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关于”思乡的诗“的英语句子46个,句子主体:homesick poetry。以下是关于思乡的诗的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:homesick poetry


1、A poem: "Yunnan has been far from the soul, still in the Water Village."


2、"I raise my eyes to the moon, bow their heads and think of home. " Wandering thoughts of the village.


3、They were pining for their homeland in Asia.


4、FOR the holidays was caused by his homesickness.


5、Papers talk about from four aspects of Ge's novel "local poetic flavour."


6、The Japanese beer will surely " wash away" your homesickness.


7、The method of "Poems" and thinking method of "Historic Classics" provided a thinking pattern for the creation and acceptance of eulogistic poems.


8、An old man feels nostalgic for a distant homeland.


9、The ceremonies of drinking and archery were regular local activities rich in artistic content, with rituals which show the characteristics of early drama.


10、Or a relief of your homesickness of heaven?


11、Thus in the poems for the paintings, the images of wild goose are many often relate with the sentiment of living abroad and homesickness.


12、My hometown has thrown up a number of great poets.


13、This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage.


14、The poets from Lin Nei Village were Lin Cheng-li, and Hsu Shao-ming.


15、But good English cannot cure home sickness.


16、His longing for the holidays was caused by his homesickness.


17、At that time, people far away from hometown will also look up at the moon and miss their hometown and family.


18、This unique mode of thinking, which differs from the poetic mainstream, embodies the common ground of poetic thinking between China and the West.


19、At that time, people far away from hometown will also look up at the moon and miss their hometown and family members.


20、Feeling of longing for motherland brings more negative effects.

21、I see your longing, I feel your home-sickness.我邃晓你的渴望,我感受你的思乡病。

22、"Himalaya" means "abode of snow" in Tibetan.“喜马拉雅”在藏语中是“冰雪之乡”的意思。

23、Since then, the sight of slippers often reminded me of him.睹物思人 ,想起了远在他乡的儿子。

24、" Hejian Chang Mao's hometown, "Book of Songs, " the spread of land.河间是毛苌的故乡,《诗经》的传播地。

25、It was considered a disorder by a Swiss physician, who attributed soldiers' mental and physical discomfort to their longing to return home, "nostos" in Greek, and the accompanying pain, "algos".一名瑞士医生视其为一种疾病,认为士兵们的身心不适源于他们的思乡之情。 Nostalgia一词来自希腊语词,nostos(返乡)以及algos(思乡之痛)。

英文句子26:,26、鞠躬时我沉溺在思乡病里。 -------------------------------------…Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.

27、On hearing it, those Swiss living abroad will feel homesick.客居异乡的瑞士人听了放牧调会引起强烈的思乡之情。

28、Now, the village more and more was beautiful.求翻译:现在,乡村越来越美了。是什么意思?

29、They felt strong yearnings toward home.他们对家乡有着强烈的思念之情。

30、When people abroad miss their family or friends, we call it nostalgia.当漂泊海外的游子思念家人或好友时,我们称之为“思乡病”。

31、Go goose Luoyang side of the homesickness of it makes one pity.归雁洛阳边的思乡之情又让人怜悯。

32、For different types of themes, Xing style poems express respectively feelings of joy and happiness, worry and sorrow, homesickness and missing some body, etc.在题材类型上,兴体诗分别抒发了喜乐愉悦之情、忧愁感伤之情和思乡怀人之情;

33、That real-time contact with home exacerbates homesickness.那种实时的与家的连接会加剧思乡的念头。

34、Local leisurely, to explore the Chinese people bathing Tin Chak's native complex, thinking the Chinese people is rooted sense of thick native soil.乡土悠悠,来探究中国人沐浴天泽的乡土情结,思考中国人根植厚土的乡土意识。

35、Local building itself is the traditional architecture throughout.乡土建筑顾名思义就是各地的传统建筑。

36、At emotion contents aspect, this text mainly inquire into three emotions, such as : homesick, the feeling of be an official and "life such as trip" .在情感内容方面,本文主要探讨了行旅诗中的乡关之思、仕途羁宦之情和人生如旅之叹这三种主要的情感。

37、La Masia is Spanish for "country house".拉马西亚是西班牙语中“乡间住宅(country house)”的意思。

38、Do you know? Chinese flowering crabapple is also called Miss-grass.知道吗, 海棠花又叫解语花,思乡草。

39、The old photos set off my homesick.这些就照片钩起我的思乡之情。

40、Expresses the poet's home reluctantly, as well as staying as a guest a foreign country's frustration and pain.表现了诗人对家乡的恋恋不舍以及客居异乡的无奈与痛楚。

41、She misses her child when she lives away from home.当她远在他乡时总是思念她的孩子。

42、I raise my eyes to the moon, bow historic village.举头望明月,低头思古乡。

43、A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness.家里来信引起了他的思乡病。

44、It is about homesickness.更是一阕思乡的挽歌。

45、In other Sassoon poems, the war comes home in other ways.在沙逊的其他诗中,战争以其他方式回到家乡。

46、You said, you are the watery child, your forever inseparable from the boat and water, always bearing the cow yo-yo deep thoughts.你说,你是水乡的孩子,你的诗里永远离不开船和水的呢喃,永远悠悠承载着老牛深井的思绪。

47、She sighed for the air in the countryside .她思慕乡下那清幽的空气。

48、However, behind the homesickness are emotions driven by the collective sub- consciousness, the nostalgia consciousness, the feminine consciousness, and the ecological consciousness.而在这种乡思乡愁的背后,则是集体潜意识,乡愁意识、女性意识、生态意识在驱动。

49、Homesickness is a distinct adjustment disorder with identifiable symptoms思乡是一种具有明显症候的适应性障碍病。

50、Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned.鞠躬时我沉溺在思乡病里。 -------------------------------------…

经典英文句子51:思乡的诗,51、People always have homesick when stepping in a new place.因为人刚到新的环境总是会有思乡病。

52、The call on the authors demonstrated a deep yearning home, remembering the feelings of their loved ones.这个呼唤就深切的表现出作者一种思念家乡、 思念亲人的感情。


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