许多英语单词 _六级要求词汇29个

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1、 Absolutely still

中文翻译: 纹丝不动 文风不动 阒然无声 纹风不动

例句:This is absolutely impossible! 翻译:This is absolutely impossible!。



例句:Forgiveness is weak, and acceptance is even worse. 翻译:and acceptance is even worse.。


3、 adherence limit

中文翻译: 粘附范围

例句:With your evidence, the limit. 翻译:the limit.。

4、 adjoining room

中文翻译: 相邻房

例句:Who sleeps in the adjoining room? 翻译:谁住在隔壁房间?。

5、 african american

中文翻译: 非裔美国人 指美国黑人 非裔美籍 等于

例句:Mr. Gallagher, i just wanted to commend you as a fine, upstanding African-American citizen of our proud school. 翻译:I just wanted to commend you upstanding African -American citizen。



例句:Your father, he was an abusive alcoholic? 翻译:he was an abusive alcoholic?。



例句:with an American allotment and in color... 翻译:...。

8、 local anesthesia

中文翻译: 外科 局部麻醉 局麻 局部浸润麻醉

例句:just the once,after anesthesia. 翻译:after anesthesia.。

9、 angular frequency

中文翻译: 物 角频率 角频 波长精确度 角频

例句:Besides, the conservation property of the intrinsic angular momentum, the relations between the spin angular momentum and the intrinsic angular momentum of an electroma…

1、 翻译:导出了电磁场的自旋角动量与内禀角动量的关系。

2、 。

10、 announce machine

中文翻译: 广播录像机 广播 广播录音机 广播设备 广播机

例句:Love Machine? What's that? 翻译:LOVE MACHINE?。

11、 Anomaly Detection

中文翻译: 异常检测 异常检测模型 异常侦测 检测模型

例句:Hyperspectral remote sensing; Anomaly detection; Unmixing; Abundance estimation; 翻译:高光谱遥感,异常检测,谱分解,丰度估计,端元提取;。

12、 Anytime Anywhere

中文翻译: 随时随处 随时随地 无论何时何地 任何时间

例句:To deliver anything anytime, anywhere. 翻译:The mission: to deliver anything anytime, anywhere.。


13、 parking apron

中文翻译: 停机坪

例句:Gus, you got a spare apron? 翻译:you got a spare apron?。



例句:That's the thing about greed, Arch. 翻译:这就是贪婪, Arch。



例句:- Aggravated assault, larceny and arson. 翻译:larceny and arson.。

16、 assumed group

中文翻译: 假设群体

例句:The article here manages for the case with the crisis of the Beihuan group (assumed name).

1、 翻译:本文以作者工作的北寰集团(化名)的危机管理为案例。

2、 。

17、 astonishing a

中文翻译: 令人惊讶的

例句:The internet has done both, and both are kind of amazing and astonishing and which one will win out in the long run is up to us. 翻译:and both are kind of amazing and astonishing。

18、 Attains the bachelor's degree

中文翻译: 拿到学士学位

例句:All right, answer me this, bachelor's degree. 翻译:bachelor's degree.。

19、 autocratic farmer

中文翻译: 独家农场

例句:is this part of the plan, Farmer? 翻译:Farmer?。

20、 background noise

中文翻译: 背景噪声

例句:There's noise in the background. 翻译:背景里有噪音 There's noise in the background.。

21、 bacon and eggs

中文翻译: 咸肉煎蛋 培根煎鸡蛋 硬摇滚 培根肉加花包蛋

例句:Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, sausage, fried egg. 翻译:炒蛋,火鸡培根,香肠,煎蛋。 Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, sausage, fried egg.。

22、 bake a cake

中文翻译: 烘蛋糕

例句:Are we going to bake a cake? 翻译:-我们要烤蛋糕吗。

六级常用词汇表:0,23、 balcony door

中文翻译: 阳台门

例句:You shouldn't have the balcony door shut if you can't hear the door to your room. 翻译:你不该把阳台门关上 这样你就听不见别人敲房间门了 You shouldn't have the balcony door shut if you can't hear the door to your room.。



例句:{i1 cH30D3F4}You're barely waking 翻译:* You're barely waking *。

25、 barren sow

中文翻译: 幼母猪 阉母猪 肉猪 空胎母猪

例句:She¡¯s the biggest eusgeot right sow. 翻译:She's the biggest eusgeot right sow.。

26、 Beauty And Beast

中文翻译: 侠胆雄狮 美兽

例句:When a beauty's with a beast it makes me awfully mad. 翻译:When a beauty's with a beast it makes me awfully mad。

27、 eager-beaver

中文翻译: 讨好卖乖的

例句:This is a brief written by an eager-beaver law student. 翻译:这个... 是一份报告摘要 一个用功过度法律系学生写的。

28、 My Beloveds

中文翻译: 亲爱孩子们

例句:"They met their beloveds..." 翻译:' "They met their beloveds..." '又远远分离' "and separated"。

29、 little bird

中文翻译: 小鸟 消息灵通的人士

例句:Well, look at you, little bird. 翻译:little bird.。



例句:- yeah, we should have brought some beers. - Uh, a bit early! 翻译:a bit early!。


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