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关于”15个字母以内的短句“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Short sentences of less than 以下是关于15个字母以内的短句的xx年级英语句子。

15 letters。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences of less than 15 letters


1、Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts you. have learnt. (

15 points)


2、Look into my eyes, and you will see what you mean to me.


3、Tags in the range

16 through 2047 take two bytes. So you should reserve the tags

1 through

15 for very frequently occurring message elements.


4、And much to their surprise, Iams says in under

15 months the rates of those deliveries dropped from

15 percent to under

5 percent.


5、Portnoy forecast this rising to about $30 million, short term.

例如,如果以 UTF-8 格式存储以下

6、For example, if you store the following five Chinese characters in UTF-8, you need to define a table column at minimum with CHAR(


5 个中文字符,那么至少需要用 CHAR(

15) 定义一个表列

包括主任朱利安•多德斯韦尔(Julian Dowdeswell)在内的苏格兰极地研究组说,在短短xx年内,格陵兰岛就损失了15%面积的宣称名不副实。

7、The Scott Polar group, which includes director Julian Dowdeswell, says the claim of a 15% loss in just

12 years is wrong.

8、Love you so I don't wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream. 爱你,所以不想入睡,因为真实比梦境还要美丽。


9、Our sow had

15 at one farrow.


10、According to a new study, people whose surnames start with letters late in the alphabet may be the fastest to buy.




15 of

16 cases of Retinoblastoma showed lumps with calcifications in eyeball.



12、Love you so I don't wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream.


13、The username should start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters.


14、That's enough to fill an Olympic-size swimming pool in less than

15 minutes.

15 分钟内装满一个奥林匹克规格的游泳池。


15、They should be about 12-15 typed double-spaced pages.


16、Bing is the fourth name change for the product in just a few years.


17、I think she watched this video 4-5 times and can now identify every letter in the alphabet.

核糖体以三个一组的形式读取 A/C/T/G 编码,这样我们可以得出一个 64 字母的 “字母表”。

18、The ribosome reads the A/C/T/G code in groups of three, allowing us to derive a 64-letter "alphabet."


19、The test will not include punctuations, accented letters or other symbols.


20、I did a 15-week crash course in typing.

21、Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December 本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于xx月xx日,你方须将货物装船。


22、SMS slang can be broken up into two basic categories: acronyms and contractions。短信可分为两个基本部分:首字母缩写和缩略。

23、He famously left a portion of his estate to his last reform campaign, an ill-fated project to simplify the English language alphabet.他留下了一句名言其遗产的一部分,以他最后的改革运动,一个命运多舛的项目,以简化英文字母。

24、NET 2002, it's not unusual to see 5-10 percent reduction in execution time for typical programs, and even 10-15 percent for programs that contain a lot of floating-point code.NET 2002产生的代码,这个选项通常对于典型程序可以缩短5-10%的执行时间,对于含有大量浮点运算的代码,甚至可以缩短10-15%。

25、Trace this letter first, then color the matchable upper and lower case letters.首先按线描好字母,然后将匹配的字母大小写的框内区域图成相同颜色。

英文句子26:,26、They found those whose first name began with D also had shorter lives than those whose names began with E to Z.他们还发现,名字以D为首字母的人们的平均寿命比首字母E到Z的人都要短。

27、For example, a character set can consist of the uppercase letters A through Z, the lowercase letters a through z, and the digits 0 through 例如,一个字符集可以由大写字母 A 到 Z、小写字母 a 到 z 以及数字 0 到


9 组成。

28、In 在xx年内,这一数字预计将升至85%。

15 years, it's projected to climb to 85%.

29、Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.选择让你快乐的那个人来共度余生,而不是你必须努力取悦的那一个。

30、For example, while "IRS" and "BBC" are typically pronounced letter by letter, "NATO" and "UNESCO" are pronounced phonetically.例如,“IRS”和“BBC”典型地发音是一个字母一个字母,“NATO”和“UNESCO”就会以单词的形式发音。

31、Illiterate and semi-illiterate population in this table refers to the population aged 注: 本表“文盲、半文盲人口”指xx岁及xx岁以上不识字及识字很少人口。

15 and over, who are unable or very difficult to read.

32、Read the following passages carefully and choose from the given choices the correct one. Then write the corresponding letter in the brackets.认真阅读下列短文,在下列每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,并将其字母标号填入括号内。

33、Write a short composition of about 150 words based on one of the texts you. have learnt. (15作文。根据所学的一篇课文,写出150字左右的短文。(本大题15分)

34、Since the dot is a joker, .* will match any string including ABC, IBM developerWorks, and DEF.由于句点是一个百搭,所以 .* 将与包括 ABC 、 IBM developerWorks 和 DEF 在内的任何字符串相匹配。

35、So by the time you get to the last letters of the alphabet, you are getting a very powerful signal.所以,当你使用到字母表中的最后一个字母时,电磁信号已经很强了。

36、At one year, 32% of patients in the bevacizumab group gained 第xx年,进行贝伐单抗注射的32%的患者的可认字母增加了15个,而标准治疗方案组的患者增加了3%。

15 or more letters from baseline visual acuity compared with 3% in the standard care group.

37、There is a tournament in the animal kingdom, the one who can queue these letters correctly in the shortest time is the winner.动物王国举行擂台赛,看谁能在最短的时间内准确地给这些字母排好队。

38、Regarding shipping marks, please stencil our initials in a circle;关于麦头,请将我方首写字母刷在一个圆内。

39、In 1999, only 而在xx年,只有15%的新生儿的母亲年龄在xx岁以上。

15 per cent of newborn babies had mothers over 35.

40、From the ASCII code in the table can see each lowercase letters than the capitalization of the ASCII code 32.从ASCII代码表中可以看到每一个小写字母比大写字母的ASCII码大32。

41、And the letters listed do not exist in any known alphabet.列在表内的字母是任何字母表上都没有见过的。

42、If you need 如果你需要15个字节,它就请求15个字节;不要像使用malloc的时候那样进位到32个字节或者更大的块大小。

15 bytes, ask for

15 bytes; don’t round it up to 32 bytes or some other bigger chunk like you used to do when you used malloc.

43、The only uncopyrightable(不可赋予版权的)是唯一个由15个完全不重复的字母组成的单词。

15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable。

44、Duplicate Target Field names result in validation errors in FastTrack (see Figure 目标字段重复会导致 FastTrack 内的验证错误(参见 图



45、This MGRS point is accurate within one meter and is presented using 该 MGRS 点精度为米,使用

15 characters, where the last

10 characters are the easting and northing values within the specified grid.

15 个字符表示,其中最后

10 个字符表示指定网格中的以东和以北的值。

46、Popular file-syncing start-up Dropbox grew more than 500% in Dropbox是一家广受欢迎的从事在线存储服务的初创公司,在短短15个月内,它的增长超过了500%,用户从400万达到2500万。

15 months, from

4 million to 25 million users.

47、You have the option to assign a 1-4 character coupon postfix using the letters A through Z.您也可以选择指定一个1到4个字符长以字母A至Z的优惠券后缀字串。

48、After about 大约十五分钟后,短信内容终于可以查看了!

15 minutes, finally can check the message content.

49、Fading is true while flowering is past.凋谢是真实的,盛开只是一种过去。

50、Your finished project will consist of 15-30 photographs, and 1500-2000 words of explanatory text.你最终完成的项目需要包含15-30张相片,以及1500-2000字的解释文字。

经典英文句子51:15个字母以内的短句,51、Run just 用自己可以控制的最短最快的步伐跑15到20码。

15 to

20 yards with the shortest, quickest stride you can manage.

52、Able to encode a maximum of about 在一个方形图像内至多可编码约

4,000 alphanumeric characters in a square image, they lend themselves nicely to placement on a narrow receipt slip.

4,000 个字母数字符号,它们刚刚好可以替代那种窄的收据条。

53、Kepler 22-b lies at a distance from its sun about 15% less than the distance from the Earth to the Sun, and its year takes about 290 days.“开普勒-22b”与其所在星系母恒星之间的距离比日地距离要短约15%,公转周期约为290个地球日。不过,母恒星所发射出的光能量也要比太阳弱25%。

54、Sure, sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to shoot off a short, all lowercase missive to a colleague.诚然,偶尔辰给某个同事发去一封全是小写字母的简短信件完全可以接管。

55、However, when he was 然而,当他xx岁的时候,他的父母离婚了,母亲改嫁。

15, his parents divorced and his mother remarried.

56、Click on a letter to look up words, phrases and concepts that use references from Foucault, Burke, Frye and others as definitions.A Glossary of the Humanities:点击一个字母可以查询引用傅科,柏克,弗赖伊等人的单词,短语和概念。

57、Sure, sometimes it's perfectly accept able to shoot off a short, all lowercase missive to a colleague.诚然,有时候给某个同事发去一封全是小写字母的简短信件完全可以接受。

58、As in the Soundex algorithm, the first letter is retained and the final code is truncated to four characters, although it is not padded if shorter.就像在 Soundex 算法里一样,第一个字母被保留,最后的代码被裁剪成四个字符,但是如果短于四个字符,也并不填充。

59、Now in fact W was not part of the Roman alphabet. We English invented W after adopting the 23 letters that came as a standard set from the Romans.不过呢W其实并不在罗马字母表内。在采用了罗马人的标准字母表中的23个字母后,我们英国人自己发明了这个W。

60、She tried to escape by marrying at 她想赶快找个好人家以摆脱现状,母亲也催促她嫁人,于是她xx岁就结婚了。

15, at her mother's urging.

61、Twenty numbers, from 从

1 to 80, are selected at random, with players placing bets on which numbers will be drawn (by picking up to

15 numbers).

1 到 80 随机选择二十个数字,玩家把赌注下到将抽出的数字上(通过取出最多

15 个数字)。

62、Note that usernames must start with a lower-case letter, which can be followed by any combination of numbers and more lower-case letters.例如,您的名字就是一个不错的选择。使用者名称必须以小写字母开头,接著的则可以是任意数字或其它的小写字母之组合。

63、Each vowel has two main sounds: a long one and a short one.每个元音字母都有两个主要的发音,即: 长音和短音。

64、Words are listed in alphabetical order(A-Z) by the first letter of each word.字典内的单词一般是按其首个英文字母按由A-Z排列。

65、The shortcomings of current Chinese character codes in realistic applications are pointed out. The concepts of internal numbering code and internal pronunciation code are proposed.本文指出现行的汉字编码在现实应用中的缺陷,提出编号内码和拼音内码的概念,并首次提出以拼音字母作内码的汉字拼音内码方案。

66、Line 行

15 constructs the Soundex by truncating the word to four characters (possibly padded with 0 characters).

15 通过把单词裁剪成

4 个字母,形成 Soundex (可能要用字符 0 来填充)。

67、The tactic is a bit complicated for a brief article, but the basic idea is to attach each digit to a specific consonant.这个方法对于一篇短文来说有点复杂,但基本的概念是把每个数字跟一个特定的辅音字母关联起来。

68、By default, the sort command sorts the contents in alphabetical order depending on the first letter in each line.预先设定地,分类指令分类在每个线中仰赖第一个文字的依字母顺序的命令内的内容。

69、The last two fields can be alphanumeric, so you'll use the varchar() function.最后这两个字段可以是字母数字,所以将使用 varchar() 函数。

70、He stopped every 每15到20英里会在驿站上做短暂地停留以换取新马。

15 to 25 miles to get a fresh horse.

71、The only (不可赋予版权的)是唯一个由15个完全不重复的字母组成的单词。

15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is uncopyrightable.


标签: 英文 短句

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