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关于”情侣的情短句“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Couple's Short Sentences。以下是关于情侣的情短句的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Couple's Short Sentences

1、The couple met at a party 那对情侣是在一个派对上认识的。


2、Not every couple will be brought together over gooey chocolate, ice cream -- or even egg tarts.


3、The characteristics and development of lovers pack are described.

4、Your truly sincerely Meng Cheng 30th Dec,2005 情侣关系用Rain honey 否则Dear rain 请接受我们的爱!


5、She was very happy to wear his-and-hers clothing.


6、You're not alone, survey showing one in three are text message snoops , and the consequences can often be heart-breaking.


7、The problems in lovers pack market are discussed.


8、Only 2% of births take place out of wedlock.


9、In Singapore, a record 774 couples are planning to marry, compared to 70 on a normal Sunday.


10、Nowadays, though, more and more lovers are using email or cell phone short message services (SMS) to say a few nice words to each other.


11、Photo 205: Couple taking photograph of wedding gauze kerchief.

他们同时指出,并非所有的情侣关系都对你有益。 单身要比紧张的情侣关系更舒心。

12、They also noted that not all relationships are good for you, referring to evidence that single people have better mental health than those in strained relationships.


13、Occasionally, it's even mistaken for a love hotel by couples hankering for some time beneath the sheets.


14、Talk to your emotional partner about your intentions.

有时候沉默是金 ——特别在情侣关系里。

15、Sometimess it's best to just STFU – especially in relationships.


16、At some point, if your romantic relationship lasts, your lover will also become your friend.


17、One of Lu Dongbin's powers is to cause couples to break up.


18、Sometimes it's best to just STFU –especially in relationships.


19、The star-crossed loversmovedstep by step into tragedy.


20、And this symbol is often used today between lovers in their email messages.

21、Churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.期位督教教士,传助情侣。

22、But even some happy couples decide not to make a big deal out of V-Day.但是某些幸福的情侣决定不在情人节这天大肆庆祝。

23、Be open to meeting others - don't feel that Valentine's Day is only for those coupled up.放开自己去遇见他吧,别以为情人节只为情侣而存在。

24、More and more companies have begun to consider recruiting talents in pairs. Sectors including oil exploration and aviation actually encourage "co-working".越来越多的公司开始考虑录用情侣拍档。实际上,像石油勘探和航天航空这类行业就很鼓励这种情侣档的工作方式。

25、Installed in a marathon, you also need?在有了情侣装之后,你还需要什么呢?

英文句子26:,26、Onscreen Chemistry? Read what you will into the couple's 'in character' arguing.银幕恋情:看看这对情侣“入戏”时的争吵,你就知道了。

27、I think a couple can share the same bottle water.我认为一对情侣可以共饮一瓶水。

28、the couple met at a party 那对情侣是在一个派对上认识的。

29、The tenderness of lovers can ill brook the least jesting with the names of their mistresses.情人们一点也受不住旁人拿他们情侣的名字开玩笑。

30、I wish the Valentine's day tomorrow is a sunny day, a couple of Tan big pancake.预祝明天的情人节是个大太阳天,把一对对情侣晒成大烤饼。

31、Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks. www. 18fu.net 情侣靠爱情生活,正像云雀靠韭葱生活一样。

32、Do you accept couples'sleeping separately?你会接受情侣分床睡吗?。

33、Now in the campus, there many intimate lovers walking around.现在在校园里,亲昵的情侣随处可见。

34、Do you accept couples sleep seperately?你会接受情侣分床睡吗?

35、The lovebirds now plan to get engaged this year.这对情侣计划在今年订婚。

36、Lisa:There are indeed some lovebirds in this office.办公室里真的有情侣喔。

37、Many other couples dressed in bridal gear were greeted enthusiastically by the watching crowd.其他身着婚礼服饰的情侣亦被旁观群众致以热情问候。

38、Cute couples appeared all over the screen in 2011!xx年大荧幕上可爱小情侣无数!

39、Lovers live by love, as larks live by leeks. 18fu.net 情侣靠爱情生活,正像云雀靠韭葱生活一样。

40、Couples at this local marriage Mecca are arriving from as far away as Great Britain, Canada, Hungary, French Polynesia and Singapore.到这一结婚圣天举行婚礼的有从英国、加拿大、匈牙利远讲而来的情侣,也有来自法属波利尼西亚和新加坡的情侣。

41、Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit.爱情是盲目的,情侣们往往看不见她们自己所犯下的愚蠢纰缪。

42、We are one of lucky couples.我们就是其中一对幸运的情侣。

43、Couples at this local marriage Meccaare arriving from as far away as Great Britain, Canada, Hungary, French Polynesia and Singapore.到这一结婚圣地举行婚礼的有从英国、加拿大、匈牙利远道而来的情侣,也有来自法属波利尼西亚和新加坡的情侣。

44、Those two lovebirds plan to go to France for a vacation.那对甜蜜的情侣打算到法国渡假。

45、Last month an Indian couple was sentenced to three months in jail for exchanging steamy text messages.上月,一对印度情侣因互发暧昧短信被判处三个月监禁。

46、Most of the lovers swoon at the sight of their beloved.大部分的情侣在看到自己心爱的晕厥。

47、In memory and memories of the way, not just a fairy tale secret tenderness between the couple Italy.在记忆与回忆的途中,不仅仅是童话里情侣间的柔情密意。

48、And when two lovers woo, --they still say I love you情侣们相恋,照样说:我爱你。

49、The couple had eloped from their hometown.这对情侣从家乡私奔出逃。

50、Here are lovers in hand with the travel destination.这里更是情侣们牵手同游的胜地。

经典英文句子51:情侣的情短句,51、Thanks for everything you did for me!谢谢你答应买套情侣衫;

52、The design factors of lovers pack are summed up.总结了影响情侣装设计的因素。

53、Kate Figes, author of books including 'Couples: How We Make Love Last', says it's important to understand and accept that your new partner isn't infallible.《情侣:我们如何延续爱情》的作者凯特特•菲格斯说,理解并接受你的伴侣会犯错这一事实,这很重要。

54、Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship.吵嘴在情侣关系中很常见。

55、The two lovers dance cheek to cheek.这对情侣跳贴面舞。

56、Ummm… party, steam room, with couples…舞会,蒸汽房,和别的情侣……

57、And obtained numerous pledge of lovers.赢得了多少情侣的山盟海誓。

58、Jolie and her partner, Brad Pitt, are the most photographed couple in the world.朱莉和她的伴侣布拉德•皮特是全球上镜率最高的情侣。

59、The lovers drew apart from each other.这对情侣彼此分手了。

60、Where are the green fields, that we used to roam?我们,曾是徜徉在那绿地上情侣。

61、The lover live by loving as same as lark live by shallot.情侣靠感情生活,正象云雀靠韭葱生活相同。

62、The lovers are united at the conclusion of the movie.电影结尾时这对情侣终成眷属。

63、The flirtation between lovebirds is also simply about the several specifid steps.恋爱也不外乎那几个阶段。 情侣调情,也不外乎那几个步骤。

64、Julia Newth, wildlife health research officer at the center, said the situation was unusual because swans usually have "real loyalties to one another" and long partnerships.该保护区研究人员朱莉娅·纽斯说,通常情况下,天鹅对伴侣绝对忠诚,奉行“终身伴侣制”,所以一对天鹅双双移情别恋的情况极少发生。

65、The two lovers danced cheek to cheek.那对情侣脸贴着脸跳舞。

66、On their date, the couple might eat a meal together at a restaurant.情侣一般会约在餐馆里吃饭谈情。

67、A couple in matching “Astroboy” sweet shirts strolls through Shenyang’s lavender field, September 25, 2011.穿“阿童木”情侣装的情侣,他们正在沈阳的薰衣草园中散步。 摄于xx年xx月xx日。

68、Waving to Fans in Tokyo.在东京向粉丝们挥手(一对儿小情侣)。

69、Divide that among four couples and it would be about $1,529 a week, or $218 a night per couple.如果是四对情侣合租,就是每对情侣每周1529元,合一晚218美元。

70、They became lovers after she recovered.在她痊愈之后,他们成了情侣。

71、Manage Brand clothing :Lovers, Fashion women, Family.经营品牌服饰:情侣装、时尚女装、家庭装。

72、How many lovers can part as friends?又有多少情侣能和和气气地分手呢?


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