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关于”减肥励志“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Weight loss inspirational。以下是关于减肥励志的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Weight loss inspirational


1、The egomaniac doctor diets.


2、Jade Beauty: nursed back to health with blood, soothing UFA, and can lose weight ( it i.


3、Now we double-S official website weight loss capsules weight loss capsules is doing double-S package promotions.


4、Kettlebells are effective weight loss tools.


5、If you're overweight, dropping

10 to

20 pounds lowers your risk of dying from a heart attack.

10 到

20 磅 超重者减肥

10 至

20 磅,可以降低因心脏病发作而死亡的风险。

跟明星倡导的快速减肥法不同,长期减肥已渐渐成为一种新潮流。 尽管如此,一项调查显示,很多英国人的新年减肥决心已开始慢慢动摇。

6、Many New Year dieting resolutions is now running out of steam in Britain, a survey shows, despite a trend towards longer-term dieting as opposed to celebrity-inspired quick fixes.


7、Globally most people say cutting food intakeis thebest answer, followed by 43 percent who do more exercise.


8、Simple obesity, postpartum obesity, General belly fat, seasonal or in part, obesity, weight loss many times a loser.


9、In fact, well-planned weight-loss diets, such as The Mayo Clinic Diet, allow for snacks to help manage hunger and reduce bingeing.


10、Then there is the tapeworm diet.


11、That's what happens with Leonardo.


12、Perhaps the greatest motivator of all is allowing others to see your log.


13、Results The air pressure slimming unit could work on the existing external counterpulsation with desirable results.


14、She's starving herself trying to lose weight.


15、She said she was banting.


16、Fertilizer nitrate was decreased significantly by the barriers of the localized compaction and ridge.


17、Carletto, what am I doing wrong?


18、So there you have it,

5 ways to make your weight loss journey suck a little less.

在为期 12周的研究过程中,减肥者每餐定量喝水,平均减掉

19、In the 12-week study period, dieters instructed to drink water with every meal lost an average of

15.5 pounds; dieters given no instructions lost, on average, just

11 pounds.

15.5磅,而那些没有喝水的减肥者平均只减掉 11磅。


20、The findings show that would-be dieters should choose the weight-loss program that they are most comfortable with, as long as it is high in fiber and low in calories and saturated fat.

21、A great way to allow for cheats is the Three-bite rule … basically, if you want a sweet or some other sinful food, don't deny yourself …

1、 allow yourself a little indulgence, but just three bites.

2、一个自己骗自己的方法,就是“三口法则”——基本意思就是,你要是想吃甜的,或者其它忌口的东西,那就吃——放纵一下自己,但是只能吃三榨汁机减肥食谱, 震动减肥机, 用跑步机减肥, 减肥跑步机, 口。

22、People in the lottery program earned a total of $378.49 and lost about 参加抽奖项目的人总共获得378.49美元,平均减肥约13磅(而参加存款组的人得到272.80美元,平均减肥14磅( 而没有得到激励的人四个月后只减肥四磅。

13 pounds (

5.9 kg), while people in the deposit group got $272.80 and lost

14 pounds (

6.35 kg).



23、A person has to follow a considerable diet regime strictly in order to affect the weight loss process.减肥的人必须严格遵守一个十分合理的节食计划,以作用于减肥的过程。

24、Conclusion Obesity seriously affects pulmonary function in obese children and cardiopulmonary function can be improved by weight reduction.结论肥胖儿童存在肺功能损害,减肥可改善肥胖儿肺功能。

25、She has set a target of 80 kg.她已经确定了一个减到80公斤的减肥计划。

英文句子26:,26、But that's not the real reason Apollos and the other participants in the program are eating only three-quarters of what they used to.但约翰和其他志愿者们节食的原因可不仅仅是为了减肥。

27、Can the obese persons with Climacteric syndrome take this product?更年期综合症引起的肥胖可否用该产品减肥?

28、Effects of obesity on sperm in diet-induced obesity rats;提示连翘苷对营养性肥胖小鼠有一定的减肥作用。

29、Facing the rapidly-changing weight-loss market we will make brilliant achievements in the trade of weight-loss and cosmetology in china.面对日新月异的减肥市场,必将为中国减肥美容业再创辉煌业绩。

30、Many New Year dieting resolutions is now running out of steamin Britain, a survey shows, despite a trend towards longer-term dieting as opposed to celebrity-inspired quick fixes .跟明星倡导的快速减肥法不同,长期减肥已渐渐成为一种新潮流。 尽管如此,一项调查显示,很多英国人的新年减肥决心已开始慢慢动摇。

31、Enzyme slimming way is quite popular in Japan, enzyme can promote fat to decompose then achieve the goal of reducing weight .酵素减肥法在日本相当流行,酵素能促进脂肪分解,达到减肥的功效。

32、Facing the rapidly-changing weight-loss market, we will make brilliant achievements in the trade of weight-loss and cosmetology in China.面对日新月异的减肥市场,必将为中国减肥美容业再创辉煌业绩。

33、Succe ful weight management requires a long-term commitment in order to lose weight succe fully and for good.成功的体重管理需要网资团队长时间地投入才能成功减肥,持久减肥。

34、What vitamin lose weight best beauty?哪种维生素最能美颜减肥?

35、Ai thin weight loss tea I bought.艾瘦减肥茶我就买过。

36、Here’s a peanut butter diet book, the ice cream diet book, the bikini diet, none of these books agrees on what you should or shouldn’t eat.这里有花生酱减肥的书,冰激淩减肥的书,比基尼减肥的书,这些书在什麽东西该吃,什麽东西不该吃这个问题上从来没有相同的观点。

37、How'sthe diet going this week?这一周的减肥进行得怎样了?

38、People in the incentive groups lost far more weight than those who got no pay for their efforts, with about half of the participants in each group meeting their weight loss goals.激励组的成员比那些努力减肥但无金钱回报的人减掉了更多的体重,而每组中都有约一半的参与者达到了其减肥目标。

39、Slim Fast : Again, another product-based diet that offers little more than ineffective substitution.快速苗条减肥法:另一个以产品为基础的减肥法又提供了和无效替代品一样的东西。

40、Obesity: Calories or content: what is the best weight-loss diet?肥胖:热量还是份量? 什么才是最好的减肥餐?

41、So what is the "lunch box diet"?什么是“大饭盒减肥法”

42、The act of keeping the log itself often helps people to avoid procrastinating, just like keeping a food log often helps dieters lose weight without even trying.记日志往往能帮助人们拖沓,就像是记录饮食日志常帮助减肥者在不尝试的节食的情况下减肥一样。

43、Here's another great one, lose weight in bed.还有这个,床上减肥法

44、You may want to take a picture of yourself wearing a bathing suit and keep it in your weight loss journal.你也许想照张你穿着泳衣的照片,保存在你的减肥日志中。

45、The decrease of cucumber's output due to water saving techniques could be offset by increasing basal manure quantity.减少追肥对黄瓜蒸腾速率、气孔导度的影响效果较减少基肥量的效果好;

46、China launched the first man to lose weight in specific brands and growth of young park to lose weight.目前中国首家推出男士减肥的专一品牌和青少年成长乐园减肥。

47、UsingN, orp-manure only can emphasize the disease while using more organic manure and using N, P and K-manure in right proportion can lighten it.肥料类型中单施氮肥或磷肥,病害严重,增施有机肥与氮磷钾配方施肥,可减轻病害;

48、Even if you choose to use an over-the-counter weight loss product or participate in a weight loss program, the bottom line is that you still must eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.即使您选择使用过的非处方减肥产品或参加减肥计划,但底线是,你仍然必须摄入较少的卡路里比你消耗的减肥。

49、In conclusion, phillyrin has anti-obesity effect to nutritive obesity mice.提示连翘苷对营养性肥胖小鼠有一定的减肥作用。

50、Can swimming help me lose weight?泅水能帮我减肥吗?

经典英文句子51:减肥励志,51、There are the specific food diets.下面是特定食物减肥法

52、Weight loss product safety has become the most concern us, and a weight-loss products have no side effects and weight loss directly affects the orientation of consumer choice!减肥产品的安全性成为了大家最最关心的问题了,一款减肥产品有没有副作用以及减肥效果,直接影响着消费者的选择取向!

53、Does Interval Training Lead to Faster …间歇性训练法减肥更快?

54、You've all seen the diet ads at the back of bad magazines, before after, she took Hydroxycut to lose weight.你曾在糟糕的杂志封底见过减肥食品的广告,模特儿在服用燃脂丸之前或之后的样子。

55、If you don't have friends or family you can rely on for positive help, consider joining a weight-loss support group.如果你没有朋友或家人可以依靠、给你以正面鼓励,那么可以考虑加入一个减肥协助小组。

56、Anorexics seem to feel that no matter how much weight they lose, they are still too fat.厌食症的表症就是无论他们减肥减去多少体重,他们还是感觉自己太胖太肥了。


标签: 英文 励志

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