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关于”感悟人生“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Perception of life。以下是关于感悟人生的高二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Perception of life


1、Bai Lixia beautiful landscapes, pleasant the original ecological environment, strange gods of the King, will give you quite a lot of inspiration and insights.


2、Then I gained a further insight which has lasted all my life.


3、But most people would rather hear the wit and warmth of that relaxed person.


4、Because of love, because love see "Lingbi stone culture to sublimation of the realm of high art inspiration."


5、Novalis, known as "Macabre Poet", attempts to comprehend the meaning life by eulogizing night and death, hence showing his persistent belief in life with a hidden extending self.


6、Wukong,Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brute?


7、Also during the meeting, he talked with Mr. Xu Jialu, exchanging ideas about the development of Chinese culture.


8、From the viewpoint of forest artistic conception, trueness is represented by people' s sincere disposition and inspiration, which means the unity of human and nature.



9、Tripitaka Tang: Wukong, Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brute?


10、We should learn from yesterday, cherish today and hope for tomorrow.


11、Zhao Yong was sorry that he had earned his livelihood at the cost of so much suffering for those innocent crabs.

这个油头滑脑的商人执迷不悟, 他还没有感到问题的严重性。

12、This slick salesman refuses to come to his senses. he doesn't realize how serious the problem is.


13、By nurturing bonsai, we learn the essence and dignity of life, and life becomes more meaningful.


14、At last, I see it, I fell it; I penetrate to the predestinated purpose of my life.


15、I experienced the glory and power of it all, and at the same time I realized I could carry this knowledge with me wherever I went.


16、Were you, let me comprehend: face failure, as long as the courage to stand up, because the phoenix nirvana so after the theft of can have life! ! ! ! !


17、So my blog is an introspective diary of my feelings, opinions, emotions and epiphanies .


18、It is only through life experience and feelings that we can create a relaxed and harmonious atmosphere.


19、Here are 88 things I've discovered about life, the world, and its inhabitants by this point in my short time on earth.

20、我的资料里有2篇,sound of the sea 和 touched by the moon,有文本和声音,做的很好,我自己用彩色文字做的

21、Since Kwanzaa is a time for learning as well as joy.因为宽扎节是一个感悟和喜庆的时刻。

22、In our world, weal ubiquity, if you have a gnosis heart, you can experience happiness.幸福在生活中无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。

23、The rich materials of psychological education included in Chinese course stimulate a better understanding of life and provide a healthy outlet to unbosom themselves emotionally.语文学科所包含的心理教育资源最为丰富,能激发人生感悟,开辟情绪渲泄的通道。

24、The structure decides function, beautiful poetry and inspiration from life only can be truly expressed by the dialectical structure of with or without, false or true complement.而结构决定功能,美妙的诗意与人生感悟惟有在这种有无虚实相生的辩证性结构中才能够准确地传达。

25、Sedate, quiet, people communicate with stone can realize a lot of life philosophy.稳重、宁静,人与石沟通能悟出许许多多的人生哲理。

英文句子26:,26、There is no swifter, more moving, or more powerful practice for invoking the help of the enlightened beings, for arousing devotion and realizing the nature of mind, than the practice of Guru Yoga.若想祈求觉悟者的帮助,激起恭敬心或证悟自性,没有任何法门比“上师相应法”(Guru Yoga)更快速、感人和有力。

27、With which we feel the universal tolerance and generosity.让我们感悟到宇宙天地的宽容与豪迈。

28、It is here, in this quiet moment, that you have an epiphany.就是在此时此地,你感受到了灵光顿悟。

29、This article is an attempt to find out something new, with special emphasis on her unique life perception and its influence on her novel creation.本文勉力探奇,侧重从其独特的人生感悟及其对小说创作的影响两方面加以阐述。

30、Students consider you are an enlightened rinpoche, do you consider yourself are enlightened?学生们认为你已经证悟了,你自己认为你证悟了吗?

31、She took her love and marriage as a carrier to bear the misery from women's existence in a specific period and the worry to the times, there for a wider experience and impression.她以婚变为载体,承担著特定时期女性生存的苦恼的时代的忧虑,表现了广阔的人生体验和感悟。

32、Faced with work and life - holding the sub-wise, the fool over the bottom line; Thanksgiving wise man knows, the odds fool; wise reflection ERA, fool of unrepentant.面对工作和生活—智者守住本分,愚人越过底线;智者懂得感恩,愚人怨天尤人;智者反省自责,愚人执迷不悟。

33、Deepen our understanding of humor and irony.增进对幽默和讽刺效果的感悟力。

34、The opera, passing on the comprehension of history and life, shows its tragical nature from man's rational understandings and deeply feelings.《桃花扇》在理性认识和内心感受上体现了悲剧性,传达出对历史、人生的悲剧性体悟。

35、We cannot control the circumstances of our lives, but we can always control what we do with what we learn from them.我们无法控制生活的环境,但往往可以改变自己对生活的态度及从中所得的感悟。

36、Savvying is medium, and consciousness is the application of the medium.悟性是体,觉悟是用,审美妙悟是由悟性发出的认识活动。

37、The trait of Li Yu's poems in his late years is significant and revealing for the appreciation and understanding of life tragedies for people in the present day.李煜后期词的悲剧特质对当代人欣赏借鉴和感悟生命悲剧,均具有比较深刻的启示意义。

38、Thus, the Zen sect resulted in the dual tendency of tranquil mental pursuit and sentimental low-spirited mentality of the early song literary men.禅宗思想使宋初文人们产生了悟谈宁静的心境追求和感伤低沉的情绪两个方面的倾向。

39、Han Lei complete satori, the decision is hardheaded be an upright person, begin new life.韩磊彻底顿悟,决定脚踏实地做人,开始新的人生。

40、Based the work , the article not only elaborate Mr. Qiao's thought, but also expound his feeling.文章以乔著为依托,既从深层阐述乔先生之深意,也在阐发自己之感悟。

41、Mr. Wong's speech about U.S./ China policy seemed to be an eye opener.王先生的中美政策讲演使人恍然大悟。

42、After the storm, to see people can understand the feelings of true and false; go through thick and thin together, warm and cold.历经风云,才能看透人心真假;患难与共,才能领悟感情冷暖。

43、Python can not give an intuitive feel, only with a magnifying glass to understand the mysteries of them.微雕无法给人以直观感受,只有用放大镜才能领悟其中奥妙。

44、With a heart susceptible to taste, to understand phenomena in the world.用一颗易感的心去品味,去领悟世间百态。

45、Karol went though quite a peaceful love life, falling flat with Wood who came from a decent family.洛可可与家世地位颇高的南宫悟相恋之后,走过了颇为平静地感情生活。

46、Whereas the first kind of happiness is rare, the second kind, plain as it is, virtually arises from every corner of life, waiting to be discovered and experienced by a sensitive heart.然而意外式的快乐出现的几率是微乎其微的,而平淡式的快乐虽然不起眼却产生于生活的角角落落,只待敏感的人儿去发觉去感悟。

47、The persevering inflexibility of that weak, yet indomitable grass, showed a primitive magnificence and beauty which helped me vividly realize the real essence and true meaning of life.那些弱小但又顽强不屈的草儿,以其锲而不舍的执著,昭示出一种原始的壮美,使我真切地感悟到人生的真谛和生命的意义!

48、These meaning of life were quite active, which were embodied in shaking off difficulties, removing sadness, challenging destiny, forming the limited life, illusory life and artistic relief.苏词的人生意蕴突出表现在摆脱困厄、消解悲愁、挑战命运的积极向上精神和对人生有限性、虚幻性的深刻感悟与艺术化解。

49、Time passes, no longer young, but my mind frankly, life truly understand, comprehend life.岁月流逝,青春不再,但我心坦然,真正懂得人生,领悟人生。

50、Every Monday I post Real Life Minimalists, a profile of one of my readers in their own words.每周一我将发布题为”极简生活主义者“的文章,每次记录我的读者们的感悟。

经典英文句子51:感悟人生,51、Jung regards that archetype is an inherent and typical apperceptive modal of human.荣格认为原型是人类与生俱来的一种典型的领悟模式;

52、Here are 88 things I’ve discovered about life, the world, and its inhabitants by this point in my short time on earth.文中列举出的88条人生道理,是我在整个人生中对生活对人对世界的观察与领悟。

53、This thesis base on the already understand of student-based education and continuing study some sense of understanding and thinking about student-based education.本文是笔者在对生本教育已有认识的基础上,继续学习生本教育的一些感悟和思考。

54、Choral art may inspire the creativity of students, improve their abilities of self-control, promote their insight into music and cultivate their spirit of cooperation.合唱的节奏规范磨炼学生的自控力;合唱的情感体验提高学生的感悟力;合唱的高度统一培养学生的合作精神。

55、Oprah: Are most monks enlightened, or seeking enlightenment?欧普拉:大多数僧人都是开悟的吗,或正在寻求觉悟?

56、In his prose society and life are studied from a perspective of Buddhist doctrine; the ease is reflected between lines of plain, honesty words.以禅学角度观照社会、人生,平淡自如、真诚从容的字里行间,有一种心境空明的感悟。

57、This split-second epiphany of understanding is rather astonishing.在那一刻的顿悟是会令你感到非常震撼的。

58、The active discipline of heightening one''s perception of what is enduring in nature would have been his idea of the high.他心目中的"高层次",则是这样一种积极的人生戒律,即要使自己对自然界永恒之物的感悟臻于完美。

59、Accustomed to nothing nothing, the sentiment deduction into a kind of mood!习惯了无事找事,把感悟演绎成一种情调!

60、So far, no one knows why problems sometimes trigger an insight or what makes us more inclined to the Eureka experience at some moments but not at others.到目前为止,还没人知道为什么问题有时会引发顿悟,以及为什么顿悟有些时候更容易产生。

61、"Awakening"is that the man reveals his ture nature.“悟”就是见性,是人生观和世界观的根本转变。

62、Wukong, Mr. Wu, how could you talk with Kwan-yin sister like a brut…悟空,悟先生,你怎么能够跟观音姐姐像禽兽一样讲话呢?

63、Awareness is the key to balanced living because it lets you see every moment of your life and appreciate it.感悟是平衡生活的关键因为它让你看到生活的每个瞬间并欣赏他们。

64、The girl is suddenly enlighted, and set aside the touched tears!女孩恍然大悟,又留出了感动的泪花!

65、The emotion and comprehension of life is called 'the thing itself' (Sache selbt), which goes ahead of any being or anything.这样的生活情感、生活领悟,是先行于任何存在者、任何物的“事情本身”。

66、Enlightment is an alternative to life.开悟是生命的另一选择。

67、In fact, most wonderful thing of beauty hidden mystery, is not what most people can sentiment got the.其实,美的东西大多妙藏玄机,实非一般人所能感悟得了的。

68、Such people will naturally give up selfishness and abandon self-centered thoughts to walk on the broad path.觉悟人生的人自然能舍私,舍去私己的心走上康庄的人生大道。

69、Its essence is to let students comprehend a text on their own through interation and conversation.其实质是让学生在“三开放”中,通过互动与对话,自主生成对文本的理解与感悟。

70、Remembering me discover and see all over the world.想起了我探寻全世界而感悟到的。

71、The suppression of students' personality has stifled their understanding of the mother tongue as well as their literature gifts.长期的个性箝制,窒息了学生的母语感悟和文学才情。

72、Actions that lead oneself and others to enlightenment are called"Virtue" or "Positive Actions".引导个人及众生趣向开悟的行为名之为”善行” 或”正业”。

73、That realization was not just healthy. It was liberating.这些感悟不仅健康,更是一场解放。

74、In our world, weal ubiquity, if you have a gnosis heart, you can experience weal.幸福在生活中无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。

75、The unique life perception of Zhang Ailing permeates through the creation of novel, creating a desolate but beautiful fiction world.张爱玲将其独特的人生感悟渗透到小说创作中,创造了一个苍凉而美丽的小说世界。


标签: 英文 人生

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