糖在英语中的翻译是"saccharide -",还经常被译作saccharide -,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到61个与糖相关的释义和例句。
1. saccharide -
糖翻译为 saccharide - 。
示例:糖可以危害健全的牙齿。 Sugar is the destroyer of healthy teeth.
2. saccharide -
糖翻译为 saccharide - 。
示例:她在草莓上撒了点糖。 She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.
3. sugar
示例:慢慢加热直到糖溶解为止。 Heat gently until the sugar dissolves.
4. carbohydrate
糖翻译为 carbohydrate 。
示例:Carbohydrate is important. Pasta is good. 碳水化合物很重要
1. saccharo( 糖;
2. saccharide(糖
3. glycopexis(糖储藏, 糖固定)
4. platycodonin(桔梗糖,桔梗糖)
5. candy cane(【食】拐杖糖,拐杖糖;
英语短语&俚语, Hard Candy fruit cube fruit drops ( 水果硬糖 )
fructose DL-fructose ( 果糖 有化 )
Lollipop bonbon lolly Fruits Stick ( 棒棒糖 )
Xylitol xylitol or maltitol ksylitol DMDBX ( 木糖醇 有化 )
diabetes Diabetes Mellitus ( 糖尿病 )
Saccharin ( 糖精 有化 )
maltose malt sugar ( 麦芽糖 )
chewing gum gum Bubblegum chewing sweet ( 口香糖 )
1. "Give me the candy". "No". "Give me the candy". "No".
2. Trick or treat, trick or treat... Trick or treat.
译文:不给糖就捣蛋 不给糖就捣蛋。
3. Fructose, corn syrup, fruit-juice concentrate, malt syrup, sucrose, molasses, dextrose, and glucose are all sugars.
4. ♪ it's like sugar, sugar, it's like honey, honey ♪
译文:这就像糖 糖 它似蜜 蜂蜜。
5. Structures of hexose and pentose sugars and glycosidic bonds.
译文:六碳糖与五碳糖的结构,以及糖链。 。
6. The result showed that the combined sugars were glucose and rhamnose.
译文:结果表明它们的结合糖皆为葡萄糖和鼠李糖。 。
7. Glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose, lactose, dextrose, and starch are all forms of sugar.
译文:葡萄糖、 果糖、 蔗糖、 麦芽糖、 乳糖、 右旋糖, 还有淀粉 都是糖的各类形式。 。
8. - Taffy! Come buy some taffy!
译文:- 太妃糖,卖太妃糖喽。
9. - Oh, and three sugar-free Certs.
10. - Starburst and Airheads on a...
译文:彩虹糖和QQ糖... Starburst and Airheads on a...。
11. Content changing trend of dextrose, fructose, sucrose and starch was the same as the soluble sugar.
12. Candy apples. Candy apples.
译文:糖苹果 糖苹果。
13. Trick or treat, trick or treat.
译文:不给糖就捣蛋 不给糖就捣蛋。
14. - Yeah, the strawberry kind.
译文:- 棉花糖?。
15. Lollies, lollies, green apple flavoured..
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