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关于”名词在中的成分“的英语句子49个,句子主体:The composition of nouns in。以下是关于名词在中的成分的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The composition of nouns in


1、Divide class into several teams. Each team recommends a good speller to spell words on the board.


2、Meanwhile the author puts forth the urgency of compiling high quality Chinese-English TCM dictionaries, and the role of such dictionaries in the standardization of English translation of TCM nouns.


3、Participles are formed from verbs.


4、Part Two:The classification of synonymous body nouns.


5、Because named entities and factoids are considered as segmentation units in many corpora, and the disambiguation problem is seldom defined in former segmentation guidelines.


6、In English grammar, the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle.


7、In an English corpus database I use I found that 10% of usage was an anathema.


8、The second part aims to discuss the nominal predicate sentence composed of the nouns with stating meaning itself, which mainly composed two types: with turn meaning or with nature meaning.

问题是, 在英语中被划分为和被懂得为物资名词的, 在另外一种语言中往往被用做可数名词。

9、The problem is that what is classified and perceived as mass noun in English often functions as a countable noun in another language.


10、And of the compound dissyllabic words, modifier-main-word phrases and joint phrases are the two most basic patterns, the parts of speech covering nouns, verbs and adjectives.


11、In English the determiner and the noun it precedes should concord in number .


12、The active part of one pair of antonym of quantitative adjective is unmarked while the negative part marked in most cases.


13、The research on crop nouns is the important component of research on object in traditional linguistics.


14、The reason which leads to the asymmetry is that these nouns experienced changes from predicate-object verbal phrase to predicate-object compound noun in their construction process.


15、In this convention, the words in the name of a service are separated by an underscore.


16、Then the key assignments are switched so that "Moroccan" and "bad" share the same key and "French" and "good" share the other.


17、Dumb English and high mark but poor ability have almost become a codeword(byword) of Chinese English learners.


18、In word-formation , morphemes are labeled root, stem, base and affix.


19、The head-feature assimilation theory is applied that the grammatical features of head-element of compounds assimilate the whole compound, thus determining their parts of speech.


20、For the 567 participants involved in this investigation the average score on the test is 46.06(out of a total of 100), significantly lower than that on a simultaneous vocabulary size test.

21、This thesis is concerned with eponyms, mainly with their sources, derivatives, influence on rhetoric, and applications to naming and advertising.本文主要论述了名祖名词的来源、派生及名祖名词在修辞和实践中的应用和影响。

22、This electronic dictionary consists of six parts, they are adverbs part, postposition part, conjunction part, mood word's part, enchoing word' parts, model word' part and so on.《青史演义电子词典》虚词部分由副词部分、后置词部分、语气词部分、连词部分、摹拟词部分和情态词部分构成。

23、The gerund must not be confused with the present participle.动名词不应与现在分词混淆。

24、In Irish, for example, cailín "girl" is masculine, while stail "stallion" is feminine.例如,在爱尔兰语中,“cailin(姑娘) ”就是阳性名词,而“stail(种马)”却是个阴性名词。

25、Tropicana owns not-from-concentrate in the mind and is the "real thing" in fresh orange juice.纯果乐在消费者心中成了“非浓缩,真正的新鲜橙汁”的代名词。

英文句子26:,26、Ji is one of widely used suffix. It is often behind of noun, adjective, quantifier, verb and pronoun.“唧”是湘乡方言中使用很广泛的词尾之一,主要附在名词、形容词、数量词、动词、代词后。

27、The connectionist theory assumes that lexical information is stored in networks of nodes.连通主义认为词汇信息分布在节点织成的网络之中。

28、We describe the aspect category in the lexical meanings of concrete nouns and abstract nouns in Russian from the perspective of morphology and semantics respectively.本文分别从形式和意义角度对词汇语义结构中含有体范畴语义因素的俄语具体名词、抽象名词进行描写。

29、The genitive noun is used attributively .属格名词用作修饰成分。

30、Poor performance in these sub-type noun classes is possibly due to their longer exposure to the strict classification instruction they have received in traditional grammar books.高中生在这些名词次类的表现不佳很可能是受到传统文法书中制式名词分类法的影响。

31、In “the black cat” the adjective “black”modifies the noun “cat”.在“那只黑猫”中,形容词“黑的”修饰名词“猫”。

32、In English, some animal names don t have their marked forms of the number.英语动物名词中一部分没有数的标记形式,传统上把他们归为单复数同形的名词。

33、Chinese herbal names belong to professionals, and in terms of a large proportion.中药材名称属于专名,在名词中占有很大的比例。

34、Among the kids' ranks lurk the two curiously named lovers of the album's title.在孩子们的阶级中潜伏着一对恋人。 他们的名字很奇怪,因为是以专辑名中的两个单词分别命名的。

35、Grammatical collocations consist of four sub-types oriented to different head words: nouns, adjectives, verbs and determiners;语法搭配又可据其中心词不同分为名词、形容词、动词、限定词四类;

36、You can separate words within the probe name using a double underscore.可以用双下划线分隔探测名中的单词。

37、After the shoot of funny face, the name Audrey became into an adjective word , an equal term as various courteous , mature , and elegant .拍完甜姐儿后,奥黛丽的名字成为了一个形容词,成为有教养、成熟、优雅的代名词。

38、The genitive noun is used attributively.属格名词被用作修饰成分。

39、Thirdly, as for certain devices, the inter-language text over-used some connective words and expressions, such as nominal reference words and pronoun reference words.在某些具体的衔接手段或连接性词语的使用上存在着过度使用的情况,如过多地使用名词性指称成分和代词性指称成分等;

40、The disappearance and in modern Chinese and the loss of certain patterns give rise to the enlargement of expressive function of other tendency.《醒世姻缘传》中部分趋向动词在现代汉语中的消失、不再常用和趋向动词构成的一些格式的消失,造成了其他趋向动词表意职能的扩大。

41、Day and night he worked hard in his laboratory.他夜以继日地在实验室里努力地工作着。(名词转译成副词)

42、It's necessary to compare some none, verb, adjective as well as synonyms , and useful to compare some idiom of either language.在翻译实践中有必要比较中西文中的一些名词、动词、形容词和同义词与对比中西文中的习惯用语、一词多义现象。

43、Especially, it is very difficult to deal with special noun in Chinese automatic word segmentation.特别是对专有名词的处理是中文自动分词中的又一个难点。

44、the lead and the led lead 用作名词表示领导 led 过去分词作形容词,加the,构成某一类人,被领导的

45、It discusses the factors that influence the sequence of common present tense of verbal classifier phrase and composition of noun.讨论影响动量短语和名词词性成分共现时的次序的因素问题。

46、The proper name, which includes person name, geography name, corporation name, is a very important component in modern Chinese unknown words.人名、地名和企业名等专名是现代汉语未登录词的重要组成部分。

47、These documents material to prove, as the term "divide" the meaning of the word is "a position" and "dubbing.这些文献材料证明,作为名词的“分”字之义在于“职分”和“名分”。

48、The similarities shown by conjunct heads will help the automatic identification of nominal coordinate structures in natural language text processing.并列成分中心语语义相似这一特性将帮助计算机自动识别出文本中的名词性并列结构。

49、You've got mixed up by the use of participle and gerund.你混淆了现在分词和动名词的用法。

50、There are 解决中文信息抽取有3个难点,分别是中文分词、中文语料词表和中文命名实体识别。

3 key difficulties in Chinese IE, which are Chinese tokenizing problem, professional gazetteers and Chinese named entity recognition.

经典英文句子51:名词在中的成分,51、The technical name for them is zoonoses.这类疾病的技术名词是动物瘟疫(zoonoses)。 大量的此类瘟疫正在形成中。

52、In english grammar the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle.英语语法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。

53、It is a language in which nouns are freely verbalized.它是名词随意可以变成动词的一种语言。

54、He finds that English premodifiers and postmodifiers are expressed flexibly, but modifiers in Chinese are invariably placed before head nouns.作者发现在英语名词词组中,中心词的修饰语非常灵活;

55、He was trying to use Chinese syntax: 'of' was standing in for the Mandarin particle 'de' to turn the noun 'blue' into an adjective.他用“of”代替中文普通话中的助词“的”,以便将名词“蓝”变成形容词。

56、Under the combined criterion of semantics and syntax, nouns in English fall into four categories, with one group of count nouns and three groups of mass nouns.文章进一步讨论了可数分类词与不可数分类词的区别及划分标准,并尝试对可数分类词下定义,借此把汉语中的可数名词与不可数名词区分开来。

57、专业名词必考 在托福听力中,我们经常会听到类似的说法如“this is what we call + 专有名词”,或者“this is +现象”。

58、I have trouble telling the difference between a gerund and a participle.动名词和分词的区别,我分不出来。

59、In the level of phrase, the author elaborates on the English predominant phrase - noun phrase and contrasts it with Chinese.在词组层面,作者主要对英语立法语言中占有绝对优势的名词词组进行了分析,对比其在汉语中相对应的表达方式。

60、In compound words, no overlapping words exist.合成词中不存在重叠式合成词。

61、In english grammar the gerund have exactly the same form as the present participle.英语文法中,动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式。



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