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关于”一般疑问句的句型结构“的英语句子22个,句子主体:The Sentence Structure of General Interrogative Sentences。以下是关于一般疑问句的句型结构的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The Sentence Structure of General Interrogative Sentences


1、The histological structure and ultrastrure of the liver of teleosts were discussed.


2、What you're seeing now from the usual suspects is that it's the end of global warming, and we don't see it that way.


3、As the infilled wall belongs to non-structural components, it is not generally considered direct when the structural designing.


4、Generally speaking, the building droit wall brick and concrete structure is main wall; Frame structure housing internal wall generally not main wall.


5、Then, it discussed the latest development of modern theory of rate term structure, especially the two main models: general equilibrium model and no-arbitrage model after the 1980's.

所幸的是,只要在 UML 结构和 XML 模式语句间建立一对一的映射,这个过程很容易自动化。

6、Fortunately, this process is easy to automate if you establish a one-to-one mapping between UML constructs and XML schema statements.


7、According to traditional general principle, the three elements of clothing is style, material, color, which compose the three-dimensional stereoscopic structure.


8、The configuration design and structure optimization of MRI-guided robot are discussed, and mechanical compatibility design is achieved.

在总结了我国经济波动的典型事实后,本文构建了两个 动态 随机 一般 均衡模型作为分析的工具。

9、After the summarization of stylized facts of China's business fluctuations, two dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE for short hence force) models were established.


10、The primary and early secondary structures are similar to those of most herbs of the dicotyledons.

最后,我们在一般树上拓广了我们的思想,提出了一般树的RVA 存储结构。

11、Finally, for general trees, thisidea is generalized and corresponding representing structure is offered.


12、They begin, in other words, with the object in question and then draw conclusions from it.


13、Many bivalent verbs can form Double-Object Constructions which contain three kinds of argument:patient, material and result, besides agent and recipient.


14、AN structure in sentences metricizesthe attribute of verbs and it has the constraints of structural meaning on the internal structure of AN and VP.


15、A new kind of an algorithm for the hi-level programming model of area traffic signal timing problem is studied.


16、Manchester United is pleased to announce that Ryan Giggs has today extended his contract for a further season until the end of June 2009.


17、Composition of Chinese painting There is a saying: "Happy to sparse, dense needles should not be."

while 语句将逐个遍历结果查询的每个元素并逐行构建 $encodable 数组。

18、The while statement steps through each element of the result query and builds the $encodable array line by line.


19、Specialization is an architectural-forms-like solution to a more constrained problem: providing mappings from a more specific topic type to a more general topic type.


20、The intending author, in other words, is outside, whereas we can argue that the intentional structure is inside.

21、Array types are often implemented by array structures; however, in some languages they may be implemented by hash tables, linked lists, search trees, or other data structures.数组数据类型一般由数组数据结构实现,然而在一些其他语言中可能由哈希表、链表、查找树或者其他数据结构实现。

22、Then, I establish an after-tax capital asset pricing model based on specific taxation in China.最后,建立了公司资本结构决策税收效应的一般均衡分析模型。

23、Since the cross-flow fan's geometry and flow structures are complex, the aerodynamic noise forecast model is still a pending problem.由于风机几何结构和流动结构的复杂性,其气动噪声的预测模型还是一个有待研究解决的问题。

24、Haematite is a special case of the more general ilmenite structure.赤铁矿是更为一般的钛铁矿型结构中一个特殊的情况。

25、Next came languages like Pascal and C, which provided higher order constructs such as "if-then-else" statements.接下来的语言例如Pascal and C,它们提供了更高次序的结构例如“if-then-else”语句。

英文句子26:,26、Urgent improvement necessary - A premises gets a score of zero if it raises enough concerns on issues of structure, hygiene and management.0急需整顿改进——0分的商户一般存在结构,卫生和管理方面的问题。

27、Though it is the conclusion of that chapter that we mark tonight.尽管今晚我们在这一章书里画下结束的句号。

28、More generally, they are both names for structures of sets.更一般地说,他们都是名称的结构套。

29、So the structure of this poem is unquestionably Virgilian, but the sentiments that are voiced in this poem are unquestionably Miltonic, and we will recognize them.因此这首诗的结构毫无疑问是维吉尔式的,但抒发的感情毫无疑问,是弥尔顿式的,这能看的出来。

30、The effect of large-scale vehicle flexible fluid-filled structure and contained fluid is a typical problem about fluid-structure interaction.车载柔性储液结构与结构内液体的作用为典型的流体-结构耦合问题。

31、Not only are questions and answers closely related to each other in terms of conversational intention, semantic orientation and syntactic structure, they are also interactive.问语与答语之间不仅有发话意向、语义取向、句法结构等方面的毗邻关联,而且还存在着作用与反作用的互动关系。

32、Vertical trench Power MOSFETs are generally designed by either squared (closed) cell or strip (linear) cell geometry; each has its advantages and drawbacks.垂直型沟槽型功率金氧半电晶体一般是以方形(封闭型)或线形(开放型)晶胞几何结构作为设计,各有其优缺点。

33、As a type of Special equipment, the construction of large-scale cranes is very difficult, especially the main beam camber control and the deformation control.这种大型特种设备建造施工难度大,特别是主梁的上拱度控制、大型箱体结构的变形控制都较一般结构难度大。

34、Parallelism is the similar arrangement of a pair or series of related words, phrases, or sentences.排比是指把一组或一系列相关的字词句以相似结构排列起来。

35、The information is ordered in a tree hierarchy and the model can be explored with the usual tree model methods.它们在树状层次结构中对信息进行排序,并且可以使用一般的树状模型方法来利用模型。

36、The forward problem includes the activity source model, the head model and the mathematical model.脑电正问题包括大脑源活动模型,大脑结构模型以及正问题求解的数学模型。

37、High-pressure float valve structure and general structure similar to the float valve.高压浮球阀的结构和一般浮球阀的结构相似。

38、To deal with this, you can generate a stack trace in the constructor of the exception object during the throw exception statement.为了解决这一问题,可以在抛出异常语句期间,在异常对象的构造函数中生成一个堆栈跟踪。

39、In this architecture extension modules, ( UIMA plug-ins, in other words) are also called annotators.在这个体系结构中,扩展模块(换句话说,是 UIMA 插件)也称为注解器。

40、Cyber-living resembles the experience of seeing disguised people behind a mask, maintaining distance between one another.这一部分中,the experience of seeing disguised people behind a mask, maintaining distance between one another句中动名词的排比结构在给读者一种整齐美的同时透出了变化。

41、According to the structure of the Heng-ch'u Four-Sentences Teaching, except the Introduction, my text has four chapters in total.按照“横渠四句教”的结构,全文除绪论外总共分为四章。

42、Despite bad data security causing so much trouble, the whole problem can be summarized in five words: Know what you are getting.虽然糟糕的数据安全性会导致很多问题,但是所有问题可以归结为一句话:知道您要应对什么。

43、First comes impact of smaller family, for example, generation gap, one-parent and ill family.家庭结构对青少年犯罪的影响:首先是家庭结构小型化而产生的隔代教养问题;

44、In normal cases, steel reinforced concrete structure is able to resolve this problem, but sometimes it is necessary to use SRHSHPC to meet bearing capacity and ductility requirements.一般情况下普通的型钢混凝土结构就能解决此题目,但对于超高、大跨、重型结构则采用型钢高强高性能混凝土更能满足在承载力和延性方面的要求。

45、If you try to say things fast or say it as soon as possible then you're going to end up stuttering because all you think about is getting this presentation of yours end.如果你语速很快,一想到什么就迸出来,一心只想快点结束演讲,那么你将结结巴巴地结束自己的演讲。 这时,你要做的是深呼吸,一句一句完成自己的演讲。

46、Generally the classic Black-Scholes model for an American option leads to a free boundary problem with a degenerate partial differential operator.美式期权定价问题的数学模型一般可归结为自由边值问题。

47、This also, by the way, in some sense, gives me the beginnings of my comments for what the structure of my code is going to be.顺便说一句,在某种意义上这也是我,对于我的代码结构的,讲解的开始。

48、Of course, she had those unforgettable violet eyes and cascading mane of dark hair.毫无疑问,她有一双令人难忘的蓝紫色眼睛,瀑布般浓密的深色长发。

49、Many bivalent verbs can form double-object constructions which can contain three kinds of argument : patient argument, material argument and result argument.能够构成双宾句的二价动词除了施事论元外,一般可以带三种论元,即受事论元、材料论元和结果论元。

50、III. Ways of participation: Raise suggestions of emendation, revise and supplement on the structure, wording and content of the book Big Balance.参与方式:对《大平衡》的篇章结构、字句内容等,提出增删、修改、补充意见。

经典英文句子51:一般疑问句的句型结构,51、The language in his essay is vivid and the sentence structure has a distinctive style of ordinary and rich.其散文语言灵动多变,句式结构别具一格,透显出一种平淡而厚腴的独特风格。

52、So the structure of this poem is unquestionably Virgilian, but the sentiments that are voiced in this poem are unquestionably Miltonic, and we will recognize them.因此这首诗的结构毫无疑问是维吉尔式的,但抒发的感情毫无疑问,是弥尔顿式的,这能看的出来。

53、The discontinuity is closely associated with the thematization in interrogatives with the concept of "place" from the Cardiff Grammar.以加的夫语法中的位置概念为指导,我们还发现疑问句中的不连 续现象与其中某些成分的主位化紧密相关。

54、The problems of the hydronelastic response of VLFS are studied.探讨了浮舟桥型超大型浮体结构的水弹性响应分析问题。

55、General non-structured decision problem and its support approaches are some of the major difficulties facing DSS development.一般非结构化的决策问题及其支持方式是近年国内外DSS发展面临的主要热点之

56、It is the question of really who governs or maybe put another way ? who should govern who ought to govern.问题的症结在于谁管理,或换句话说,谁应管理?由谁管理。

57、Generative Grammar has taken explanatory adequacy as an ultimate goal of linguistic theories ever since the publication of Syntactic Structures.自《句法结构》问世以来,生成语法就以解释充分性作为其追求的最高目标。

58、When the particle density is big enough, it is no longer the fractal aggregation.在粒子浓度较大时,一般聚集体呈密集结构,此时不具分形结构。

59、Those wooden structure "hats", crowned with wooden window skylights are waterproofed with a "skin" of large squared asphalt shingles/scales.那些像“帽子”一般的木结构,由大型沥青瓦铺在木质天窗上。

60、When there is no information for a page or query yet, a helpful message telling the user how to start could go in that empty space.当一个页面没有信息时或是有疑问时,在界面上空的地方放置一句有帮助的信息提示来告诉用户怎么开始将是有益的。

61、The method to select a optimal syntactic tree based on message structure pattern, and a statistical approach of extracting message structure are presented.文中阐述了如何利用知网信息结构模式对句法树进行筛选,并提出了基于概率的信息结构抽取的计算方法。

62、HCH-201 for the manufacture of centrifugal casting forming the glass pipe structure layer and the general FRP products.HCH-201用于制造离心浇铸成型玻璃钢管道结构层和一般玻璃钢制品。

63、Every SELECT statement in the procedure generates a result set.过程中的每一条 SELECT 语句都生成一个结果集。

64、Generalized equation and typical application of Structural Equation Model and Simultaneous Equation Model were first introduced respectively, as well as current researching in China.本文首先介绍了结构方程模型和联立方程模型的一般形式、典型实例及其在我国的研究现状。

65、Stability problems of the steel struture has its own character. Analysis computations to stability problems of steel beam bended and steel column compress-bended are done by stability theory.钢结构中稳定问题有它自身的特点,依据其自身特点,根据稳定理论的一般计算方法对钢结构中最常见的受弯构件梁、压弯构件柱的稳定进行分析计算。

66、As the plane cable-net with small rigidity large deformation is subject to side wind load, it is necessary to consider the large deformation effects.点支式玻璃幕墙单层平面索网结构是一种较典型的风敏感结构,目前对在风荷载作用下,索网结构与主体结构的相互作用问题的研究甚少。

67、Sometimes what you don't do means a thousand times more than what you do, as the film's bittersweet finale proves.有时候,你什么也不做比你做了的一千倍更甚(我这一句翻得好绕口啊),就像电影苦乐参半的结局一般。

68、"The more articulate, the less say" is an old Chinese proverb which I just make up myself.者善辩“是我自己刚刚虚构的一句中国古谚。

69、We derive explicit formula for the doubly structured normwise backward error, and compare the results with the single structured case.本文将给出范数型双结构向后误差的表达式,并将所得结果与一般的反对称结构向后误差进行比较。

70、So things break if you try-- if the computer tries to take you too literally so it would not be correct generally to do something like that.如果你把它分开-,那么电脑会逐字逐句地解析,你拆开写的代码,由此得到的结果一般都是错误的。

71、I couldn't help but end with a rhetorical: "Do you ever feel even slightly bad about what you are doing?结尾还情不自禁地用了个反问句”你难道对你的所做所为没有丝毫,一丝一毫的内疚吗?

72、It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets.这样的话就应证了那句“狗和主人长得离奇般的相似”。

73、The OGSA-DAI is to define OGSA portType for generic data access and integration services, in order to present uniform access to a wide range of data sources.DAI结构打算为一般性的数据访问和集成服务定义OGSA 接口类型,以便成为不同的数据源访问的统一接口。

74、DB2DataReader - You typically use the DB2DataReader for fast forward-only access to disconnected result sets that are returned from executing SQL statements or stored procedure calls.DB2DataReader - 您一般使用 DB2DataReader 对断开连接的结果集进行单向(forward-only)的快速访问,这些断开连接的结果集是执行 SQL 语句或存储过程调用所返回的。



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