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关于”时尚的短句“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Fashion Short Sentences。以下是关于时尚的短句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Fashion Short Sentences

短短六个月前为保护全球最大货币联盟而构筑的防火 ,如今看来是尚未完工,同时也是很不充份的。

1、What was billed as the firewall protecting the world's biggest currency union barely six months ago already is looking unfinished and inadequate.


2、Ring desain fashion.


3、Yi spring

3 is what Wei still temple pick out in person, and then serves a princess not short for time, understand this princess' Pi.


4、Leading the fashion, renew your vision and feel, it'll be your first choice of beauty product.


5、The red suit, with its close-fitting design and mini shorts, appears quite stylish.


6、Because sporting goods are becoming increasingly more fashionable and more oriented to lifestyle, they are increasingly subject to short-term trends.


7、and always one step ahead of anywhere else in Europe, I would say.


8、Soldier Crabs feed on mudflats after the tide ebbs.


9、And da fashion model. So, fashion is another big thing.


10、That partnership was ultimately as short-lived as a fast-fashion hit.


11、The fashion show is fashionable.


12、The current generation of metal-on-metal devices is still relatively new, having been used increasingly over the last decade.


13、From this combination, a duality emerges, linking the haute couture with fashion and with the ephemeral that is constantly in need to renew itself.


14、Advocate white is vogue, people need is involute medium halcyon.


15、Trend-conscious consumers appreciate the company's capacity to get new collections from the drawing board to shop racks in just 45 days.


16、Everyone laughed at the old fashion, but reverently pursuit of new fashion.


17、The designer featured his collection with a great pair of full trousers, topped with a high waist and wide belt that reappeared on pencil skirts, knee-length pants, and blouson shorts.

Oh so fashionable! Cycling shorts. Elasticated waist.自行车短裤将酷酷的时尚感引入时装,如果想要魅力加分可加上高跟鞋和一些小饰品来搭配。

18、Cycling shorts to put the cool into our trendy styles. And if we want glamour then we can add high heels and jewellery…


19、The Digital Space outside the venue will also showcase fashion films from specific designers for fashion lovers who can't go to the show.


20、There are also lavishness men's fashionable wallets which a few observe as a fashion symbol.

21、One-piece structure wisdom soft standards, elegant fashion, fashionable life taste.智柔标准,优雅时尚一体式结构,品味时尚生活。

22、The younger group group's concept of "long duration or short duration" is not very clear.低、中年龄组智力落后儿童的“时距长短”概念发展尚不完全,判断的发展趋势尚不明显。

23、Attractive style: Complements your active lifestyle with an ultra-slim, sleek design.引人注目的时尚风格:轻薄短小的设计,更增添您的行动生活风格。

24、For a short time (1782–83) he was commander in chief in Ireland, but he retired increasingly to private life, in which he was a leader of London society and fashion.他后来曾在爱尔兰当了短短一段时间(1782-xx年)的总指挥,随后就退休了,转而个人生活,曾是伦敦社会和时尚的带头人。

25、Beijing Olympic fashion wind blowing strong, well-known brands also had a sharp fashion competition.北京奥运劲吹时尚风,知名品牌也展开了激烈的时尚竞争。

英文句子26:,26、Thus, both bars and the anti-art activities have become a fashion of consumption.酒吧已成为消费的时尚, 艺术的反叛亦成为一种消费时尚。

27、Jenny: A fashion emergency.时尚告急嘛!

28、Shang Jian is the subject of fashion building materials and creative life fusion.尚建园 的主题是时尚建材与生活创意的融合。

29、They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。

30、If you need ear-piercing and tattooing, ensure that the needles used are sterilized.你可能觉得有个酷酷的耳洞或者纹身“时尚时尚最时尚”,但是在行动之前一定要确保针头消过毒哦!

31、The beauty of Fashionable - T23 office partition features thickness: 23mm The design is fashionable.时尚之美-T23屏风特点 屏风厚度:23mm,产品设计:时尚;

32、Every fashionably dressed gentleman of Engl and and America had his knee breeches made of China cotton.每一个穿著时尚的英美两国绅士都有中国棉制的及膝短裤。

33、In a show known for its fabulous fashion, Carrie was the style ringleader.这部电视剧以其时尚元素著称,而凯莉就是其中的时尚领军人物。

34、The shop's eccentric owner and Vogue blogger VirginiaBates is regularly seen at London fashion parties wearing amazingvintage creations.该店的店主,时尚(Vogue)博主贝茨总是衣着耀眼的古着时装出现在伦敦的时尚秀场。

35、Should Shawn shave a short man with short hair or a shy man whose short legs are shaking ?尚恩应该为短头发的矮个子男人修面还是应该为颤抖着短腿的害羞男人修面?

36、Water, stone, wood makes the community a leisure fashion street.水、石、木是打造社区内休闲时尚街的三大时尚品。

37、Within days, even before I knew about the multistory glass office building destined to occupy that block, my find had been reduced to a pile of rubble.短短数日里,甚至在我尚未知道这条街区注定要被一座满是玻璃的办公楼占据的时候,我再经过时所能发现的只是一堆瓦砾。

38、Their lives cut short in a never-ending attempt to furnish our fashions.它们的生命在人类的企图中被削短,无休止打造时尚的企图。

39、It is as a subliminal fashion mantra is transmitted to clothing designers, textile designers, fashion slaves and trendsetters.它像一种潜意识的时尚颂歌,传播给服装设计师,纺织品设计者,跟着时尚走的人和创造时尚的人。

40、Quite the contrary, fashion civilian is a person whose fashion sense is not so good.与之相反, 鲳“时尚平民” 的时尚品味则没有那么好。

41、Faddy short messages refer to those short literal messages which have a high frequency of copy, a fast speed of popularity, a vast area of spreading and a great power of influence.时尚短信是指复制频率高,流行速度快,传播面积广,影响力度大的文字短信,它已成为现代人最为重要和流行的一种交际时尚。

42、A short, spikey style is a short hairstyle that gives you a modern and edgy look.短而向四外张开的发式让你看起来更时尚和充满活力。

43、Chapter three is the exploration of theories of modifier-noun - phrase in Jinwen Shangshu.第三章为“今文《尚书》定中短语的理论探析”。

44、The phrase mocks how easy it is for a cyber friendship to fall out.这个时尚短语讥刺了互联网时期的友情是如斯容易崩塌的现实。

45、SEAN : Time's up.尚恩 : 时间到了。

46、Instead, keep in mind the first key fashion phrase of 2016: post-normal.然而,记住xx年的第一个时尚短语:后正规。

47、This area is one of Britain's trendiest areas, there are a lot of fashion designers and people who are heavily industry related.这个地区是大不列颠最时尚的地方,有许多时尚设计师和时尚从业者。

48、The latest version of Avatar SMS gets even better with downloadable plugins to add trendiest wear and accessories to your avatar!最新版本的头像短信得到更好的下载插件,添加时尚的服装和配件到您的化身!

49、Fashion industry is very cut-throat at times, a lot of competition, a lot of deadlines , but its also an industry where you can be creative.时尚界是很残酷的,竞争激烈、完稿时间的压力,但是时尚界也是最具创意的,我觉得时尚不简单。

50、Believe it or not, most of those fashion rules are completely outdated and false!无论相信与否,这些时尚规则大部分都是完全过时和错误的! 对于那些追求时尚又不想遵从旧时尚法则的人,我要说,是把这些陈规旧习永远丢掉的时候了。

经典英文句子51:时尚的短句,51、Fashion Comment: The different tones in blue top brings out the youthfulness, the summer combination of shorts brings out the sporty image of Rainie!时尚点评:深浅不一的蓝色上装搭配充满了年轻与活力,夏日短打搭配的杨丞琳运动味十足!

52、Fashion short messages make mass culture popular and have formed a large spiritual consumption market. Their cultural value has dual nature.时尚短信带动了大众文化流行,已形成一个巨大的精神消费市场,其文化价值具有双重性。

53、A fad is popular for only a short time and is forgotten as soon as the next fad comes along.一种流行的时尚只是在短时期内流行,伴随着新的流行时尚产生,就会很快被人们置于遗忘的角落。

54、There are some deficiencies about the mass change index in characterizing the short term anti-aging performance.质量变化指标在表征沥青的抗短期老化性能时尚存在不足。

55、But society sports special field action develops shorter special field of time, esteems above a process unceasingly, improving and perfecting and developing.然而社会体育专业作为发展时间较短的专业,尚处于一个不断完善和发展的过程中。

56、Also, boys used to buy a lot of jeans. Today they are choosing more stylish shorts, bicycle shorts, and cotton pants.别的,男生们以往会买许多牛崽裤的,二如今她们会选择穿当时的风尚短装裤,骑车用的运动短裤或棉质的裤子。

57、Brevity is the fashion; we bring you long-form cultural criticism with an emphasis on stylistic quality.短暂是时尚的本质,我们却带给你恒久的、强调格调的文化观点。

58、Introduce:" diary of article apricot vogue " it is first gear vogue collocation shares kind of program.简介:《文杏时尚日记》是一档时尚搭配分享类节目。

59、Fashion focuses on contemporary fashion design (womenswear and menswear) and encourages students to be innovative and creative while developing an understanding of the needs of the fashion industry.时尚侧重于当代时尚设计(女装和男装),鼓励学生创新和培养创意,同时能够开拓理解时尚产业的需求。

60、Fashionable design: Streamline shape and harmonious color combination always honor you at the heading of fashion.时尚设计:流线造型?钆铖f调的用色,让您永远走在时尚尖端。

61、This isn't just a trend, a temporary fad or a generational hiccup. This is a much larger phenomenon, of a different kind and a different order.这种现象不仅仅是一种趋势,一种短暂的时尚,或者是时代逆转。

62、It's an awkward reality of royal reporting that we're also in the fashion business.身处时尚圈而报道王室时尚是件尴尬的事。

63、You have great fashion sense.您有很强的时尚感。

64、Fashion and tech together or pure fashion, the choice is yours!时尚和科技的结合或者完全的时尚,这是你的选择!

65、On Father's Day you may get another "interesting" tie, the latest golf gadget or a pair of wild boxer shorts.在父亲节这一天,也许你会换上另一条“有趣”的领带,带着最时尚的高尔夫球具或者穿一条野外短裤。

66、On the first line of products of Onlyao fashion shopping e-station, there are four categories of fashion wigs, fashion jewelry, hair ornaments and hair accessories, .欧雅时尚购物e站首批上线的产品有时尚假发、流行饰品、头饰发饰、时尚配饰等4大类。

67、Most fashion-challenged people - I fall into that category - rely on trusted fashion-conscious friends and family to recommend new clothes to them.时尚-挑战人们-我接受时尚-依靠值得依赖的有时尚意识的朋友和家人,把衣服推荐给他们。

68、These market beating gains are not the result of short-term fads.这些市场跳动的成果不过去的时尚结果是短期的。

69、Short skirts were the fashion in 1919.短裙是xx年的时尚。

70、Celebrities may have hordes of stylists and minions to ensure that they’re always ready to be snapped in the latest trends, but even they can’t get it right every time.为了保证能够永远紧跟时尚最前沿,名流们总是有一大批时尚顾问或是助理,但他们也有对时尚拿捏的不到位的时候。

71、Don't say it's early.莫说时间尚早。

72、I would not be surprised to hear that the fashion world has been rocked by an alarming shortage of sequins.如果听到时尚界对亮片发生了紧急短缺的消息,我并不会感到惊讶。

73、We set Shing Corporation has been a working motto is: lead the fashion trend of development of industry standards!我们集盛总公司一直有一句工作格言,就是:引领时尚潮流,制定行业标准!

74、Mr. McQueen was a showman with very high expectations for fashion.麦昆是时尚界的表演者,对时尚有着很高的期望。

75、Short skirts, long jackets, leisure pants, sweater chain, necklace, hanging-style earrings, lingerie straps, fashion clothing.短裙, 长上衣, 休闲长裤, 毛衣链, 项链, 吊式耳环, 内衣肩带, 时尚服装等。

英文句子模板76:Fashion Short Sentences,76、Did a stomach to excise operation time still short, be in renew crucial period, belch and lumbar back ache attribute normal phenomenon.做了胃切除手术时间尚短,正处于恢复要害时期,嗳气和腰背疼痛属于正常现象。

77、The T-shirt is the ace of summertime joker, no matter be, can wear easily with knickers , skirt or trousers piece relaxed with vogue.恤是夏季百搭的好手,无论是与短裤、裙子还是长裤都能轻易穿出清爽与时尚。

78、In opposition to the current men's fashionphotography, Evans called his work "documentary fashionphotography."相对于当时的时尚摄影,伊文斯称他的作品为纪实时尚摄影。

79、Your boot is latest fashion.你的马靴很时尚。

80、In Bronze House, we help make you look more fashionable, confident and achieve the best healthy skin color in the most efficient way.在古铜屋, 我们将帮助您看起来更时尚, 更自信。 用更短的晒黑时间, 达到更加持久均匀的健康肤色!


标签: 英文 短句

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