关于”结构有几种类型“的英语句子50个,句子主体:There are several types of structures。以下是关于结构有几种类型的专业英语句子。
英文句子模板1:There are several types of structures
1、Structs are value types and classes are reference types.
2、Unlike the other two, this is not an opaque type; its structure is documented.
3、This product type hierarchy is defined in a metadata structure and has an associated set of database tables and business services.
4、According to the results of FEA and clinical data, a new structural NiTi stent is designed. The stent is composed of the sinusoid-like element supporting frame and short struts.
5、There are three types of graduate unemployment: structural unemployment, frictional unemployment and voluntary unemployment.
6、Currently, most of the NR2B antagonists known are structurally related to ifenprodil, and some belongs to the types of amides , amidines and aminoquinolines.
7、Generally speaking, Liu Guofang's mini-novels mainly have the following several kinds of plot structure types: reversal type, tortuous type, contrast type and repeat type.
8、The structure antioxidation relationship of typical flavonoid antioxidants is investigated by means of structural chemistry and the semiempirical calculation method of quantum chemistry.
9、Almost all kinds of metamorphic rocks can be discovered here.
“不大VP ”有两种结构,能进入这两种结构的几乎都是褒义、中性形容词或动词。
10、The "Bu Da VP " has two types which are commendatory or neutral terms.
11、The use of steel reinforcement with structures of this type greatly increases their strength .
12、The company is specialized in producing various types of joint bearing structure sentinel enterprises.
13、Experimental results on several geogrids were employed to evaluate the constitutive model.
14、TYPE OF CONSTITUTION : Coarse, with a massive bone structure and a powerful musculature.
15、A product type hierarchy is a strict tree, whereas a category hierarchy can be a directed acyclic graph.
16、As far as structure is concerned, titles of academic dissertations fall into three types:"phrase"type, "colon" type, and "title-subtitle" type.
17、Semiempirical calculations at the MNDO level were performed on nitroaromatic compounds to obtain fully optimized geometries and electronic structures.
18、There are hundreds of ancient bridges existing in Hubei Province. However, they may be different in construction type, structure, shape, practice or craft, and each has its excellent aspect.
19、Lactoferrin is an iron-binding protein that has been reported to inhibit several other types of cancer.
了解了用于探查 C++ 中几种函数类型的 Vue 语言语法、访问其参数的方法以及头文件的结构。
20、You learned Vue language syntaxes for probing several function types in C++, how to access their arguments, and the structure of header files.
21、Several kinds of secreting cells are distributed in the epithelium and the connective tissue.上皮细胞与结缔组织中分布有几种不同类型的粘液分泌细胞。
22、There were clearly difference of the anatomical structures and the ultrastructural of chloroplast of leaves in different types.不同类型苦丁茶叶片解剖结构和叶绿体超微结构间有明显差异。
23、Types of the synaptic structures in ICCN have been shown. One is the asymmetrical synapse, the other is the symmetrical synapse.ICCN内具有不对称突触与对称突触两种类型的突触结构。
24、Bandedness is one type of structure, but there are others, and Brualdi expects other mathematicians to apply techniques like Strang’s to other types of structured matrices.带状是一种结构,但还有其他的,Brualdi希望数学家们把像Strang一样的方法用到其它结构类型的矩阵中去。
25、This rod-shaped structure is similar to the abalone shell in nature.这种结构与红鲍鱼壳的结构类似。
1) long-segment types accounted for 25% of all cases.
27、There are three types of cloud formations: private (on premise), public, and hybrid.云的构成有三种类型:私有(内部)、公共和混合型。
28、Main forest vegetation types are investigated in suburb of Yunfu city, and the result shows that there are 591 ligneous plants which make up 对云浮市城郊主要森林植被类型进行调查,结果表明,在该地区有并分析了不同植被类型的结构特征,为地域性植被恢复提供参考。
9 vegetation types in this area.
5 91种木本植物,构成9种植被类型;
29、There are methods for almost every datatype.对于每种数据类型,几乎都有相应的方法。
30、In the forage value type structure, the species of middling and lowness quality take the most even 52%, but those of high and fine quality only take 23%.饲用价值类型结构以中、低等质量的种类最多占52%,而优、良牧草种类只占23%。
31、The structural characteristics, synthetical methods and their applied results of several different blue-sensitive dyes in different silver halide emulsions are introduced.主要介绍了几种不同类型感蓝染料结构特点,以及在各种乳剂中的增感作用、合成方法和应用情况。
32、Regardless of appearance, either type of Sequence Structure executes code exactly in the same manner.不管外观,也勿论顺序结构的类型,它们执行代码几乎是一样的方式。
33、The Style X body design has special geometry and plate configuration to allow each plate to strike the stop pin in its center of percussion.类型阀体结构具有特殊的几何结构和阀瓣配置,使得每个阀瓣撞击在其撞击中心的止动销上。
34、The aesthetic evaluation of landscape spatial structure shows that the broad-leaved forest is the dominant landscape with many types of landscape that form dispersal patch structure in Wuyuan County.结果表明:研究区的优势景观为阔叶林景观,又有多种景观类型分散在其内,构成分散的斑块景观结构类型;
35、Arched corrugated metal roof exhibits strong geometrical nonlinearity when loaded, which has often been ignored in structural design.金属拱型波纹屋盖结构在力学性能上具有很强的几何非线性,结构设计必须考虑几何非线性的影响。
36、From structural geometry, Wuxia fault belt developed twelve structural styles, among them fault-propagation folds and buckle-propagation anticline are the most important.从构造几何学分析来看,乌夏断裂带发育12种主要的构造样式类型,其中断层相关褶皱类型以纵弯背斜、断展背斜及其生长类型为主。
37、The conductivity of several perovskite-type and similar perovskite-type oxide materials was investigated.研究了几种钙钛矿结构以及类钙钛矿结构材料的电导性能。
38、Type, structure, union, and enum definitions._ 类型、结构、联合体和枚举定义。
39、Languages exhibit typologic variation in resultative construction formation.结果结构呈现出跨语言的类型学差异。
40、Type comes in several weights, from extra-light to extra-bold.每种类型都有几种粗度,从最轻到最重。
41、A structured data type is a form of user-defined data type that contains a sequence of attributes, each of which has a data type.结构化数据类型 是一种用户定义的数据类型,它包含了一系列的属性,每一个属性都有一个数据类型。
42、In this part, we take a look at a special type of architecture, namely, business architecture.在此部分,我们将了解一种特殊的体系结构类型,即业务体系结构。
43、These two types of retrievals are the quickest, as no additional data structures have to be built.这两种检索类型是最快的,因为它们不需要构建额外的数据结构。
44、Convextype dots had not phellem cell in texture.突嘴型果点无木栓细胞结构,属初生类型;
45、Benzotriazole, o - hydroxyl benzophenone, salicylic acid and esters comprise several important types of ultraviolet - absorbents(UAS).水杨酸酯类化合物构成了几种重要类型的紫外吸收剂。
46、A useful convention is to name structured types with the '_t' suffix to make their identity as structured types obvious.一个有益的习惯是,使用 '_t'后缀来命名结构化类型,使它们的结构化类型特征变得更明显。
47、Two kinds of crust, i. e. , structural crust and depositional crust, were observed in the experiment.结果表明,降雨过程中有两种类型结皮形成,即沉积结皮和结构结皮。
48、Dendritic structure which has diverse architectural modeling with well seismic performance is a new structure of the space structure.树状结构建筑造型多样,抗震性能好,是一种具有生命力的新型空间结构。
49、Although there are many different new historical novels, they can be divided into three types according to the means of narrate:retell, fabricate and clan narrated.新历史小说文本探索角度各异、手法多样,但按叙事类型来作类分,大致可以把这种新历史小说的叙事模式分为重叙型、虚构型以及家族化等几种类型。
50、Two kinds of buffalos' frontal sinus are the thin-shell constitution as an arch bridge.两种类型水牛额窦内部都呈拱桥式薄壳结构。
经典英文句子51:结构有几种类型,51、In UML, built-in data types are present and new types can be built using the structure of classes.UML 中,提供了内置的数据类型,而新类型则可以使用类的结构来构建。
52、Knowledge about several connection ways and sealing types for oil-well pipes are given in the article.介绍了油井管的几种连接结构及其密封型式。
53、The type of structure according to the verbs of different type of semantics are asymmetric.动词语义类型分布不对称,形成的述结式结构类型不对称。
54、A stabilized-soil structure formation model is proposed. Based on the model, hydrates varieties required to form optimum structure of the stabilized soil are suggested.提出了一个固化土结构形成模型,根据此模型讨论了形成最佳固化土结构所需要的水化物种类;
55、In stereoisomerism , substances with the same atoms are Bonded in the same ways But differ in their three-dimensional configurations.第二种类型是立体同分异构体,具有相同原子的物质以相同的键合方式结合,但它们的三维构型不同。
56、Structure exists on nearly all scales in the universe.宇宙中几乎有各种规模的结构存在。
57、Firstly, several current network topology configurations for EPON are presented.首先介绍了EPON的几种现有网络拓扑结构。
58、The space cable-truss structure with large opening annular plan is one of cable-strut tensile structures, composed plan cable-truss structures connected by inner rings.大开口环形空间索桁架结构是由内环索将平面索桁架连成整体的一种索杆张力结构,目前世界上已有几个大型体育场采用了这种结构体系。
59、Similarly to structured types, typed tables can be part of a table hierarchy consisting of a single root table, supertables, and subtables.与结构化类型类似,类型化表可以是由单独的 根表、超表 和 子表 组成的 表层次结构 的一部分。
60、A numerical method is studied for an age-structured population model with space-limited recruitment.对一类有限空间年龄结构种群模型提出了一种数值方法。
61、According to the method of testing, the structure of testing can be divided into two types: linear distributed structure and long-distance distributed structure.根据测试方法,测试结构被划分为两种类型:线形分布式结构、远程分布式结构。
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