计划生育用英语怎么说 计划生育英语翻译

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计划生育用英语怎么说 计划生育英语翻译

计划生育的英语说作"family planning -",其次还可以说成"family planning",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到30个与计划生育相关的翻译和例句。


1. family planning -

计划生育翻译为 family planning - 。

示例:目标是使计划生育在社区生活中制度化。 The goal is to institutionalize family planning into community life.


2. family planning

计划生育翻译为family planning。

示例:中国从上世纪xx年代开始实行计划生育政策。 China started the one-child policy in the 1980s.


3. family planning

计划生育翻译为 family planning 。

示例:她xx年写了一篇女性主义短文《论计划生育》。 She produced a feminist tract, "Comments on Birth-Control,"in 1930.


4. family planning

计划生育翻译为 family planning 。

示例:Go to Family Planning Association 去家计会吃吧



1. planned birth(计划生育)

2. family planning(计划生育\n[法] 计划生育)

3. planned parenthood(计划生育\n[法] 计划生育)

4. family planning service(计划生育部门)

5. planeticose( 计划生育)

英语短语&俚语, the basic state policy on family planning family planning as part of a national basic policy ( 计划生育基本国策 )

the reform of family planning services and the way they are managed ( 计划生育服务管理改革 )

family planning services for the floating population ( 流动人口计划生育服务工作 )

reward and support system for eligible families that comply with family planning regulations ( 计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度 )

Including Family Planning ( 包括计划生育 )

planned spacing of birth ( 计划生育间隔 )

family planning services ( 计划生育服务 )

planned parenthood fertility planning ( 生育计划 )

additional birth extra-employed Birth unplanned birth ( 计划外生育 )


1. Of course, child mortality first and then family planning -- everyone needs family planning service -- it's underutilized.

译文:当然,先解决婴儿死亡率问题,接着实行计划生育。 每个人都应该为计划生育尽一份力。 计划生育任重道远。。

2. And, no, planned parenthood doesn't count.


3. Except teach them about birth control.


4. Family planning and educating girls?

译文:计划生育和女性教育? 。

5. ... birth control methods...


6. But"... we're going to planned Parenthood, and you're going to get the pill, or the ring...

译文:但"... 我们要计划生育, 而你会得到避孕药, 或环...。

7. My name's Seth Grayson. i don't work for Planned Parenthood.

译文:我的名字是Seth Grayson 我并不为计划生育协会工作。

8. First of all, most of them were born in the 80s and 90s, under the one-child policy.

译文:首先,他们大多生于 80和90后 在计划生育政策下 。

9. How much she paying you? Democracy is built one baby at a time.


10. Maybe we'll discuss birth control next if there are no questions.


11. A big demographic growth has forced... certain countries to take extreme decisions... on birth control.

译文:迫使国家作出最后的决定... 实现计划生育。

12. You need to have access to some family planning.


13. You should work for Planned Parenthood.


14. i saw a woman from Planned Parenthood on television this morning.

译文:早上我在电视里看到一个 计划生育的女人。

15. And that's where family planning, better child survival is needed.



标签: 翻译 计划

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