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关于”名言名句“的英语句子47个,句子主体:famous saying famous sentence。以下是关于名言名句的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:famous saying famous sentence


1、A spokeswoman for the FTC declined to comment.


2、"painting as the person" is the maxim.


3、The spokesman refused to clarify what charges the informants faced.


4、Then the king called his most knowledgeable ministers, talked about his dream and asked them find it.

五角大楼发言人Gary Tallman称,12名死者中包括1名士兵疑犯,另有2名士兵已被拘留。


12 dead include one suspect, a soldier. Two other soldiers were taken into custody, according to Gary Tallman, a spokesman at the Pentagon.

6、A good maxim is never out of season. 至理名言不会过时。


7、31A good maxim is never out of season.


8、There is a famous remark from Abraham Lincoln "Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."


9、Divide the students into groups. Each group chooses a bookkeeper and a broker (speaker).

临终之言- 强化圣疗术改名为临终之言。

10、Last Word - Name changed from Improved Lay on Hands to Last Word.


11、The academic field which has developed to study placenames is called toponymy.


12、My hustle quotation book, which features hustle quotations from a lot of great leaders, and the Bible.


13、Pretty much the same way it is defined in a quote attributed to Carlos "The Jackal": "You know you're getting somewhere when you're stepping over bodies."

如果您的定制语言名为 ml2,那么把此文件命名为 ml2.vim。

14、If your custom language is called ml2,, say, then name this file ml2.vim.


15、I love Beethoven’s remarks: Beg for failure!


16、He discredited my good name with gossip.


17、One of the world's most beautiful voice, that is the mother's call. Dante


18、From his creative idioms, famous sayings and epigrams, as well as rhetoric (that is, metaphor), we can see he made a great contribution to Linguistics.

可以任意规定该脚本的文件名;按照惯例而言,扩展名是 .scp。

19、The script's filename can be anything; by convention, the extension is .scp.

该语言是附加在主 XML 文档名上以获取已翻译的子文档名。

20、The language is appended to the main XML document name to obtain the translated subdocument name.

21、We often hear those wise old sayings handed down from generation to generation, but some of them are just plain stupid.那些古老的至理名言一代传一代,我们早已耳濡目染,可是其中的一些名言却愚蠢无比。

22、The words have become immortalized, and the unhappy story of Anna Karenina is considered one of the greatest novels ever written.这句话已成为不朽的名言,《安娜·卡列尼娜》的不幸遭遇则被认为是有史以来写得最好的一部小说之

23、Jiangsu Famous Dish is one of the local dishes in our country topic of "Jiangsu Famous Dish", one of the required courses for cuisine major students of our college.前言: 江苏名菜是我国著名地方名菜之一,“江苏名菜”课程也是扬州大学烹饪专业必修课程之

24、A good maxim is never out of season.至理名言不会过时。

25、Butea gum is also called shellac, insect lac, etc.前言: “紫铆”又名紫矿,还有紫梗、 紫草茸、 虫胶等名。

英文句子26:,26、Expressive names for methods and variables can make the code self-explanatory.清晰明了的函数名和变量名可以让代码不言而 明。

27、Their books that intellectuals is no exception.言路这名知识分子也不例外。

28、The inner similarity between A-Q and the nephew confirms the logion in the Enlightenment Era of France: Man is the product of society.阿Q和侄儿这种内涵上的相似性印证了法国启蒙时期一句名言:人是社会的产物。

29、The scandal fouled her reputation.流言蜚语玷污了她的名声。

30、A Japanese cameraman was also killed, said a spokesman for the city's BMA General Hospital.BMA 综合医院一名发言人表示,遇难的还有一名日本摄影师。

31、This is the famous thoughts of language-delamination.这就是著名的语言分层思想。

32、A good maxim is never out of season.至理名言不会过时。

33、Such studies are to me unworthy ones.这些学问对我而言不名一文。

34、There are many famous predictions that never came true. 有许多著名的预言没有实现.

35、It goes without saying that we cannot be young forever. (适用于自编名言)

36、A proverb says, “ You are only young once.” (适用于已记住的名言)

37、Words of wisdom will not come!至理名言不会来!

38、Beethoven's famous saying: Anti-famous artists to be bound by the renowned, they are often the earliest works is the best.贝多芬名言:成名的艺术家反为盛名所拘束,所以他们最早的作品往往是最好的。

39、The change from naming language to sign language or from realism to nominalism can be formulated in terms of change from internalities to externalities, which is the origin of modernity.语言由命名语言变为符号语言或曰从唯实论转为唯名论,也即语言的内在性变化为外在性,这正是现代性的起源。

40、The book`s editor, Elizabeth Knowles, said the continuing spread of the global village, to quote media guru Marshall McLuhan, meant quotes from the past sometimes become familiar to new audiences.《牛津名言辞典》的主编伊丽莎白•诺丽斯表示,随着地球村概念不断地深入人心,传媒先驱马歇尔•麦克卢汉的名言也收录其中,这意味着年代久远的名人名言与当代读者之间开始变得熟悉起来。

41、Confucian's remarks are well-known in the world.孔子的警世名言也世人皆知。

42、The time forrestatingre-stating well known positions is past.重新宣言知名位置已经过去。

43、In the memorable phrase of critic Harold Bloom, she was the "world's first celebrity.用评论家哈罗德•布鲁姆的经典名言来说,她是第一个世界名人。

44、To label the materials such as jokes, funny anecdotes, favorite sayings, interesting statistics;将材料归类拾掇,如笑话、趣事、名人名言、风趣的数据;

45、他用流言蜚语败坏我的好名声。He discredited my good name with gossip.

46、Overall, there were complications in 26 of the 41 patients (63%) in group 总体而言,1组的41名患者中有26名(63%)出现并发症,而2组的394名患者中有96名(24%)发生并发症。

1 and in 96 of the 394 patients (24%) in group


47、"The document is a complete fraud, " Academy spokeswoman Leslie Unger tells E! News in response to the purported awards-season leakage.学院发言人莱斯利·安格对奖项名单泄露的传言断然否认,他说“这份名单完全是伪造的。”

48、Before Deborah Tannen made her mark in her field in the 1980's, academic linguists primarily studied the sound, syntax and history of language.上世纪xx年代,黛伯拉˙泰南在她的研究领域成名之前,语言学家们的主要研究方向还停留在语音、句法和语言历史。

49、Collection of famous quotes and collection of mottoes are the most important treasure of the society.名言集和格言集是社会最可贵的财富。

50、So here are some quotes by famous people which remind you of who you are.所以在此献上一些名人名言以此提醒你你是谁。

经典英文句子51:名言名句,51、He tried to lie away her reputation.他极力以谎言毁损她的名誉。

52、Whoever penned this well known saying undoubtedly had it right - in England alone there are around 45,000 different surnames - each with a history behind it.写下这句名言的人是对的——在英格兰,有45000个不同的姓氏,而每个姓氏后都有它背后的历史。

53、The crew, mainly Spanish mercenaries, didn't understand their orders; the admiral's reputed last words were 'knaves I cannot rule'.机组人员,主要是西班牙雇佣军不服从命令,船上的上将留下一句有名遗言“一帮不听命令的恶棍。”

54、Two diners at the lunch table speak animatedly.两名食客在午餐桌上发言热烈。


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