic pursuit of the aesthetic rules.

【摘 要】 对立性是布莱克美学思想的重要组成部分,也是他诗歌创作风格的中心要素。

13、Abstract】 Contrariety is a very important aspect of Blake's aesthetic thoughts, which is the central element underlying his poetry.


14、From his political strategies, ways to deal with problems and poem and paintings we can see his personality and its changes.


15、Monica is qualified in China and is licensed to practice law in the State of New York.


16、With prose poetry, prose and poems respectively, they enjoy high creative position and widespread influence in Chinese contemporary literature, and form artistic styles with clear individuality.


17、Holberg Suite,

2 Elegiac Melodies, Serenade for Strings)[APE]


18、For instance, if you are representing something like source code or poetry, where exact spacing matters, stick to element contents.


19、The poems of the canonical poets of high modernism require heavy footnotes.


20、We can see that they work hard in this poem and their importance in history development in qilu poem, from their poem in quite impressive number and the proportion of the total number.

21、Mian Mian's lawyer Sun Jingwei told reporters he met with Google's lawyers and was open to negotiating a settlement with the company.棉棉的代理律师孙景伟对记者说,他会见了谷歌的律师,并愿意与谷歌就和解进行谈判。

22、A women dressed as a Nicaraguan character known as "The Widow" attends a symbolic burial of the "Sadness and Poverty of the Soul" during celebrations of the International Poetry Festival in Granada.格拉纳达,庆祝国际诗歌节活动上一名妇女打扮成尼加拉瓜风格的“寡妇”参加象征着“悲伤与贫苦的灵魂”葬礼。

23、Oleg Luski-- A KGB agent posing as an immigration attorney for a London firm.奥列格•鲁斯基,一名假扮成伦敦律所移民律师的克格勃特工。

24、In the history of contemporary literature, the theory of modern metrics raised by He Qifang is of great impact.他提出的现代格律诗理论在现当代文学史上影响较大。

25、Compared with He Xun, Yin Keng s poetry was clear and fresh, and very mature in form.比起何逊,阴铿的诗格律非常成熟,形式浏亮新俊。

英文句子26:,26、After the failure of the political reform in Qingli Period, people are in low spirit and the style of his poetry also turns stern and cold.庆历新政失败后,士气低沉,他的诗歌风格也发生了变化,转入了清峻幽冷。

27、The scholar temperaments of Cao Pi's poetries were attributed to his growth experience, living environment and literary accomplishment.表现为一种轻盈摇曳、婉约多姿的诗歌风格,其形成与曹丕的个性气质、成长环境和文学修养有重要关系。

28、This song has a typical Tibetan style, the high-pitched Tibetan folk songs, melodies and so cheerful Guozhuang blend together.这首歌曲具有典型的藏族风格,把藏族高亢的山歌、欢快的锅庄等旋律揉合在一起。

29、The effects of the poet's personality and his appreciation of the beautiful on his style of the poesies were discussed while the poesies were studied.在分析文本的同时,注意探索权德舆性格特征和审美理想对诗歌艺术风格的影响。

30、Something that renders one legally ineligible; a disqualification.丧失资格某事物使…在法律上无资格;无资格。

31、Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.格林伍德歌手们是一群受人们欢迎的歌手。

32、Non-versification prevailed both in creative writing and translating after the deconstruction of constraints of literary language and metrical patterns.新诗在打破一切语言和格律的束缚之后,翻译和创作均呈现出非诗化、散文化的倾向。

33、As a kind of figure of speech, apostrophe often appears in poetry in the form of vision or personification.作为一种修辞格,呼语常被用在诗歌中,并伴随着示现或拟人的形式出现。

34、Based on the Germanic myth" Das Nibelungenlied" and the Nordic" Volsunga Saga" which also inspired the four-opera cycle by Richard Wagner and J.根据德国民间诗史《尼白龙根之歌》和北欧《沃尔松格传说》改编。

35、The rhythm of his poems is natural and pleasing. The free language of his poems follows strict metrics in which, however, readers can feel a breath of vividness.其诗富于自然舒畅的节奏感,在自由的口语中体现严谨的格律,严谨的格律中透出自如活泼的气息。

36、MR. GREENBERG: The work of the LDF showed that law could accomplish a great deal.格林伯格先生: 法律辩护基金的工作说明,法律能够大有作为。

37、Jack Gladstone, Montana-based songwriter and storyteller of the Blackfeet nation of the northern Great Plains, carries on his tribe’s tradition in poetry.杰克·格拉德斯通(Jack Gladstone)是蒙大拿州的歌词作者,也是北部大平原(Great Plains)地区黑脚(Blackfeet)部族的讲故事人,他通过诗歌传承黑脚部落的传统。

38、To be an excellent singer, one must comprehend words of a song and its temperament deeply.作为优秀歌手,对歌词和乐律要有深刻了解。

39、Milton is alerting us to the significance of the word "first" in the very first line, in this wonderful act of violating the laws of iambic pentameter.弥尔顿在第一句就促使我们注意到“,“初/先“一词的重要性,不惜违背了抑扬格五音步诗的格律。

40、Modern metrical poetry embodies the spirit of China and modernism to its full capacity. It possesses solid foundations and reflects initiatives at the same time.现代格律诗是最具有民族精神和现代意识的诗体,它的基点坚实且具有开拓精神。

41、Piotr thought of Agnieszka performing her poems, with her head bent over her guitar like a nursing mother.彼得亚雷想到阿格涅斯卡像位乳母似的,头俯向她手中的吉他在演奏她自己创作的诗歌。

42、The first chapter argues that the appearance of the Xikun Group is inevitable historically in term of the social cultural background and the tendency of the poetry.第一章首先从社会文化背景和诗歌发展规律两个方面论述了西昆体的出现是一种历史发展的必然。

43、This requires extreme discipline.这需要极度严格的纪律。

44、That track was really jungle-y but without as much melody- I think the melody was just his (singer Luke Haines') voice backwards.那个音轨确实具有丛林音乐的风格,不过没有什么旋律——我想旋律就是(歌手卢克·海恩斯)后面唱的那些。

45、But one of the important internal factors was neglected. That is, the simplicity and feasibility of "latest poetry" form finalized in the beginning of Tang Dynasty.唯其中有一重要内在因素被忽略,即「初唐定型之近体诗格律简易可行」。

46、September Song: What Melody Will The Market Sing?xx月之歌——股市该唱起怎样的旋律?

47、Modern drama is different with the new patter Qu, but we can find some common character in some words of song.现代的戏曲多与新体曲相异,而一些歌词还具有与新体曲相近的格律特征。

48、His recording for the Archive was made on 21 January 2003 at The Audio Workshop, London, and was produced by John Green.xx年xx月21 日由约翰·格林制作的《视听工作坊(伦敦)》将其作品录音音频收录在诗歌档案中。

49、Interviewer: Is there something in particular you think free verse will never be able to do the way that formal poetry can?有没有一些东西是你认为自由诗所永远做不到但格律诗却可以做到的?

50、"Song of the Guerrillas" is a mass with a march-style songs, melodies light, easy-to-sung.《游击队之歌》是一首具有进行曲风格的群众歌曲,旋律轻快,易于传唱。

经典英文句子51:诗歌的格律,51、According to the concept of "hero consciousness", chapter two classifies the content of WeiJin poems into four parts, each part is in one section.具体可分为人生况味与英雄意识、批判精神与英雄人格两个层面。第三节则揭示“英雄”人格的另一“变体”——侠义,在魏晋诗歌中的体现;

52、This time Six-character poem has completed the classical Chinese poetry rules process.这一时期六言诗完成了格律化过程。

53、The characteristics of the classic verse itself determines its personality education is a kind of permeating art that is like the rain moistening the crops gently and silently.古典诗歌自身的特点决定了其人格教育是一种“润物细无声”的渗透艺术。

54、Kelisidian (case of thunder of dagger of wheat of 克里斯蒂安(伊万·麦戈雷格饰)是年轻的钢琴诗人,拥有美丽的歌喉。

10 thousand · acts the role of Yi) it is young piano poet, have beautiful singing voice.

55、Playing the theme, the lack of singing characteristics ;弹奏主旋律时,缺乏歌唱性;

56、Secondly, select the acquaintances figure in Xiang Si's poetry and classify these figures, thus infer his personality characteristics and ideological state.其次,通过诗歌考察项斯交游的人物,并将这些人物加以分类,以此推论项斯的性格特征和思想状况。

57、In a unique manner it has been sung in many ways by various sages, by the Vedic hymns, by various aphorisms of Vedanta with its sound logic and reasoning and by conclusive evidence.以其独特的风格,在《呋陀》圣歌里,在以音律形式的逻辑推理,而得出结论性根据的各种《呋檀多》的格言里,它被各种各样的圣贤们以各种方式所歌唱。

58、Let me go back to the sound of this work.再让我们看看这首诗的音律。

59、Second song is Kim Dong Ryul's "Start", which was played as the first song in the very first broadcast.第二首歌是金东律的「出发」,这首歌是广播开播那天播出的第一首歌。

60、It is called Le Tigre Tour Theme.歌名是《老虎之旅的主旋律》。

61、Along with the establishment of "scholarly painting" and "implicit painting" traditions, poetry and painting achieved harmony in terms of expressing the author's personality.随着文人画、写意画主体地位的确立,诗歌和绘画在表现作者人格精神的最终指向上趋于统

62、Why does the poet bind his heart with such a severe discipline of form?为什么诗人要把他的心与如此这般严格的格律形式结合起来呢?

63、Wang Ming, a Chinese famous composer, his songs are unique and have an original style.王酩是我国的著名作曲家,他创作的歌曲旋律不落俗套,独创一格。

64、And enjoy the melody, lyrics while learning English?在享受旋律和歌词的同时学习英文。

65、What impresses most in Goldings work is his trenchant pen, his poetic narrative style, and his keen insight into human nature.他的作品以其犀利的文笔、诗歌般的叙述风格以及对人性的深刻洞察而著称。

66、"The Essay on Tone and Rhyme" in The Literary Mind and Carved Dragon (Wenxin Diaolong) plays an important role in Chinese poetic theories , especially in those about poetic tone and rhyme.《文心雕龙?声律》在我国诗歌理论尤其是声律理论的发展中占有重要地位。

67、As people get richer, they spend a smaller share of their dosh on nosh, according to Engel’s law, an economic regularity named after Ernst Engel.根据恩格尔定律,越富有的人在小吃上花的钱就越多。 恩格尔定律是以恩斯特恩格尔命名的经济规律。

68、This song has a perfect melody.这首歌的旋律真美。

69、The creation of Chinese modern new poetry have ignored theoretical construction of its own, but put undue emphasis on the colloquial and prose style, and opposed the metrical and standard patterns.中国现代新诗创作长期以来忽视自身理论建设,片面强调口语化、散文化,而反对新诗的格律化和规范化。

70、Firstly, songs are catchy, and the melodies, and, in turn, the words that follow them, do tend to stick in your mind.首先,歌曲和旋律朗朗上口,反之,歌词随着旋律也会更容易融入到你的脑海当中。

71、Xia north folk song; Melody characteristics; Arethusa flower; Style characteristic; Sing on stage technique.陕北民歌;旋律特点;兰花花;风格特征;演唱技巧。

72、The central issue of modern metrical poetry is the artistic experiment.现代格律诗建设的中心问题是艺术实验。

73、Presenter: We know that you have collected a lot of Philippine epics and ballads, but they are not all you got from your fieldwork.主持人: 我们知道,您收集采录了许多菲律宾史诗和歌谣,但除此之外,您在田野工作中一定还有其他收获。


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