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关于”很潮很酷的短句“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Very cool short sentences.。以下是关于很潮很酷的短句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Very cool short sentences.


1、and I like to keep up to date with them because it's important that we learn about it.


2、Some really, really cool things can emerge when you're not just stressing yourself out


3、Brass tarnishes quickly in wet weather.

它对随Visual Studio Orcas而来的一些很酷的web开发特性提供了一个很好的总结。

4、It provided a good summary of some of the cool web development features coming with Visual Studio "Orcas".


5、Fizz, the Tidal Trickster, is a perfect example of this.


6、A martini defined cool and modern.


7、Luminous trackball navigation enable you cool touch feeling experience.

8、A happy family life is a wonderful asset for any one.快乐的家庭生活对每个人都是很大的一笔财富。


9、The tide is not likely to turn back .


10、“It looked like a cool optical material,” he said.


11、kind of creepy but kind of cool at the same time that they can just do that.


12、Unfortunately, these Lamborghini Gallardo shoes are just a concept.

13、Without music, life is a journey through a desert.没有音乐,生命就如荒漠之旅。


14、The survey revealed that the house was damp.


15、SH is supposed to go to severe winter training very soon.

anything else? -Clock…a clock… -Sounds like hours of fun.计算器。 - 那很酷…还有吗? - 时钟…一个时钟… - 听上去有很多小时的乐趣。

16、Calculator. -That's cool…


17、Days will stretch reeeeealllly long, which can be very cool or quite intolerable, depending on your lifestyle.


18、The tides in most cases reach the cliffs only for a short time twice a day.


19、I liked the chance to be behind the camera. It was really cool.


20、MW goes to meet HW but she is cold toward him.

21、I love observing everything around me and many times this also means I am less productive.我酷爱观察周围的一切,很多情况下这也意味着我的效率很低。

22、Trev: I bet that looks cool from an airplane.崔佛:我敢说那个从飞机上看一定很酷。

23、We need to recognize that things ebb and flow, like the tide. This is natural and normal.我们要认识到万事就像潮水,都会潮起潮落,这个很自然也很正常。

24、Sapphire is cool and prefers to wear blue.叫“蓝宝石”则很爱扮酷,喜欢穿蓝色衣服。

25、She dives a nice car, wears cool clothes and always has friends around her.她开着一辆很好的车,穿着很酷的衣裳,总是有朋友围在身边。

英文句子26:,26、Did I play it cool, as George Clooney wouldhave?我应该很酷地,像乔治克鲁尼那样吗?

27、Moisture from an underground river had dampened the walls.地下河的湿气使周围墙壁也很潮湿。

28、That's funny. I mean, that's really cool. If someone is witty enough to do that, then it's awesome.这确实很好笑,真的很酷!如果有人真的够诙谐能做出那种事,真的很棒!

29、He is also a nice and funny guy, not the ice-cold person that people think.他也是一个很友善,很有趣的人,并不像人们想的那么冷酷。

30、Life is a lane but it is a rotative course.生命是单行道,但是一个循环的过程。

31、I felt like, in my hometown of Huston, it was cool, special, and different that I was an actor.在我的老家休斯顿,作为一名演员,我觉得很酷、很特别、很与众不同。

32、All right, when you're finished, it's cool if you flick it.好的,当你结束的时候,弹掉它会显得很酷。

33、Visitors find it entertaining. "Pretty cool, a little disconcerting, but very life-like, " said one woman.游客们觉得这很有趣,“好酷啊,有点吓人,但很逼真。”

34、I really like this picture because it's really cute and the background looks cool, yet doesn't attract much attention.我特别喜欢这张画因为很可爱。背景很酷,但是并不喧宾夺主。

35、Thelast question may seem dumb or even callous.这个问题看起来似乎很愚蠢,甚至冷酷。

36、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充

37、Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days.潮湿的日子里,食物很容易发霉。

38、We shoved it into the market anyway because it was "cool".我们强行将它推向了市场因为它很酷。

39、Sephora Skin Care is a cool product, and promotions now.丝芙兰是有一个很酷的护肤品促销现在。

40、Nice shades! They make you look like Tom Cruise.很酷的太阳镜!这让你看起来象汤姆。克鲁斯。

41、but at the same time just like trying to look cool.但同时又努力让自己看上去很酷。

42、You being from Korea, you're always having waves.你来自韩国,你们那里有很多潮汐能。

43、Phoebe, how could I put it, was a very weird yet cool, kind and generous lady.菲比,让我怎没说呢,是一个很古怪但是却很酷、善良和大方的女孩子。

44、I also intended to contact the old acne, menstruation is also very laws of the endocrine balance is very harsh.我意洽也是老长痘痘,月经也很不规律,内分泌平衡很严酷。

45、So many tide girls.潮女很多。

46、This one here just came out. It's got great 3D graphics and a cool story line.这一套是刚发行的,它有很棒的3D立体图和很酷的故事情节。

47、The maggots also provide a cool, pre-industrial expiration date.而这蛆还有一个很酷的,工业化以前的终止日期。

48、There is a lot of advice on the internet about trying to be cool.在网上有很多关于尝试装酷的建议。

49、Life is a maze and love is a riddle.生活是座迷宫,爱情是个谜。

50、I can pull an awful lot of cool stuff from it.我可以从上面下载很多酷毙了的东西。

经典英文句子51:很潮很酷的短句,51、It's primarily amazing because it introduces the notion that hair curlers made from aluminium cans are cool.起初觉得很棒是因为它引入了一个用铝制罐子作为卷发器的概念很酷。

52、、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。

53、But now that I'm learning it I'm realizing it's really jazzy and improvisational, which is pretty cool.但我学习了京剧后却发现,它很有爵士的感觉,唱法很即兴,感觉很酷。

54、Well who doesn ' t? Their cool tho . Buy a few presents for people.谁没去过?真的很酷。买一些礼物给别人。

55、It is trendy to wear cut-up jeans these days.最近穿扯破的牛仔裤很符合潮流呢。

56、A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it. Bohn 一个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所选择,但当他要结束爱情的时候,他可没有选择了。

57、Swinggcat: Wow. That's awesome. But I'm still not sure I can take you around my cool friends. Are you spontaneous?哇。好厉害啊。但我还是不确定能不能带你去见我那些很酷的朋友。你有时会心血来潮想作什么就做什么吗?

58、She dyed her brown hair black and got a perm like the other popular girls.字样的短裤。她还像其他很潮的女生一样把一头棕色的头发染黑烫卷。

59、Clearly the fans at least think Jim Carrey is golden.很显然至少影迷们认为金· 凯利是最酷的。

60、It's very humid there, but here is very dry and...那里很潮湿,不过这里很干燥而且……

61、Nothing is too difficult , if you put your heart into it ! ! ! !我们是时代的弄潮儿,当然要吃很多苦受很多累!!!

62、Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.生命是一个等待你去理解的神秘事物,而不是等待你去解决的问题。

63、When work is a pleasure, life is a joy!当工作是一种乐趣时,生活才是一种享受。

64、Uh, time me while I do my desktop search. -Very speedy . -Pretty cool, huh?啊,当我做桌面系统搜索时给我计时-很迅速-很酷,是吗?

65、Clearly the fans at least think Jim Carrey is golden .很显然至少影迷们认为金。凯利是最酷的。

66、Slide on sand now really "tide".滑沙现在真的很“潮”。

67、The white silk shirt and the blue and lilac tie felt cool and smooth under his fingers.白色的丝质衬衫和紫丁香颜色的领带看起来很酷,在他的手指下很滑。

68、Toolbars received two key updates that I think are pretty cool.工具栏有两项关键的更新让我觉得很酷。

69、Of course, it's not easy for those professional motions such as jumping, turnover and maintaining balance at the petty edge.当然了,想玩儿到很酷很专业的腾越、翻转或边缘平衡肯定是不容易的。

70、She was really pretty, she always had boys all over her, all of my guy friends liked her - they thought she was cool.她很美丽,总有男生在追她。 我的朋友们也都很喜欢她,都觉得她很酷。

71、I’ve done my research and found some cool symmetrical images.我做了一些研究,发现一些很酷的对称图片。

72、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。

73、Many workers became tired and weak in the heat.很多工人都不堪酷热变得疲倦虚弱。

74、Do you want to design your own cool Hot Wheels car?你想自己设计一款很酷的风火轮赛车吗?

75、“It looked like a cool optical material, ” he said.“它看上去就像是某种很酷的光学材料,”他说。

英文句子模板76:Very cool short sentences.,76、However, moisture can easily become moldy peanuts, resulting in highly carcinogenic toxin aflatoxin.但花生米很容易受潮变霉,产生致癌性很强的黄曲霉菌毒素。


标签: 英文 短句

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