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你多少岁的英语是"how old are you",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到32个与你多少岁相关的译文和例句。


1. how old are you

你多少岁翻译为how old are you。

示例:记者:你那时多少岁? Interviewer: And how old were you then?



1. howmany(多少)

2. down to go(完成(多少)未完(多少))

3. doozen( 多少)

4. doilful( 多少)

5. muchity( 多少)

英语短语&俚语, How old were you How many years you How old you ( 你多少岁了 )

Your how many years old How old do you how much you-year-old ( 你多少岁呢 )

You how old ah How many years you Ah How old are you ah ( 你多少岁啊 )

How old your mother Your mother what age ( 你妈妈多少岁 )

How old are you ( 你们现在多少岁 )

Your father what age How old are you Daddy ( 你的爸爸多少岁 )

How old are you ( 你今年多少岁 )

How old do you think ( 你认为我多少岁 )


1. i don't know how old he was, but he got his ass whooped.

译文:我才不管他有多少岁 但是他被打得满地找牙。

2. Know how old i am? Fifty two?

译文:- 知道我多少岁?。

3. At that time, how old will Sae have become?

译文:那时候 不知道你多少岁了。

4. i'm just amazed that you could reach the ripe old age of, what?

译文:我就是很好奇 你都已经,呃,多少岁来着?。

5. - Well, she's young. She's, what, 19?

译文:- 呃 她很年轻 她多少岁 19?。

6. Just a few, yeah, and i'm not necessarily saying...

译文:也没大多少岁 我不是想欲盖弥彰。

7. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight. How old are you?

译文:你从来不吃饭喝水 不出现在阳光充足的地方 你多少岁?。

8. Mom, how much older than you is she?


9. When i'll be 60, how old Gelsomina is gonna be?

译文:当我xx岁, Gelsomina是多少岁?。

10. i knew you were the Chancleteros ...


11. How old would she be now, 'seven or eight?

译文:她现在多少岁了 How old would she be now, xx岁还是xx岁 'seven or eight?。

12. And how old was he, would you say?

译文:你感觉他多少岁 And how old was he, would you say?。

13. Machines don't care how old i am. They'll kill me just the same.

译文:那些乌贼军团可不管我多少岁 它们杀戮起来毫不留情。

14. There are not 12-year-olds working in the factory.

译文:- 那是多少岁?。

15. You know, there are a few things about women that you don't understand.

译文:你多少岁? 女人有些事你不会明白。



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