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关于”背诵的方法“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Method of reciting。以下是关于背诵的方法的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Method of reciting


1、He believes understanding, rather than memorization, is the most important part of studying.


2、Of course, she also recited half of the content of lesson 103.


3、Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon read the remarks.


4、So I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible.


5、To my great surprise, she can recites A Feast of Food too.


6、She recited the left part of lesson 102 this afternoon.


7、What troubles me most is that I can't learn all these English idioms by heart.


8、Manya recited the prayer in a low voice, careful not to show her feelings.


9、If you cannot make the office hours, again, contact the recitation instructor to make other arrangements.


10、I listened to the way he annunciated certain words when he read passages from a book.


11、The mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome.


12、So she recited the first half content in lesson 123 this evening.


13、Reciting banishes those three great evils : boredom , vice and poverty .


14、My daughter recited the whole conversation in lesson 111 this evening.


15、Usually the teacher tells us to recite the text------- ------- ------- --------the class.


16、I've been memorizing scripts, regularly since I was about

14 years old.


17、Rita reiterated what Reardon recited while Reardon read the comments.


18、Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon road the remarks.


19、Et passim , who recite the history of Israel's redemption from Egypt and other enemies.


20、People with musical training are significantly better at recalling words from a list as well as bettter learning new words.

21、The one mandatory speech class became an exercise in rote memorization.唯一的一次强制演讲也成了机械背诵练习。

22、I would recite all that had been rehearsed on the way home.我会把在回家路上练习过的东西背诵一遍。

23、So, in your recitations sections, I have asked the instructors not to do that.所以,在你们的背诵课上,我已经让讲师不要那么做了。

24、She recited the whole conversation in lesson 123 this evening.今天晚上,她背诵了第一百二十三课的全部对话。

25、The method of chanting, should it be with voice (low voices) or silently?持诵的方法,是出声念(小声念),或只在心内默念?

英文句子26:,26、Fu is a literature style spreaded by orally and it's rhetoric method is describing.赋是以口诵传播,以铺叙为修辞方法的交体。

27、Nor do we bother to remember multiplication tables. Pocket calculators do the job of multiplying quite nicely.我们甚至不用烦神去背诵乘法表,袖珍计算器算得又快又好。

28、Rita repeated what Reardon recited when Reardon peruse the comments.当里尒登读评论时,丽塔重复里尒登背诵的东西。

29、I learn some things by rote, going over and over them until I know them by heart.我是靠死记的方式来学习,一次又一次的背诵,直到我能牢记为止.。

30、If only recitation is skillfully and tactfully integrated into writing teaching, it will be very effective to assist writing teaching and help improve learners' writing ability greatly.只要教师善于引导并能策略性地融背诵于写作教学中,背诵输入法将会是一个非常有效的写作教学辅助模式,对提高学生的写作能力将会起到事半功倍的作用。

31、As consideration for the gift, each boy must recite a prayer for Bost's soul.每人都必需背诵一段祷词,以此告慰波斯特的灵魂。

32、She recited the whole conversation in lesson 121 to me just now.刚才,她给我背诵了第一百二十一课的全部内容。

33、My daughter recited half of the conversation in lesson 113 this evening.今天晚上,我女儿背诵了一半第一百一十三课的对话。

34、In fact, the recite-teaching method is essential and should not doff in future teaching.事实上,背诵教学法的存在是很必要的,在以后的教学过程中是不可以被遗弃的。

35、She recited the whole conversation in lesson 129 this evening.今天晚上,她背诵了第一百二十九课的整段对话。

36、It’s no use reciting a composition if you don’t know its meaning.如果你不知道文章的意思,光背诵它是没有用的。

37、Platon Karataev knew nothing by heart except his prayers.普拉东·卡拉塔耶夫除了祷辞,不会背诵别的什么。

38、My throat was too tight for words to come.我试图背诵主祷文,但喉咙发紧,说不出话来。

39、As usual, she recited the rest part of lesson 105 tonight.跟往常一样,今天晚上,她背诵了第一百零五课的剩余的部分。

40、Next time you pay me a visit, I want you to recite.下次你再来看我时,我希望你背诵给我听。

41、I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible.我送给她一只传奇鹦鹉,能背诵整本圣经。

42、So the whole package is much different from passive lectures and recitations.因此这整个过程,都和被动的讲座和背诵不同。

43、Although she recited the first half last night, I asked her to recite the whole conversation again. It still took her some time to review the content which she learned last night.虽然昨天晚上她已经背诵过前半部分了,但是我要求她今天晚上把整段对话全都背会,因此她复习昨天晚上背诵过的内容还花了一些时间呢。

44、Secondly, you should try to chat with Chinese, moreover recite the text.然后,你应该试着和中国人交谈,并且背诵课文。

45、If you don't believe it, you can recite the lesson after me, and then you can get it.就和我一起背诵课文吧,背完之后你就知道是怎么回事了。

46、He may be asked to recite the entire Constitution, or explain the most complex provisions of state law.登记员肯会要求这位黑人背诵整个宪法的内容,或者解释那个州的法律里最复杂的一个条款。

47、I have asked all of my recitation instructors to state office hours.我已经叫所有背诵课的老师,安排办公时间了。

48、He practised saying his speech over until he was letter-perfect.他练习背诵自己的演说稿,直到把它完全记熟。

49、Because of the variety of teaching strategy introduced into China, recitation as the Chinese traditional learning strategy is submerged and abandoned.由于各种学习方法的引进,背诵这一传统的学习策略渐渐被埋没进而放弃了。

50、An airfoil as recited in claim 翼型作为背诵,在索赔

17, wherein said airfoil means includes.

17 ,其中,表示翼型的手段包括。

经典英文句子51:背诵的方法,51、My daughter recited the whole conversation in lesson 133 this evening.今天晚上,我女儿背诵了第一百三十三课的整个对话。

52、LEHRER: How were you able to recite from memory the first 22, 514 numbers of Pi?Lehrer:你是如何能背诵圆周率小数点后22514位数的?

53、And, there's a whole bunch of other information there, and then a list of recitation instructors.那还有其他的完整的信息,还有背诵课讲师的名单。

54、Where you get a chance to interact on a greater level is in the recitations.而你们能够得到更多的互动,则是在背诵课上。

55、She recited a half of the conversation in lesson 109 this evening.今天晚上,她背诵了第一百零九课的对话的一半内容。

56、At last, she recited the last three conversations in lesson 126.最后,她背诵了第一百二十六课的最后三个对话。


标签: 方法

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