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关于”月亮的美句“的英语句子41个,句子主体:The beautiful words of the moon。以下是关于月亮的美句的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The beautiful words of the moon


1、Tuotuo're looking at the moon for Woos said.


2、Still, during this particular night, skygazers in South and Central America could even watch the

5 day old Moon occult or pass in front of some of the brighter Pleiades stars.


3、The Leonid meteor shower peaks tonight (Nov.

17), but bright moonlight is threatening to wash out this year's light display.


4、The waters of the Moon Bay are crystal clear;

蒙纳: 利奥,给我讲讲月亮的传说吧。

5、Mona: Tell me about the moon, Leo.


6、I notice that the moon is male here just as it is in Sumer and Babylon.


7、In the moon side, blossoming Yuner vague shapes of soft moonlight, slowly moving forward.

美丽的女人像彩虹,像落日,像月亮--------- 像一切可观赏而不可描绘的东西。

8、A beautiful woman is like a rainbow, a sunset, a moon---- all stuff that should be looked at , but not painted.


9、There will be a perfect alignment between the moon and Venus, the planet of love and harmony, in your ninth house of long distance journeys.

蝴蝶们也纷纷驻足,欣赏它的美丽; 就连月亮也在那晚因为看到那么美丽的花而露出笑脸。

10、The butterflies stopped to admire its beauty, and that night even the moon smiled when it rose to find such a beautiful flower.

正 很久以前,天上有两位美丽的女孩,她们两个是姐妹,也是月亮的守护神。

11、A long time ago there were two beautiful ladies in the sky. Theywere sisters and the guardians of the moon.


12、Moreoverin the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festivalpeople get together in a vacant placeeating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky.


13、What can you see except the Moon?


14、As determined by the ice crystal geometry, a bright gibbous Moon illuminates the scene from beyond the picture's right edge, 22 degrees from the lovely paraselene.


15、Each year on the 15th day of the eighth month, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest, people look at the moon and try to see in it the image of a beautiful maiden.


16、Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month, it is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest.


17、Look, the moon rose up, and the stars seemed to have dimmed light, and only bright as Polaris and the Big Dipper as the spoon is still hanging in the wonderful night sky.


18、Tashi was brave and strong like an eagle, and Drolma was beautiful and sweet like the Moon.


19、One should remember that there is nothing perfect in the world, even the sun has its sunspot And the moon has shadow.


20、The moon will be at the top of your chart and will connect perfectly to Mercury in your hidden twelfth house.

21、Simon: The moon is only two thousand years old?月亮只不外才两千岁?

22、In 2010, China captured images of the landing site for the 2013 probe, the Bay ofRainbows, which is considered to be one of the most picturesque parts of themoon.在xx年,中国获得了2013登月计划的登陆地点——虹湾的影像,虹湾是月亮最美丽的部分之

23、Beautiful twinkle of each little star.美丽的小星个个闪亮。

24、Take a look at the picture on the that moon cake box, its the stunning pretty Moon Faerie Chang E living on the moon, accompanied by her adorable pet Jade Rabbit.你看,月饼盒印着的就是传说中住着月亮上的美丽仙子嫦娥和她的宠物玉兔。

25、" The " bottom of the sign is the Royal Bayreuth Bavaria, Schumann Bavaria moon rose "vase, " and Chinese art.底部标志是巴伐利亚皇家拜罗伊特,舒曼 - 巴伐利亚月亮玫瑰花瓶,中国美术。

英文句子26:,26、The moon, too, was widely believed to be a perfect sphere of fiery ether.月亮,也广泛的被认为是炽热的天空中完美的球体。

27、I lit a month, it is so beautiful and desolate!我只点亮了一轮月,却是那样的绝美而苍凉!

28、It could no longer be said that the moon was perfect.没人能再说月亮是完美无缺的了。

29、Skin continued to bright, shining beauty of transparent white Radiance.肌肤持续明亮,闪耀美丽透白亮采。

30、The sun was blot ted by the moon.太阳被月亮遮暗了(日食)。

31、It is much more beautiful here than the moon.这里比月宫漂亮多了。

32、Furthermore, the intensity of the moon can be chosen at a time which provides the ideal balance between artificial light (streetlamps) and moonlight.此外还可以选择合适的月光亮度与人造光(例如街灯)达到完美的平衡。

33、NEW YORK (Reuters) - Every prospective investor has heard this line in the past month: The historic selloff in U.S. stocks has left them bargain-basement cheap.路透纽约xx月xx日电---每个充满期待的投资者都在上个月听过这句话--美股已经跌到可以捡便宜的地板价.

34、The sky has a moon, and it has many families, each year when the full moon night, on the ground of countless families will be happy reunion.天上有个月亮,地下有无数个家庭,当每年的月圆之夜,地上的无数个团圆家庭将幸福美满。

35、What has its debut on Oct. 22, therefore, is a Google phone, the very first one: the T-Mobile G1 ($180 with two-year contract).因而xx月xx日亮相的是第一款Google手机:T-Mobile G1(售价180美元+两年使用协议)。

36、She received the image of that beautiful moon within her heart, and water, clouds, and moon took each other's hands and practiced walking meditation slowly, slowly to the ocean.她看到了美丽的月亮,在她心里,在水里,在云里,月亮牵着它们的手慢慢地、慢慢地走进海里。

37、The colors of June are beautiful, bright and blithe .xx月的颜色是美丽的、明亮的、轻快的。

38、Brand new Mercure Beijing Downtown invites you to attend their first wedding show on Saturday, April 24th.北京华腾美居酒店首次婚博会将与xx月xx日闪亮登场,届时欢迎您的参加!

39、Round, round moon face, sweet fresh lovely sweet dumplings, bowl to give you a full, full loaded on my beautiful meimei wish, yuan snack do you want to happy, good luck good dream one year!圆圆的圆圆的月亮的脸,甜甜的甜甜的鲜灵的汤圆,满满的满满的盛给你一碗,装上我美美的美美的祝愿,元宵夜你要笑开颜,好运好梦伴xx年!

40、Moon River, wider than a smile, I am crossing you in style someday.月亮河,比甜美的笑容还宽广,有一天我将盛装立,跨你而去。

41、Selene was the moon-goddess, and it was because of her that Mount Latmus was so beautiful.塞勒涅是月亮女神,正是因为有她,拉特莫斯山才如此美丽。

42、In Chinese minds, the moon is associated with gentleness and brightness, expressing the beautiful yearnings of the Chinese.在中国人心里,月亮总是与“温柔”“明亮”这些词联系在一起的,这样的联想表达了中国人美好的祈望。

43、Two stones and moon match each other, having the beauty moving story then.二石与月亮相配,便有了美丽动人的故事。

44、And thus began the legend of the beautiful woman in the moon , the Moon Fairy.从此以后就有了关于月宫仙子嫦娥,这个月亮上最美丽的女人的传说。

45、Like the moon, Satan may look beautiful, but upon a closer scrutiny that beauty begins to yield certain metaphysical flaws.像月亮那样,撒旦看起来非常美好,但是近看,就会发现这份美丽开始显露出一些抽象的瑕疵。

46、Shoved open the window, the moon has hung nearby day error, good beautiful, was so intoxicant.推开了窗,月亮挂在天阙边,好美,是如此得醉人。

47、It tis a beautiful and quiet night. The moon is like a disc hanging on the dark sky , which casts its light on everything.一个美丽而宁静的夜晚,月亮像一个圆盘挂在黑暗的夜空中,淡淡的月光普照万物。 。

48、All my family members watched the moon and ate mooncake together.我们一家人一起看月亮,吃月饼,英语怎么说?。

49、His new techniques were showcased in hit songs such as "How High the Moon, " a duet with his then-wife, Mary Ford.他的新技术完美地体现在他与当年的妻子玛丽。福特的二重奏《高高的月亮》之中。

50、Two people talk an object via person introduction, meet to say maly first: Your eye is really beautiful, like the moon… female surprise: Be?俩人经人介绍谈对象,首次见面男的说:你的眼睛真美,像月亮一样…女的惊喜:是吗?

经典英文句子51:月亮的美句,51、And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne或许月亮皇后也在她的宝座

52、The bright moon this priceless, high mountains all sentient beings. May your life is like the moon as the 明月本无价,高山皆有情。愿你的生活就象这十五的月亮一样,圆美满满!

15, round full beauty! ! ! ! !

53、Rendezvous with the moon : stories of the Bunun tribe.英、布农语对照。与月亮的约定。

54、Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky.看着月亮划过澈蓝天的天空。

55、I wish you a perfect moon shining just for you.我希望皎洁完美的月亮为你潇洒清辉。

56、Because the moon is always moving in orbit around Earth, you'll find it to the left of Antares tomorrow night.因为月亮一直是在环绕地球轨道上运行的,所以在明晚,你则会发现月亮在心大星的左侧。

57、Hou Yi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much, he refused to shoot down the moon.后裔十分爱他美若天仙的妻子,他不忍心将她从月亮上射落。

58、The length of anomalistic month is related to the moon's phase at the perigee.近点周长度与月亮过近地点时的月相有关;

59、A starless sky with a solitary moon would be dull and cheerless , why not let there be a moonlit night resplendent with twinkling stars.没有星星点缀而只有月亮高悬的夜空多么清寂,请让我拥有一个群星闪耀、月光皎洁、交相辉映的美好夜空吧!

60、They are round cakes like the moon. Most moon cakes are sweet.它们是象月亮一样的圆形蛋糕。大多数的月饼是甜的。

61、The name "Good Moon" gives an impression to people of a kind of vague warmness and beauty. It reminds us the tranquility and profundity of the deep blue sky with a shining full moon.“好月亮”,一种隐晦的温暖和美丽,让人怀想皓月当空时,深蓝色天幕的宁静与深邃。

62、Now that the moon is past last quarter and therefore gone from the evening sky, look for one of summer's most beautiful celestial sights.现在,月亮已脱离下弦月的形态,在傍晚的夜色中渐渐隐去。为了找寻这个夏夜最美景观的一份子。

63、That shames the splendour of a million moons.无数个月亮也黯然失色。

64、This next record bears the title The Moon River.下一张唱片的名字是《月亮河》。

65、Godspeed this bright millennium, let it come (as we) wish upon the moon.祝愿这个美好的千年,让它在(我们对)月亮的期望下到来。


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