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关于”如何快速的背“的英语句子28个,句子主体:How fast back。以下是关于如何快速的背的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:How fast back


1、Quick tip how you can build your own HDRI image inside Cinema 4D.



6 shows how you can quickly view all defined print queues, their locations, and descriptions.

6 展示了如何快速浏览所有已定义的打印队列、它们的位置和描述。


3、So, what advice can you give my readers on how to write “faster”?


4、How do small companies find funding to take advantage of this booming market?


5、Why SINOTRUK Grow so Fast in Shanghai Market?


6、Therefore, how to remove the logo quickly and effectively has become a very important problem.


7、Now, you can go ahead and shoot at F4 with shutter speeds up to the max the camera has available. And you still achieve that precious look that we all want; a portrait with a blurred background.


8、Measured against your absolute speed, your 100% race course speed may be only 80% of your all out speed.


9、Learn how to defend the quick slant in football as a cornerback in this free video clip on football.


10、How do international VC and PE firms take advantage of the opportunities springing up in China?


11、Quick counter-attack is one of the aggressive tactics in a football match. How to use the tactic so as to win the match indicates the development trend of modern football.

快速回顾 rsync 之后,现在我们看看如何在日常任务中应用 rsync。

12、That's a quick but thorough review. Next, let's see how you can apply rsync to daily tasks.

cdrecord 将试图以最快速度运行刻录机,因此不必指定速度,但是,应该根据经验来判断如何做。

13、cdrecord will try to run the recorder at its highest speed, so it is not necessary to specify a speed, but let experience be your guide.


14、How to face the challenges, fasten the opportunities and accelerate the development, become the main issues of Qianjiang Luxianzi Bio-technology Co. , Ltd.


15、So, how do the World Cup racers use the inside ski for producing more speed out of each turn?

我将讨论如何快速安装和启动 Nagios、访问 CGI 并监视主机和服务。

16、I discuss how you can quickly install and start Nagios, access CGIs, and monitor hosts and services.


17、And how does it happen so fast?


18、I started thinking about my life, about how fast time passes, about how I didn't like the dating scene, and I kept thinking about him" she reminisced ."


19、Mathematic not only teach you to calculate more and more quickly, although calculating quickly is also a skill, but the essence of math is teaching people to describe the world and think of it.

任何具有编程背景的人都可以非常快地学会 VTL。

20、For anyone with a programming background, learning VTL should be a very quick task.

21、As you learn to accelerate the horizontal motion, jumps will immediately become easier.当你学会如何快速进行横向移动时,大跳练习对你来说将会易如反掌。

22、Instead, talk about how you're a fast learner and give a specific example of how you developed a new skill or knowledge base quickly in the past. Or offer ideas of how you would tackle the challenge.取而代之,说说你是快速学习者,给一个明确的范例,来说明过去你如何很快发展新的技能和知能,或提供你如何处理挑战的想法。

23、Date processing is the key of the Rapid Prototyping, CAD building-up is the basis of date processing. How to rapidly build up 3D model has directly impact to the efficiency of the Rapid Prototyping.数据处理是快速成型的关键,而CAD模型的建立则是数据处理的基础,如何快速的建立三维模型直接影响到快速成型的效率。

24、We have to be faster than ever with the ball.我们带球速度要比以往任何时候快。

25、How to build and maintain toll-matrix between every two nodes is a key problem in the networked toll collection of highway.如何快速建立、维护可靠的各站点间的费用矩阵是高速公路联网收费系统的关键。

英文句子26:,26、Communicating customer information arguably has become the most challenging aspect of running the modern job shop awash in a great variety of short-run orders.如何和顾客有效沟通信息以及如何准确、快速处理海量的短期订单,已经毫无争议地成为运作现代化工厂最大的挑战。

27、It is a thorny question to find the desired news quickly in the sea of Internet.如何从网海中快速找到自己想要的新闻是一个棘手的问题。

28、How, then, do we fight against doctrinal apostasy?那么,我们如何与教义上的背道作战呢?

29、Both patients had rapid resolution of back and radicular pain.两个患者的背痛及神经根放射痛均得到了快速的缓解。

30、I hope I knew how to quit you. ?我希望我知道如何戒掉你。——断背山?。

31、How to recognize man-made road and road sign rapidly and exactly by using vision technology and How to pick-up object figures are crucial problems in the study of mobile robot's vision navigation.在移动机器人视觉导航技术研究中,如何利用视觉技术快速而准确地识别人为铺设或环境中自然存在的路径、路标以及如何从复杂的背景中提取出目标物体是关键性的问题。

32、How to store the strings on the disk to have a fast read and write access ?如何存储字符串的磁盘有一个快速的读写访问?

33、The fish uses its highly venomous dorsal spines in a lightning-quick attack.蝎 鱼会用它们非常狠毒的背部脊柱进行快速攻击。

34、Tate demonstrates how to balance rapid releases and long-term sustainability, achieving both rich functionality and superior quality.Tate 论证了如何平衡快速的发布和长期的持续,达到丰富的功能和良好的质量。

35、And they've developed service mocks, which are quick prototypes of how the real service will work.他们已经开发了服务模拟,这些模拟是表示实际服务将如何工作的快速原型。

36、What abut your typing speed?你的打字速度如何?

37、But he wasn't willing to spend his life becoming the fastest telegraph operator in the world.但是他可不愿一生就致力于如何成为世界上速度最快的报务员。

38、do a quick test, such as the Quick Placement Test produced by Oxford University Press做个快速测验,例如牛津大学出版社出版的QUICK PLACEMENT TEST(快速编班测试)。

39、High back pressure of exhaust manifold , rapid change in load, scavenge fire and so on.高背压的排气系统,在负载快速变化,清除火灾等。

40、Presumably, a part of his brain quickly mobilized his faculties to scope out how to flee and how to take steps to avoid a vulnerable predicament in the future.假定,他的一部分大脑,快速调动身体各部位,思考如何逃跑,如何采取措施,避免将来易受伤害的窘状。

41、We are now thinking how to turn franchised stores to directly-operated store.我们目前的的思路,那就是如何最快速地把加盟店变成直营店。

42、Listing 清单

4 shows how you can use the pushd and popd commands to quickly navigate the directory tree.

4 显示如何使用 pushd 和 popd 命令在目录树中快速导航。

43、Run cruel when rate is too rapid, artifice sprain, not swollen , it is twist when ache, should manage like where?跑酷的时候速度太快了,手腕扭伤了,没肿,就是扭动的时候疼,应如何处理?

44、How to use the fast rope in rainbow six Vegas in this free gaming video.如何使用彩虹六号维加斯在这个自由的游戏视频的快速绳。

45、The men carry their other half through a 250-metre obstacle course as fast as they can.男人背着媳妇以最快的速度跑250米的障碍赛。 跟任何关系都一样,都有跌宕起伏。

46、Consequently, how to assay monensin rapidly and efficiently becomes the aspect of research at home and abroad.因此,如何及时、快速有效的检测出莫能菌素残留成为国内外研究的方向。

47、So increased business value, faster time to market and risk mitigation - these were the key drivers at that point, and all the time doing more with less, of course.快速增长的业务,更快的市场反应和风险,这些促使Jeff思考如何事半功倍的做事。

48、FMCG brands' building can not be separated from the communication of the brand, so we need thoroughly studied for implementation of the brand communication of FMCG.快速消费品品牌的建设离不开品牌传播,因此,我们就很有必要针对如何实施快速消费品品牌传播进行深入的研究。

49、The question how to fast and effective cope with the anticipated flood of spectrographic data is raised.面对这些海量数据,如何进行快速有效处理的问题就摆在我们面前。

50、Have why medicaments can treat irritability rhinitis effectively quickly!有何药物能快速有效的治疗过敏性鼻炎!

经典英文句子51:如何快速的背,51、Discover how to add a fast, capable, open source, and free search engine to a PHP site.通过本文了解如何向 PHP 站点中添加一个快速、高效、开源和免费的搜索引擎。

52、The topics in this section help you understand how to quickly use the Entity Framework by explaining the underlying technologies in the context of the Quickstart tutorial.本节中的主题通过在 快速入门教程环境中说明基础技术,帮助您了解如何快速使用实体框架。

53、Then, there arises the problem of how to guarantee the users to quickly find suitable data among the mass of audio-video resources, and how to effectively manage these data?那么,如何保证用户在巨量的视音频数据中快速方便地找到合适的数据,如何对这些数据进行有效的管理?。

54、Mamiya Film Magazines permit fast changes of film, even in mid-roll.Mamiya胶卷后背允许快速换用不同胶卷,即使一卷还没照完。

55、How an XSLT processor works (Benoit Marchal, developerWorks, March 2004): Learn more of the theory behind XSLT and the recursive nature of its coding for faster programming in XSLT.XSLT 处理程序是如何工作的(Benoit Marchal,developerWorks,2004 年

3 月):了解更多有关 XSLT 背后的理论,以及使用 XSLT 实现快速编程的递归性。

56、Sean: The “writing fast” advice is some of the best advice I have as a writer, by far.肖恩:关于如何“快速写作”的忠告,是到目前为止我作为一名作家最有发言权的。

57、They double time down the ramp, carrying their huge packs and kit bags.他们背着巨大的装备包裹 快速的走下斜坡。

58、If you are shooting fast-moving objects, please check the shutter speed and switch to shutter-priority mode if necessary.如果你是拍摄快速移动的物体,请检查快门速度和切换到快门优先模式,如果必要的。

59、Let's take a quick look at how XAMPP is laid out on the hard drive in Listing 让我们快速了解一下 XAMPP 是如何存放在硬盘上的,如 清单


2 所示。



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