关于”中解释说明的从句是什么“的英语句子27个,句子主体:What is the clause explained in。以下是关于中解释说明的从句是什么的八级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:What is the clause explained in
1、Explain point by point why the ideas won’t work.
2、Please underline the subjunctive mood in the sentence and explain why it's used here.
3、In other words, the interpreter brings to the text his own set of presuppositions which causes him to misunderstand the text.
4、Interviewer: Can you define the center in that image, for example?
5、Wang said the company never explained why her milk fell short of standards.
那在K&R中看不到什么呢? 最明显的是,书中没有解释标准库中每个函数功能的部分。
6、What is missing from K&R? Most clearly, it lacks a section that explains every function in the standard library.
7、Why does this seem the proper interpretation ? to engage in these kinds of conversations?
在 Lua 中,变量名是大小写敏感的,这可以解释为什么 I 的值是 nil。
8、In Lua, variable names are case-sensitive, explaining why I is nil.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb深受这股研究潮流的影响,Taleb不仅解释了眼前正在发生什么,而且也说明了将要发生什么。
9、Nassim Nicholas Taleb has been deeply influenced by this stream of research. Taleb not only has an explanation for what’s happening, he saw it coming.
10、I guessed what was happening from a few words she let fall.
11、This explains why we sleep at all and this probably explains why we sleep at night.
12、So why am I explaining all this?
13、Science fiction can help to explain what science and scientists are all about to the non-scientists.
14、Thus, strategic thinking and research may proceed from ‘what is’ explanations to ‘what ought to be’ advises in a scientific manner.
15、The interpretation for flux makes more sense if you think of F as a velocity field. What is the interpretation?
16、If you want to sell anything to left-brain thinkers, you’d better explain why they need it.
17、The promulgation explained how it could service its debt.
18、Can you explain what intramural sports are?
19、Merryweather: Explain what?
20、Explain what Direct Action means and what the working group does.
21、Do not ever interrupt someone while they are talking, or explaining you something.当别人在说话或是在向你解释什么的时候,不要打断他。
22、Let me explain what is the Otaku?首先让我来解释下什么是宅男。
23、Who can explain to me what these words mean annoying What is the difference?谁能给我解释一下这些恼人的词是什么意思有什么区别?
24、As this statement required no confirmation, Banneker gave it none.由于这句话不需要确认,班纳克没有给什么解释。
25、When you call Fannie Mae an Freddie Mac s the term? Explain what that means.当您说房地美和房利美,是什么意思,能解释一下吗,what’
英文句子26:,26、王说雀巢公司从未解释过为什么她的牛奶低于标准。Wang said the company never explained why her milk fell short of standards.
27、Creole Genesis: The Haitian case. What's to be explained?克理奥尔语的起源:海地的例子。从中解释什麽?。
28、He didn’t explain why, but he didn’t have to.他没有解释为什么,但答案不言自明。
29、No one explained what happened.没有人解释发生了什么事。
30、You don't have to read a pamphlet explaining what you're seeing.你不必看什么小册子,解释你在看的是什么。
31、I gradually continue explation of the movement why?what is the movement?我逐步继续解释移动为什么? 什么是移动?
32、I proclaimed my strong interest in each company and explained why I was obviously an excellent fit.我向每一家公司表明了我的浓厚兴趣,并解释说我为什么非常适合那份工作。
33、"First experiences tell you something about yourself and what you're like in a new situation," explains DePaulo.德保罗解释说“第一次的经验告诉你,你自己是什么人,在新形势下你可能是个什么样子。”
34、It seems like I've managed to rationalize choosing middle.看起来我好想解释了为什么选中
35、Perhaps you have to explain more from the dictionary what is regret.也许你需要对照字典多解释解释后悔是什么。
36、At the same time, what is explained are the meanings we all say about why they are right and why they are wrong.同时也解释以上所说的所有意义,为什么他们都是对的,同时为什么他们也都是错的。
37、Explanation: What is it?解说:这是什么?
38、First of all it explains what compatibility is and advocates small, incremental, backwardly compatible changes, while always focusing on future evolution.书中并没有一味关注在未来的进步上,而是先解释了什么是小的、递增、后退的兼容改动,也解释了什么是造成这类改动的原因。
39、"It took a seven-year old to tell us what [the graffiti] was, " he explained.他解释说:“一位xx岁的小家伙告诉了我们(这个涂鸦)是什么意思。
40、You need to explain swinging London, Mary Quant, the Beatles and why these people made a difference.你得解释什么是摇摆伦敦(xx年代英国文化趋势的总称),玛丽奎恩特(Mary Quant)还有披头士(the Beatles),还的说明为什么这些人会给社会带来影响。
41、Who can give an explanation in detail to " Black Box Part"?谁能详细解释,什么是“黑盒部品”?。
42、"Well, this morning, " the farmhand explained, "When it dawned on what she meant, I fell off the roof! "“额,今天早上”农场工人解释道,“当我明白了她是什么意思的时候,我从屋顶摔了下来。”
43、如果你想跟左脑型的思想者说点什么,最好解释清楚为什么他们需要它。If you want to sell anything to left-brain thinkers, you’d better explain why they need it.
44、See? We told you we’d explain what the ToLower method is for.瞧见了吧? 我们说了我们一会儿会解释ToLower方法是什么意思的。
45、I live with every person without explanation or that I was what kind of person.我活着不需跟每个人都解释或证明我是个什么样的人。
46、What I meant by "historicism" will explained at length in this study.我说的“历史决定论”是什么,我将在本书中加以充分解释。
47、What water is water if JAZ be not by?如果是的话就可以解释为什么这么破了。
48、Now all your love is wasted . Then who the hell was I 现在你的解释都是徒劳的.对你来说我到底算什么
49、The Feng dance surely can't explain to do what, just unclearly said for a while.凤舞当然不会解释要做什么,只是含糊地说了一下。
50、When the operator asked Akhter why she did it, she explained both her children were autistic.当接线员问她为什么要这么做时,她解释说她的两个孩子都是自闭症患者。
经典英文句子51:中解释说明的从句是什么,51、Explanation means veiling so I have nothing to say.解释意味着掩饰,所以我不会说什么。
52、Finally even-headed scientists explained that there was nothing to fear.最后,资深科学家站出来解释说没什么好害怕的。
53、Probably that is why a good song can outlive all sermons.这大致可以解释为什么在记忆中,一手好歌胜过所有的说教。
54、Can you expand on what's new?你能解释下有什么新的东西么?
55、So the copy of your sequence will be free, but the interpretation of what it means, what you can do about it, and how to use it -- the manual for your genes so to speak -- will be expensive.因此,你的基因副本将会变得免费,但要解释它们是什么意思,你能利用自己的基因做些什么,你就要一掷千金地买回一本解释基因序列的说明书了。
56、What was really weird is there was no wreckage, nothing.她解释说:“很奇怪的是没有残骸,什么都没有。
57、We can interpret what those neurons are saying.我们能够解释这些神经元在说什么。
58、Learn something new. Have you always wanted to know how to say a few words of Mandarin as well as understand what you were saying?你是否一直想知道如何说几句中国话并且明白你在说了什么?
59、Can you explain why you’re not in a position to say?能解释一下为什么你们不能说么,是有所顾忌么?
60、"Because I detest ghost stories, " said Prince Ippolit in a tone which showed that he uttered the words before he was aware of their meaning.“问题就在于,我 很 讨厌鬼魂的故事”伊波利特公爵用这种语调说,从中可以明显 地看出,他先说这句话,然后才明了这句话有什么涵义。
61、She explained why she was late.她解释她为什么迟到。
62、There is a difference, he explained, between understanding how a mechanism operates and why it occurs.他解释说,理解一个原理如何产生作用和为什么起作用,是两个不同的问题。
63、Nothing can be said about collective meaning outside of our distinct cultural vocabulary and the resulting interpretation.集体含义在我们有区别性的文化语言及其造成的解释中是没有什么可说的。
64、Have you always wanted to know how to say a few words of Mandarin as well as understand what you were saying?你是否一直想知道如何说几句中国话并且明白你在说了什么?
65、Dobby explains why this remark wasn't quite a lie in the last chapter, " Dobby 's Reward".在最后一章“多比的报偿”中,多比解释了为什么这句话不算是一个谎言。
66、So we need toexplain what a corporation is.因此我们需要解释什么是股份公司。
67、If you're so smart, why didn't you explain it?既然你这么聪明,那么你为什么不能解释它呢?
68、In this column, I'll explain why indecency law has always been on extremely tenuous ground, from a constitutional perspective.在这个专栏,我将解释为什么从宪法角度来说不良法律立基不稳。
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