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关于”结尾升华“的英语句子48个,句子主体:end sublimation。以下是关于结尾升华的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:end sublimation


1、When the aircraft pitches up, instead of forcing the tail down decreasing overall lift, the canard lifts the nose, increasing the overall lift.


2、Footnote at the end of the page, while endnotes section or at the end of the document.

这个标记设计用于标记一段的开始和结尾(使用结尾 标记)。

3、This tag is designed to mark the beginning and (with the closing tag) end of a paragraph.


4、Main Compositions: lavender essence, lactalbumin, sage, witch hazel.


5、Denouement: The outcome of a plot.


6、So, for instance, there's sublimation.


7、This template, when sublimated and manufactured will end up as a full button-down softball jersey.


8、Tail lifts - Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles - Safety requirements - Part

1 : tail lifts for goods.


内 华 达 山脉 的尾部把雨水全挡住了。

9、The end of the Sierra Nevada cuts off all rain.


10、She is last seen living with Wallace and Gromit at the end of the latest film driving off into the sunset!


11、The human appendix is a small dead-end tube connected to the cecum, or ascending colon, one section of the large intestine.


12、When tail rotor blade designed into soft in rotary plane, there is a new dynamical problem of coupling stability between tail rotor and tail boom for helicopters with one main rotor and tail rotor.


13、You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.


14、Finally, some useful conclusions about further design of sublimator are presented.


15、As a result, they underestimate their total cost, and end up overspending.


16、There's a helicopter landing pad on a pier poking into New York's East River at the end of Wall Street.


17、Comet McNaught's Superlong Tail Promises Flashy Show


18、The conclusion of a note need not use the complimentary close, but the name of the addresser.


19、This is the whole difference to sublimation.


20、The tail lift curve slope as determined from the panel model may require adjustment in order to apply the test results.

21、Results (结果(

1)Anxiety patients tended to use defense mechanism such as fancy, sublimation, determent, intercourse.


22、The horizontal stabilizer and elevator in the tail assembly of an aircraft.飞机尾部的水平稳定器和升降舵。

23、Please read it to the end. 请读到结尾。

24、Joshua is shaking his tail.庄叔华摇了摇尾巴。

25、Do you define sublimation as being displacement?升华和移置相同吗?

英文句子26:,26、Until broke the gorgeous fleur-delis…直到折断了华丽的鸢尾…

27、The utility model discloses a structural improvement for empennage transmission of toy helicopters, when improves the practical effect of the structure for empennage transmission.本实用新型公开了一种玩具直升机的尾翼传动结构改良,其使传 动尾翼的结构得更广泛的实用功效;

28、Results The ultrasonography detected 结果超声检查发现急性阑尾炎

9 patients with acute appendicitis and colonic cancer. All patients were diagnosed by the pathological examination.

9 例均有升结肠肿瘤,全部病例均经结肠镜检或手术证实。

29、Horse - immortal soul sublimation of fairyland.仙马---灵魂升华的仙境。

30、This is a single rotor with tail rotor helicopter, with three rotor blades, rotor diameter of 这是一架单旋翼带尾桨式直升机,装有三片桨叶的旋翼,旋翼直径

8.5 meters, with two rear tail rotor blade.


31、Properties: color lobed or needle crystal, hexagonal columnar crystal obtained after distillation, easy deliquescence.理化性质:色叶状或针状结晶,升华后得六角形柱状结晶,易潮解。

32、The well-written ending of the news can not only make it perfect, but also further deepens theme of the news and gives listeners much food for thought.写好新闻结尾,不仅可以使新闻在形式上更为完美,而且可以画龙点睛,使新闻的主题得到进一步的深化和升华,引起回味和思索。

33、Art is the distillation of life.艺术是现实生活的升华。

34、Then, a certain procedure was followed to freeze and freeze - dry the juice to obtain a vacuum freeze - drying curve of it.然后按照一定的升温程序对苦瓜汁进行了冻结与升华干燥,并得到了苦瓜汁的真空冻干曲线。

35、Rather an end with horror than a horror without end.宁要恐怖有结尾,也不要无结尾的恐怖。

36、Communicated by pervasive mass media, the ritual of conceding defeat and declaring victory becomes the election’s cathartic dénouement.经过无处不在的大众媒体的传播,承认败选和宣布胜利的礼仪使选举得以在富有升华性的尾声中结束。

37、Climatologists think that contrails exert a net warming influence, perhaps as large as 气候学家认为,结算后凝结尾会使大气温度上升,也许最高可达温室气体导致的全球暖化的2%。

2 percent of the global warming resulting from greenhouse gases.

38、Will have ugly distillation. Beautiful initiation.才会有丑的升华。美的萌生。

39、The so-called 'Chinese fashion' is the formal dress standing for Chinese national culture.“华夏礼服”这四个字首尾相连是为华服,是代表了我们华夏民族精神的礼服。

40、Of something far more deeply interfused.从更深刻的融合中升华。

41、When confronted by a rattlesnake, squirrels' tails heat up, getting hotter by almost four degrees Fahrenheit.当遇到响尾蛇时,松鼠的尾巴会变热,温度上升大约4度(华氏)。

42、Test results have proved that the basic design concept of sublimator is feasible and that sintered powder porous plates can meet experimental needs of sublimator.试验结果证明文中提出的升华器基本的设计概念是可行的,粉末烧结多孔板可以满足升华器的试验要求。

43、Elevators on the tailplane control pitch.平尾上的升降舵控制俯仰。

44、Sublimating the noise of the city.升华了全城市的喧哗。

45、The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.将性冲动升华为艺术。

46、This is consistent with the experimental results of pressure distribution and indicates that sublimation method can correctly display the transition location.这一结果和压力分布的实验结果相吻合,说明升华法能够较准确地显示转捩线位置。

47、At the same time, the abnormal location of cecum, appendix and ascending colon can also be seen.同时还可以显示空回肠、盲肠、阑尾、升结肠位置异常。

48、Shares dipped to $8.95 before recovering slightly to $9.05.最低跌至 尾市稍为回升,收报



49、A specific procedure was followed to freeze and freeze-dry the juice to obtain vacuum freeze-drying curve.然后按照一定的升温程序对苦瓜汁进行了冻结与升华干燥,并得到了苦瓜汁的真空冻干曲线。

50、And Jennifer Warnes’ velvety smooth “doo dum dum” backing chorus is a charming highlight of the super closer "Tower Of Song." RM詹妮弗·华纳斯醇和圆润的背景合音“doo dum dum”是超级结尾曲“歌之塔”的一个迷人的亮点。

经典英文句子51:结尾升华,51、New-made friendships are like new wine and age will mellow and refine.新结的友情像清冽的甘露,年代久远才会芳醇升华。

52、The purity of by-product of caffeine is 46.24%, it can be refine by crystallization or sublimation.副产的粗咖啡碱产品纯度为46.24%,可以用结晶、升华法进行精制。

53、Conclusions The purity of arsenic trioxide increase remarkably, the recovery by recrystallization is higher than sublimation.重结晶法的回收率明显高于升华法;

54、When the night comes, attesting the busy city of lights.当黑夜来临,华灯初升的繁华都市。

55、The temperature gets high up to 110F.气温高升到华氏110度。

56、Global netizens may be able to log on to the Internet with the new domain at the beginning of next year at the earliest.预计最早在明年初,全球华语网民将能够以".中国"结尾的纯中文域名访问互联网。

57、Monday: Ray&Ball Cocktail Night, Buy one get one free for any purchase (Cocktail Only).周


58、As in the drawing, the GEN H-4 has no tail.GEN H-4直升机与这幅素描中的直升机一样,也没有尾翼。

59、Automotive snorkels Mei-called cantilever handling devices, referred to the end of car plate;汽车液压升降尾板又叫悬臂式装卸装置,简称汽车尾板;

60、Amy accidentally discovered young wild goose is the beginning of the film distillation, the little wild goose were out of their shells, after will be the first to see Amy as a mother, trailed.爱米意外的发现雏雁是本片升华的开始,这群小雁出壳后,将首先看到的爱米当作了妈妈,一路尾随。

61、Ingredient:mineral contents, sulfur sublimed .主要成份:矿盐,升华硫。

62、In order to increase helicopter maximum flight speed, compound helicopters with Vectored Thrust Ducted Propeller(VTDP) instead of conventional tail rotor are proposed.为了提高直升机的飞行速度,出现了用涵道风扇矢量推力系统取代常规的尾桨和尾翼的复合式高速直升机。

63、This is called sublimation.这个过程是升华。

64、The benchmark 10-year note US10YT=RR, which had earlier risen 6/32 in price, was off 7/32 for a yield of 指标xx年期公债US10YT=RR盘中一度升6/32,尾盘跌7/32,收益率由周二尾盘的

3.37 percent, up from

3.35 percent on Tuesday.



65、All right. Now just a final close, a cadence.好了,现在仅剩一个最后的结尾了,乐章结尾

66、For sublimation. Or vaporization.对于升华和蒸发。

67、Yes, she was sublimating .是啊,她那叫升华。

68、Abstract: The multi rope friction hoist replacing tail rope before and tail rope replacement method.摘要: 论述了多绳摩擦式提升机尾绳更换前的准备以及尾绳更换方法。


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