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关于”hobby的美句“的英语句子48个,句子主体:The beautiful words of hobby。以下是关于hobby的美句的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The beautiful words of hobby


1、It's also important to have a hobby. Something that's just for you. Music is my hobby. (That's me at Guitar Center.)

2、、H appy is the man who is living by his hobby. 醉心于某种癖好的人是幸福的。


3、Never take hobby as your job, or you will lose your hobby.


4、I dropped my hobby and turned professional.


5、He tinkers with old radios for a hobby.


6、Photography is the most expensive hobby.


7、My hobby is riding my scooter.


8、Yes. My hobby is collecting toy cars.


9、My hobby is collecting stamps, do you have a hobby?


10、Join a hobby group.


11、My new hobby is driving.


12、Photography is a top-priced hobby.


13、A hobby such as gardening or knitting


14、All chessplayers should have a hobby.

15、What I love is singing, dancing and playing the piano 希望能够帮当你 仅供参考


16、His most educational hobby is stamp-collecting .


17、He has taken up stamp-collecting as a hobby.


18、Don't have a hobby or passion?


19、Some homemakers make a hobby of collecting coupons.


20、Without bad hobby.

21、Stamp-collecting is a popular hobby.集邮是一种普遍的业余爱好。

22、Common Map Turtles – Beautiful & under-appreciated in the hobby.普通地图龟,非常美丽,在宠物市场上被低估了。

23、Her hobby is playing the piano.作文篇目

四 My Room

24、Angel's hobby is collecting stickers.安琪儿的爱好是什么?。

25、hobby(爱好) ride a bikeriding a bike(骑自行车) divediving(跳水)

英文句子26:,26、Photography is an expensely hobby.摄影是门破钞很多的喜欢。

27、Influenced by his hobby, his daughter gradually fell in love with pyrography too. His wife greatly supports their hobby.受父亲的影响,女儿也逐渐的爱上了烫画,妻子对丈夫和女儿的爱好大力支持。

28、My hobby is playing the piano.我的爱好是弹钢琴

29、He tinkers with antique toys for a hobby.他把修理旧式玩具当成嗜好。

30、Corey : Yes, she was; needlework was her favorite hobby.科里:没错,缝纫是她最喜欢的嗜好。

31、Alternatively, a Facebook page is perfect if you have a second (perhaps moonlighting) job, or a serious hobby.如果你有第二职业(或者兼差),或者业余爱好的话,拥有一个 Facebook个人主页可以作为你的完美选择。

32、Stamp - collecting is a hobby for many people.集邮是很多人的爱好。

33、Desiging jewelry is a hobby of mine.设计珠宝是我的一个爱好。

34、Probably except me, none of the other kids made art just a hobby.我想以业余爱好为学习目的的,在我们年级美术班的30个同学中,可能只有我一个。

35、My hobby is collecting stamps .我的业余爱好是集邮.

36、my father's hobby is going fishing.(直接是fishing也行)

37、Except bodybuilding, does she have any hobby?除了健美,她还有其他爱好吗?

38、My hobby is roller skating.我的爱好是溜旱冰。

39、During our leisure time, reading is our main hobby.闲暇时间,读书便是我们的最大爱好。

40、Five. My hobby is reading, acting, guitar, Allegro, calligraphy.我的爱好是阅读、表演、吉他、快板、书法。

41、Jimmy: My hobby?Of course it is to eat much food.我的爱好?当然是胡吃海喝啦。

42、Individual service hobby: Looks at"girlfriend's"small tender hand;个人业务爱好:看“女朋友”的小嫩手;

43、Li Kai is my classmate. His hobby is music.李凯是我的同班同学。

44、Help your child develop a non-sports hobby. Then provide him with books on the hobby. Hobbie help develop curiosity.帮助你的孩子培养一项非运动型的爱好。然后给他一些这方面的书。爱好有助于培养好奇心。

45、His hobby is nursing plants.他的嗜好是栽培植物。

46、Many people in Peking have made morning shopping a hobby.逛早市已成为许多北京人的习惯。

47、逛街是她最大的爱好 Going shopping is her favorite (hobby).

48、Hobby: The run , the Chinese chess, journey.业余爱好:跑步,中国象棋,旅行。

49、Did you know that North America's favorite hobby is genealogies?你晓得在北美一种很受欢迎的嗜好是家谱学吗?

50、Really? I thought your hobby was chasing girls.真的吗?我还以为你的爱好是追女孩子呢。

经典英文句子51:hobby的美句,51、A:When did you form this hobby?你什么时候养成了这个习惯?

52、Yes. I think hobby is advantageous to social life. People will engage in their hobby and the stability of the society will be increased.我认为业余爱好对社会生活是有益的,人们要是专注于业余爱好,有利于社会的安定团结。

53、We have the same hobby-collecting stamps.我们有着相同的爱好罣——集邮。

54、Reading as a hobby end up becoming a more expensive hobby than MMO gaming.阅读作为一种业余爱好终结于比网游更加贵的费用。

55、It started as a hobby but now he is freelancing fulltime offering art direction, graphic design and illustration.起始是作为爱好,现在他是全职自由职业者,提供艺术指导、美术设计和插图。

56、Yaoyao's hobby is keeping a diary.瑶瑶的爱好是写日记。

57、Playing piano is another hobby during my spare time.弹钢琴是我空暇时间的另一大爱好。

58、My hobby is playing chess.我的爱好是下象棋。

59、I play golf. 我打高尔夫球。 烹饪是我的爱好。

4. Cooking is my hobby.


60、My favorite hobby is bungee jumping.我最大的嗜好就是蹦极跳。

61、If you want more than my hobby time, I do product consultation on an ad hoc basis at $300 per hour.如果你们想占用我的更多时间,我会按照每小时300美元收取产品咨询费。

62、Pursue a hobby. My hobby (until it became a profession) was blogging … I would do it at work in my spare time, or before or after work.我的爱好(直到它变成我的专业之前)是写博客,我利用我工作间隙的空余时间来写博客。

63、My father's hobby is playing basketball. My father loves to play basketball. 其实都可以

64、He go on at tedious length about his favourite hobby.他仍不厌其详地讲他的业余爱好。

65、His only hobby is growing flowers.他惟一的喜好是莳花。

66、He tinkers with old cars for a hobby.他把修理旧车当成嗜好。

67、His is hobby is drawing cartoons.他的爱好是画漫画。

68、His favorite hobby is collecting ancient paintings.他最大的爱好是收藏古画。

69、After all, everyone needs a hobby.必竟,每个人都需要有一个业余爱好的。

70、Angling his main hobby.钓鱼饲他的主耀爱好。

71、Help your child develop a non-sports hobby.帮助你的孩子培养一项非运动型的爱好。

72、Photography is an servingly hobby.摄影是门花消很多的喜爱。

73、Maybe you will even make your hobby into the business!兴许你还能依靠你的爱好赚钱呢。

74、Keeping carrier pigeons is his hobby.养信鸽是他的业余爱好。



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