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关于”旅游的优美“的英语句子26个,句子主体:The beauty of tourism。以下是关于旅游的优美的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The beauty of tourism


1、Yangzhou is one of the Chinese first historical and cultural well-known cities and China good travel city. The tourism industry developes very rapidly.


2、Haiyang is a tourist city, it is surrounded by sea on three sides, beautiful environment, four spring-like seasons, also has its own folk culture, is also a good place for tourism.


3、However, a tourist quota gives foreigners and IndRail passholders preferential treatment.


4、Some guidebooks also have arrangements with local hostels and restaurants. Just flash your guidebook at the counter and you get a discount.


5、Heyuan, with hills and mountains green, waters beautiful, and surroundings exquisite, is a tourist city with both mountains and waters, and charming and lovely landscapes.


6、Located in the middle of China, Xinzheng city has abundant natural tourist resources and unique cultural resources, which provide superior conditions for the development of its tourism industry.


7、The Qingdao Huanghai Hotel is a three-star hotel which is the member of the Tourist Hotels Association of China and also the member of the Friendship Hotel Group.


8、Folklore Tourism Resources in tourism with aesthetic, cultural, economic and other values.


9、Depending on its unique landscapes and historical and cultural advantages, Meizhou should develop ecotourism and cultural tourism with Hakka's characteristics.


10、With convenient tourism environment and high-gradverte services! the Beijing Sheng Quan Mountain Tourism Area welcomes the tourists around the world!


11、With convenient tourism environment and high-grwoulszheimerwouls diseasee services: the Beijing Sheng Quan Mountain Tourism Area welcomes the tourists everywhere!


12、The idea of strengthening regional tourism cooperation, achieving mutual benefits and make joint progress has been generally recognized in the tourism field.


13、Hostel Voluntourism is the perfect alternative for travelers who don’t like the idea of staying in a stranger’s home.


14、The company locates in the beautiful tour city-Zhuhai, the production base in around of mountain and ocean which is very beautiful.


15、Just because of the disadvantageous location, some zones with rich tourism resources are sluggish in tourism development. We define these places as Tourism Zone with Disadvantageous Location (TZDL).


16、Taiyuan has been called the "Fairview Taiyuan City" for its profound cultural heritage, varies tourism resources, tourist traffic convenience and locational advantages.


17、East China charter flight, vehicles, marine tourism, tourism chartered boat concessions and booking services ;


18、VSR Commercial Hotel, with its European and American architecture style and quiet environment, is the ideal place for tourist and business stays.


19、The enormous potential tourism market and favorable location conditions in Guilin make it a basis to develop Osmanthus tourism.


20、Therefore, tourism education in general colleges is not optimistic, and it should be adjusted, innovated and optimized.

21、These deals can give a guest an all-encompassing view of the city they are visiting.优惠给客人游览这座城市旅游时候一种全包的理念。

22、Hanzhong is a key site of the southern tourist route of Shaanxi Province, with its tourist resources characterized by a distinctive local color and superiority.汉中是陕西省旅游南线的重要组成部分,其旅游资源有着鲜明的特色和优势,为旅游产业的发展创造了十分有利的条件。

23、South Sichuan has a long history and splendid culture and fine scenery.川南地区,历史悠久,文化灿烂,风光优美,是四川的精品旅游路线之

24、Their traveling expenses amount to 2000 dollars.他们的旅游费共达2000 美元。

25、Agricultural tourism has many advantages and great prospect.旅游农业具有多种优势特征和广阔前景。

英文句子26:,26、Hereafter, Ningbo will build steadier tourist liner and touch upon Europe, the Americas and South Asia, and advance offshore tourist sources in Yangtze River Delta.今后,宁波将逐步建立较为稳定的旅游航线,并形成涉及欧洲、美洲、南亚的海上旅游枢纽,进一步激活整个长三角的海上旅游资源。

27、The development of the non -regional resources is often backward and slow, which is the week point of tourist development.非优区位的旅游发展往往是滞后和缓慢的,是旅游发展的温点地区。

28、As a coastal open city in China-Vietnam border, Beihai has unique location, tourist sources superiority and good developing envioronment.广西北海市作为中越边境的一个重要口岸城市,具有独特的区位优势、旅游资源优势和开展边境旅游的良好条件。

29、Lianyungang, a beautiful seashore city, has superior conditions which develop the rural tourism though; its development of rural tourism is still at its beginning.美丽的海滨城市连云港,虽然拥有发展乡村旅游业十分优越的条件,但其乡村旅游业的发展仍处于起步阶段。

30、Agricultural tourism, a newly-emerged form of Chinese tourism, has been arousing more and more interest in many cities with its unparalleled advantages compared with conventional tourism.农业旅游是我国新兴的专项旅游形式,因其具有诸多的优越性,越来越受到旅游者的青睐。

31、The present study of the non-optimal tourist districts is on the rise, and this research will pay attention to the western typical non-optimal tourist districts.近年来,旅游资源非优区开发现象已非鲜见,然而,旅游学界对此并未给予足够的重视,以致关于旅游资源非优区的理论问题研究滞后。

32、Life aesthetics is the theoretical basis of tourist aesthetics. Its explanation about aesthetic ontology invigorates tourist aesthetics by means of the contemporary cultural criticism.生命美学是旅游美学的理论基础,它的“美感本体论阐释”和“生命机制的代偿” ,为旅游审美注入了当代文化批评及生命建树的活力。

33、This article discussed the development problem of YunNan tourism in the respect of the developing condition, superiority, present situation and prospects of Yun Nan tourism.本文从云南旅游业发展的条件和优势、旅游业发展的现状及前景等方面,论述了云南旅游业的发展问题。

34、Tourist geologic resources of Hunan be worth very high, have the marked characteristics that distribute wide, the quantity is many, the category is whole.湖南省旅游地质资源的旅游价值很高,具有分布广、数量多、种类全、品质优等显著特点;

35、It has advantages in tourist traffic, ability of containing, tourist shopping and scenes construction, meanwhile, it has also shortages.在旅游交通、接特能力、旅游购物和景点建设新方面已具备一定优势,也存在诸多发展的制约因素;

36、Ranking among leading towns of tourism in Zhejiang and southern Hangzhou, Daicun emphasizes on ecological development and plans to create a 作为全国环境优美镇、浙江省十大特色乡镇、浙江省旅游强镇、杭州南部旅游重镇,戴村打响生态牌,酝酿15分钟生态旅游圈。

15 minute ecological tourist circle.

37、Orientating tourism product in ecological tourism;优化旅游产品;

38、Diebu county is becoming a highlight of tourism of Gansu Province because of its wonderful scenery and historical culture.迭部以其优美的自然生态和灿烂的历史文化成为甘肃省旅游的新亮点。

39、PCLN.O) jumped 在线旅游公司Priceline.com(PCLN.O: 行情)跳涨

17.6 percent to $204.22 a day after the company reported earnings that beat forecasts.


40、At first, experts laid their research mainly on the dominant tourist areas, and did not pay much attention to the others.起初学者大都把研究焦点放到旅游优势区上,对旅游非优区的关注不够。

41、Zibo is China Excellent Tourism City.淄博是中国优秀旅游城市。

42、Dongxing, a tourist place in China-VietNam border, has a unique location and tourist resource superiority.东兴作为中越边境的旅游地具有独特的区位优势和旅游资源优势。

43、Lastly, Caroline Bremner, Head of Global Travel and Tourism discusses the North American trend of using health and wellness to forget about economic hardships.最后,全球旅行和旅游主管Caroline Bremner讨论了在北美用健康的旅游来忘记经济困难的新趋势。

44、Along with the evaluation of the Chinese prime tourist city in 2007, each outstanding tourist city is striving to be the prime one.随着xx年中国最佳旅游城市的评比,各优秀旅游城市又掀起了创佳的竞争浪潮。

45、The advantages of exploiting industrial tourism in Qingdao are as follow: good position and communication;青岛开发工业旅游的优势条件有:区位条件优良,交通便利;

46、Thee tourism department of central China's Hubei Province has also picked 中国中部湖北省的旅游部门也精选了20条旅游线路,以方便游客欣赏乡村美丽的春色。 。

20 travel routes for tourists looking to appreciate floral beauty in the countryside.

47、All these measures could facilitate the turning of the non-optimal tourism district into the optimal tourism district and make it more valuable.这些手段可改善和促成旅游资源非优区向旅游开发优区转变,从而使这类区域变得较有开发价值。

48、There're many restrict factors in developing the tourism of a region with inferior tourist resources.旅游资源非优区旅游发展,存在诸多制约性因素。

49、Tourism is one of the basic living needs. The most important role of tourism is aesthetic education.旅游是人们的基本生活需要之一,旅游的最大使命是美育。

50、Zhuozhou excellent tourist city in China, among others.涿州是中国优秀旅游城市、全国双拥模范城。

经典英文句子51:旅游的优美,51、Rural tourism development and management is an issue worthy to be concerned with.旅游非优区的乡村旅游开发与管理是值得关注的问题。

52、Chaozhou is a fine city for tourism.潮州是一个优秀旅游城市。

53、But with the change of spatial pattern of tourism development in China, these zones are faced with better opportunity than ever before.随着我国旅游业空间发展格局的改变,旅游区位非优区的发展正面临着前所未有的机遇。

54、Rossini also touches on the tourism industry in Latin America.罗西尼还介绍了拉丁美洲的旅游业。

55、However, the mountain has no advantages as a mountain-climbing resource for aged tourists.但作为以登山为主的旅游资源,千佛山在很多老年出游旅行者中并不占有绝对优势。

56、Meantime, it can apply to exploitation of karst cave tourism resource, adopting a way of'choice of best path', giving a corresponding plan for the tourism routs and…同时将系统应用于洞穴旅游资源的开发,采用相应的最优路径选择方法,提出黔南相应的旅游线路规划及洞穴旅游资源的开发潜力。

57、West Sichuan is a mysterious and beautiful land known as a world -class tourist destination.四川西部是一片充满神奇神秘、生态优美的具有世界级别的旅游目的地。

58、And Change tour companies'operation and management models, enhance their competitiveness and utilize geographical advantages to accelerate the construction of Beibu Gulf tourism circle.转变旅游企业经营模式,实施战略化管理,增强旅游企业竞争力;利用区位优势,加快构建泛北部湾旅游圈。

59、Tourism: Make use of tourism resources and regional advantage, build up the four brands of Huangdi, Shangdu, Shaolin and Yellow River . Construct famous tourism city with Central China features.旅游业:发挥旅游资源和区位优势,打造黄帝、商都、少林、黄河四张名片,建设具有中原文化特色的旅游名城。

60、Leisure tourism is drived by development of leisure economic, and because of its many benefits, hot spring tourism is noticeable among leisure tourism.休闲经济带动了休闲度假旅游的发展,而温泉旅游因为自身的诸多优势走上了休闲度假旅游的前台。

61、The environment of tourist industry has consummated .旅游业的环境日臻完美。

62、The tourists were beguiled by the beauty of the landscape.旅游观光者为风光之美所陶醉。

63、The special environment of Yunnan province provided the uncommon natural landscape resources and graceful eco- tourism condition to the tourism.云南省独特的自然生态环境为云南旅游业的发展提供了不可多得的自然景观资源和优美的旅游生态环境。

64、In this context, the touring activity and the conscious aesthetic activity commenced the first collision and produced the tourism aesthetic theory "the Smoothing Spirit Theory".在此背景下,旅游活动与自觉审美活动发生第一次碰撞并产生“畅神说”旅游审美观。

65、Look for the logo: Look for QTS signs (Quality Tourism Services).认准标识:认准QTS(优质旅游服务)标识。

66、Dongyuan County has excellent location and riches unique tourist resources, which provides inherent advantages of the tourism development.东源县区位优越,旅游资源丰富独特,具有发展旅游业的先天优势。

67、Bukovel is a fast growing modern resort with good infrastructure.Bukovel是一个拥有优秀设施的快速发展的旅游胜地。

68、And a quiet villa area and beautiful environment, is a good choice for vacation gatherings, especially for students meeting customers traveling by car.而且别墅区内安静且环境优美,是旅游度假聚会的好选择,特别适合于学生聚会自驾游客户。

69、The city's agreeable weather, beautiful sceneries, and convenient public transportation make it an ideal place for overseas students to study, live, and travel around.这里气候宜人,风景优美,交通便利,是留学生学习、生活和旅游的理想城市。

70、Presidential Hotel is the Best Self-Drive Theme Hotel that enjoys advantages of geographical location and tourism resources.享地理位置和旅游资源优势的最佳自驾游主题酒店。

71、Target: Being a first-rate modern tourism enterprise.安怡目标:创建现代优秀旅游企业;

72、With the development of the modern tourism, it presents the aesthetic characteristic and new developing trend different from traveling in ancient and modern.随着现代旅游的发展,它逐渐呈现出与古代旅游和近代旅游不同的审美特征和新的发展趋向。

73、Nanchang, as one of the mega-cities and outstanding tourist cities in China, is blessed with the advantages and conditions of development of tourism.南昌市作为全国特大城市和全国优秀旅游城市,具有发展旅游业得天独厚的优势和条件。

74、Guizhou can also make full use of climatic advantages in mountainous and forest areas and develop convalescence tourism to change the potential climate resources of tourism into resources.贵州还可充分利用山地气候和森林小气候的优势,发展疗养旅游,把潜在的旅游气候资源转化为旅游优势资源。

75、In Jiliri Province, to develop tourist industry has many advantages as resource advantage , position advantage, brand advantage and newcoming advantage.吉林市发展旅游业具有资源优势、区位优势、品牌优势和后发优势。


标签: 优美 旅游

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