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关于”用描述一个人的外貌特征“的英语句子36个,句子主体:describe a person's physical features。以下是关于用描述一个人的外貌特征的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:describe a person's physical features


1、Meanwhile, a general description of the characteristics of essays invidious stages.


2、The laboratory will conduct confirmatory tests and further characterize the virus.


3、A number of image features extracted from different image status, different regions and different kinds of feature description operators, which can describe the defects in feature space precisely.


4、In the image processing, this multi-wavelets is a perfect feature extraction, and it can describe the local information feature of the image.


5、T-Shape rule is introduced in the relationship exaggeration step, to describe the relative relationship between the facial elements in an intuitive manner.


6、Look at the picture below and describe it.


7、The feature of fracture morphology and microdefect has been evaluated and characterized for the rare earth- zirconium alloy.


8、It shows that the earthquakes of magnitude

8 are correlated in space and this phenomenon can be depicted quantitatively by use of golden mean.


9、The morphological characteristics of the cercaria are described.


10、Here we describe a solution-NMR method for structural characterization of UCP2.


11、Firstly, LHBP texture description operator is presented. It is insensitive to illumination variance and can effectively describe the text feature.


12、The statistical information will be used to attempt to predict a person's likely physical description, including hair colour, skin colour and eye colour.


13、The characteristics of shareable electronic white-board are described.


14、Except where noted, everything described in this article applies equally to both release streams.

此外,已经指定了一个描述使用磨边描述、构建,和配置 ECU 的过程的方法。

15、In addition a methodology has been specified that describes the process of using the templates to describe, build, and configure an ECU.


16、Jacobian matrix is one of the important parameters of robots.


17、It means that it was isolated and characterized.


18、Humorous cannot be used to describe a person's appearance, only traits of one's speech, while huaji can mean funny appearances of an animal or person.


19、How to extract the rotation invariant feature and improve the stability of the noise is still an unsolved problem of the area of content-based 3D models retrieval.


20、The process of electrochemical deposition and the morphology of obtained deposits of polyaniline film is studied in combination with SEM and FTIR characterization.

21、Results The pharmacognostic character of Herba Agriophyllum was described comprehensively.结果详细描述了蒙药材沙蓬的生药学特征。

22、Besides their efficacy was described in detail, their growth habits and morphological characteristics were also introduced.除了较详细地描述其功效外,还介绍了它们的生长习性和形态特征。

23、When the trait described only one person, the answer came more slowly.当该特性仅用于描述一个人时,答案出来要更慢。

24、A feature that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe recognizably ; a distinguishing mark or trait.特性能帮助明显地辨认、区分或作描述的特征;

25、Variance is an index that can describe distribution of random variables, and is used to describe inter-category distribution of feature term .方差是描述随机变量分布情况的指标,本文用方差来描述特征词在类间的分布情况。

英文句子26:,26、It expounded its distribution, habitat, physiognomy characteristics, structural feature, and forecast of the succession dynamic status of Betula platyphylla forest was put forward.详细论述了其分布、生境、种类组成、外貌特征、结构特征,并对群落的演替动态进行了分析。

27、METHODS:Macroscopical identification; microscopic character and TLC method were carried out.方法:对石蒲藤的性状特征、显微特征、薄层鉴别进行了观察和描述。

28、The shape feature method is applied to portrayal and input box-type parts information.采用型面特征描述法完成箱体形零件信息的描述与输入。

29、This essay studies three influential Victorian writers with the purpose to study the ways of their representation of dialects.其方音具有一定自身特质,文章根据作者调查的结果作一些分析,并对某些个性特征进行了描述。

30、Four-level meta-data architecture was used to express assembly feature and Web Ontology Language (OWL) was used to describe assembly feature ontology information.采用四层元数据体系表达装配特征,并用网络本体语言描述装配特征本体信息。

31、The objects for I/O operations in HOSS have two types: metadata and data.元数据描述数据的特征信息,具有占用空间小但使用频繁的特点。

32、Only by using wave-like properties as an explanation can you describe diffraction.只能用类波特征来,解释和描述衍射。

33、Lavoisier characterized oxygen.拉瓦锡给氧描述特征。

34、Objective:To describe the morphological characteristic of Sarcocystis from Guangxi province.目的:描述广西肉孢子虫包囊的大小和形态特征;

35、The quantitative distributions and other ecological characters tics of amphioxus are briefly described.简要描述了文昌鱼的数量分布和一些生态特征。

36、Experiment on face image recognition shows that the method has attractive features than LBP and LPQ which is the state-of-art local feature descriptors.通过人脸图片识别实验表明特征描述算子具有比LBP、LPQ等著名的特征描述算子具有更好的性能。

37、We attempt to tackle this problem by: Firstly, MSER regions are extracted and matched using SIFT descriptor and epipolar line constraint.具体匹配方法是首先提取图像的MSER特征区域,并计算每个特征区域的SIFT描述子结合极线约束匹配特征区域。

38、The most impressive feature of novel is that it vividly exhibits the neurotic personality of Beloved, the mysterious protagonist with ambiguous multiple identities.这部小说最感人的一个特征是它生动描述了具有模糊多重身份的神秘主人公宠儿的病态人格。

39、This article presents a anomaly detection method based on correlation eigen matrix and neural network.本文描述了一个基于相关特征矩阵和神经网络的异常检测方法。

40、And none other than Thomas Jefferson himself left this famous description of characterizations of Southerners and Northerners.最有代表性的便是托马斯·杰斐逊他本人,用这么一段人们耳熟能详的话,描述了南方人与北方人的不同特征

41、The geometry features on rotating parts and other kinds of parts are described with the proposed orientation and feature description method.提出了基于特征的方位特征描述法,实现了对回转体类和非回转体类零件特征的描述。

42、It uses two XML-based deployment descriptors to specify the deployment characteristics of a client.它使用两个基于XML的部署描述符描述客户机的部署特征。

43、All meta-tolerance models were set up based on directed graph.采用图的有向边描述关键特征之间的容差关系;

44、It is hard to differentiate the same species of wild growing mushrooms from different areas by macromorphological features.同一种蕈菌子实体,由于外观形貌相似,凭传统外观形貌特征难以鉴别产地来源。

45、Remember, women choose these body descriptions themselves;这些身型特征是女性自己描述的;

46、Once you've got your characters fleshed-out more fully, proceed tothe next step.一旦你将你的人物性格特征描述的相当充分,变得有血有肉,那继续进行下一步。

47、The description of the man who, on the morning of the day when General Quesnel disappeared, presented himself at his house.就是有个人的外貌特征在奎斯奈将军失踪的那天早上到将军家里去过。

48、Besides, the lesson will deal with image segmentation, representation and description.此外还有图像的分割、特征的提取和图像的区域描述。

49、My father was wearing a pair of glasses, small eyes, thin lips, because overworked with wrinkles我父亲戴着一副眼镜,小眼睛,薄嘴唇,因为劳累有了皱纹

50、All girls have some features about themselves they do not like.所有女孩都有他们所不满意的外貌特征。

经典英文句子51:用描述一个人的外貌特征,51、Symmetry is vital in the description of visual features.在视觉特征描述中,对称性是一个重要内容。

52、This is the first characterization of these enzymes.这是这些酶首次特征性描述。

53、Characterization of newly synthesized collagen and proteoglycan was performed.对新合成的胶原和蛋白多糖进行特征性描述。

54、So inverse-power spectrum feature could not be used to characterise the chaotic feature of person′s ventricular depolarization QRS complex.因此不能用倒幂谱特征来描述人的心室去极化QRS复合波的混沌特征。

55、On the other hand, a model of feature geometry is adopted to describe each segment of the Shanghai phonology.另一方面,特征构架模型被用来描述上海话的每个音段。

56、We documented the features of furcation and the interseptum as well.同时,我们描述血管分叉和间隔组织的特征。

57、Now it's time to bring your one-phrase characterdescriptions to life.现在该将你用简短词语描述出的人物性格特征向生活靠拢。

58、A term of affection and endearment describing a man whose personality traits reflect the opposite of his overall broad physique.是一种表示主观情感的爱称,形容一个人的个性特点与其外貌特征完全相反。

59、Describe this feature in a single line in terms of benefits to the user.用单行文字描述这一特征对用户的好处。

60、These are characterizations of typical positions in an organization.用户角色是组织中典型职位的特征描述。

61、Described herein are compounds that have a spiro structural feature.本说明书描述了具有螺环结构特征的化合物。

62、It was this very Mozartean simplicity that most characterized Einstein's methods.正是这种莫扎特式的单纯最能描述爱因斯坦的方法的特征。

63、Regional high level feature describes the object in frames.视频局部高层语义特征描述的是图像帧中的物体。

64、Methods:Macroscopical identification; microscopic character and TLC method were carried out.方法对苍耳草的性状特征、显微特征、薄层鉴别进行了观察和描述。

65、An anisotropic damage model is established to describe the damage evolution characteristics of remaining rock masses in geotechnical engineering.建立了一个各向异性的损伤模型,用于描述岩土工程中预留岩体在冲击载荷下的损伤演化特征。

66、Describe what you can see ( ) ( ) ( ), ( ) ( ) history, the ( )and your fellings.描述你的旅途见闻,比如历史、地貌特征和你的感受。

67、And a new knowledge representation is used including information path and information quantity feature to describe the search knowledge.采用信息路径特征与信息点信息量特征描述有机结合而形成的一种新的搜索知识表示方法。

68、Meantime, power law relation can better describe the changes mentioned above.同时,幂律关系能较好地描述上述变化特征。


标签: 个人 外貌

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