开 关用英语怎么写

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开 关用英语怎么写

开 关用英语写是"the gate",还经常被译作quick closing damper,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到32个与开 关相关的释义和例句。


1. the gate

开 关翻译为the gate。

示例:They have to hit that gate. They have to hit that gate.


2. quick closing damper

开 关翻译为quick closing damper。

示例:Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick! 快来快快快 Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick!


3. reporting at customs

开 关翻译为reporting at customs。

示例:All right, Elliot Hirsch reporting from Cairo. Elliot Hirsch reporting from Cairo.


4. different electrode

开 关翻译为different electrode。

示例:The plasma processing chamber includes a top electrode assembly with a top electrode and an inductive coil surrounding the top electrode. 等离子处理室还包含具有上电极及围绕上电极的感应线圈的上电极组件。



1. the gate([电影]开错鬼门关)

2. fast closing(关)

3. reporting at customs(关)

4. quick closing damper(关风门,速关气门,速关档板)

5. different electrode(关电极)

开 关翻译例句,

1. He turned the ventilation on and off to torment me.


2. "We serve a God that opens doors that no one can shut, and he shuts doors that no one can open."

译文:我们服事的神 所开的门是无人能关的 他关的门是无人能开的。

3. [Chuckling] Nothing, i was looking for an extra pillow.

译文:关? 关! 你...。

4. While the door is closed, you can press the switches as often as you want.

译文:然而门是紧锁的 开关可以任意开或关。

5. Drive, drive, drive, drive, drive, drive.

译文:开 开 开 开 开 开。

6. The cabin is open or closed, as you like.

译文:船舱可以随你喜好开或关。 。

7. This feature "block and bleed"may be important as its use can show whether the valves are providing liquid-tight shutoff of fluid flow.


8. i'd make sure there was an on/off switch in there somewhere.

译文:我会安装一个开/关 在那里面某个地方。。

9. We'll have our first planning session tomorrow.


10. So this PKA sensor not only indicates whether the enzyme is on or off, but also locates where PKA is being turned on or off within the cell.


11. You've been turning it on and off. The light could be easily spoiled.


12. Look, i'm not falling for that ag... oh, well, what do you know?

译文:关! 关! 关!。

13. i'm doing it, for God's sake. i just got this car.

译文:我正在关,天啊 我才刚开这部车。

14. Now, to restart the unit, you just swing the handle then and on. Off then on.

译文:要重启装置 你只要转动手柄 关掉再开 再关再开。

15. You know, you snap, the lights come on. Snap, they come off.

译文:弹一下指头 灯就开 弹一下指头 灯就关。



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