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关于”时间的怎么说“的英语句子34个,句子主体:What do you say about time?。以下是关于时间的怎么说的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:What do you say about time?


1、Good morning. How did you sleep after your long bus ride?


2、The difficulty there is to get the wake-up time right.


3、How do they pronounce words? What are the rhythmic structures of how they speak?

第二天我怎么也不肯吃饭。 奇怪的是,母亲一句话也没有说,而且在以后相当一段时间里都没怎么管我。

4、I cried myself to sleep that night and wouldn’t eat the next day,but strangely enough,Mother didn’t say anything.In fact she left me pretty much alone for a long,long time after that.


5、I had jet lag for

2 days.


6、In other words, the new Skylink will be a fascinating experience no matter what the perspective or the time of day.


7、What will the scale say when Garfield stands on it?


8、That's what my wife says sometimes, "why don't you grow up?"

9、英文习惯用spend time on sth和spend time in doing sth,两种表达方式


10、Just-GUCCI : Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.


11、Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Grat people think of using it .


12、Without any comradery, what is the life will be?

时间到了,来吧- 我们怎么办?告诉我怎么办。

13、Seconds out. Let's go. - What do we do? Tell me what to do.


14、Anyway, during that time, I really wanna thanks to: Dee , Danny, and Ariel, the best wishes give to you guys!


15、M: then how about this room, with just shower?


16、In any case, in one of Jung's dreams, the two women also asked each other the time.


17、How does collywobbles do, in the time of myrrh?


18、What if I was tell you I think you're just stalling?


19、How do you know when you’re entering the zone?


20、East the rivers flow. How can time be stolen?

21、How do these high school kids spend their time, anyway?话说回来,这些高中小孩们到底是怎么打发时间的?

22、You've watched for so long time. What about having a rest?你们已经看电视这么长时间了。休息一下怎么样?。

23、Why are you calling at this ungodly hour?你怎么在这么不合适的时间打来?。

24、So what’s the solution if your job requires you to spend a lot of time in front of a computer?那么对于大部分工作时间都需要在电脑前度过的我们来说,怎么才能解决这一问题呢?

25、入学时间 enrollment time enrollment n. 登记, 注册, 入伍, 入会, 入学

英文句子26:,26、How were they able to find so many handicrafts from creative sons and "dottirs" in only three weeks?只有三周时间,在那么多“森斯”和“多特”中间,他们是怎么找到这么多手工艺制作者的呢?

27、You know how I said I play all sorts of pranks on Rowley?还记得我说我平时怎么整罗利的么?

28、And when Byron wonders “Where does the time go?而且,当拜伦在影片中问道“时间怎么过的这么快?”

29、Steven asks, "What are they going to do if we overstay our visa, deport us?"史蒂芬问,“要是我们待的时间超过签证时间,他们会怎么做,驱逐我们?”

30、He told me all about it. He told me everything. 怎么花这么长时间?

31、How about stakes through the heart? Reflections? Photographs? Holy water? Garlic? All that traditional vampire lore.用木桩刺穿心脏怎么样?倒映?摄相?圣水?大蒜?所有那些关于吸血鬼的民间传说怎么说?

32、it took her 200rmb to buy this book. 这本书花了她200元。

33、How jackaroo how to write, include time, place, working content, impressional result and experience are waited a moment!怎么实习的就怎么写,包括时间,地点,工作内容,感想心得与体会等等!

34、How are you doing these days? 你这段时间过得怎么样?

35、I say, "Naughty puppy! How did you get here?" It takes us a while to clean up the mess.我说,“小淘气包!你怎么到这里来的?”我们花了很长一段时间才收拾好。

36、I've been writing concordancing programs for donkey's years, so how can they say my program belongs to them?关于索引的这个程序我已经写了很长时间了,他们怎么可以说这属于他们的呢?

37、The result of spending too much time with Rambo… what to do?这就是长时间跟阿保在一起的后果…你说怎么办?

38、How can I be too busy for my child?我怎么会忙得连和孩子在一起的时间都没有了呢?

39、How time flys! ! !时间怎么飞啊!?

40、Really, how can you pick one Brontë over the other?说其实的,你怎么能在两个勃朗特间作弃取呢?

41、The gentleman has it exactly right.我怎么可能在亚线性时间内完成呢?

42、What should you do when someone gossips?当别人在说闲话时,你该怎么办呢?

43、How can you enjoy more time together every day?你怎么能享受更多的时间在一起的每一天?

44、How jackaroo how to write, include time, place, working content, impressional result and experience are waited a moment ! zhu shunli.怎么实习的就怎么写,包括时间,地点,工作内容,感想心得与体会等等!祝顺利!

45、The situation – how, when and who is saying what – speaks more than words.情况是怎么说 什么时候说 向谁说 – 这些比用什么次来得重要.

46、Recipe: How do you spend your spare time?秘诀:你平时是怎么打发空闲时间的?

47、Be apart from you to cook still have much long-playing?用英文怎么说:距离你烧饭还有多长时间?

48、It was late. We wondered that our guests hadn't arrived yet.当时时间已晚。我们纳闷,客人们怎么还没到。

49、he told me all about it. he told me everything. 怎么花这么长时间?

50、What if you don’t know what to say?要是你不知道应该说什么时怎么办?

经典英文句子51:时间的怎么说,51、How come you do not learn Chinese so long?你来了那么长时间怎么不学中文?

52、Dancing with my moon-lit shadow It does not seem like the human world …起舞弄清影何似在人间的英文怎么说?

53、How could anything be bad for me then?那时候怎么可能有什么东西对我来说有坏处?

54、How can the frozen world melt away and the awaking trees bloom with fragrance?冰封的世界怎么会一夜间解冻复苏,初醒的大树怎么能一夜间繁花喷香?

55、I am going for a walk for the room is too oppressive.“我要出去散步,房间里太憋闷了”英文怎么说?

56、But today we have time of a stop so I go to check it out anyways.但是今天,我们有时间停下来,不管怎么说,我要出来看一看。

57、how could matter, energy, time and space came from nothing? Obviously, the moment of the bigbang is completely beyond comprehension.在什么都没有的状态下,物质、能量、时间、空间是怎么从“无”到“有”的?

58、Speaking of minutes, you're playing a career-low minutes this season. What do you need to do to see some floor time?说到上场时间,本赛季是你上场时间最少的xx年。你是怎么看待这个问题的?

59、I don't know how can I do !在以后的时间里我该怎么做?!我没主意!

60、TRENT : What did she say when you called her back?崔特: 你再打给她时她怎么说?

61、Really, how can you pick one Bront? over the other?说实在的,你怎么能在两个勃朗特间作取舍呢?

62、Do not know where to be, do not know how to go, prep let alone its business hours and fascia dish.不知道在哪里,不知道怎么去,更不用说它的营业时间以及招牌菜了。

63、Leisure time is time free from work or other duties.另一个方式来问则是:你怎么过你的空闲时间呢?

64、Her room is in diagonal to mine.请问想说她的房间在我的“斜对面”怎么说?

65、Maehara responded: "65 years have passed, yet such a long time to solve the problem, how are justified."前原回应道:“已经过了xx年,这么长的时间还没解决问题,怎样都说不过去。”


标签: 时间

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