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1、Performance Art or Artistic Life?


2、Art market influences the future of art, and rewrites the history of art.


3、The developing of the Wearable Art and the Unwearable Art formed Fashion Art of nowadays.


4、Firstly, allowing links like artistic creation, artistic production, art market, art products distribution and consumption interact with each other effectively to achieve increasing circular results.


5、I have respect for many artists and digital artist.


6、So-called TV art, movie art and new media art, are only the sub-artistic class that divides because of its medium characteristic.


7、Jean-Philippe Domecq: Artistes sans art?


8、Making money is art. And working is art. And good business is the best art.


9、ChengLin's history has a span of over seven years in professional art institutions.


10、Artists make root-carvings out of tree roots.

对白- 上海当代艺术展, 上海惠生艺术中心,上海南希艺术画廊。

11、Dialogue-Shanghai Contemporary Art Exhibition, Wison Art Center, Shanghai Nancy's Gallery.


12、What is Regong Art?What are the major sorts of the Regong Art works?


13、A is for art, art is long, but life is shorta.


14、The "Convection? 2010 Dafen International Contemporary Art Exhibition" happens between global and local artists, to improve global art communication.


15、Fashion art values the time effect of the value of the art works while classic art value more of the permanency of the value of the art works.


16、" Painting and music as "audio-visual synesthesia, " a widespread, they are in the visual arts and the art of bridging the gap between hearing.


17、"Vision of East Asian 2008", Gehua Plaza, Beijing, China; Fine Art Hall of Henan Art Center, Zhengzhou, China;


18、Its art origin is Historical-literature and Talk-art.


19、In works of art, the art works of art image is the core and key.


20、Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists or today.

21、The description of this subject-object relationship covers three aspect:art creation, art perception, and art recreation(art performance).艺术接受;


22、Most of ancient arts in the world, such as Egyptian Art, Greece-Roman Art, Indian Art, Persia Art and Chinese Art, had influence on the Loulan Art.古代埃及艺术、希腊罗马艺术、印度艺术、波斯艺术和中原艺术都在楼兰艺术中留下了鲜明的烙印。

23、Art lies in concealing art. 艺术在于使人看不见艺术。

24、One is on prehistoric art or the primitive art.一是史前艺术或原始艺术,一是有史载记录后的艺术。

25、However, hisshortlife but in the Shiwan ceramic art history, written under a glorious chapter. 这种感应不仅仅只保留在艺术陶瓷的本身,而应全方位、多角度把陶瓷艺术置身于各种艺术环境整体之中。

英文句子26:,26、The spirit of respect quality of Sushi's art, it represents the unique artistic creative spirit in the artistic works and theories of Sushi.苏轼艺术中“尚质”的思想,指的是在苏轼的艺术作品和艺术理论当中,所具有的一种独特的艺术创作思想。

27、Art Center exhibition hall from the arts, performing arts theater, art clubs, the Office of entertainment.艺术中心由艺术展厅、演艺剧场、艺术会所、休闲娱乐厅组成。

28、The Arts of China (An Ahmanson M…中国古代的艺术与文化-艺术与思想…

29、Art can't be regarded as witchery, witchery art or entertainment art.艺术不同于巫术、巫术艺术及娱乐艺术。

30、Xu Jiang's artistic achievements represent the latest achievements of expressionism in the Chinese art world today.许江的艺术成就代表了表现主义艺术在中国艺术界的最新成果。

31、During the changes of ideas, the kernel of historical art and art history is the difference between art and non-art.在观念流变中,艺术进入历史,历史砺炼艺术,中心环节是艺术与非艺术的区别。

32、The decorative pattern art is not only one of the important of Dunhuang grotto art, but also the classic of traditionally practical art.敦煌石窟艺术是中国传统实用艺术的经典,装饰图案设计艺术是敦煌石窟艺术的重要组成部分。

33、A. C. Danto, After the End of Art, [M]. Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1997.丹托在艺术史逻辑中存在着一个“艺术终结之后”的艺术时代。

34、We will arrange members of our art committee to select 30 Chinese artists, 我们将组织上苑艺术馆相关艺术人审核确定30名中国艺术家、20名外国艺术家,成为首批《上苑艺术馆2017国际创作计划》的驻馆艺术家,通知将在xx月份发出。

20 foreign artists as resident artists of the 2017 Residency Program. The notification will be sent out around February.

35、"Case Studies of Artists in Art History and Art Criticism", Shengzhi Art Centre, Beijing, China;参加“艺术史中的艺术家”展览,圣之空间艺术中心,北京,中国;

36、Art language and the structural element together form the art visualization which is the particular reflection of life.艺术语言和构成元素共同塑造艺术形象,艺术形象是文艺反映生活的特殊方式。

37、The art of globalization is a subtle one.全球化的艺术是一种微妙的艺术。

38、Slogan: Create a platform for art, create an artists' life.口号:打造艺术舞台,创造艺术人生!

39、Art institutes like national and international art galleries, artwork companies, art colleges, art groups, arts publishing houses.国内外画廊、艺术品公司、美术院校、美术团体、艺术部落、美术出版社、艺术机构。

40、Western arts go through from classic arts, modern arts to post-modern arts, which is the result of essentially logical process.西方艺术从古典艺术到现代艺术再到后现代艺术的演变过程,是一种必然的逻辑结果。

41、POP art is one of the most important factors of transition from modernism to post modernism.普普艺术,是现代主义艺术转变到后现代主义艺术的重要因素之

42、Many people would think that art educating takes place only in colleges and universities of art.说起艺术教育,很多人往往将它跟艺术院校和艺术专业结合起来。

43、The third chapter elaborated mainly the artistic creations of Mulam people on three aspects: the plastic art, the performing art and the language art.第三章主要从造型艺术、表演艺术、语言艺术三个方面论述仫佬人的艺术创造。

44、Renaissance art is yet appreciated by artists or heeasystays.目前的艺术家仍然对文艺复新时期的艺术珍爱有加。

45、The text will mainly discourse upon the sensitivity of beauty inheres in art from the five aspects of "artistic concept", "artistic expression", "artistic situation" and "the art of poesy".本文主要是从“艺术意境”、“艺术表现”、“艺术情境”、“诗歌艺术”这五个方面来论述艺术的审美本质。

46、China Strengthful Artists Art Exhibition, Yachang art net, Zhuoke art net, China;中国实力艺术家作品展雅昌艺术网卓克艺术网中国;

47、Outstanding Art located at M50 Art Zone is a professional art gallery specialized in Chinese contemporary arts.艺杰艺术位于上海莫干山路M50艺术区内,是一家专门经营中国当代艺术品的专业画廊。

48、Art is man-made.艺术是人造物,艺术包含许多文化包袱。

49、Are Artists Unhappier than Non-Artists?艺术家比非艺术家更不快乐吗?

50、Crafts: weaving, knitting, fabrics, furniture, carving, mosaics, ceramics, etc, ; folk and tribal art.手工艺:纺织,编织,织物,家具,雕刻,镶嵌工艺品,陶瓷工艺等;民间艺术和部落艺术。

经典英文句子51:艺术,51、Moires art is scenario art, but television art is family art. Although they have commonness, they have individuality.但电影艺术是影院艺术,电视艺术是家庭艺术,虽有共性,更有独特个性。

52、Chinese people are a premature people. From Nature art to pure art, from artistic models to artistic designs, all involves philosophical thinging .中华民族是一个早熟的民族,从造物艺术到纯艺术,从艺术造型到艺术图案,往往有哲学思维介入。

53、Comparing the different understanding towards the verism of art between post-modernistic art from four aspects so that we can find we can not denial it simply by traditional way.从四个方面比较后现代主义艺术和现代艺术对于艺术真实观的不同理解,得出对于后现代主义艺术,我们不能再用传统的、一成不变的艺术真实观去简单否定后现代主义艺术。

54、我最喜欢的艺术形式是摄影 my favorite form of art is photography

55、The highest state of art is artlessness.艺术的最高境界就是没有艺术。

56、He lived in Teignmouth in 1927many of his works were exhibited in the Aberdeen Museum of ArtFinney Museum of ArtBirmingham Museum of ArtExeter Museum of ArtMuseum of Art in Manchester.他在xx年居住在廷茅斯,他的很多作品都在亚伯丁艺术馆、芬尼艺术馆、伯明翰艺术馆、 埃克塞特艺术馆、曼彻斯特艺术馆展出过。

57、Art without conflict cannot be called art.艺术没有争议那还叫艺术吗?

58、The perception noumenon , possibility, identity and creation of art constitute the basic structure of the study.审艺本体性、艺术同一性、艺术可能性和艺术新生性,是审艺学构成的基本结构内涵要素。

59、Mean that the esthetics, the art animadversion, art history, art creates comprehensive up from the course contents.从学科内容上是指美学、艺术批评、艺术史、艺术创作的综合。

60、The development of art in Middle Ages could be divided into three phases which are Byzantine Art, Romanesque Art and Gothic Art.中世纪艺术的发展大致可分为三个阶段:拜占庭艺术、罗马式的艺术、哥德式艺术。

61、TS1 is an organisation that encourages contemporary art in all forms and serves as an art hub for artists and art lovers alike.壹空间是一个支持各种当代艺术形式的艺术机构,同时是供艺术家及艺术爱好者交流的艺术中心。

62、Performing arts--performing arts centers.表演艺术---表演艺术中心。

63、Representatives of art imperial kinsmen—advocating pure art, devaluing the art for using.艺术“皇族”的代表者——亲近纯艺术,疏远应用艺术。

64、Her art background and practice experience by which to find out how the artistic genre has influenced her design career, especially the pop-art, minimalist art, land art and concept art.揭示当代各种艺术流派与思想,主要是波普艺术、极简主义艺术、大地艺术、观念艺术在她设计风格形成中所起的重要作用。

65、To comprehend the artistic beauty that we ought backward the artistic ideal what create the artwork above all.把握艺术美首先应该追溯于生成艺术品的艺术理想之美。

66、The highest art is to conceal art.最高度艺术就是深藏不露的艺术。

67、The true art indicates that art is not only entertainment, but that art is the outcome of the truth.本真的艺术喻示美,艺术不仅只是娱乐,艺术是真理的发生。

68、Programs include resident artists and art exhibitions, lectures, workshops and symposiums, all of which aim to encourage intellectual collaboration between collectors, artists and art lovers.艺术中心的活动包括签约艺术家、艺术展览、讲座、艺术工作场、座谈会,所有活动都本着一个美好的愿望,那就是促进收藏者、艺术家和艺术爱好者之间的相互协作。

69、Art institutes like national and international art galleries, artwork companies, art colleges, art groups, arts publishing houses, as well as art brokers and artists.国内外画廊、艺术品公司、美术院校、美术团体、美术出版社等艺术机构及艺术经纪人、艺术家。

70、Art lovers can check out the new Asian galleries at the Art Institute of Chicago.艺术爱好者可以到芝加哥艺术学院去参观新近开展的亚洲艺术画廊。

71、The second part studies Wu's viewpoints and practice of art.论述吴冠中的艺术观及艺术实践。

72、Sculpture art unfurls the era scene, the high-tech life with its art character, art configuration and art language.雕塑艺术以其特有的艺术个性、 艺术形态、 艺术语言述说历史故事,展示时代风貌,反映高新科技生活;

73、We find "primitive art", "popular art", "schoolgirl art", "provincial art", and several other terms in use for essentially the same materials.我们发现,有些本质上同样的作品却被冠之以不同的名称,如“原始艺术”、“流行艺术”、“女生艺术”和“乡间艺术”等。

74、Canadian art, contemporary art, Amerindian art, and decorative arts.收藏加拿大艺术、当代艺术、印第安人艺术和装饰艺术。

75、We make art because we like art.我们因为喜欢艺术而进行艺术创作。

英文句子模板76:Art,76、Collect over 60,000 works of painting, sculpture, graphic, and decorative art.收藏超过六万件艺术作品包括油画、雕刻、平面艺术和装饰艺术。


标签: 英文 艺术

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