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1、Poetical twilight of Tamsui is shrouding in the mist.


2、It is very important to build the Modern Chinese Poetics to recognize the sloping pattern of paying attention to the Meanings but looking down on the words.


3、Chapter Three discusses the important archetypal images in her poetry.


4、You don't understand the poetry of life.


5、Cast aside if this poem , The only - only string of grape, what significance.

6、Let this be my last word, that I trust thy love. 这些都是我以前上学时收集的,有的是诗有的是谚语,意思都不错,看着选吧


7、These books are without question more heavily allusive any other books in the epic.


8、The teacher helped to fetch out the meaning of the poem.


9、Coir raincoat of the south dances in the poetry.


10、"Yes, truly, " asserted the poet with conscious pride.


11、The symbolic connotation in Feng Zhi's epics has been conveyed through a dramatic and modern form.


12、Modern metrical poetry embodies the spirit of China and modernism to its full capacity. It possesses solid foundations and reflects initiatives at the same time.


13、That is a poem full of precious images .


14、Maybe it's a poem or a journal entry or a significant trinket that means something to the giver.


15、The Cenci" I hope you have already received—it was studiously composed in a different style "Below the good how far!


16、But poetry is language speaking itself, hence, the creation and criticism of the New Poetry should be measured by "with or without artistic conception in it".


17、The maple leaves around the lakes are in red, so beautiful. There are some geese and ducks swimming.


18、Poem translation is to report the artistic conception oft he poem in different languages and succeeds in hypotaxis and parataxis.


19、The Third Generation Poetry is the very production which possesses the real literary historical meaning since the poets become conscious of the sense of language.


20、Thereupon, there's fulcrum for life, poetry of life, anda boundless hope yearn towards.

21、"They pretend, " as I hear, "that the verses of Kabir have four different senses;我还听说过,“他们认为卡比尔的诗有四种不同的意义;

22、I HOPE I CAN ACCOMPANY YOU FOREVER更有诗意,体现你的忠心,对方一定会甜死的!

23、Jiangzhai take "idea" as the key elements commenting on the poem gist, and the "idea" is unfolded for "feeling" and "scenery".王夫之《姜斋诗话》以“意”为论诗主旨,并把“意”展开为“情”、“景”两要素。

24、There is a poem that exactly resembles this bunch of marks that we see in front of us, and that poem has meaning, but this bunch of marks does not have meaning.只是又一首诗看起来极像在我们面前的这群符号,而那首诗又有意义,但这群符号没有意义。

25、Their Object-chanting Poems were unique and personal while inheriting the traditional images.他们的咏物诗意象既有传承性,又独具个性。

英文句子26:,26、Poetry is the meaningful sign of life with endless fascination which can never be filled.诗是受众永远填充不完的、具有无穷魔力的、有意味的生命符号。

27、Together they create a poetic atmosphere, just like a painting that combines poems, calligraphy and scenery all in one.园林中有溪流、假山、树木,以及亭、台、阁、桥,造成一种集诗、书、画于一体的诗意环境。

28、Perhaps, it is the significative subject truely how the poetry endows significance or enlightenment to the scarce times.也许,真正有意义的话题是,诗歌如何赋予匮乏的时代以启示或意义。

29、The mood and the sentiment formed from the choice of images show the unique production of DAI Wangshu who is the representative poet of "modernism".由意象的选择所形成的意境与诗情,又显示出戴望舒作为“现代派”代表诗人的独特创造。

30、Nanzhu, a very pleasant name, a very poetic place.楠竹,一个好听的名字,一个富有诗意的处所.。

31、Behind the church and alongside the stream is a grove of willows, a length of grass, and a sandy beach.教堂的后方、有溪流、有柳树丛、有青草地,还有沙岸,极富田园诗意。

32、Chen has a good sense of epic, composing his work with poetic quality, but Jia is greatly concerned with folk culture.陈忠实具有明确的史诗意识,构建具有鲜明史诗品格的作品,而贾平凹则更关注原生民间文化形态;

33、Though there is little tender and lush fields in the northwest, another poetic emotion appears.西北那高爽的田野虽说少些柔美丰茂,却也另有一番诗意。

34、Rose: He …柔丝: 谈到电脑的时候,他整个人都亮了起来,而且他很有诗意……

2) lights up when he talks about computers. And he's

3) poetic…

35、The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。

36、It is very important to build the Modern Chinese Poetics to recognize the sloping pattern of pay…认识“立象尽意”重意轻言的缺陷,对现代汉语诗学的建设有重要意义。

37、Fortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean that writing poetry will be hazardous to your health if you're a more ordinary versifier.所幸的是,如果你只是一个普通的拙劣诗人,写诗并不一定意味着有害你的健康。

38、You said that you like this piece we enjoy ourselves a bit of poetic.你说,你喜欢这片有点儿诗意的相思林。

39、Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme用无数诗意的辞藻轻呼他名字

40、Maybe there be enough clouds in my life to make a beautiful and poetry sunset.愿我的人生中有够多的云翳,塑造美丽而又诗意的黄昏。

41、Since the academic community has a negative attitude to him, it is realistically significant to acknowledge that he is an excellent poet.学界对诗人黄药眠的评价太低,今天承认黄药眠是优秀诗人,具有重要的现实意义。

42、He holds that a poem can be interpreted in different ways and that the readers should bring their initiative into full play when interpreting a poem.他认为“诗有达诂”,赏诗者应“以意为之”,充分发挥自身的主体性;

43、Gordon: I think it is fun, and it can help me practice writing poems, like the poem-loving Janet Jackson.戈登:我觉得这很有意思,对我学写诗很有好处,像喜欢诗的珍妮·杰克逊那样。

44、The three poets, with their mouths open, looked at him aghast, and there was a thirsty yet unlyrical hatred in their eyes.那三位诗人张咧着嘴,看得惊呆了。他们的眼里,露出强烈而不再有诗意的仇恨。

45、That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.温暖才是诗意的本质。

46、In fact, it had unique feathers and importance of the history of poetry.其实,它是有其独特风貌及诗史意义的。

47、Sunset in his poetry not only inherits the old image of sunset and time awareness of the ancient people, but also demonstrates his unique aesthetic feeling and his super painting skills.“诗佛”王维将其运用得出神入化,其中自有意象的递相沿袭性和古人既有的时间意识,也有诗人独特的审美感受,更有他高超绘画技巧的融入。

48、Life is poetically compared to the morning dew.人生被富有诗意地比喻为朝露。

49、For all that, his last book, “Selected Poems” (2007), was something of a disappointment, displaying little of his range and his greatness as a poet.虽然如此,他的上一本书,《诗选》(xx年)不尽如人意,没有表现他作为诗人所应有的深广与伟大的一面。

50、They desalinate wars, beautify hardships and portray the life of soldiers with a poetic flavor.有意淡化战争,美化苦难,将军人生活诗意化。

经典英文句子51:有诗意,51、There is a famous story about British poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. He was writing a poem when he was interrupted by a knock at the door.这有一个关于英语诗人萨缪尔。柯勒律治的有名的故事,当时他正在写诗,却被意外的敲门声打断了思路。

52、Maybe this is where poetry meets mathematics?可能这就是当诗意与数学相会?

53、In Chinese art theory, it is said that poetry and painting share the same origin. For Chinese garden, it not only has the implication of poetry but also has the realm of painting.在中国艺术论中,历来就有“诗画同源”之说,而中国园林既有诗的意蕴,也包含画的境界。

54、Thank you for taking the time to contact us and for your interest in Estée Lauder .很荣幸你特意联系我们,也很高兴你对雅诗兰黛有兴趣。

55、Hi, I'm visit here. Are you very busy?You haven't written a.写得真好比我还更能写诗呢在群里有人对我有意见你这个。

56、Poetically, we had expressed our feelings for each other just two nights before.具有诗意般的是,仅仅两天前我们在还彼此表叙了真情。

57、As a famous poet of Yi nationality in contemporary China, Jidi Majia is one of the few minority nationality poets who have nationality consciousness earlier.吉狄马加作为当代著名彝族诗人,是较早具有族性意识的少数民族诗人之

58、Fushi, to some extent, is characteristic of enigmatic language and metaphor from the phenomenon of explaining the poem after Fushi and the true idea being beyond the poem itself.从赋诗中赋后加以解释以及赋者之意不在诗本身而在其比附的对象来看,赋诗在某种程度上蕴含有隐语与譬喻的性质。

59、After all, nobody knows what the poem means anyway!毕竟,也没有人知道那首诗是什么意思!

60、A new regenerated, fascinating and poetic world rises from past and future combination.新生,迷人而富有诗意境的世界来自已往和将来的联合。

61、Ba-Shu poets, a powerful force with intensive development innovation, are enlivening in the Chinese present age poetic world.活跃在中国当代诗坛上的巴蜀诗人,是一支有着强烈开拓创新意识的文学劲旅。

62、The poetry of signs rests with its expressiveness , and the linguistic expressiveness is where the literary poetry lies.符号的诗意在于其表现性,语言的表现性是文学诗意所在。

63、Traveling is a significant part of a poet's life.游观是诗意化人生之实践活动。

64、From poetry will "have" and "to" into "statement" communication;引诗者将“存有”的“意”转换成“言”的沟通;

65、So he idealized the poetry of late Tang dynasty, and took it to the level of Feng and Ya.为此,他有意无意的将晚唐诗加以理想化,将之提升到“《风》、《雅》之遗音”的高度。

66、Enjoyable fairyland, poetic sentiment bonsai, Chinese scenery name card, world geology park.写意仙境,诗意盆景,中国山水名片,世界地质公园。

67、Slang, whether the public admit the fact or not has its syntax and its poetry.这黑话,不管你同意不同意,是有它的语法和诗律的。

68、Mr. Zhous theory and practice in translating poetry is of guiding and referential significance to translators and particularly to translators of poetry.周流溪的译诗理论与实践对翻译工作者,尤其是对译诗者具有指导和借鉴意义。

69、I blew the whistle of my life poetically.我把生命的哨子诗意地吹响。

70、Everyone agrees that the epic similes in Paradise Lost are different from the epic similes in any other epic poem, and everyone agrees - I'm just going to be presenting to you a sense of critical consensus here - everyone agrees that the similes are in some way absolutely essential to an understanding of this remarkable poem.大家都同意中的诗意明喻,是和其他诗中的有所不同的,这是共识,-我将要向大家说明这一点,关于这点大家有决定性的共识,-大家都同意这些明喻某种程度上对于,理解这种异常卓越的诗是必然很重要的。

71、This explains practical significance of imitative writing in the history of Yue-fu poetry development.这一创作行为在乐府诗的发展史上具有重要的意义。

72、Poet is the defender of being's home, only in the homeland of language, man can realize poetic dwelling.诗人是存在之家的守护人,只有在语言家园中,才能实现诗意的居住。

73、Russian Poet Blok's literary views as a whole exhibit three features:echo of its poetic writing and literary criticism, the quality of lyrics, and the variation of meanings.俄罗斯诗人勃洛克的文学批评具有三个总体特征:诗文呼应、抒情品格、意义变奏。

74、Symbolism is a feature in Blakes poetry. The tiger contains different symbolic meanings in the poem.象征性是布莱克诗的一大特色,老虎一诗中的老虎有不同的象征意义。

75、Sometimes even the more poetic Sometimes people want to have a Christmas experience.有时甚至想天各一方该多有诗意。有时也希望有一次令人惊魂的经历。

英文句子模板76:Poetic,76、There was an essential distinction between Zen- poetry and Zen- paintings coming from their hearts and the poetry and paintings with Zenist messages by secular men of letters.文人墨客创作的“禅意诗”、“禅意画”与禅僧禅心外化的“禅诗”、“禅画”有本质上的区别。

77、With inscriptions on Chinese paintings, the belief at least becomes manifest, that the poetic meaning of a painting needs some verbal explication.在画上题诗,至少说明了一点,画里面的诗意有用文字表达的必要。

78、As hakka female poetry created needlecraft arts, it has awfully taste value and abundant humanity meaning.作为客家女性诗意创造的女红艺术,有着很高的审美价值和丰富的人文意蕴。


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