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关于”ins上爆红“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Ins on the red。以下是关于ins上爆红的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ins on the red


1、The fourth dish, stewed beef father is made of method for a while.


2、Saute red chili and garlic in

1 tbsp oil. Add sauce mix, heat through and pour over fish fillet.

单击 Plug-in Details按钮,确保 org.eclipse.emf.* 插件在

3、Make sure the org.eclipse.emf.* plug-ins are at the

2.0.1 level. The following six plug-ins relate to SDO

2.0.1 层次上。


4、Gaoyou and other places have the tradition of eating "twelve red". Twelve red refers to oil shrimp, Fried amaranth, salted duck egg yellow, cinnabar tofu and so on.


5、Your groom is made of mahogany, and his drawer is full of silver plates.


6、The INS and DEL elements must not contain block-level content when these elements behave as inline elements.

在 INS V2.2 中,创建 SubscriptionService 客户端实例并使用其发布数据。

7、In INS V2.2, an instance of a SubscriptionService client is created and used to publish the data.

INS V2.2 的内容适配器代码

8、Content adapter code for INS V2.2


9、Many mines devote little attention to safety standards, resulting in frequent cave- ins , explosions, floods and fires.

在INS/JTIDS 组合导航的基础上,探讨了JTIDS的相对导航。

10、On the basis of INS/JTIDS integrated navigation, JTIDS relative navigation is discussed.


11、Hence, everyone pasted red couplets and images of the door god on walls and doors, hung red lanterns and set off firecrackers to scare the monster away.

CWB 并没有使用所有 WTP 插件,而是使用其中一些数据工具插件,并通过提供附加的插件来增加功能。

12、The CWB does not use all of the WTP plug-ins, but instead uses some of the data tool plug-ins, and adds functionality by providing additional plug-ins.

第一部分 Plug-ins and Fragments 只列出了运行产品所需的插件和代码片段。

13、The first section, Plug-ins and Fragments, simply lists the plug-ins and fragments needed to run your product.


14、Infrared observations have shown that the explosion took place in a cavity in space.

INS V2.2 不允许用户保存或丢弃他们的订阅,它是自动保存的。

15、INS V2.2 does not allow the user to save or discard their subscription; it is automatically saved.

plugin_install 目录中的任何未安装插件将自动显示在 “Plug-ins not yet installed” 部分下面。

16、Any uninstalled plug-ins that are sitting in the plugin_install directory are automatically displayed under the "Plug-ins not yet installed" section.

Plug-ins and Fragments section" 列出了所有将要打包在您的产品中的插件和片段。

17、The "Plug-ins and Fragments section" lists all plug-ins and fragments that will be packaged in your product.

在 INS V2.2 中,API 及库文件都已经被重组。

18、In INS V2.2, the API and library files have been restructured.

本发明涉及慢病毒基因组中的抑制性核苷酸信号序列或“INS”序 列。

19、The invention relates to inhibitory nucleotide signal sequences or 'INS' sequences in the genomes of lentiviruses.

被显示的这里海国王MK 2B 被分配到印第安海军驱逐舰INS Mysore 。

20、Shown here Sea King MK 2B assigned to the Indian naval destroyer INS Mysore.

21、A holiday favorite sweetened with brown sugar but spiced up with Thai red curry paste and coconut milk.爆辣甘薯。 这道假日上品加有红糖,用泰式红咖喱和椰奶调味。

22、Check Automatically include this location when searching for new or updated plug-ins.选中 Automatically include this location when searching for new or updated plug-ins。

23、Select the Add new workspace plug-ins to this launch configuration automatically check box.选中 Add new workspace plug-ins to this launch configuration automatically 复选框。

24、Kind of rice mixed with steamed glutinous rice and aromatic stir-fried sliced pork, mushrooms, squids, and red onion.意义」将蒸熟的糯米加上爆香过的猪肉片、香菇、鱿鱼、红葱头一同拌炒的米食。

25、For plug-ins for V6.2, refer to the V6.2 version of this article. The plug-ins provide对于 V6.2 的插件,请参阅 本文的 V6.2 版本。

英文句子26:,26、The Pink Panthers are also known for their daring escapes and creative break-ins.“粉红豹”的显赫名声还来自于他们富有创意的破门和大胆的脱逃。

27、The Guo Meimei scandal erupted June 21, when someone on the Chinese Internet pointed out the photographs that Ms.郭美美丑闻爆发于xx月xx日,有人在互联网上发现郭美美在她的新浪微博上贴出的照片以及她在红十字会工作。

28、She always is all smile, the hand grasped from the teatrough two has been big, was the puffed rice does explodes the block, was the sweet potato piece.她总是满脸堆笑,手从茶盆中抓了两大把,一把是爆米花做的爆块,一把是红薯片。

29、The trigger handler code for handling a subscription in INS V2.2 is much different.INS V2.2 中用于处理订阅的触发器处理程序代码有很大不同。

30、Load all of the plug-ins into the workspaces when prompted to do so.当出现提示时,上载所有的插件到到这个工作空间。

31、Avoid using foods like popcorn or cranberries to decorate your home.避免使用爆米花、小红莓或类似食物装饰你的屋子。

32、Pink willow green, the hawk song, the firecracker fireworks welcomes the prosperous times.桃红柳绿,燕舞莺歌,爆竹烟花迎盛世。

33、Parts and components are rebuilt or replaced, blasted, primed, and painted with automotive quality paints, then infrared baked.部件和组件是重建或更换,爆破,引,并髹上汽车质量油漆,然后红外线烤。

34、Give it a descriptive name, and under the plug-ins tab, select launch with all workspace and enabled external plug-ins.输入一个描述性的名称,然后在 plug-ins 选项卡中,选择 launch with all workspace and enabled external plug-ins。

35、Click the plug-ins folder, and open the templates plug-in.点击 plug-ins 文件夹,打开模板插件。

36、" The firecracker, red, can break ground if brocade, called "ManTangGong".爆竹声后,碎红满地,灿若云锦,称为“满堂红”。

37、The trigger handler constructor also changed in INS V2.2.在 INS V2.2 中触发器处理程序也有所改变。

38、Imbottigliato dal viticultore或是Imbottiglato all' origine 意指着葡萄酒为酒农自行于酒庄内装瓶的

39、The Referenced Plug-ins and Fragments page is now open with a list of available plug-ins.现在打开了 Referenced Plug-ins and Fragments 页面,其中带有一个可用插件列表。

40、And remember, 32-bit plug-ins won't work in 64-bit applications.请记住,32位插件无法在64位应用程序上使用。

41、An Inter- national Red Cross vehicle had been hit by mine blasts in the area just a few weeks before.仅仅几星期以前,一辆国际红十字会的汽车在同一地区遇上地雷爆炸。

42、One after another, each bomb shows up as a little red puff on the screen.一个接着一个,每一次爆炸都在屏幕上冒起一小阵红烟。

43、The tight coupling of WAM with plug-ins has proven to be brittle, and the “burstable,” elastic nature of virtualized cloud platforms makes the plug-in model infeasible.WAM和插件之间的紧耦合已经被证明很脆弱,而虚拟云平台的“爆炸性的”、高弹性的性质使插件模型失去了可行性。

44、Bright red explosion loess plateau hot mud moon this child's life.殷红的爆热的高原黄土泥朔了这个孩子的生命。

45、The following libraries are used in INS V2.0下面是 INS V2.0 中使用的库

46、From HQ3 of the red flag two days ago appear on the market, to new admiral car appear, arrive again of C601 product show, the red flag erupts suddenly in loneliness it seems that.从两天前红旗HQ3的上市,到新旗舰车的亮相,再到C601产品的露出,红旗似乎忽然在寂寞中爆发。

47、Mix-ins are modules (which cannot be instantiated) that contain methods that a class can chose to include.mix-ins 是模块(不能被实例化),其中包含类可以选择包含的方法。

48、Now the opera ins on at the People's Theatre.现在这剧正在人民剧场上演。

49、On the Plug-ins tab, select Choose plug-ins and fragments to launch from the list在 Plug-ins 栏上选择 Choose plug-ins and fragments to launch from the list。

50、From then on New Year's Eve every year, every household paste red couplets, firecrackers;从此每年除夕,家家贴红对联、燃放爆竹;

经典英文句子51:ins上爆红,51、change to ‘Medium or lower’ and select "trust all add-ins and templates…"更改为 “Medium 或 lower” 并选中 “trust all add-ins and templates…”

52、For the Reference Plug-ins and Fragments, select the plug-in as shown in figure 选择 插件作为 Reference Plug-ins and Fragments,如图

6, and then click Finish.

6 所示,然后单击 Finish。

53、Select Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments entry from the list从这个列表中选择 Plug-in Development > Deployable plug-ins and fragments 条目

54、Chinese mines have an appalling safety record, with thousands of deaths reported every year in explosions, floods and cave-ins.中国煤矿,有着惊人的安全事故记录。每xx年都会有成千上万的煤矿工人死于(瓦斯)爆炸、涌水、坍塌等事故的报道。

55、However, so far, there was little research of arecoline on INS-1 cells.但是槟榔碱单体对INS-1胰岛细胞的研究尚未见报道。

56、The Twilight franchise has blown up more than anyone could have ever expected back in 2008.《暮光之城》系类电影在xx年出人意料的爆红。

57、Google-ize your computer with Google gadgets and plug-ins.谷歌化您与谷歌小工具和插件的计算机上。

58、Please note that it registers Visual Studio Add-ins for Informix only if it detects .NET framework 注意,只有当它检测到计算机上已经安装了 .NET framework

2.0 and Informix .NET provider installed on the machine.

2.0 和 Informix .NET provider 的时候,才会注册 Visual Studio Add-ins for Informix。

59、Consequently the key problem of soft-fault detecting in INS/GPS is effectively solved by the MGWT Fault Tolerance algorithm. And the stability and accuracy of INS/GPS EKF are enhanced greatly.因此,调频高斯小波变换方法有效解决了INS/GPS中在线软故障检测的难题,提高了INS/GPS系统组合EKF滤波的稳定性和精度。

60、The plug-ins require Eclipse 这些插件要求 Eclipse

3.1 and the 0.7 WTP plug-ins.

3.1 和 0.7 WTP 插件。

61、Extension points are defined on host plug-ins, whereas extensions are declared by the extender plug-ins.扩展点是在主插件上定义的,而扩展是由扩展器插件声明的。

62、There were two break-ins at restaurants during last week.上周餐馆发生两次窃盗。

63、So people lighted firecrackers, put on red couplets on their gates, lit firework and beat gongs and drums to drive Nian away.所以人们点燃爆竹,贴上红对联,点燃烟花在大门口打锣鼓喧天。

64、On Windows 64-bit instances, both 32-bit and 64-bit plug-ins will be in the same directory, but the 64-bit plug-ins will be added with a '64' suffix, for example, myplugin64.dll.在 Windows 64 位实例中,32 位和 64 位插件都在相同的目录中,但是 64 位插件将加上后缀 ‘64’,例如 myplugin64.dll。

65、Click the Add button next to Plug-ins and Fragments and add the plug-in to the list.单击 Plug-ins and Fragments 旁边的 Add 按钮,将 插件添加到列表。

66、The org.eclipse.ui and org.eclipse.core.runtime plug-ins should already be listed under Required Plug-ins.ui and org.eclipse.core.runtime 插件应该已经列于 Required Plug-in 下。

67、Extension points are defined on the host plug-ins, whereas extensions are declared by the extender plug-ins.扩展点是在主机插件上定义的,所以这些扩展由 extender 插件声明。

68、Saute red chili and garlic in 用1汤匙油爆香红辣椒及 蒜头,加入芡汁煮热,淋在鱼柳上。

1 tbsp oil. Add sauce mix, heat through and pour over fish fillet.

69、How often do you lose sleep due to late-night log-ins?你是否会由于到了半夜才登录上网而损失睡眠时间?

70、On the Select window, select Deployable plug-ins and fragments and click Next在 Select 窗口中选择 Deployable plug-ins and fragments,然后单击 Next。

71、Select plug-ins radio button in the "The product configuration is based on" section.在 "The product configuration is based on" 部分,选择 plug-ins 单选按钮。

72、Notice that in INS V2.0, you must update and then save the subscription.注意在 INS V2.0 中必须先更新订阅,然后再保存。

73、The New Extension wizard appears as shown in figure 取消选定 “Show only extension points from the required plug-ins” 选项。

9. Deselect the option for "Show only extension points from the required plug-ins."

74、If Arsène Wenger could change just one of football's laws, he would scrap throw-ins and replace them with kick-ins.假设温格手上有一张仅能使用一次的圣诞礼券,让他改变一条足球的规则,他会选择把“手抛界外球”改成用脚踢的。

75、Braised ribbonfish, fried eggplant, vegetable soup , rice.红烧带鱼,酱爆茄丁,蔬菜汤,米饭。

英文句子模板76:Ins on the red,76、Select the Choose plug-ins and fragments to launch from the list option from the radio button group从单选按钮群中选择Choose plug-ins and fragments to launch from the list option

77、The red-chip bubble ultimately burst, with most now trading at below their issue prices.红筹泡沫最终爆破,大部分红筹股都跌破招股价。

78、In the editor, go to the Plug-ins tab and check that both plug-ins are added properly.在编辑器中,切换至 Plug-ins 项并检查两个插件都得到了适当的添加。

79、Crushed under an avalanche of Angry Birds, FourSquare check-ins, and Skype chatter, the BlackBerry is finally losing its grip on the enterprise.自愤怒的小鸟,FourSquare check-ins和Skype chatter等游戏在黒莓手机上崩溃以后,黑莓便失去了其在手机行业的控制力。


标签: 英文

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