关于”续写升华主旨“的英语句子51个,句子主体:Continuation Sublimation Theme。以下是关于续写升华主旨的小学英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Continuation Sublimation Theme
1、The well-written ending of the news can not only make it perfect, but also further deepens theme of the news and gives listeners much food for thought.
2、The theme of "grieving over spring" mainly includes two aspects: One is expressing the grief over the turbulent period.
3、This is an extension of level-2 Japanese conversation course. The design of the course intends to enhance the student's reading and writing skills.
4、On the one hand, he applies delicate and realistic representation way while trivializes use of loud colors;
5、The temperature gets high up to 110F.
6、I'm already among the best of the best and I want to continue to write many more beautiful pages. I really want to rewrite the history of football.
7、Are you going to create a deep, engaging experience in one app that you continue to develop and build on?
8、Yunmeng hotel is the extreme sublimation of Chinese doctrine;
9、Ingredient:mineral contents, sulfur sublimed .
10、In this text, we try to link French de-constructing theory and hermeneutics.
11、Tsinghua foreign language schools with "the interests of students above all else, " mission;
12、The variation of oscillations is related to the heavy rain in the lower reaches of Yangtze River valley.
13、Yuhua reflects and comments profoundly and dually on the theme of the modernity — criticizing tradition is to call civilization and reason;
14、This series is customised for SJK(C) pupils to familiarise them with the basic rules of English grammar.
15、"The Middle East airlines have continued to dominate, " Plaisted said after the ceremony.
16、Tian Feng, president of HR, says globalization of the Huawei workforce will only continue.
17、The conference theme is "Building Ethical and Sustainable Organizations in China."
18、Sublimating the noise of the city.
19、With the development of the business of Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, Chinese drama, including traditional Chinese play and opera , also got started and developed in the area.
20、Today, The idea is sublimed to be EASTIDE'S brand view:Let's bag luxury!
21、An apotheosis can be defined as the exaltation of a subject to divine level.一个尊奉为神可以被定义为,一个主题升华到神圣的水平。
22、Chin Hua princess merely also have not repeatedly continue to compel to ask her, silently corner round to walk.清华郡主却也没再继续逼问她,默默地转身走了。
23、What is the mission of Wah Done Breeding Room?华灯生物繁殖场(华繁)的宗旨是甚麽?。
24、Art is the distillation of life.艺术是现实生活的升华。
25、MODEL 79 Meanwhile, McDonnell continued to seek an outlet for the principles and design simplicity developed in the XH-20 ramjet helicopter.模型79 与此同时,麦继续寻求出路的原则和设计开发的简单新华- 20喷气直升机。
英文句子26:,26、Pan Jiahua is executive director of the sustainable development research centre of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.潘家华(Pan Jiahua)是中国社会科学院可持续发展研究中心副主任
27、The China Solutions Mentoring Program delivers a dynamic and personalized platform for law students to develop necessary skills to enhance their ability to realize professional opportunities.华思道培训项目旨在为法学院的学生提供一个发展其职业技能的活跃个性化平台,以提升其实现职业机会的能力。
28、The program focuses on improving Kindergarten's Phonics, Literacy and Numeracy so that they can be well prepared to go to Primary School.本课程旨在提高幼儿部大、中班学生的英语拼音、读写、算数能力,帮他们自信地升入小学部学习。
29、June 26 is International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Drug-related topics are heating up in China's cyberspace.据新华网报道,随着xx月xx日国际禁毒日来临,关于禁毒的讨论近期在网上持续升温。
30、"No, don't believe, " without a letter possession for China supply equipment company will continue to pursue excellence and constantly meet customer needs for the purpose.“人无信不立,业无信不兴”,久华供水设备公司将一如既往地以追求卓越和持续不断的满足客户需要为宗旨;
31、Underpinning this thesis is a belief that interest rates will march higher over the next decade, reversing an almost 30-year period of generally falling rates.这篇文章的主旨建立在这样一个假设之上,今后xx年中,利率将一反过去xx年里连续下降的局面,转而不断攀升。
32、Gross margin rose to 40.9 percent from 37.9 percent a year ago, trouncing Wall Street's estimate of 35.8 percent, on a continued shift toward higher-margin products like Macs and iPhones.当季毛利率自上年同期的37.9%升至40.9%,优于华尔街预估的35.8%,主因公司继续转向高利润率产品,如Mac和iPhone.
33、Another essence of Chinese traditional culture is the virtue of tolerance, which advocates for tolerance of the dissidence and civilization of alien nature.“有容”之德是我国传统文化的另一精华所在,主旨是能涵容不同意见和异质文明。
34、On Sunday, she emailed me: "This past weekend, I did 周日,她在给我的邮件中说:“上周末我跑了
13.1 miles, " she wrote.
35、Why should we look down on Sakai Noriko and her attempt to come back to China for performances?博主最近写道:我们凭什么看不起酒井法子来华演出?
36、It is the theme of this book.本书主旨亦复如是。
37、They'll have something going and then almost unbeknownst to you they will take that and lift it up in terms of the pitch content.他们会让音乐继续,然后出其不意,通过音高大小,来升华它
38、Aims: 44 clan match for fun and our skills improvement.本团宗旨: 透过打44 作娱乐及提升团友技术。
39、The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.将性冲动升华为艺术。
40、Promise continued its rally, adding Promise延续升势,续涨
2.6 percent to 703 yen and Acom gained
10.1 percent to
1,511 yen.
41、Of something far more deeply interfused.从更深刻的融合中升华。
42、As is known to all, the keynote of the Peony Pavilion is love.众所周知,《牡丹亭》的主旨是写“情”。
43、"Logos He goes on. "But logos," he writes, " "serves to reveal the advantageous and the harmful.也继续写到,主要是为展露出利害关系。
44、Yes, she was sublimating .是啊,她那叫升华。
45、Lei Pingyang's poems embody unique style, distinctive characteristics and different writing skills.雷平阳的诗作呈现了自己独具的风格特色与写作主旨。
46、What is underneath this feeling?这种感觉的主旨是什么?
47、The main purpose is fresh and bright.主旨鲜明。
48、The VCC aims to promote safe bolting and environmentally sound practices.VCC旨在提升路线施工安全与环境落实。
49、This is called sublimation.这个过程是升华。
50、" Wallace D. Wattles , wrote "There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought;华莱士D。华佗士,写道“没有任何一种体力劳动能够使大多数人望而却步,但连续不断地持久思考却能做到这一点;
经典英文句子51:续写升华主旨,51、Thus the aim of Tantra is to sublimate yoga, or enjoyment, into yoga, or union with Consciousness.坦陀罗的主旨是把颇伽(物质享受)提升到瑜伽(灵性训练),或者与意识合
52、When the night comes, attesting the busy city of lights.当黑夜来临,华灯初升的繁华都市。
53、The Financial Sector Technical Assistance Project is designed to lay the foundations for continued financial sector reform by strengthening key elements of financial sector infrastructure.本项目旨在通过加强主要财税基础设施为继续推进财税改革奠定基础。
54、The plan aims for every Hong Kong citizen to be biliterate and trilingual - competent in reading and writing Chinese and English, and fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua and English.该计划旨在提高市民两文三语的能力,提升他们中英文的读写能力和广东话、普通话及英语的听讲能力。
55、Raise a habit of writing, painting, exercising, singing to sublime your mood by arts and creation rather than complain to people coming across.不要逢人就诉苦,宁可写作、画画、练功、唱歌,以艺术、创作升华情绪。
56、Do you define sublimation as being displacement?升华和移置相同吗?
57、Such an agreement might appear to be outside the CBD’s main focus on the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources.这样一个协议似乎已经超过了公约的有关保护和可持续利用生物资源的主旨。
58、He wrote that one of his goals is "to revive the Chinese nation and resume the heyday of the Han and Tang dynasties".他曾写下自己的人生目标之一是要“中华民族之复兴,续写汉唐之盛世”。
59、Despite the rhetoric of the new Five-Year Plan—which, like the previous one, aims to increase the share of consumption in GDP—the path of least resistance is the status quo.尽管新的xx年计划辞令华丽,同前一计划一样,旨在提升GDP中消费所占比例,但最小阻力的是维持现状。
60、Premodern Chinese culture has not a major thrust of the changes, but it also caused the Chinese culture itself is too arrogant mentality.近代以前中华文化的主旨不曾发生大的变迁,但这也就造成中华文化自身过于自大的心理。
61、The thesis intends to connect life and art, exploring how Woolf transmutes her personal experience into a great work. The thesis is organized in three parts.笔者旨在将个人生活经历与艺术联系起来,探讨在这部小说中伍尔夫如何把个人生活经历升华为艺术。
62、It's very mistiness to the meaning of sustainable development, which is on the basis of traditional development view as well as the abidance development of economy.对于可持续发展涵义一直以来都非常的模糊,建立在传统发展观之上的可持续发展是以经济的永续发展为主旨。
63、What's the theme of "Little Star"?《小星》的主旨是什么?
64、Thou longest much to know thy dear Lord's will!你渴想知道主的旨意!
65、TENET: take "contigency plan" as principle, continuously improve product's quality and after services; Finally win-win with our clients is our target!宗旨:坚持以“持续改进”为原则,不断提升产品品质及完善售后服务;最终达到与客户共同进步为目标!
66、For sublimation. Or vaporization.对于升华和蒸发。
67、The demand for office and retail spaces in Vancouver is likely to remain strong in the next few years.在温哥华,写字楼和零售铺面的需求在未来的几年里将持续强劲。
68、该计划旨在提高市民两文三语的能力,提升他们中英文的读写能力和广东话、普通话及英语的听讲能力。The plan aims for every Hong Kong citizen to be biliterate and trilingual - competent in reading and writing Chinese and English, and fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua and English.
69、Horse - immortal soul sublimation of fairyland.仙马---灵魂升华的仙境。
70、One of the missions of liberal arts colleges is to teach kids how to think, talk and write.文理学院教育的主要宗旨中就包括教育学生们如何思考、交谈、写作。
71、Form one point of view, RE-LUXE is a pursuit for promotion of life quality that is a luxury in concept not just a luxury in intensive.从某种角度来说,“新奢华主义”是对生活品味提升的追求,是一种理念的奢华,而不仅仅是集约的奢华。
72、A 15-day heat wave raised temperatures up to 110 degrees Fahrenheit.一场持续了15天的热浪使气温升高到110华氏度。
73、Enterprise purpose: to promote customers continued to gain everlasting.企业宗旨:推动客户持续赢利基业长青。
74、As I mentioned above, we aim to continue the flow of good ideas from functional programming world into mainstream development.正如我先前所提到的,我们旨在把这样好的想法从函数式编程的世界延续至主流的开发。
75、Computex officially opens on Tuesday and runs through Saturday, with planned keynote speeches from Intel and Microsoft.台北国际电脑展(Computex)周二正式开幕,将持续到周 英特尔和微软按计划将做主旨演讲。
英文句子模板76:Continuation Sublimation Theme,76、God has decreed, however that your entire universe will ascend now;上帝已颁布旨意,你们整个宇宙即将扬升;
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