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关于”特别温柔“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Special gentle。以下是关于特别温柔的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Special gentle


1、The product is of mild nature, the chamomile extract it is added specially can clean skin dirt gently.


2、Because of the forming temperatures are different, the cooling of warm molding forging are distinguish from hot forging forming.


3、All it took was some gentle nudging from 10-time Grammy winning producer T. Bone Burnett.


4、Soft, especially bend and mobile, resistance, steady not twist.


5、LaFleur is available in a high-quality chrome or champagne finish – a warm, bright gold colour that lends the washing area a particularly fine and gentle charm.


6、High temperatures and humidity stress the body's ability to cool it, and heat illness becomes a special concern during hot weather.


7、Keeps his skin moisturized and soft especially during the cold dry weather.


8、It is said that Cleopatra Antoinette in particular likes to wash donkey milk bath, let her skin delicate, soft, smooth.


9、Pork Special uses special part of pork that soft and tasty, served with seasoned sesame oil.


10、Tyrone later asked me, gently, "What difference does it make?"


11、Maybe the hairs of my head were numbered,” she went on with sudden serious sweetness, “but nobody could ever count my love for you.


12、JUNE SUGIYAMA: "Especially TB medication needs to be kept in a certain temperature."

本实用新型涉及一种真空柔性保温衬。其特征在于:高阻隔密封袋内 封装有真空状态下的柔性保温材料。

13、The utility model relates to a vacuum flexible heat insulating lining which is characterized in that flexible heat insulating materials in vacuum state are filled and sealed in a high-barrier bag.


14、Grasp it, sense it-tremulous and tender…


15、The mother cuddled her baby in her arms.


16、Leaves hair ultra-soft, fresh-smelling and clean.


17、Bracelet body without impurities, was translucent and texture, delicate jade, crystal clear, smoothness smooth feel very good!


18、He is distinguished by his soft, silky, gently waving coat of warm wheaten color and his particularly steady disposition.


19、The color lavender, a soft shade of purple, is strongly feminine.


20、The tenderest moments in a marriage can be strange and incongruous.

21、Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may respectively the tough and the gentle.驯象有两种主要的方法,我们分别称之为强硬法和温柔法。

22、Small Oscillating Head with Extra Soft Bristles: Cleans teeth and gently sweeps away plaque.小小的振动刷头特别超软的刷毛:有效温柔的清除牙菌斑。

23、Aunt Polly was tender far beyond her wont, in her good-night to Sid and Mary.波莉姨妈在与希德和玛丽道别时,一反惯例,显得万分温柔。

24、An interesting example of a reaction formation is one displayed by men who are afraid of any sign of softness, which they equate with feminity , in their make-up.一个饶有兴味的反向作用例子是,有的男子特别害怕具有任何温柔多情的表现,他们将这视为女性特征。

25、It is particularly useful for encapsulation where rigid or flexible wire leads are involved such as vinyls.特别是用于灌封刚性或柔性的乙烯基电线引线。

英文句子26:,26、A dramatic full moon rose over Winterberg, Germany.德国, 温特伯格: 一轮特别大的满月挂在上空。

27、A novel method of measuring the birefringence temperature characteristic of high birefringence fiber;比较系统地分析了示温漆的颜色温度特性 ,提出了几种温度识别方法。

28、With super soft touch and washed style, it is very suitable for casual apparel.面料具有超柔的表面触感,其表面的洗旧风格特别适用于休闲装。

29、This only occurs in particularly warm and sunny weather.这只有在特别温暖而且阳光灿烂天气下发生。

30、Particularly suitable for cotton, hemp, silk, wool and other natural fiber fabric softening, and create new ideas hydrophilic softener.特别适合于棉、麻、真丝、羊毛等天然纤维织物的柔软处理,开创亲水柔软剂的新理念。

31、MACRO SHOT - The tendrils INTERTWINE with gentle undulations.(特写)触角交织在一起,伴随着着温柔的起伏

32、Sensodyne Gentle Whitening has a specially designed low-abrasion formula to gently, yet effectively remove stains from teeth to restore their natural whiteness.舒适达美白柔润有一个特别设计的低磨损配方温和,但有效地去除牙齿污渍,恢复其自然白度。

33、When the soul is soft, pure, and even bring some light sentimental, as lovers' witness before the flower tender lips lingering of kiss.此时的心灵是柔软的、纯净的,甚至带些淡淡的感伤,仿佛恋人依依惜别前唇边那朵温柔的缠绵的吻。

34、Rumei: I'm crazy about my new sweatsuit. It's very soft and cosy.如梅:我特别喜欢我刚买的这件运动服,又柔软又舒适。

35、In the caressing wind of June, let us go watching the clouds.xx月的风特别的轻柔,让我们看云去。

36、Boy students think gentle positive price speciality, women of role, girl students think sincere positive price speciality, women of role even more even more.男生更认为温柔是女性角色的正价特质,女生更认为真诚是女性角色的正价特质。

37、将火鸡放到烤箱然后用特别高的温度考上30分钟 First, the turkey into the oven for

38、She should have known because Squeaker was gentle .她应该知道,因为玩具是温柔。

39、Keith hugged me close and kissed me tenderly.基斯搂紧了我,并温柔地亲吻我。

40、Grief makes us so much more tender to other people's suffering.悲伤让我们对于别人的遭遇会更抱持着温柔的态度。

41、The prose style of ZHU Ziqing is gentle and soft, honest and sincere, which is influenced by Chinese traditional culture, especially confucian culture.朱自清温柔敦厚的散文风格受中国传统文化特别是儒家文化的影响最深。

42、Two main techniques have been used for training elephants, which we may call respectively the tough and the gentle.驯象有两种主要的方法,我们分别称之为强硬法和温柔法。

43、He drew the girl tenderly towards him.他温柔地把那位姑娘拉向自己。

44、Super soft micro-fleece fabric is soft on the face.特别柔软的超细纤维绒布料贴在脸上很柔和。

45、It is conceivable that pubescence forms a barrier , particularly for young nymphs.可以想象,柔毛能形成一个阻障,特别是对幼小的若虫。

46、Being gentle, thoughtful, friendly, and generous is characteristic of her.她温柔体贴,为人友好,慷慨大方,这是她的特性。

47、In artistic expression on the use of a high-tech 3D rendering of hot spring stunt technology gentle.在艺术表现手法上运用了高科技3D特技技术来渲染温泉的柔美。

48、Warm and comfortable fur collar, unique and chic.温暖舒适的毛领,造型独特别致。

49、Features include a 600-denier ripstop nylon outer shell with a synthetic fleece liner.它的特点在于它那防破裂尼龙外壳并配有柔软温暖的人造毛内层。

50、Maybe the hairs of my head were numbered, " she went on with sudden serious sweetness, "but nobody could ever count my love for you.也许我的头发数得清,”突然她特别温柔地接下去,“可谁也数不清我对你的恩爱啊。

经典英文句子51:特别温柔,51、Why do you like Chinese girl so much? Is it because they are virtuous and lovable?为什么那么喜欢中国女孩子呢?因为她们温柔贤良、小鸟依人,还是什么别的原因?

52、"Calm down, Severus!" the soft voice of Dumbledore said.“别紧张,西弗勒斯!” 邓布利多温柔的声音说道。

53、Palate: Tannin mellow, the taste fells full bodied, adding to thd acrid oder is very low, so it fells very mellow an delicious when drinking.口感:丹宁圆润,口感较温润丰满,加上涩味也比较低一些,所以常让人觉得喝起来特别肥润,而且柔顺可口。

54、Ellen kissed her younger brother good-bye and hugged Sally gently.埃伦吻别了弟弟,并温柔地拥抱了萨莉。

55、Odor Characteristics: Plants with similar animals, paste incense and fragrant herbs, flowers, soft sweet and lasting fragrance.香气特征:具有温和的龙涎香和琥珀膏香,香气柔甜持久。


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