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1、It is important to learn to communicate.


2、Demonstrate your personality, your charm, and your ability to communicate by speaking face-to-face.


3、don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.


4、Lower richness than the verbal forms, but still is directed at a given person.


5、This course builds on managerial communication skills developed in Management Communication for Undergraduates (

15.279) or Communication for Managers (




跟客户介绍的时候,不要总是说, Our quality is very good. 展位上面大家时间都不多。



7、My girlfriend and I do not communicate.


8、The channel of communication is smooth.


9、Talk with your SO weekly.


10、The way humans normally communicate is through natural language.


11、Conclusion The demand of ER patients to the nurse-patient communication is relatively high, and nurses should select different style of communication based on different patients.


12、This is a self-communication and mutual communication process;


13、A: On your first question, China has stayed in communication with all sides. The channel for communication is unimpeded.


14、I have good comunication skills.


15、My wife and I do not communicate.


16、Wired broadcasting, communicates the infinite world!


17、And communicate that to them.


18、The enterprise all communication channels was clear, directly determine the communication network effects and the size of the range.


19、I like to communicate with my family.


20、Midmonth highlights communication and education.

21、Understand the fundamental of communication: the self, perception, and effective communication skills. And, apply the above skill to small group communication. - Skills.了解人际沟通的基础-认识自我及知觉、有效沟通的方法,包括倾听、语文讯息及非语文讯息,最后应用于小团体沟通。(技能)

22、He couldn't communicate with us.他也无法和我们沟通。

23、Hospital should play abridge role between medical staff and patient and make mechanism of communication between medical staff and patients.医院在医患沟通中应起“桥梁”作用,建立并落实医患沟通机制。

24、No need to worry about miscommunications.无需担心缺乏沟通。

25、Channelers seek direct contact with angelic beings.通灵人士追求直接与天使沟通;

英文句子26:,26、跟客户介绍的时候,不要总是说, Our quality is very good. 展位上面大家时间都不多。

27、Result Among the 25 cases, 结果颅鼻沟通瘤25例,其中鼻腔、副鼻窦与颅腔沟通者10例,鼻咽部与颅内沟通者15例。

10 cases were intracranial tumors invading nasal cavity and paranasal sinus, the rest

15 cases were intracranial tumors invading nasopharynx part.

28、TASK:Communicate the joy with Durex.任务:用杜蕾斯来沟通快乐!

29、Communications is the disclosure of information to relevant personnel, including internal and external communications of the company.所称沟通,系指把资讯告知相关人员,包括公司内、外部沟通。

30、The most effective commercial communicational skills!最有效的商务沟通技巧!

31、Which country is your biggest market? 不能直接问谁是你最大的客户,这样太敏感了。

32、Fourth, the correct pattern will have an effective influence on the communication between teachers and students.第四,正确的沟通模式会让师生之间沟通效果事半功倍。

33、no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

34、This is a communications seminar.今天是一次沟通讨论会。

35、Technological progress and the emergence of different electronic communication networks have paved the way to new definitions.技术的发展和各种电子沟通网络的出现赋予了沟通新的定义。

36、Did you find everything which you need exactly? 你问这种问题很容易可以从客户那里得到你们整个行业的情况,客户的观点对你是很有价值的。

37、Collaboration and communication are your buzzwords.合作和沟通是最重要的。

38、How much time are you available? 这样可以体现你对客户行程的尊重,也可以让你自己根据时间来掌握沟通的内容。

39、don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

40、Yes, this is communication, but there is very little opportunity for noise from an outside source to interfere with the communication.的确,这就是沟通,但是来自外界的噪音很少有机会来干扰这个沟通。

41、private label suppliers in the global market. Our producing capacity is more than000,000,000,000/units each week. Furthermore, you know, the knowledge and the knowhow sometimes is more important than the machines and equipments. Fortunately, we have accumulated enough producing and management knowhow from our longterm cooperation with XXXX company. I am sure we can help you to reduce your international sourcing costs, we can help you to increase your bottom line. just let me know how I can create value.


42、Yet, they could communicate with her.然而,他们可以与她沟通。

43、Understand the fundamental of communication: the self, perception, and effective communication skills. And, apply the above skill to interpersonal communication. - Skills.了解人际沟通的基础-认识自我及知觉、有效沟通的方法,包括倾听、语文讯息及非语文讯息,最后应用于人际沟通。(技能)

44、Education and Communication Up-front communication and education helps employees see the logic in the change effort.教育和沟通。 预先做好沟通和教育工作,大家就可以明白为什么要作出变化。

45、Relations between management and communication Though there are many differences of them , there are many superpositions .管理与沟通的内在联系 管理和沟通当然是有区别,但管理和沟通也有数不尽的重合部分。

46、The dimension, "communication climate", of organizational communication within TIPO held the predictability to its organizational effectiveness.经济部智慧财产局组织沟通中之「沟通气候」,对组织效能具有预测力。

47、Sophisticate in communication and coordination skills.有良好的沟通和协调能力。

48、don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

49、We couldn't communicate with him.我们无法和他沟通。

50、Said acidifying ditch is communicated to each biochemical ditch via balance channels.酸化沟和各生化沟之间通过平衡通道相连通。

经典英文句子51:沟通,51、Non-verbal communication is often used in book circulation service. and this type of communication can not be without culture.流通服务中经常使用非语言沟通,而这种沟通方式离不开文化。

52、Office Communications focuses on improving intra-office communication skills with your superiors, colleagues, and subordinates.办公室沟通重点在改进办公室内部沟通技巧,包括与你的上级,同事和下级。

53、Third, effective upward communication facilitates downward communication as good listening becomes a two-way street.第三,有效的上行沟通与下行沟通一起形成信息沟通的双向通道。

54、The best communicators are gift-givers.最好的沟通方式是先给予。

55、最好是用你本行业的定量术语来表达,假如本行业没有定量术语,就直接说,We have supplied our products for XXXXX company for

56、Have good interpersonal and communication skills.良好的人际沟通能力。

57、I love communicating.我热爱沟通。

58、Have differences in communication styles, or poor communication in general, hindered your juggles ?沟通方式的差异或不良的沟通阻碍了你的事业或家庭吗?

59、Great communication skills - able to understand my ideas and communicate with me effectively.良好的沟通技巧- 能理解我的想法和我进行有效的沟通。

60、Lastly, the characteristics of physician-patient communication was described and the key points were stessed .进而阐述了“医患沟通”的内涵特征,同时指出提高医患沟通能力的注意要点。

61、Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine.加百列也是传说中与天庭沟通的伟大沟通师。

62、the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

63、The generation gap ensues there is lack of communication between parents and children.当家长和孩子之间缺乏沟通的时候,代沟就出现了。

64、Communication patterns are also affected by whether participants' identities are known, anonymous, or pseudonymous .沟通参与者的身份是公开的还是匿名的抑或使用笔名的,对沟通模式也有影响。

65、Based on the communication theory, this study explore communication patterns between senders and receivers, and design contents including themes and representations.本研究以设计沟通理论为出发点,探讨著重于传递者及接收者间之沟通模式,及沟通内容中讨论主题及表达形式。

66、Keep Communication Flowing With Scrums of Scrums保持各个Scrum之间的沟通

67、Communicate you and my mind, communicate the mankind's comity, communicate the world fine, the thoroughfare of the life will be more vast.沟通你我的心灵,沟通人类的友谊,沟通世界的美好,人生的通路将会更加广阔。

68、We should communicate with each other without delay.我们要及时沟通思想。



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