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关于”祈使句用法及句型“的英语句子57个,句子主体:The Usage and Pattern of imperative Sentence。以下是关于祈使句用法及句型的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The Usage and Pattern of imperative Sentence


1、When using the MERGE syntax, an error will be raised if there are multiple matches.

用户维护的 MQT 也可以使用 LOAD 语句来填充。

2、A user-maintained MQT can also be populated using a LOAD statement. The steps to accomplish this are listed below


3、In other words,the rabbis,eventually, started rejecting the use of the Greek bible,also.

除了 Extend,您也可以使用 Replace 方法(例如,想想 C 中的 #ifdef 语句)来更改规则的内容。

4、In addition to Extend, you can also use a Replace method (think of #ifdef statements in C, for example) to change a rule's contents.

so provide里的so应该就是指它前半句内容A contract shall be in written form so agree里的so 应该指它前半句的A contract shall be concluded in written form (由于接触法律英语较少,所以这里so是不是法律英语特殊用法,我不确定。

5、 A contract shall be concluded in written form if the parties "so" agree。


6、Objective To standardize the warning languages and the patterns in admonitory plates.

未使用的代码(rulesets/unusedcode.xml)—— 查找从未使用的私有字段和本地变量、执行不到的语句、从未调用的私有方法,等等。

7、Unused code (rulesets/unusedcode.xml) -- Looks for private fields and local variables that are never read, unreachable statements, private methods that are never called, and the like.


8、" The enlightened soul relegates the "gimme" prayer to the nursery toy box, and turns to the prayer of thanksgiving, of adoration, of petition for the woes of others, always adding, "Thy will be done.

这也是Google Talk中带有的属性,但是在IM中需要使用特定的句法来使它工作。

9、This is an option in the Google Talk feature as well, but it requires a special syntax to make it work over IM.


10、Methods Experimental BPH was induced in mice and rats, and carrageenin was used to induce inflammation.

即使在 synchronized 块或方法调用之间有其他语句,编译器仍然能够执行锁粗化。

11、Even if there are other statements between the synchronized blocks or method calls, the compiler can still perform lock coarsening.

所有 IBM 设计器仍然能够使用具有语法彩色显示和语句完成功能的智能多行编辑器。

12、All IBM designers continue to use the smart multi-line editors that provide syntax colorization and statement completion.

使用一对连字符在 SQL 语句中嵌入注释的功能

13、The ability to embed comments in a SQL statement using a pair of hyphens


14、Lit-up Icon: The prayer is in use and will continue to drain your prayer points until you stop praying.


15、So she began again: 'Ou est ma chatte?' which was the first sentence in her French lesson-book.

迪米特法则使用 只与直接朋友对话这句格言指出:我们应当避免调用由另一个对象方法返回的对象上的方法。

16、Using the motto Talk only to immediate friends, the Law of Demeter states that we should avoid invoking methods of an object that was returned by another object's method.

我们要快点了. (和上一句用法相同,hit the road表现出紧急,很形象)

17、We've got to hit the road.

在这里,您使用 zero.data API 访问管理器(已在 zero.config 中配置),它将使用 zero.data API 执行 SQL 语句。

18、APIs to access a manager (which you configured in the zero.config), which then uses the zero.data

使用 EXEC SQL 语句进行 COBOL 程序的 DB2 预编译或者预处理。

19、DB2 pre-compile or pre-process of COBOL programs with EXEC SQL statements.

第二个 print 语句用于打印新行,从而使乘法表中的下一行被打印在新的行中。

20、The second print statement is used to print a newline so that the next row in the times table is printed on a new line.

21、The preponderance of long sentences in legal English is one of the most important aspects which embody the stylistic features of legal English.长句在法律英语中的大量使用是体现其文体特征的重要方面之

22、Because this is development code, I use lots of debug statements.由于这是开发代码,因此使用了许多调试语句。

23、I kept using relative pronouns like "who did this," "which this," and using ing-words,participles, because that's what you use in the Greek to string along clause after clause after clause.我却要使用关系代词,“谁做这“,“这是“,使用现在分词,分词,因为希腊语就是用这种方法,连接一个又一个从句。

24、You can use a microphone to record words so you can practice your weekly spelling.用者可使用扩音器去录下字句,以便能于每星期练习串字。

25、In the United States and European countries, fair use of trademark includes both 'descriptive fair use' and 'nominative fair use'.欧美法律中商标合理使用主要包括“说明性合理使用”和“被提及的合理使用”两种类型。

英文句子26:,26、And applying "reduction" to "sentence thinking" and "benefiting it by reduction" show dialectics of art.运用“减法”于“句思维”,“损之而益”是艺术的辩证法。

27、Braces (rulesets/braces.xml) -- Checks whether for, if, while, and else statements use braces.括号(rulesets/braces.xml)—— 检查 for、 if、 while 和 else 语句是否使用了括号。

28、He wanted a one-word answer: yes or no.他只要法尔孔用一句话作答:会,还是不会。

29、What I dislike is when unless is used with an else like so…我们不喜欢用unless是使用else条件句的时候,就像这样

30、This adds import statements of the packages needed for using classes such as PrintWriter.这将添加使用诸如 PrintWriter 等类所需的包的导入语句。

31、The dietary advice, blessed water and special prayers of the other clerics is also sought.饮食疗法、福水以及特殊的祈祷会也被用于治疗疾病。

32、We explores microcosm-entirety and macrocosm-entirety of text-Syntax and function of them in the generation model.文中探究了文本句法中的微观整合性和宏观整合性以及它们对文本生成的作用。

33、To make this happen, we will use with-syntax which is essentially a "let" statement for macros.为此,我们将使用 with-syntax,这本质上是用于宏的 “let” 语句。

34、Looked from the artistic technique, Rung Yu has inherited the Du poem multipurpose "the running water to" the syntax characteristic, has used "the running water massively in the creation process for".从艺术手法上看,戎昱继承了杜诗多用“流水对”的句法特征,在创作过程中使用了大量的“流水对”。

35、Privileges can be granted on federated procedures using the GRANT/REVOKE (routine privileges) statement.可以使用 GRANT/REVOKE (routine privileges) 语句授予联邦过程上的特权。

36、In other words, your application starts with an empty grammar pool.换句话说,应用程序启动的时候语法池是空的。

37、Then, using a foreach statement, it lists the bare content of the section elements.然后,使用一个 foreach 语句,列示那些 section 元素的纯内容。

38、In other words, we can not separate from the circumstances to using language.换句话说,我们不可能完全自顾自地去使用一种语言。

39、The second imperative I take to have been drawn from E. M. Forster's maxim "Only connect", from chapter 22 of Howard's End, part of a speech that I feel I never really understood in the first place.至于第二个祈使语,我看大概是取材于福斯特(E. M. Forster)的那句名言:“唯有连接!” (Only connect),这话出自于《爱德华的终结》第22章,原本是一篇演说里的一句话,而我对于那篇演说本来就不大看得懂。

40、You'll also notice another feature of these examples of the imperative is that there is no subject.同时你可能也会注意到,这些祈使句是没有主语的。

41、The problem is actually how to get the SQL generated by LINQ queries to use the NOLOCK hint as SQL developers are accustomed.这个问题实际是在找出一个办法,使LINQ查询生成的SQL语句能够像SQL开发人员常用的做法那样加上NOLOCK选项。

42、The juxtapositions are hardly startling; and yet notice this: the evening is like a nun breathless with adoration.虽然这些语词的「并置」方式并不令人惊奇,但是请注意此句: 「此傍晚就像修女屏息般祈祷」。

43、Defining the 'space syntax' will produce, for example, pedestrian walkways that not only feel secure but are well used.例如,定义“空间句法”也许可以提供不仅仅是安全的而且要使用得当行人的路线。

44、It will make your method more readable if you typedef a float to be used within this method.如果在该方法中使用 typedef float 语句,这将使该方法更具可读性。

45、WE DENY that God, in causing these writers to use the very words that He chose, overrode their personalities.神在促使这些作者使用他拣选的字句时,压抑了他们的风格。

46、Still, there's no escaping the nested sequence of if-else statements.尽管如此,仍然无法避免使用嵌套的 if-else 序列语句。

47、Chapter Five is illuminated by Markedness Theory, exploring the wide distribution of English transitive syntactic constructions and semantic acceptability.第五章以标记理论为认知理据,探讨了英语及物句法结构的分布及语义可接受性。

48、The language understanding of user to the meaning of huan and its sentence meaning and its utterance structure leads to its ultimate semantic development.语言使用者的对“还”的词义、句义及话语结构的理解,最终导致了它的语义演变。

49、Next, you obtain a handle to your LDAP connection established earlier in the Activator class’s initializeLDAP method.接下来,将获得前面使用 Activator 类的 initializeLDAP 方法建立的 LDAP 连接的一个句柄。

50、In actual use and with certain regularity, the word-class errors are particularly prominent, which reflects the interaction of morphology and syntax.在使用上,词类的偏误特征尤其突出,很多偏误均带有一定的规律性,体现出词法与句法结构的相互作用。

经典英文句子51:祈使句用法及句型,51、I'd like to put in a word here, never use disposables in the office, use recycled printer cartridges and rechargeable batteries.我想插一句,永远不要在办公室使用一次性的文具,使用再生打印机墨盒及充电电池。

52、This syntactical decision gives you a degree of flexibility in the implementation of abstract-class derivatives.这种句法决策使您在抽象类继承的实现方面有一定的灵活性。

53、In other words, we are replacing the resource properties document with a JSON object and using HTTP methods in lieu of WS-RP methods.换句话说,我们正使用 JSON 对象替代资源属性文档,并使用 HTTP 方法替代 WS-RP 方法。

54、As before, end with a period on a line of its own, and use wq to write the file and quit.与前面一样,各个行使用一个句点结束,并使用 wq 写入文件并退出。

55、The woman was very good at commending: her orders were all couched in soft-toned imperative sentences.女人发号施令的手段很高明,使用的都是口气柔和的祈使句。

56、A joint use of both features facilitates the definition of new statements without extending the syntax and without using macro-like meta-programming facilities.两者结合使用可方便地定义新语句,无需扩展语法,也无需使用类似宏的元编程工具。

57、This thesis discusses the great values of law term for the history of Chinese grammar which based on the spring of forcing resultative complement and special syntax form.文中以使成式的产生与特殊句式为例说明了法律用语对汉语历史语法学研究的重要价值。

58、Methods to generalize the main idea of paragraph:( 概括段旨的方法主要有:(

1) make clauses extracts;


59、This summary information allows you to determine the heavy hitter SQL statements in your applications.该摘要信息使用户能够确定应用程序中的关键 SQL 语句。

60、The GOBACK statement specifies the logical end of a called program or invoked method.GOBACK 语句指定了所调用的程序或方法的逻辑结束部分。

61、Every securable object has permissions that can be granted to a principal using permission statements.每个可保护对象都具有可使用权限语句授予主体的权限。

62、All these syntactical advantages of using XML and JSP become obvious, especially when the code generator needs lots of attributes.使用 XML 和 JSP 的这些句法方面的优点是很明显的,尤其是当代码生成器需要大量属性的时候。

63、You can use the default statement with enums and switches, just as you would expect. Listing 正如您所期待的,在使用枚举和 switch 时,您可以使用 default 语句。

7 illustrates this usage

64、We use cognitive linguistics and construction grammar theories to form the generation of acquisition type of double-object structure.采用个案分析的方法,得出获取义双宾句的使用频率和范围倾向,用认知语言学的原理加以解释;

65、goto statements and recursive function calls may be supported by the language definition, but it is known that using other methods makes the code easier to understand.语言规范可能支持 goto 语句和递归函数调用,但使用其他方法能够让代码更易于理解。

66、Notice the "self-closed" syntax used for the img element (in other words, it ends in />), and the use of numeric entity form for the copyright symbol, ©.注意,img 元素使用的是 “自闭合” 语法(换句话说,它以 /> 结束),版权符号使用的是数值实体形式 ©。

67、To execute the SQL statement that is known at the time the application is written, we can use the $dbh->do method. The syntax for that method is as follows要执行在编写应用程序时就已经知道的 SQL 语句,可以使用 $dbh->do 方法。

68、This article explains how to collect an SQL Performance Monitor and understand how many of the SQL queries are using SQE and why other SQL statements continue to use CQE.本文解释如何收集 SQL 性能监视器,以及理解很多 SQL 查询在如何使用 SQE,为什么其他 SQL 语句继续使用 CQE。

69、SQLJ provides the unique ability to develop using static SQL statements and control access at the DB2 package level.SQLJ 提供了独特的使用静态 SQL 语句进行开发以及在 DB2 包级别控制访问的能力。

70、DB2 DB2

9.7 introduces the statement concentrator feature that improves the performance of programs that use dynamic SQL, and are developed in languages such as Ruby and PHP.

9.7 引入了语句集中器特性,提高了使用动态 SQL 以及 Ruby 和 PHP 语言开发的程序的性能。

71、Execution of an SQL statement that is unknown at the time the application is written (dynamic SQL) requires a different technique and can be accomplished by using the $dbh->prepare method.执行一条在编写应用程序时还未确定的 SQL 语句(动态 SQL)需要使用一种不同的技术,可以使用 $dbh->prepare 方法来实现。

72、What support pacs you need and how to use them.所需的 support pac 类型以及相关使用方法。

73、Methods:The studies are carried out by antidermatophytes test in vitro and guinea pig antipruritic model.方法:使用体外抑菌法及豚鼠止痒模型。

74、In other words, use GQM to determine what you will measure, and the meaning those measures have in assessing progress towards goals.换句话说,使用 GQM 决定您将度量什么,以及这些度量目标实现程度的方法。

75、Use a persistent handle when you need to keep a reference to an object for more than one function call, or when handle lifetimes do not correspond to C++ scopes.当你需要在不止一个函数中使用一个对象的引用或者句柄生命并不对应于 C++ 的范围时,你可以使用一个持久句柄来保持对那个对象的引用。

英文句子模板76:The Usage and Pattern of imperative Sentence,76、This is an option in the Google Talkgoogle talk feature as well, but it requires a special syntax to make it work over IM.这也是Google Talk中带有的属性,但是在IM中需要使用特定的句法来使它工作。



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