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关于”励志的致自己“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Inspirational to yourself。以下是关于励志的致自己的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Inspirational to yourself


1、I talked about death with Haidi; I ask her if she has a choice, what would she write for her epitaph?


2、The red plum blossom shows her quality in her staunch will.


3、If dishonesty stems from a lack of trust, what does it mean when we lie to ourselves?


4、If we find ourselves stuck in that space where we believe we lack willpower, what can we do?


5、But by the end of 2005, Michael told me, everything about his life was starting to feel wrong — his unconventional relationship, his gay friendships, even his magazine devoted to lifting up gay youth.


6、They settled down in the countryside to steel their wills.


7、To know oneself was paradoxically the way to self-renunciation.


8、Either thou livest here and hast already accustomed thyself to it, or thou art going away, and this was thy own will;


9、You have put such eagerness to distance yourselves from your heart, that now, your own shadow terrifies you.


10、No cause more frequently produces bashfulness than too high an opinion of our own importance. (No. 159)


11、And Meg examined her flowers with great interest.


12、This interview proposes views on how a scientific & technologic magazine runs the Entrepreneurs' Fo-rum with its own characteristics well.


13、Each player shuffles his or her hand into his or her deck, and draws a number of cards equal to the number of his or her remaining prize cards.


14、LaoZheng know his comrade, nakamura work is not happy in my heart.


15、And I've told myself the same thing when my own goals seemed far off or when my problems seemed too overwhelming.


16、We need willpower to channel our Qi, our spiritual energy.


17、Instruct yourself to be a great individual and believe in that self, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be impossibe for others to believe in you.


18、If not, could you adjust your job so that they do?


19、Cyrus finally kept her role after public apologies.


20、Their overconfidence leads them to impoverish not just themselves but also their fishing grounds.

21、And in every instance, you did so on you own volition.每一次你都是按自己的意志去做的。 。

22、This is the freewill choice of those concerned who treasure their many lives together.这是有关人士的自由意志选择,珍惜自己的许多谁一起生活。

23、Be sure that your reply is consistent with your original argument.你的答辩应当与自己最初的论点保持一致。

24、Train your will to concentrate on a limited objective.要训练自己的意志集中在有限的目标。

25、Was he fired or did he quit?他是自己此致还是被解雇的?

英文句子26:,26、Thou, constrained by no limits, in accordance with thine own free will, in whose hand We have placed thee, shalt ordain for thyself the limits of thy nature.而你将由自己来决定你的特性的边界,不受任何约束,按照你自己的自由意志——我们让你听从自由意志的支配。

27、No confidence? Yes, what an ambition you have, or at least you had!没信心吗?—— 有,你明白自己曾有的和现有的雄心大志;

28、May you , in your constant Practices, temper yourselves , and cultivate your willpower and Perseverance , and make unremitting efforts to realize your own value of life.愿同学们在不断的实践中锤炼自己的意志,培养自己的毅力,为实现自我价值作不懈的努力。

29、I found myself has a strong will, what's more, I can control myself better than I expected. At the same time, I've realised that I own friends that are more precious than rubies.我发现自己有坚强的意志,而且,自我控制能力比自己想象的还要强,我也发现自己拥有比红宝石更珍贵的朋友。

30、Over the years, I have always been at war with ourselves, to be precise, and it is the will of their own fighting.这么多年来,我一直都是在跟自己作战,准确地说,是和自己的意志战斗。

31、Did you have a childhood that led you to doubt your self-worth?你是否拥有过一个导致自己怀疑自我价值的童年?

32、Tackett said he regretted taking the bath because it led to the firing of the employee who did the recording, as well as the restaurant’s shift manager.塔克特说后悔自己洗了澡,因为这导致了录制自己洗澡的员工被解雇,同时也导致了饭馆经理的离职。

33、Chi dragon see their managers have been with the companys managers to taunt, she says this is caused by chi dragon.志龙见到自己的经理人被同公司的经理人奚落,佩仪称这是志龙造成的。

34、SAL9000, who did not want to reveal his real name for fear of being misunderstood, admits to be an "otaku".为避免招致误解,SAL9000没有公开自己的真实姓名。他坦称自己是个“宅男”。

35、"I dont want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant." 我不想成为乔丹二世,我只想做自己。

36、They call themselves the Volunteer Coastguard of Somalia - and it's not hard to see why.他们称自己为索马里海岸警卫志愿者,不难看出他们为什么这么称呼自己。

37、Their students dressed as glamorous as gods, but they are not inferior, not envy, to cope with high aptitudes and happy.自己的同学打扮得光彩照人好像神仙一样,而自己不自卑,不羡慕,以因有高尚的志趣而快乐。

38、Bai Cong snow said he also suspected that da-zhi Lin is the dirty agent.白丛雪还说自己怀疑林大志就是内奸。 。

39、Reward yourself a little bit, but live as frugally as possible.可以适当地给自己一点奖励,但仍然要尽可能地保持节俭。

40、Make yourself frontpage in 136 different magazine covers.让自己秀在136个不同的杂志封面上。

41、And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.我因此自己勉励,对神,对人,常存无亏的良心。

42、They are technically minded craftspeople dedicated to rebuilding their civilization.侏儒的科技头脑使他们致力于重建自己的文化。

43、On the other hand, when people ignore their anger, it has nowhere else to go, and can often turn upon its owner.另一方面,如果人们忽视自己的怒气,它将无以宣泄,甚至可能导致自己跟自己过不去。

44、With an infallible will, and on his own accord, the wooden figure automatically seeks south.凭借着自己这种万无一失的意志,这个木头人自觉自动地寻找着南方的所在。

45、Now, he is working on a book of his own: “China as No. 目前,关志雄正在写自己的书:《中国第一》。


46、Mr Amelio prizes focus and self-discipline—and has a black belt in karate to prove it.阿梅里奥十分看重专心致志、严于律己,他的空手道黑带就是明证。

47、Later, people use it to describe one who endures self-imposed hardships to strengthen one's resolve to realize one's ambition.后来,人们用它来形容人刻苦自励以达到自己定下的目标。

48、Li Zhihong spent most of the time at home alone.李志宏大部分时间都是自己一个人在家。

49、He no longer enjoyed his work or his position or his future, but he held on anyway.他不再享受他的工作,不再对自己的权威沾沾自喜,也不再对自己的未来踌躇满志,他只是不想让任何事情再发生改变。

50、I discovered that I had a strong will, and more discipline than I had suspected; I also found out that I had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies.我发现自己有坚强的意志,而且,自我控制能力比自己猜想的还要强,我也发现自己拥有比红宝石更真的朋友。

经典英文句子51:励志的致自己,51、Wang Qingsong collects a varieties of "don'ts" and he creates his owns from life experience.王庆松从他自己的生活经验中收集并自己发明了各种各样“不可以”的标志。

52、When your world is in chaos, examine your mind, lest the torrent of worry drown your will.外境纷乱时,要「检查自己的心」,否则贪欲的洪流会淹没自己的意志。

53、Experimenters have also found that people would often change their attitudes towards something to match their behaviours to avoid the discomfort that dissonance causes.实验者还发现,人们常常会改变自己的态度使之与自己的行为相一致,以此来避免不一致所引起的不愉快。

54、It was the enemys boast of impregnability that caused their own defeat.敌人自我吹嘘战无不胜,这最终导致了他们自己的失败。

55、Why do people put themselves at risk of getting cancer?人为什么要让自己置身于致癌的危险中呢?

56、The author of Chronicles explained that it was due to Uzziah's unfaithful pride.历代志作者认为这是出于乌西雅王自己的骄傲。

57、I feel the flimsiness of own will more and more, feel the depravity of own without cause!我越来越感到自己意志的脆弱,感到自己无端的堕落!

58、He is a determined person, persistent in pursuit.他是一个执着的人,对于自己的追求矢志不渝。

59、What are the outward trappings of confidence that you would like to have yourself?你自己所要拥有的自信的外部标志是什么?

60、Is the user really who he/she represents himself to be?这个用户确实跟他/她自己表示的一致吗?

61、Basically the hougyoku has a will of its own and what it seeks to do is to understand and then create what is inside people's hearts.崩玉有自己的意志,它致力于理解并创造人内心所有的东西。

62、Have a small pleasure to look forward to every day: coffee out on the patio, going through a favorite magazine, visiting a beloved friend, baking cookies . . .每天都期待一点小幸福,去院子里喝喝咖啡,浏览一本自己喜欢的杂志,拜访自己喜欢的好友,享受自己喜欢的曲奇…..

63、"We love our make-up," said editor Helen Johnson.《新女性》杂志编辑海伦·约翰逊表示:“我们喜欢为自己化�。

64、He developed the original program on his own initiative, conducting his own research and using his own photos of Yosemite's iconic features.他在他自己的倡议中发展了原本的节目,这个倡议实施者他自己的研究,并且使用他自己的约塞米蒂的标志性特征的照片。

65、Thinking of his ambition, Han Xin swallowed the insult and crawled between the rascal's legs.向到自己的远大志向,韩信忍辱爬了过去。

66、Cumming was wealthy in his own right .卡明是凭自己的本事发家致富的。

67、Some of life, you have to go to the great challenges。生命的有些时候,你必须去挑战伟大(座右铭)

68、You can't peer into your mind and see the fact that you've got free will.你不能通过窥视自己的心灵,确切地看到你有自由意志

69、In our daily life, we always come to the question "What is real …"又不要翻译地那么细致!…在自己们地日常生活中,自己们老是来地问题,“什么…

70、Of course, we mistakenly believe we've got free will.当然,我们错误地相信自己有自由意志

71、I don't have the willpower to stop eating cookies! !我缺乏意志力!管不住自己,一个劲地吃饼干!

72、The actress told Elle UK that is very fond of her 'snaggleteeth.'这位女星告诉英国Elle杂志,她很喜欢自己的“暴牙”。

73、It allows you to start with your favourite weblog (or perhaps even your own) and find...用它,你可以以你最喜欢的日志(甚至你自己的日志)为基点,来找到.....

74、He could create deadly blue-white lightning from his fingertips, though his preferred use of his powers was imposing his will over others.他能从指尖发出致命的蓝白色闪电,不过他更喜欢利用其力量将自己的意志强加于别人。

75、If you are able to control yourself when she can’t, she will see you as having a lot of willpower.如果你能够在她控制不住自己的时候控制住你自己,那么她们就会认为你很有意志力。

英文句子模板76:Inspirational to yourself,76、We should using ideal, faith, ambition and good anamnesis to aggrandizement the self-image of self.我们应当利用理想,信念,志向和积极思想去强化自己的自我意象。

77、Yin knelt, and noticed someone else kneeling beside him.殷志跪下,然后看到自己身边也跪了一个人。

78、So I always take pains to have a clear conscience toward both God and man.我因此自己勉励,对神对人,常存无亏的良心。

79、No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.同样人生只有专心致志\无私奉献\严于律己,才能变得伟大。


标签: 英文 简短 励志

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