孙子兵法用英语怎么说 孙子兵法英语翻译

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孙子兵法用英语怎么说 孙子兵法英语翻译

孙子兵法用英语翻译为"Military Science of Sun Zi",在日常中也可以翻译为"Sun Zi Warcraft",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到67个与孙子兵法相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Military Science of Sun Zi

孙子兵法翻译为Military Science of Sun Zi。

示例:孙子是在大约公元前xx年撰写了孙子兵法的实践哲学家。 Sun Tzu was a practical philosopher who wrote the the Art of War approximately 500 B.C..


2. Sun Zi Warcraft

孙子兵法翻译为Sun Zi Warcraft。

示例:朱荣双说:“老师在课上教我们如何把孙子兵法运用在商战中。” "The teacher helps us to understand the application of war principles to business,"said Zhu.


3. Sun Tzu

孙子兵法翻译为 Sun Tzu 。


1、Of equal importance to them, Kissinger argues, was The Art of War by Sun Tzu, which dates from the even earlier Spring and Autumn period (770–476 B.C.).


4. The Art of War

孙子兵法翻译为 The Art of War 。

示例:art,media,news,politics,third world,war art,media,news,politics,third world,war



1. sun tzu( 孙子;


2. grandson(孙子

3. Sunzi(孙子)


4. grandchild(①孙子②孙女


5. grandnephew(侄孙子

英语短语&俚语, The Art Of War III Retribution ( 孙子兵法)

Sun Tzu The Art Of War and tai ji Philosophy ( 孙子兵法中的太极思想 )

The art of war ( 孙子兵法战略 )

sun zi the art of war Sun Bin the art of war ( 孙子兵法)

Art Of Love And War ( 孙子爱情兵法 )


1. No, no. Not the art of war. Oh God.

译文:不 不 别提孙子兵法 天哪。

2. They follow Sun Tzus Art of War to the letter, they watch and react to situations, never strike first.

译文:他们遵循孙子兵法,审时度势,从不先发制人。 。

3. The Art of War, and combined them to form this place, Eden.

译文:还有孙子兵法,并集众家之长 创立了这个伊甸园园区。

4. We got Machiavelli's The Prince,


5. Plus he read The Art of War.


6. grandchildren strategics "the classic work that is thought of military affairs of our country ancient time. "


7. i'm just not a big fan of Art of War quotes.

译文:- 我对引述孙子兵法没兴趣。

8. Oh, look. Come on, we don't wanna hear any more Sun Tzu.


9. i know Candy. This is Sun Tzu.


10. This is 36th Chapter of Sun Tzus Art of War?


11. i never knew you gave much merit to Sun Tzu's treatise on war.

译文:我还从未发现 你如此善用《孙子兵法》。

12. Do not think for one moment that he will not be consulting Sun Tzu's manual.

译文:不要放松警惕 他定会参考《孙子兵法》。

13. Yeah, Art of War. Fight the enemy where they aren't.


14. Read Sun Tzu, The Art of War.


15. The saboteur is there, and we also read from Sun Tzu's "The Art of War."

译文:那就是游戏中的破坏家 我们也读孙子兵法 。


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