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关于”一语双关的经典“的英语句子45个,句子主体:A classic pun。以下是关于一语双关的经典的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A classic pun


1、A pass, the idea of menace finishes now.


2、It mixes sound effects, graphics, and witty wordplay. The show also addresses sensitive topics not generally covered by the mainstream media.


3、Those with an eye for design will be enthralled by the vintage Tube posters and hand-painted advertising slogans.


4、The mechanism of code switching in bilinguals has been addressed by both the psycholinguistic approach and the neuro-cognitive approach.


5、This thesis is to probe into rhetorical function of punning and the translation of puns in ads .


6、Our purpose of compiling this dictionary is to meet the real need of English learners whose mother tongue is Chinese.


7、One area of concern is a lack of qualified bilingual teachers.


8、Then it becomes a kind of double-speak.


9、In view of this, this thesis attempts to make a tentative study of the meaning construction of English puns in the light of Conceptual Integration Theory and try to reclassify English puns.


10、This article talks about puns usage and formation through three aspects: homonymic puns, semantic puns and idiomatic puns.

穷困时期, 雨天。一语双关啊。

11、Rainy Day: A time of need or trouble.


12、Dual-bend reflector antenna is a classical beam-shaped antenna.

多义、 歧义、 双关是人们一直关注的三种语义现象。

13、Polysemy, ambiguity, pun are three semantic phenomena which people always concern.


14、Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in news headlines.


15、The slogan is a pun on the name of the product.


16、Meaning discriminating of words is a crucial problem in bilingual communication and a difficulty in doing translation.


17、Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in English advertisements.


18、The faithful herdman's art in Lycidas is a double one.


19、There is no black and white science (pun intended) to perception.


20、A lot of errors are found in Han Ye Da Ci Dian through a comparison of the great dictionary and over 5000 bisyllables in Zheng Xuan s annotations of ancient books.

21、It can be divided into polysemy pun, homonym parody pun, pun, grammar pun, etc.它可分为一词多义双关、同音异义双关、仿拟双关、语法双关等。

22、Like so many boat names this one was a pun:Maine Street.和这里的许多船一样,这艘船也有一个一语双关的名字:Maine Street。

23、So presumably this, too, is a pun.因此据我揣测这也是一个双关语。

24、Invest in a classic one- or two-button tuxedo with peak or notch lapels.买一件经典的一扣获双扣的翻领无尾晚礼服也是一项投资。

25、Longman English-Chinese Dictionary of Contemporary English, was published.朗文出版第一本双语辞典-《朗文当代英汉双解辞典》。

英文句子26:,26、As a special kind of bilingual dictionary, bilingualized dictionary has drawn more and more attention from the scholars and exports of lexicography.双解词典是词典家族中的一个大家庭作为一种特殊的双语词典,它开始吸引了越来越多的词典学领域学者们和专家们的注意力。

27、Considering the three conditions to create a pun and its classification, more sameness and similarities than differences exist between English pun and Chinese pun.根据双关语的产生条件及构成类型等情况,分析英、汉双关语的共同点差异点。

28、In general, universities and colleges in China have made great achievements in bilingual teaching mode pilot and actual practice, the prospect for popularize bilingual teaching mode is bright.双语教学在我国高等院校的开展已有十余年的实践,但教学效果褒贬不一,有效的双语教学模式仍是困扰双语教学质量的一个关键。

29、Saeed said she had brought him gifts – anti-malarial tablets, a Collins English dictionary and a pair of boots.赛义德说,她给他带了礼物,有抗疟疾的药、一本柯林斯英语字典和一双靴子。

30、Puns translatability has been a hot debate in the field of translation.双关语的可译性一直是翻译界争论的热点。

31、He is a world-recognized expert on bilingualism and the author of three books on the topic.他是世界公认的双语教育专家并著有三本有关双语教育的著作。

32、The ditransitive construction is a special linguistic phenomenon which has caught the attention of many scholars.双及物构式是一种特殊的语言现象,受到了语言学界的关注。

33、Punning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement .双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。

34、As a component of lexicology, the research on bilingual dictionaries has abruptly attracted more and more attention.双语词典的研究作为词典学研究的一个组成部分,也奇峰突起地越来越引起研究者的注意。

35、It is commonly employed in both English and Chinese rhetoric.而且不论是英语还是汉语都人量使用双关这一修辞手法。

36、Dictionary translation can be classified into two types: translation of headwords and that of examples.双语词典的翻译可分为词目翻译和例证翻译。

37、Pun of brands is a unique rhetoric form in ads, mainly in two forms:the homophonic pun and the semantic pun.品牌双关是广告中独特的修辞形式,主要有谐音双关和语义双关两种类型。

38、The dissertation targets at the disyllabic and compound words with covert motivation in frequently used-words in modern Chinese.论文以现代汉语常用词中具有隐性理据的双音复合词为研究对象,语料全部来自《现代汉语词典》。

39、Puns are one of the indirect promoting tools favored by admen.双关语是广告设计者喜爱使用的宣传方式之

40、Finally, the existence of symmetry biorthogonal elements in some classical normed spaces is proved.最后,证明了在一些经典赋范空间中对称性的双正交元存在。

41、He even translates well some of the Greek puns and word plays that usually are lost.他甚至转换好了一些希腊双关语和俏皮话,其通常不见经传。

42、Bilingual concurrence refers to concurrence of the headwords and verbal illustrations in the source text with their equivalents or translations in the same text.双语共现是指双语词典的源语词目、例证与目的语对应词和例证译文同时出现在同一个文本平面上。

43、In English pun can be made on abbreviation and the singular and plural forms of English words, which cannot be used in Chinese pun, while the allegorical pun is unique to Chinese.英语双关就利用了英语的缩略语与名词的单复数形式来创造双关,而汉语则有其独特的歇后语双关。

44、US-China Economic Relations: Win-Lose or Win-Win?中美经贸关系:一输一赢还是双赢?

45、This rhetorical device has three conditions:double context, hinge and trigger, and can be divided into homophonic puns and homographic puns.这一修辞手法有三个条件:双重情境、铰链和触机; 分为谐音双关、语义双关两大类;

46、As regards the structure of the language, the order of words is a good example for studying bilingualism.这里有一个很好的关于双语学习的语言结构以及语序的问题的例子。

47、Japanese_Chinese dictionaries play an important role in Japanese teaching, research, translation and foreign affairs.日汉双语辞典在日语教学与研究、语言翻译及外事交往中起着重要作用。

48、Does she laugh at puns?她会为双关语发笑吗?

49、Longman's first bilingual dictionary, Longman English-Chinese Dictionary of Contemporary English, was published.朗文出版第一本双语辞典- 《朗文当代英汉双解辞典》。

50、This is a hauntingly beautiful rendition of a visual pun — allusion meets illusion.这是一个视觉上的双关,利用典故和错觉,美的慑人心魄。

经典英文句子51:一语双关的经典,51、Second, the island can also vibrate between the gate electrode and the back-gate electrode, and semi-classical model of two-dimensional vibrating EMSET is proposed;其次研究了岛区可在双栅间振动的情况,提出了双栅间振动EMSET的半经典模型和两维振动EMSET的半经典模型;

52、This is an in-depth study of the significance of cross-cultural research for the translation of dictionary entries in the compilation of a bilingual edition.作者对双语词典翻译与跨文化研究的关系作了深入的阐述。

53、Some sort of pun on the word 'tracks' may be intended.可能作者一语双关,用火车暗指“轨迹”。

54、This is a classic preparatory position for a two-handed backhand.这是一个经典的双反准备姿势。

55、An example: "Bilingual CPA seeks account manager position."例如“双语注册会计师求客户经理一职”。

56、He became enraged at the double entendre.这个含义不雅的双关语激怒了他。

57、These sources include: different monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the internet.这些来源包括:各种单语和双语词典,百科全书和互联网。

58、And a punny place too?这里还是一个双关语之地?

59、Therefore, the research is of both theoretical and practical significance in bilingual lexicographical study, especially C-E general dictionary compilation.因此本文研究对双语词典编纂研究特别是汉英双语词典的编纂具有理论和现实意义。

60、The relationship between bilingual mental lexicons is one of the important issues in bilingual research.双语者心理词典的关系是双语研究的重要问题之

61、Pun is used frequently in advertisement text, which has four types: idiom pun, commercial brand pun, polysemy pun and homophone pun.双关语在广告中使用频繁,可分为四类:熟语双关、品牌双关、语义双关以及谐音双关。

62、Puns are a form of wordplay that exists in all languages.双关语是所有语言里都存在的一种文字游戏。

63、The first essential characteristic of the rhetorical device-pun, is that the main part of its meaning lies in equivocality .双关辞格的第一个本质上的特点,在于双关辞格的话语意义的重心落在歧义上。

64、The title was provocative: "Gomorrah, " a biblical wordplay invoking sin and degeneracy .书名充满挑衅:「蛾摩拉」是取自圣经的双关语,使人联想到罪恶与堕落。

65、The Pope is just another pawn, he speaks with a forked tongue.教皇只是另一枚卒子,他语带双关。

66、The paronomasia allegorical saying is a kind of allegorical saying that has a great proportion in it.谐音双关歇后语是歇后语的一种,且在其中占相当大的比例。

67、My lab has been working with the Swedish twins now since 1985.于是从xx年以来,在我的实验室一直在进行着有关瑞典双胞胎的研究工作。

68、This little piece of code here that I did.这个双关语用的不太好。

69、Much British humour depends on ambiguity.英国幽默有很多是靠一语双关而得。

70、Communication; method of deaf children; Bilingual and Bicultural program First language; Chinese sign language; signed Chinese.聋儿语言沟通法;双语双文化法;母语(第一语言);自然手语;手势汉语。

71、Most of the comedians jokes involved a play on words.喜剧演员的笑话大多是一语双关。

72、Term translation, as the research focus of terminology, is widely used in the machine translation, cross-language information retrieval, compilation of the bilingual dictionaries, etc.术语翻译作为术语学的研究热点之一,广泛应用于机器翻译、跨语言信息检索和双语词典编撰等领域。

73、It relates to the essential problem of bilingualism.这与使用双语的一些基本问题有关。


标签: 经典

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