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关于”表示安慰“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Show comfort。以下是关于表示安慰的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Show comfort


1、His performance during that time provides a heavy dose of reassurance for nervous investors.


2、Preliminary results showed a significant improvement on the PANSS scale of

12 cf

7 on iloperidone or placebo, respectively.


3、Patients who receive dummy pills often show clinical improvement.


4、Dozens of readers wrote to comfort Rolling with the view that his story was evidence of divine wisdom and mercy.


5、there was no convincing evidence that homeopathy was superior to placebo.


6、We express sympathy and condolence towards the families of the victims.


7、Walking in His comfort day by day.


8、It was a comfort to him, this extenuation.


9、We convey our profound condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured.

用亲吻表示安慰时, louboutin,表达安慰的黑猩猩会张开嘴靠近对方的身体,通常是头顶或后背。

10、If a kiss was secondhand, the consoler would reception his or her open mouth opposition the recipient's body, usually aboard the altitude of the pate or their back.


11、Comfort him for he is sad.


12、He wanted to show his sympathy for the bereaved.

通常,旅馆服务台的工作人员会表示同情并做出安慰:Please don't worry.

13、Usually, hotel reception staff will be sympathetic and reassuring: Please don't worry.


14、A: China expresses sincere solicitude to the bereaved families and the injured and deep condolences to the victims.


15、Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych expressed condolences to relatives of the victims.


16、He declined to say anything about the man who jumped, other than to reach out to his relatives.


17、She wrote a letter offering her sympathy.


18、Far from being disturbed by the presence of the (church, the power structure of the average community is consoled by the Church's silent and often vocal sanction of things as they are.


19、I'm extending my hearty greetings and highest respect to all the rescuers.

日俊为古董表一事而烦恼,芷君尽力安慰他。 。

20、A good day for the antique table, zhi jun tried to comfort him.

21、It was with sadness that I learned of your wife's death. Please accept my sincere condolences.惊悉你痛失爱妻,深感悲痛,谨在此向你表示衷心的慰问。

22、Peter wrote to condole with his friend on the death of his mother.一听到王同志去世,我立刻写信去向他的家属表示慰问。

23、We condemn recent attacks in Pakistan and express condolence to the victims, the bereaved families and the injured.我们谴责近日在巴基斯坦发生的袭击事件,对罹难者表示哀悼,对遇难者家属和受伤人员表示慰问。

24、The placebo group is the same.安慰剂组服法同治疗组。

25、Horne has his doubts about such treatment, citing a possible placebo effect.霍恩对这种治疗方法表示怀疑,其理由是这可能不过是一种安慰剂效应。

英文句子26:,26、China expresses condolences over Mr. Rabbani's death and solicitude to the bereaved.中方对拉巴尼先生不幸遇难表示哀悼,对受害者家属表示慰问。

27、And the comfort of Trane's unique R represents the characteristics of ultimate comfort.特灵独有的舒适 - R的特性代表了最终的安慰。

28、From whom shall I get comfort? 《新英汉大辞典》

29、"The 'living funeral' has some positive effects of comforting the sick and overcoming the death taboo, " Yang said.“对于安慰病人并助其战胜死亡禁忌,‘活葬礼’有一定的积极作用”,杨表示。

30、Eda Satsuki, president of House of Councilors of Japan, conveyed condolences to the Chinese people.日本国会参议院议长江田xx月向中国人民表示慰问。

31、The vertical axis represents products already installed, while the horizontal axis represents products that you are attempting to install.纵轴表示已安装的产品,横轴表示准备安装的产品。

32、I want you to know how much I sympathize with you and your family.谨向你和你的家人表示最深切的慰问。

33、The council in this context condemns those acts, which resulted in the loss of at least 安理会在此背景下谴责导致至少10名平民死亡和多人受伤的这种行为,并对死伤者家属表示慰问。

10 civilians and many wounded, and expresses its condolences to their families.

34、On behalf of the American people, I express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims.我代表好国人仄易远背遇易者家属暗示最深切的慰唁。

35、Condolences to families of the affected children. Mindless violence can only bring grief.向受害孩子的家庭表示慰问。无脑的暴力只会带来痛苦。

36、Over the last 过去xx年中,医生揭示了反安慰剂效应——拉丁语意“伤害”——很常见。

10 years, doctors have shown that this nocebo effect – Latin for "I will harm" – is very common.

37、Croatian President Ivo Josipovic expressed sincere condolences to China over the earthquake.克罗地亚总统约西波维奇向中方表示深切慰问。

38、He patted his sister's hand consolingly.他轻拍着妹妹的手安慰她。

39、In studies, TENS has been found more effective than placebo in relieving the pain associated with menstrual cramps.研究表明TENS 安慰剂更能缓解经痛引起的痛楚。

40、China expresses condolences to the victims and solicitude to the ROK people and the bereaved families.中方对遇难者表示哀悼,对韩国人民和遇难者家属表示慰问。

41、We extend our deep condolences to the unfortunate passing away of ROK former president Kae, and express our sincere consolation to his family.我们对韩国前总统金大中先生不幸病逝表示深切哀悼,向其遗属表示诚挚慰问。

42、If a kiss was used, the consoler would press his or her open mouth against the recipient's body, usually on the top of the head or their back.用亲吻表示安慰时,表达安慰的黑猩猩会张开嘴靠近对方的身体,通常是头顶或后背。

43、Edge comfort themselves, while the adjustment for their expression of a smile.边安慰自己,边为自己调整了一个微笑的表情。

44、A: China condemns the explosion, conveys sincere solicitude to the bereaved families and the wounded and expresses condolences to those victims.答:中方谴责这一爆炸事件,向遇难者家属和受伤人员表示诚挚慰问,对不幸遇难者表示哀悼。

45、"I have you, Sasha, " he said soothingly.“我在这呢,萨莎,”他安慰说。

46、I dare say you are clever, though, continued Bessie, by way of solace.“不过我想你很聪明,”贝茜继续说,以表示安慰。

47、The letter from home comforted him.收到家书使他感到安慰。

48、A: China is shocked at the news and has sent condolences to Mr. Bhatti's family.答:中方对这一事件感到震惊,向巴蒂先生的家属表示慰问。

49、"Normally your response to a drug is a product of the drug itself and the context in which it is given, " he said, adding that this context is, basically, what the placebo effect is all about.史托索表示:「你对药物的反应通常是药物本身带来的结果,以及服用它们的状况,」他接著表示这种状况基本上就是安慰剂效应的重点。

50、comfort(n) We could give them some comfort.我们可以给他们安慰

经典英文句子51:表示安慰,51、A: We are shocked at the incident and express condolences and solicitude to the bereaved family.答:我们对这一事件感到震惊,对遇难者家属表示哀悼和慰问。

52、My deepest condolences to you and your family. 我向你和你的家人表示最深切的慰问。

53、Has China sent condolences to the Indonesian side?是否已向印尼方表示慰问?

54、"The president of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has expressed his condolences to the U. S. President Barack Obama and to the families of the victims, " Mr. Karzai's office said in a statement.卡尔扎伊的办公室在一份报告中说:“阿总统向奥黑总痛及炮灰家属表示精神安慰”。

55、That being the case, a chocolate bear is more than ample consolation, Viirma said. (dpa)薇儿玛表示,假若真是这样,一只巧克力熊带来的安慰就绰绰有馀。

56、My deepest condolences to you and your family.我向你和你的家人表示最深切的慰问。

57、I’d also like to convey my deep solicitude to injured passengers.“对受伤的乘客表示深切的慰问”。

58、The unit of measure is the ampere , or amp , with currents usually expressed in amperes (A) , milliamperes (mA) , microamperes (μA) , nanoamperes (nA) , or occasionally picoamperes (pA) .测量的单位是安。通常电流用安、毫安、微安、表示,偶尔也可以用皮安来表示。

59、Cards came through the mail, flowers arrived at our door, friends stopped by to offer their condolences.慰问卡邮来了,花儿出现的门口,友人们登门表示哀悼。

60、His friends came to comfort him for his loss. 因为他受了损失, 他的朋友们都来安慰他。

61、Heartsease is my favorite flower.心灵的安慰是我珍爱的花儿。

62、It would be a consolation, I imagine.我想,这总该是点安慰吧。



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